My Empire

One hundred and ninety-twelf-two

"When you are, when you are ..." The tank is rolled in the mud, and a armored M4 tank that is taking the magic inscription is advanced forward, stopping another number and its different M4 tanks.

In the rain, these M4 tank ice-cold gun tubes point to the direction of the position, they are ordered to reinforce the defense here, and the machine guns are also available to provide close-range fire support for the entire infantry group.

With a gun, the battle begins like this. A moving demon rushed out of the rainwater, near the position of Allah Hill throwing troops.

"Hey!" A gun ring, I have prepared soldiers, and I will deduct the trigger on the evil dog that is rushing. A bullet was pulled out, and the head of this devil dog was smashed. This devil's body rolled forward with inertia, and stopped in half a day.

Then, another devil is over from the corpse of this devil dog, with a large number of bloodshes, and continues to rush to the position of Allah Hill.

"Success! Success!" The two-wing machine gun position began to scan, and the devil dog near the front was sieved. However, more demon dogs have crossed the front of the same kind, and they are never near human positions.

"Sudden Must Officer!" M4 tanks, the air gun and the coaxial machine gun on the turret began to scream, and countless traction bombs score a straight line on the position. Just in an instant, the devil near the position was pushed into pieces.

In the west, a row of neat mortars has been prepared. The artillery has put the shells into the gun, just wait for a single order, let go of the palm of the shellball.

The commander of the artillery is not allowed to make his own people, and soon shouted the password of fire. I was forced to shoot a sullen sullet, and more than a dozen shells made a beautiful arc in the sky, falling into the devil's offensive army.

At the beginning of the battle, he fiercely, countless devil dogs were made into a broken meat, black blood is mixed in the rain, giving a small stream on the dry land, along the texture of the land.

More far, a group of artillery is shaking the handle of the hand, and a 105mm caliber with a 105mm caliber, raising the gun in the rain.

The filling hand pushed a shell into the gun, and closed the gun. The artillery brakes the gun rope, and the needle will inspire the bottom fire and put the shells out.

"Boom!" A fire cannon spurted a white smoke, and the rear force allows the hydraulic reset device to be compressed to the bottom, and then slowly reply to the initial position.

The gun is united,

A hot shell falls on the ground, and the rain is hitting it, splashing a light white smoke.

Another brand new shell was filled in the gun, and then the gun was closed again - in a growing rainwater, the artillery that has been wet, insists on their fighting.

A shell that followed by a large caliber fell in the demon group, and even the rain rolled with a storm. Countless devil dogs were hit by a slice, and there were demeat dogs that were exploded to fly to the air, and the break came to four splashes.

Just when the artillery fire of Allahh, the devil's group was also started to rise to a magical array. A row of fireballs hit in the position of Allahh, many soldiers were shocked by the fireballs in the rain.

Because it is a magic, these fireballs have not weakened in the rain, they hit them on the position and raised a mud water. Many soldiers are injured, but the mortar is still relatively relatively relatively few.

Such fireball is basically unsteady unless they are in direct hit by unlucky. The attack magic power of the double-headed devil is actually not strong, and the deterrent is greater than the actual killing effect.

With these magical attacks, Allah Hill's defense system began to be disrupted, and there were some gaps on the position. Many injured soldiers couldn't continue to fight, so that the defense of the frontline was weakened.

Then, as some four-foot orangutan entered the attacking range, these huge beiverses of the stone began to play the same power as their stones. They take huge stones to play their strength.

A huge stone drops from the sky, directly in the position of the Allah Hill soldiers stationed, a soldier directly by the stone hit, pressed under the stone under the stone.

More stone begins attacking human positions, as human positions are constantly impact, more demons are also close to human trenches.

In the rain, countless soldiers throw out the grenade, fry the devil dog near the trenches into a sieve. They constantly open fire, let these devils that have been very close to themselves.

