My Empire

One hundred and twenty-four rain

"Wan Lan Hill is long! Welcome Allah Hill Tianzi ruled Higs!" The two sides of the street, stood full of civilians in the Kingdom of Higz, and they waved the bouquet of the hand to the hand. There is a colorful cloth, a good food, the pot, welcomes the look of Wang Shi.

In front of their eyes, a row of black 42 helmets under the sun with the footsteps of left and right slightly, a column of soldiers took the Messe rifle and walked in the streets of the Kingdom of Higs.

Under the conditions that did not encounter any resistance, the last day of Elan Hill was beyond the border between Allah Hill and Higs, and the whole armed forces have been good. " Higs Petroleum Production Area.

The magical car is driving in the middle of the two sides, sitting on the truck on the truck, holding the latest -44 assault rifle in his arms, overlooking the crowd on the streets of the two sides in the majestic military music.

This new weapon has just been developed soon, on the basis of the secret equipment stage. Due to the emergence of tanks, the single soldier active weapon finally opened to the initiative. The range is no longer an emphasized superhal, and the fire density is based on the growth of the number of artillers.

After all, there is no tank to accompany the infantry to fight, this time the range of weapons often determines a battle to win. There is a further range to destroy the enemy in a safer position, which is the design basis for single-haired remote rifles.

Now, as the mortar also has a large number of tanks and even the light machine gun, the fire-saving capacity on the distant space is strengthened. Under this major condition, like World War II, the single soldier's active weapon has been used.

So Chris has conducted a familiar place, and the ultimate feels that he should skip 47 this familiar weapon equipment, directly in the future 4, more mature and more matching weapons.

It's very good, it's very good, it is cheap and affordable and easy to produce equipment, just make a large number of equipment to the force, quickly form a strong combat power.

However, the initial choice of Allah Hill seems to have emerged, and the Messe rifle has a -42 machine gun application is 792 mm caliber ammunition, so the emulsion hoarding the Kingdom of Elan Hill is 792 mm.

Therefore, a large number of mechanical machinery for production ammunition is 792 mm caliber standards, temporarily modified to 762 mm caliber, which is too obvious. After some considering, Chris still felt that in the choice of the assault rifle, the previous choice, old honestly took the way.

Then, after maturity, he feels more excellent in the troops 5, which can have been applied to the advanced assault rifle. As for 47 that cannot be matched with a large number of accessories, he decided to endure love ...

Of course,

In this kind of mourning, Chris is a full feeling - he really hobs 47, even feeling that it should be equipped with this weapon, and then transition to 4 and come.

However, the continuation of the ammunition system makes him have to make a concession, giving up a lot of weapons that look very good: US 1 Golden rifle is also very classic, but he has to give up.

In addition, Tomson shield guns, sand fire guns, these World War II have a very classic charge gun soldier, and the emergence of the -44 assault rifle dissipated in the history of the long river.

Chris's private guards have been applied to -44 assault rifles. Anyway, they have never felt that the weapons in their hands are more powerful, but they feel facing the growing magician, and the powerful assault rifle is more suitable than the impact gun.

Countless cars traded 75mm caliber cannons, and the soldiers sang Sugar with Kaagon slowly slowly. The head is a floating petal, everywhere is a black royal flag in the wind.

Many years later, people also gave this fascinating city ceremony, who did not expect to have been economically penetrated into the Kingdom of Higz, which was so clean and refreshing.

Everyone welcomes the rule of Elan Hill. After all, the rule of Allah Hill is in this era and rich and strong. On the same day, the price of the Higs region landed in the day, the price of the Higs region landed one tenth.

"Allah Hill! You are a huge country! Elan Hill! You are my mother!" A little boy moved forward with the throwing troops stepped forward, and his mouth came into the Allah Hill area. The songs of their own country, the childish sounds let the people around them make a goodwill.

Outside the city, those who are randomous in the wild, the second army's troops are also advancing. They were ordered to rush to Higs's border, took over the border line of Higs and the Holy Empire.

