My Empire

One hundred and seventy and devil 1

"Do you say that those devils, and the manual is not the same? Is there so ugly?" An paratrooper is waving shovel, putting the dirt on the front of the trench.

His companion also dug with tactical shovel, they are next to them, it is a small river that looks not very wide.

They have tried the depth of this river, and the deepest is probably less than 2 meters deep, find some shallow sections, and the larger demon dog seems to be directly crossing the river.

Because of this, the commanders of the paratroquier troops believe that they should deploy defense along the coast of the entire river, rather than concentrating on a few in dangerous sites.

"I heard that the actual is more ugly!" Another paratrooper touched the front barrier with the iron shovel. "And the manual is written, the weapons in our hands can take the other side's epidermis, the killing is enough."

"I don't believe in something written by the technicians. I only saw it. I will think that it is true." The first talking paratrooper stopped, wiped a forehead sweat, said.

After these chats, the paratroopers were not far away. He was responsible for directing the teacher of these paratroopers to look at the map. He complained about his own staff: "We have 3,000 people. "

"Yeah, the ammunition is still sufficient, this is the only good news, in addition, because of our participation forces, the Air Force throughout the Grien region can provide us with support." Said a staff.

Another star point nod: "I have just contacted the bombard forces. They have already planned to set up the attack plan, and the action will start."

"This is a good news." Hart will nod, continue to watch the map: "Our left wing looks not to be broken, because there is Gridken in defense, threatening our main right side Where we can only defense with the increased river depth and width ... "

"Yeah, it is very irresolute. We carry the landmine is limited, most of them are set in this direction." The first staff used the fingers in the brief map to show a probably area, open the opening.

"There are also 200 people's gaffy, also deployed in this direction. In addition, we almost leave half of the tanks near the right side." Another staff also said: "This is what we can exhaust, The biggest force. "

Hart was a little uneasy, then wrinkled his brow and looked at the sky. He heard the sound of the kind of engine, which would inevitably appear when the Air Force became the team.

Just when he looked up, all the paratroopers noted the plane on the top of their head, everyone stopped the work in his hand, curiously gotting the friendly army of the formation flying.

Those B-25 bombers have a shocked day in the sky. These bombers are over, and there is a formation of the Navigated P-51 wild horse fighter.

The two formations are superimposed together, so that the entire cluster looks more unsatisfactory. Hart low-looking, Wei Wei, who was standing, and asked: "You confirm that there is no devil now to go to God?"

"I am very confirmed, one ... hours ago, I am still fighting with these demon ... The sky is more secure, they only have some double-headed devils, can open fire with some low-level magic." Wei'an said .

She is not very accustomed to using Allah Hill's time statistics,

However, it has to be recognized that this is a very effective and very accurate time system. So, when I talked with the Ailalands troops, she took the time to use a small word for Gridken.

Hart slightly nodded and looked at the bombing group that has already fly to the distance. Almost 200 bombers, this is just coming to support their first batch of Air Force bomber troops.


The sky above the driver's Ailanxier bomber pilots are checking their own flight altitude, covered with a super bomb to bomb on their planes, and even some aircraft installed Ailanxier is the mother of bombs, That is, the powerful cloud burst.

Among the airflow, the plane is slightly bumpy, everyone is full of gods, after all, this is the first time to fight with the devil who has never seen.

It is very nervous, but it is still limited because of the large number of huge fighter troops in the top of the head.

"!! Height of 4000 according to intelligence, we will be in contact with the goals of the" pilot checked the map as well as data provided by Ge Ruiken, opening their comrades shouted: "Watch your step at any time they are likely to experience!! "

"Found target discovery target!!" Shouted the pilot flying in front of the navigator their side shouted: "??! Foot yet see those seen in the earth move yet fast bomb"

"Open the door ready to open the door bomb!!!" Radio inside, a loud voice, all the crew members are hectic together, countless shouts echoed inside the headset: "drop height drop height of 2000 m on it!! ! The other party has no anti-air gun! "

"! We do not need damn sight everywhere are below those damn demons!!" A bombardier eyes move away from the sight of his side against his comrades shouted: "! Do not save bullets, fire"

"Chug chug!" Nose mounted 20mm cannon began to roar up and rushed to the tracer on the ground, in a direct-fire among the dense marine devil dog, devil moment these dogs was swept down a piece of the back The devil began to flexibly evade these ammunitions.

However, some things are can't avoid. Because of their head, all B-25 bombs have slowly open their own bomb.

"Start bomb! Bomb started!" Radio which all the commands are commander bomb, Bombardier all control switches have been pressed to start bomb.

"Click!" "Click!" As soon as soon as the metal friction sound, a next one of the bomb from the bomb bay B-25. These bombs were discharged in the airflow, and finally formed a linear arrangement as the flight trajectory of the aircraft.

Because of the relationship of resistance, these bombs quickly bowed down, smashed in the ocean composed of the devil.

The next second, the explosion began. A huge flame is blown in the middle of the demon, and countless elastic chips are flying in the flesh.

All of a sudden a shock wave around the chopped devil dogs, the more distant the devil dog has not had time to escape, it was like a blast-fragmentation bullets in general play into a sieve.

Such an explosion is a next, as if it is a layer of blankets in the ocean of the devil.

Among the most famous World War II, carpet bombing, Ailanxier Air Force pilots at the first time to fight the devil, it is accurate and effective copied out.

"Hit the target! I feel so strange cry a bit, here are all the target!" A bombardier look to his comrades around them, loudly complained.

With these bombers, the demon of the devil is accompanied by the devil's devil's devil, and the black pop-ups also have broken flesh, and the original beautiful plain is completely rendered into the field of death.

"Attack work! Attack work! We didn't bounce! Now return!" The commander of the bomber troops in the radio command.

"You can leave it first! The rest is given to us!" Flying in the radio channel of the P-51 wild horse fighter troops in the higher sky, a firm voice replied.

Then, after the bomber force began to return, the cloud layer has been alerting the P-51 wild horse fighter cluster over the battlefield, starting a side flying, rushing to the re-assembled demon troops.

"Open fire! Open fire! Take them!" With a piercing of a wild horse fighter, the second round of attack has begun.

The wild horse fighters equipped with large calibers began to roar, and the 30 mm-tone machine guns scored a diamond road in the demon group.

"There is too little player! Once you swear once!" In your headphones, there is a pilot complaining.

Although powerful, the wild horse fighters after the modified Lan Hill is really better than the original version - because the 30mm across the wing is larger, so affecting the magnificent performance of the aircraft, also affects the wing Fluid structure.

But the influence of flight performance is also a small thing, after all, it is not too much to catch up with the P-51 fighter in the sky. But the decrease in the volume, so that the pilots are somewhat depressed.

Their firepower is prepared for the Eternal Empire or Grrin, which seems to be a little large.

As a fighter, the devil on the ground began to make it, and they roar against the sky, but it seems that there is nothing better when it takes the goals on my head.

However, soon they act again, starting zero zero scattered rushing to the small river called the Poli River rushed over.

It seems that they do not use magic, and they can't attack the goals of the heavens. The only place that is a jealous place is that it is a huge number of inexplicables.

Standing on the highlands and looked at the distant explosion. The gardous Wolf Beon was shocked to see Wei Wei, where Wewei'an: "Can't see it, those milder, still very powerful ... "

"Yeah, the key is ... like those devils, they are enough ..." Wei Wei stared at the distant distant distant, slightly relieved.

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