My Empire

One hundred and eighty rocket

On the silent Grener's battlefield, a truck produced by Alany, several soldiers are doing the final preparation.

An officer came to this group of soldiers, and asked: "How is prepared?"

"All connections are ready, you can open fire at any time!" A biddom of a branch of the south, and the opening report.

They have been connected to the power, the wires have been connected to each rocket, and all the rockets have been prepared for launching.

This is a kaulausha rocket, a powerful multi-track self-rocket. A total of 8 launched slides, a roll-fired rocket 162mm, a roll-fired, 162 mm, mounted on a truck.

The rocket is 8.5 kilometers, which can be emitted, or partially ejaculated, or once the emissions, the ammunition that is filled in a time, takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes, and once the zip is only 7 to 10 seconds.

Because there is a truck chassis, this rocket can be moved at a speed of 90 kilometers speed, which is a self-aircraft. Under the premise of supplementing more self-grenaders for the 9th Army, Chris deliberately touched a Kaqi Saffler forces from the First Group Army, strengthened it to the 9th Collection.

The gun shoots the fire, the range of killing is large, is a large area to destroy the enemy intensive force, suppress enemy fireworks and destroy the enemy defense work.

It consists of the car part and the transmitted portion: the emission portion is composed of a slide bed, a gun rack, a rotary disk, a chassis, aiming device, a transmitting device, and the like. Before launching, the rocket is in the directional groove of the rail groove in the direction of the slide. The bobbin of the combat part of the rocket is TNT explosives. The cartridge portion is composed of a seven tubular emitting cartridge, and an aircraft having a launching device is equipped with a launching device.

In the back of the truck, there are two manual, laying it to support the jack of the body, and secure the vehicle body when launch.

The rockets are filled on the launch rail, the launch rail is 5 meters long, the slide is 132 mm, the rocketball is 1450 mm, the weight is 43 kg, and the maximum range is about eight kilometers.

It can be said that in addition to shooting accuracy, there are some defects in the weight of the shot warhead, the other properties of such a rocket can be better than the traditional artillery.

At this moment, the artillery of Allah Hill is preparing, but also hits the Devil's Dog Force in the Allah.

"Qiji Preparation!" With a command, all the launcher put his hand on the power-on switch.

"Transmit!" The commander shouted the command of the launch.

Everyone presses the launch switch in the hand in almost the same time.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" In a short ten seconds, twenty cars, all 320 rockets all fly out of the slide.

The whole launch position was blown up by the rocket, and the smoke was very unhappy. Everyone was inciting the dust, driving the dust of the eye.

Probably, more serious than the most serious sandstorms, these smoke blossoms that are blown up by rocket tail flames in the air, let all soldiers can't help but cough. Someone exited the launch position, some people were angry into the car cab.

In short, after a wolf borrowed, no one cares about the shells they play, what effect does it work?

In fact, don't have to care, after these shells have fly over a long distance, almost simultaneously falling on the battlefield of the devil's attack.

The densely numb shells are like the rainpot, and they are all on the top of the devilie troops. It is hurting the array of Allah Hill throwing troops in the position, I have forgotten the things that continue to open.

Just in an instant, the Katsha rocket fell more than 20. These rockets have a residual solid fuel to explode on the ground, forming a metal shrapnel, spreading in the devil dog.

Soon, the shrapnel formed a bloody hurricane, rolled with countless devils, spread to the distance.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the eyes of Elan Hill soldiers, the explosion began to extend in the distance, and a wave of high waves was high, and they swept the entire battlefield. Everywhere is a demon of the demon, it is a black blood everywhere, and it is a broken body everywhere.

"You just ... give the phone to the phone ... The support." In the front line headquarters, a head of the head put down the telescope in his hand, and he took his head to look at his staff, and some couldn't believe it. .

"I ... I don't know ... I just want the artillery position ... Say the request to support ..." The staff of the staff were scared by the explosion of the distance, and some of the reply of Baba.

In his view, this is almost the most powerful battlefield support gunfire. Just a moment, just confused, it was a front position of the devil dog, and only the body was not dissipated.