Along with the two sides of the troops, it is a motto. Although the equipment has a tank, but the Germans of Elan Hill and the Germans of the World War II have been severely plagued by their own capacity. They have a must have a certain interval, and many are not as good as it is so much. Condolence and all.

"A little bit! Let those travelual!" Standing at the intersection of the road, a young smashing to direct traffic is standing on the roadbed, holding a 105mm caliber grenader towards a 105mm caliber with the horses in front of him. The soldiers loudly ordered.

Many troops are sharing this muddy road. Since many troops need to be confidential, many troops are unable to emerge in the sight of Higs National: Allah Hill not only has a strong soldier, but also a worldless machinery!

The first is the tank of the second army, and one of these 4 tanks will continue to be on the roadside, waiting for the front of the vigilance of the alert to explore the road. These don't need to fight horses, you can cross the steel giant beasts on the battlefield, which is still in the confidentiality at this moment.

In addition, follow these tank troops, as well as the Air Force Construction Corps of Allah Hill. They want to quickly build front line airports in Higns, and then let the air fighter troops that have been prepared, enter into Higs, and improve the air defense in the oil production area.

"We should first let the construction of the army have come through ... see ghosts!" Looking at the muddy roads that have been crushed by the truck, the smash of the command traffic is frowning.

In his facility and place, cement mixing trucks also have a power generation truck and the dense line of the mobs drag and dropped the entire road. The new equipment of the Air Force Construction Corps did not know the end of the name.

After the crane filled with a tent, there is a jeep that is full of air commanders wearing a red military uniform. It is bored to wait for daily necessities. The door is still hung out of the door.

Failing, the truck carrying the radar antenna seems to be a bamboo fence that is filled with steel in their own compartments. He is fully filled with a cable on the truck behind this truck, and a volume of a volume is clearly written on a disc.

In the back, the vintage, loaded on the carriage, a high-tech gun on the carriage, one door, was pulled by the war, waiting next to the tank troops. The Must wonderfully told the tank driver who took a rest of the car, and I didn't feel that they were essentially inherent.

This is already a modern troops that are very close to the extent of World War II, whether from its weapons and equipment, or from its qualities of members, it is very close to the extent of the first stage of World War II.

"If it is not for confidentiality, our travel speed will be twice as fast as it is now!" A vast artillery officer gave his own fan with his hands, and he walked to the lienge of the command traffic.

Dust has made the military uniforms on him look a bit of a bitter, after all, is a fighting force, which is really better than the soldiers who are responsible for those who are responsible for those who wear the city. He looked up at the street sign while looking up, I would like to know how long I have to run in this poor state.

The little , then talk about the state of the potholes before the end of the same side while continues to direct the traffic: "Don't mention it! The cavalry division of the road is estimated to go to Nalang."

"People are the cavalry teacher, the speed is of course fast." The artillery officer looked at himself from his own eyes, and suddenly slammed: "Give me a little! Go to the next intersection Let the mechanization forces let the road! Forget eight! Run! "

I heard his swears, and those artillery were more selling with the 75mm caliber infantry gun around them. Under their efforts, the front of the horse finally pulled this cannon out of the deep rut, and continued to travel forward.

"I don't rain ... Pray, don't rain." The artillery commander looked at the deep ruts, imagined the road behind the rain, and prayed: "If it is raining, we estimate ten After the year, I didn't get on the border. "

"I have to have for so long." The smile smile and smiled. "Even if the rain, it is estimated that five years is enough."

In their laughter, the blue field is still a sunny sky, a little suspected cloud. Soon these two crow mouths have ended down, and then, it is a madness: "Faster! It is going to rain! I don't want to rain! Otherwise it will be Take the rain! "

In the summer, the rainy season of Higs is really coming, and the army of the Allah Hill has entered Higs's next day, and the rain is as scheduled, it seems that I am trying to do my new wedding dress. Your mood is the same ...

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