My Empire

Eighty-seven trading road

"Adult, you said that we are so hard, really worth it?" Standing on the tattered deck, a sailor squinted on the sun, standing on a naked man, weak Complain.

"Nothing is worthless, this is our mission, so we must complete this task." The naked man opened his mouth and revealed a white teeth.

The ship under their feet was originally a sailing warship made by the Yarland Empire, equipped with two large guns, and the speed was quite good. After the completion, serve in the Near Sea Force of the Yarsh Empire Navy, responsible for patrol and warning.

Later, because the two guns on the top were damaged, the ship lost the ability to fight, and the ship was aging, and the speed was also reduced, so I lost the ferry city in the north. It became the "warship" of the Dou City Navy.

Later, because the Navy of Doucheng did not have something like a decent war, coupled with this shipping speed, so often sent to act as a fishing boat to catch some of the sea - it became a ferry naval flagship, but also became a Armed fishing boat.

What is more sensible is that Elan Hill attacks in the ferry and develops here into a large port. Now you can produce more advanced fishing boats, and there is a trade product such as sea salt, so a few ships of the Navy become do nothing.

Because there is no need to prepare for what a fussoon is needed in a short period of time, there are 20 gates of the port behind the port, but the demand for the Navy has become very low, so a naval whisper is crying. Realistic poses in front of them: they have become the most useless person.

Nowadays, Allah Hill Ferry City, new fishing boats are faster than those of the Navy. In those few days that were most painful, the navies docked in the port will look at more than a dozen new fishing boats when they go out every day, and that taste is really sour.

Finally, in the crazy idea of ​​waste, the Navy's headquarters, Launs personally led three old naval warships to go out of the sea, and I went to see the resource rubber that Allah Hill was in a hurry.

Their this is two months, even in halfway, it has lost a warship, and finally found the rubber-island on the island of the Islands, and the gold coins that Launns took the gold coins. After the banner, I was very generous, sold a whole three ship rubber to Launs.

Although a boat over halfway, they still brought back the natural rubber of the whole two ships. Even if there is a gold coin that is expensive from the loss, the natural rubber taken in the south is definitely the high price in the high price. Can Lawns still think they have completed a great feat.

After all, this road to avoid the Navy's navy interception, to overcome bad weather, there is adverse weather. They can live back to the ferry, which is already a very great thing.

"Quick view! Right side! Allah Hill's Queen!" A sailor squatted on the railing of the ship, pointed to the sea. His words caused many sailors' ideas, everyone is in this side of wearing, looking toward his finger.

There, a huge sailboat with a fishing net, the black Golden Eagle king is in a sea breeze. That may be a new new boat because it is significantly larger than the old-generation fishing boat.

"Rising the flag, greet your own compatriots!" Launs helped the rudder wheel, and his face was full of smiles. This way is coming to thousands of difficulties, and today they finally saw their compatriots.

A red banner and blue banner are rising together, because it is too long for too long, the banner of the triangles in the sea is dirty, and it is a bit shabby. However, they still have been raised on the top of the flagpole, and hunting in the wind.

Soon, the opposite boat also rose two flags, blue flags on, yellow flags, like red and blue represents friendly banquet, blue yellow flag represents welcome.

The navy's officers and men issued a cheers of my forgot me. On the other old warship behind them, there is also a cheerful cheers. After five hours, the old old battleship of the two Allah Hill finally saw the fortress of the ferry city and saw the canvas that was covered by canvas.

"Finally, go home!" Turned the rudder wheel to adjust his own route, Launns got a sigh of relief, happiness, a war song in the sea:

"The good sailboat made of this wood.

Light as seagulls in the waves.

Sailing! My sailing boat!

How hard is the sailor on this board!

Battle and crash.

Lifting sail, wood ship.

If you have no stop, there is no blocking,

Then let's open,

Always open to the sea. "

His songs floating on the sea, and the sailors around me have sang, they are so missing their hometown, missing the ferry city that has not been seen in more than two months.

All the veins sang a familiar melody with toned, in the familiar melody, they rely on the new pier in the harbor:

"I want to leave the lovers in March to go far.

Silflake, my sailboat

I really want to be home! I want to panic!

The more it is far from the light on the bright lighthouse.

Battle wind, fighting

Safailure, you broken the wooden ship.

At the big sea of ​​stormy waves,

Along the end of the sea.

Some people say that there is a treasure everywhere.

Sailing! My sailing boat!

The sea is everywhere. "

"Welcome to the Rauns! Welcome to! Will it go smoothly all the way?" The officers who have been waiting on the pier jumped from the shipboard, and immediately gave each other.

"We lost dozens of sailors and soldiers, and a boat sank. In addition, it was a smooth." Raun came back to a military ceremony, said: "We found the route, and got a lot of rubber. "

"Rubber? This is the raw materials waiting for." I heard the two words of rubber, the officer had taken care of those comrades who sacrificed in the half-way, and he immediately said: "You should come and see this," This is what you started before, but there is no huge scale at the time. "

On the other side of the dock, it is a huge freight train station, where there is a train repair shop, as well as the excess railroad track for the wrong car. On the train station, there are even two cranes that can be hoisted heavy goods, it is a miniaturized container freight station.

"The fishing boats are fishing, and there are goods that are shipped in the future. They have to go here, send them to the landlocked. Chris said, the era of the sea is coming, the Navy is no longer available. No. "This military officer refers to the freight station and said to Launs.

"Yeah, it belongs to our Navy. Just the two shipments? Hehe." Launns usually laughed, feel that all changes in front of him seem to let him only have two shipments, it looks more cold. .

In fact, it is also too cold, their navy can only rely on the side of the side and the opponent, and even a modern cannon is not - although the shore defense troops also markeng in the Naval leadership of the Launs, but he is still more The two stem ships.

"Adults, no longer the two broken ships!" The officer referred to the dock dedicated to the other end of the far, said to Launs: "After you, the Navy has three new battleships, and also training Batch of water. "

"New Battleship?" Hearing this Launs's eyes lit up, he dialped the port officer in front of him, and quickly went to the terminal, and his line of sight gradually wrapped a giant cargo ship. I saw a beautiful new ship that was beautiful, three profiles were blocked.

The shape of these three new boats is much larger than the old naval warship boat. UU reading is more exciting, each of these ships have huge sails and many masts. , I will know that the speed is extremely fast.

"You can run the super fast speed per hour in the situation." He introduced these new battleships with the officers behind the Launs, with a strong pride on his face: "New hull design The front 2 door, each of the eight ships 8, a total of 20, 75 mm, the tube, the bunker, the preparation bomb is sufficient - these three boats can sink a fleet! "

"Really beautiful! I really want to drive these battleships right away! This time I won't be around the exaggeration. I don't hide the naval warships of Yalant. I will kill it all the way!" Rauns said loudly: "Affirmation More than a few more than before. "

"And you will also be more lucky before." The port officer referred to that the huge cargo ship that had just blocked their sight came: "At two days, such a cargo ship, there are two water. Your Majesty The order is, all are used to transport rubber! "

"Is there a golden south?" I have been going to return to the Rauns who is not forced to look at the port officer: "I think we go this time, directly grab it."

"No, this time we only have some gold, the remaining cabin, we have to bring porcelain, silk, there are soaps and various products, in short, what is bestsel, we are full of Domeo." The officer smiled. Reply: "Then, we only collect rubber brought back."

"If they dare to take the price." Looking at the fired winds that were opened on the new battleship, there were dark artillery guns that were explored in the artillery window, and Launs exposed a look forward to the expression.

"Then we can save money, isn't it?" I heard Launs said that the port officer also exposed a smile.