The rest of the demon does not seem to have an offensive, they have tasted the suffering, and they don't know why it gives up another testistic attack.

Recently, these demon seem to be weak, and they frequently try to attack, but they don't seek breakthroughs. Every time I was put down by the heavy fire force, I gave up the attack.

This is always the first time to attack the paratrooper troops, always make people feel that they are brewing.

The division of the 9th armor is looking at the chief of the staff in front of him, and I asked again: "I gave up again? Even our first line of defense did not touch, retreat ... More than the last time Simply simply. "

Chief Staff nodded and replied: "I heard that they should be firm when they attack the Walk of the Eternal Empire, occupying some villages that have no one."

"Debting is afraid of hard? I know that I can't take it cheap, I will go to the nephew of the Eternal Empire?" The division of the 9th division smiled and satirized.

"Nor, the report given at the exchange meeting is that the devil has no active performance in all the front lines. They seem to be delayed, and it seems to be sitting, anyway ... and their true attack ability does not match." Staff Long shake the head and said my own judgment.

"The Air Force said that?" The teacher picked his eyebrows and found a little taste that was less comfortable.

"The Eternal Empire has also described the scale of Devil's attack ... and the size of the Air Force's investigation reports do not match ... The Air Force believes that the devil is generally increasing." Staff stared at the table. Nearby detailed maps, said.

The teacher lost a red pencil in his hand on a map, very depressed evaluation: "The bastard!"

Because of the frequent test attack of the devil, Allah Hill's counterattack has been hesitant, and Lua is also the plan of the General Alfred is that after the next batch of ammunition arrival, consider advancing to Brasso.

However, in front of you, if you continue, the next batch of ammunition arrived at the front line, they will only passively defense because of the lack of ammunition.

However, because they have been in a defense state, the consumption of oil is less than the estimated, so they hoard some oils, which can be used in the next counterattack.

Air Force's investigation has been passing a message, the number of evil troops is increasing, and they are decentralized in the wide area, and the attacks of nuclear weapons will not make huge benefits as before, so the Air Force has not used nuclear weapons to use nuclear weapons.

The fighter unit firmly controls the email protection of the battlefield, but the number of radar is too small, affecting the airborne interception efficiency.

This is also a way. It was originally Ge Renken to deploy a large number of radar stations. They previously monitored the eyes of magic, avoiding some flight demon escaping and removing civilians.

However, the devil army destroyed the radar station near the eyes of the magic, letting the Radar investigation system of Grene collapsed. It is better to have some part, and how much can support the Alany Air Force's combat.

If there is no other rear radar station, the Ailan Air Force's record is certainly not so good.

In fact, the Ground Force of the 9th Group Army brought several new radar vehicles. But half of these radar vehicles were borrowed to give the Eternal Empire, and they used them as early warning radars. ...

The new radar car has been on the road. When you travel to Grieken, the Air Force can organize larger combat operations after these radars.

Of course, the recent air force is not idle. They made a brave attempt. The B-17 bomber troops bravely experimented over the eyes of the magic. The result is very depressed, they lose two bombers, but because of the bad weather conditions, they cannot be close to the eyes of the devil.

This is a very heroic feat, and the pilots participating in the experiment have 5 units, they drive bombers to try to approach the eyes of the magic, and the result is ultimately in failure.

The flying pilot confirmed the German Magic Master: The airflow there was very unstable, and the whirlwind formed by the magical breath made the flight very dangerous. Plus the sky dark clouds, electric flash Thunder - Climate conditions are very uncomfortable to perform bombing tasks.

In other words, I expect that the Air Force is directly dispatched, attacking the eyes of the magic, ending this war, it seems unobsive thing ...

Now, you can only use the most stupid approach to advance the defense line to the ballistic missile range, and then use the flying ball ballistic missile to attack the nuclear bomb. This is why, the 9th group army has always been around the reason for the article in Baraçao, and they will be able to advance the advancement, let the flying leg missile troops enter the attack range!