My Empire

One hundred and seven evil

When it comes to the fuel consumption, it is not just a land army, and the real fuel consumption is the air force force that has been equipped with hundreds of fighters. In order to ensure the air security of its own Army, these aircraft can all be able to act with the main force of the Army.

-109 The terrible production speed of the fighter, at this time, the dripping, Allah Hill's Air Force has only been used for only one year, but the number of fighters provided in the factory has reached an amazing Nearly a thousand.

If it is not the engine capacity of the engine, there is a constraint in the total amount of oil, and the current Allah Hill may have 100 fighters - at least 400 fighters have been manufactured, only waiting for the engine to make a new The fighter is overwhelming.

The good news is because there is a knowledge winner of the Holy Empire. The Air Force training speed of Elan Hill is really a thousand miles away. After deploying so many fighters in a breath, there has not been a shortage of shortages of pilots.

This aspect is because the skills teach, the knowledge magic is higher than that of listening to the class, on the other hand, because it seems that this world is slightly better than the earth civilization.

It can also be understood that human beings on earth can face the tiger lion, this world is going to live in the teeth of the dragon, and human beings naturally evolve a stronger body.

In short, while selecting the pilot, although the retellation is very high, there is still a lot of qualified personnel, and through the knowledge magic, there is a means of study, and it is an Air Force pilot, or becomes an air force to prepare a pilot.

In addition to the air defense fighters in the big city, Allah Hill also set up a number of four fields of field air force in the south. These fighters can be promoted with the Army in the battle. The fuel consumption is more amazing.

However, these "drinking dragons" is not useless, they make Chris and the high-rise of Allah Hill, giving up a part of the high-tech gun capacity. In this way, the saved steel also has a demand for shells, and it can be added to the production of new products such as automobiles.

Chris has vigorously produces automobiles, improves the artillery caliber, and puts new weapons such as tanks, and improve the fighting power of the Army Trunters. He has no production of armored cars, and it has its own consideration.

On the one hand, the other party has no strong firepower to threaten the infantry with the tank combat, so Chris feels that his army is not so strong about the demand for armored vehicles. In comparison, the Army wants to equip more trucks to improve the movement of the troops. ability.

On the other hand, the armored vehicles are also more fuel consumption, and Chris can't make your troops into mechanized development before fully solving their own oil supply issues. He must control some fuel consumption, so that the army has the ability to continue to fight.

If it is not the Kingdom of Higs, I willing to cooperate with Elan Hill to improve their own oil production, Chris does not dare to give their troops to equip this advanced equipment.

It is precisely because of the oil production capacity on the Kingdom of Higs, Chris has begun to let the factory have already prepared a 4 medium tank of the drawings early. However, compared with the plane, the production speed of the tank is too slow. Chris plans to form two tank camps within two months, which is about 90 tanks, and test training.

In fact, this is already a very bold development plan, because after all, Allah Hill's oil field is still pinching in the hands of Higs Kingdom, once oil has a supply problem, Allah Hill will necessarily appear in the shortage of oil shortages.

In order to cope with such extreme bad situations, Chris also has a secret action plan that has already been developed, ready to pick up the leaders of Sherres, and the first army, with the second army in Naru. To initiate clamps at the fastest speed, occupying the entire Higgus Kingdom.

I can imagine that in order to ensure my oil supply, Allah Hill does not hesitate to directly put the most main instructor, the oldest, the most equipped, the most equipped military, the strongest battle force, this has explained It emphasizes the supply of oil.

You know, even if it looks more powerful, Allare Empire, Allah Hill is only deployed on the front line, and two armies and the 6th army. The 5th army deployed in Boojes in the Dragon City, actually undertakes the defense task.

Ryan sitting in the tank car still doesn't know that he has attracted countless attention. He is in commanding his tank, mix with the other two tanks together, with the same radio coordinating, and concealed the combat status of the charge.

The three tanks formed a triangular offensive formation in one before two, and the crawler crushed the slightly soft soil. It quickly rushed to the hillside - they hit a row of fences and crushed some pit pits, showing the ratio Cavalry is more powerful.

This is also the most proud of tanks, they can persist in many environments, but they are not as delicious as cavalry. As long as appropriate maintenance, provide enough fuel, these steel giant bears can have been attacking and hit the end of the world.

In addition to the machine guns above the tank turret, a tank should be equipped with a machine gun. These machine guns make the tanks have a simple to empty defense, but also make the tanks a mobile fortress that slaughtering the enemy soldiers.

If necessary, when there is no need to attack, the captain can also be able to attack the enemy's infantry by machine guns, and because of the relationship that is heard, such an attack is more effective.

Among the eyes of everyone, these tanks attacked highlands and won the victory of this exercise show. I saw that these tanks took the hillside and eventually stopped in front of the view, all the officers were applauded for these tanks.

They really like this new weapon, and different trucks responsible for transportation, this face-to-face new weapon is easier to let the soldiers are crazy. This is also why the tank model is like several families, but there are very few remembers of the truck's specific model.

"Hey!" Opened the cabin on the top of his head, explored half of the body of Ryan to the officers on the governance officers. He is around, and the cannons of the head are also excited, and the palm of the palm is located next to their own temples.

Only unlucky fillhers can't explore their head, but he can relax and rest, no need to stand up to accept the reviews of those distants.

The three tanks were arrested and stopped in front of all the generals. It is really a very oppressed scene: in this era, use tall mighty to describe tanks, can not be derogatory, thank you The height of the Erman Tank is a bit of a little in Wagger and others.

After all, everyone has no concepts such as bomb area, in the traditional sense, the commander wants that their troops have a more winning momentum - as for hidden this kind of saying, it is just a strange concept.

Therefore, Chris chooses a more comfortable 4 tanks that Chris chooses, and everyone does not expire, and even feels a bit gratifying: that low and looks like a T-4 tank, give up, of course, better ...

"Very good! You have a very good performance today! I know that you have already set up the first tank teaching! The future of the Army rely on you!" Waton walked to the front of the tank, and stroked the cold and thick Steel plate, satisfactory openings praise.

He really likes such a heavy feeling. For him, it is absolutely worthy of a thing that is worth celebrating for 50 mm thick soldering steel plates.

This called tank's weapon is more powerful than cavalry: it is faster than the infantry attack, the firepower and artillery are not equal, the defense is even unprecedented! If this thing is not drinking oil but grazing, Wagger even wants to equip 1,000 weapons!

Unfortunately, he also saw the weapon performance sent to the hand. This tank is filled with oil and can only run 180 kilometers. Although it is still very good at distance, this distance is not satisfactory in actual combat. .

However, good news is, so far, the Army does not find an enemy weapon that can stop this weapon. Therefore, it is similar to the driving distance of more than 100 kilometers on the book, and the actual attack push is the distance - so, how much you can endure.

"I am looking forward to the future performance of the tank troops!" The second one who walked through these tanks was still an exciting expression. Although the fuel consumption made him temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​deploying a large number of tanks, he still thought The Army will combat more tank combat in the future.

There is such an idea that there is only one person, and the army general believes that this weapon can change the future operation mode. At least, it seems that the tanks are promoted with trucks, and the distance advanced from 0-50 kilometers will be extended to terrible 50-100 kilometers. From the perspective of time, it is possible to save more resources.

Although the fuel consumption is higher, food ammunition is even less casualties, which makes people feel that investment in gasoline is worth it.

Just, it's a smile that the tanks in front of it, the senior generals of the Army, more than one person's heart, poured an evil idea: "Is it, find a time, annexing the Higz Empire a little better?"

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