My Empire

Author message

Longling saw a lot of message in the book review area, many are very exciting.

Some people say that the rhythm has, in fact, Longling really wants to write some fast, showing the wonderful part of the back to everyone, let everyone know that in fact, the rhythm of Longling has not collapsed, everything is in master.

It seems that some people think that the story of the forebel is awkward. In fact, in the plan, Longling will tell the story slowly, and slowly present the world to everyone.

Don't worry, after all, Longling daily is a 5 chapter, 10 chapters, this story will not end in a few days, the story can only talk about a little bit, it is impossible to presen the whole world to everyone.

War is naturally still going to continue, industrial civilization, magical civilization, where to go naturally.

As for what to collapse ... Long Ling is not easy to fly, I have a story similar to a fantastic, how can I write dozens of chapters?

Or above, talk to everyone, Longling is a little resting today, continue to explode two days, guarantee everyone to see a fun ...