However, because there is no bombing of the Air Force, countless devils still play a number of advantages. They are like rainwater, and they are constantly flushing with human positions.

"Rocket running troops? Take it?" Cut the phone, a head of the head, asked the rear to support his artillery headquarters, open an angry shout: "The enemy is attacking my position! They will rush into the position! Our trenches! "

"Let the transfers in the trenches! Prepare to explode!" Putting with a pistol, the staff of the staff came to the house to the opening command to: "The position of the camp must not be can't keep it, they may even have the retreat! Let's take it! How much is it to withdraw? "

"I can only do this! Order 1 battalion! It's too late!" The head of the head hangs the phone, biting his teeth, and complaining: "For the sake of attack, they transfer the Rockets troops to Rarmo. ... damn it."

"Don't complain, we have to consider it, if we lose a defense, we can just the front line." Chief of staff packed his own things in the headquarters, returning to the head: "Packing up! Can't change Go to the ruins behind the 3 battalion. "

The head of the head fell by the pencil on the map, was angry: "Now I am fine, I became the first one by the devil, I lost the position of the position!"

"If you are not moving, it is estimated that you are the first county commander of the whole army!" Staff hugged into a map, stuffed into the box, indicating that the guards of the group were lifted.

In the distance of this headquarters, the demon rushed into the human position in a rainy, and they bite Allah Hill throwing troops, and then they were screaming in the trenches by the surrounding troops. Inside.

"The knife!" Along with a hysterical shout, all the Allah Hill throwing troops all inserted a long army thorn in front of his rifle. They brave their weapons and faced a monster than they strong.

"Boom!" A throwing soldier that has been bitten in the devil's mouth rang the grenades in the chest, and biting his own monster, in this explosion, the soldiers of Allah Hill fired, and withdraws Put your own position.

The rest of the people have not had the opportunity to retreat. They rushed up with the monster, and the monochronous bayonets were used to meet the albums that looks wildly brutal.

"Long live Ailan!" A young soldier took the machine gun stand on the body of a monster, poured the firepower against the surrounding monsters. The devil around him has already surrounded him, his silent shot is kicked by the empty ammunition box, and the rifle lights the bullets of his last gap.

The demon has become a group of leading lines in the army of the Elan Hill soldiers, which trampled around the foot of the body of Lan Hill throwing the bodies.

They continue to face forward, and the trace shots that are fired from the second line are knocked down on the ground.

The battle is still in the cruel, and the first-line defense position, the human gunshots become more sparse, and the shouts have become less and smaller.

A battalion greeting his military uniform, then he looked at the camp preparation of the machine gun and apologize on his face.

He bowed his head and saw a blood, and he was robbed from the monster mouth. Soon: "Sorry, you can't walk, you can only die with me, I will die together."

The wounded that has not been half-side, revealing the calm expression, and the mouth wants to talk, but can't stop the blood.

"Don't say anything ... You are all the brave soldiers in Allai! I can become your commander, I am very proud." The long face showed a gratified smile, single knee is on the wounded.

Outside the door, the battles who have elapsed grain have taken their own pistols, and the length of the market is also on this time, and the hand is on the detonator around the wounded.

In the next second, the camps outside the door was bite the shoulders by the devil dog, and flew out. At the same time at the same time, the length of the market is at the same time. At the moment, his shout dried out, echoing in the trenches of the devil: "If there is a next life, we are still together, fight for the Allah Hill!"

The power-on light flashes, and the wire is connected to the explosives in the trench. The explosion began to overwhelm, then spread toward both sides, spread in the direction of the trench.

The huge explosion formed a wall, drowning all the devil on the side of this wall. With the wet mud raised by the explosion, there is less than two hundred soldiers who have retired on the first defense line, and go to the second-wire defense position under the cover of the tank.

They contained tears and looked at the defensive position of their embarrassment, shouting with tears and looked at those former comrades, in which the bones were in this spectacular explosion.

This long day, at this moment seems to start.


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