My Empire

Four hundred and one meeting

"The first topic begins below ..." Sitting in the first place of the academic communication meeting, the Emperor of Allahhhh This moment, the title of the magic and scientific combination technology.

He announced the beginning of the meeting, soon there were the first person to stand up and report their technical ideas.

The person who stands in the first standing is not someone else, but with the Frenzberg Great Magist, I vote for Ili Lan Hill, but I left the magician William.

Now he, learning magic is no longer the main business, and can be assessing in accordance with the previous level, he has already advanced into a genuine big magic mage.

I saw him standing up and gently told the head of the emperor who was headed down, and then spread his thick record book. He said: "Thank you! I am responsible for the research institute, has tested a new planet track. Launch mode. "

He considers his wording, starting to describe the envision of the Institute: "We envisage, use the floating magic array, carry the huge device to a high height, thin place, let the rocket The device is ignited to transmit a larger orbit device. "

"We have experimented the specific data, the parameters have been calculated, everything is feasible." He said a research institute in charge, the research results of this technology.

This is a technical exchange meeting. It is natural that it is impossible to take out a lot of things that have not been measured, come to the emperor.

It can be said to this meeting, all of the research institutes, after experimenting and repeated argument.

In fact, many technologies have been very mature, as long as the funds are in place, they can start making out the results soon.

"If we can achieve this launch mode, then the universe space station proposed by Your Majesty is very easy to realize that we can launch a problem once, directly on the planet track, build a fully equipped full space station." He said, while Pick up an imagination and show all people.

Everyone in Block is the senior technician of Allah Hill, many people or members of the Elan Hill Magic Society. They represent the most advanced technology research and development team of Allah Hill, and also represent the peak of human technology.

They all know that things about the Ailan Hill Space Station, even some people also know that Chris is organizing an exploration of outer space. Just because of the drag of war, this kind of investment is still in the primary stage.

Of course, the recent giant floating transport ship has made many people to see the outer space,

Control the possibility of outer space, so everyone's enthusiasm is more high.

"Subsequent supplements are also easy ... Because we launch the weight, you can exceed 20 times or even fifty times the rocket carrying capacity!" Finally, William opened the final statement.

"This is indeed a good idea! I have always had this idea." In my mind, I have compared the gorgeous tree that is entangled together, Chris is noddion.

The satellite launch of Allahhh is too slow. Chris has always hoped that there will be an opportunity to accelerate more satellites but because of the restriction of rocket technology, the satellite project has been in the stage of changing.

Now, there is a new launch technology, there is a possibility of launching enough satellite on a breath, and you can completely arrange the Satellite system of the entire world for a few months.

More interesting is because almost no limit is limited, Allah Hill can build a giant space station in outer space, carry out a variety of experiments above, and even self-evident in outer space.

"I will pay 30 million gold coins, which will be developed early! If the experiment succeeds, the subsequent additions will increase to 3 billion gold coins, and they have been completely completed to the Allah Space station." Chris submitted by William Signed your own name, then look at the next person.

When I went to the military uniform, the willingness of the military uniform, I will report: "Your Majesty! Based on the floating abundance technology, the three military subsidiaries have proposed their new weapons research and development projects."

"The Navy hopes to build a floating air carrier fleet to pursue faster fighting technology." This general summarized the respective requirements of the Third Army, starting from the Navy.

He turned over a page of the documents in front of him and continued to say: "The Air Force proposed that you can use floating airport to replace the field airport, improve the speed of the Air Force."

When he said, he looked up and looked at Chris, and then said the idea of ​​the Army: "The Army is similar, they will put it a lot of floating transport ships to improve logistics efficiency ..."

This new equipment that can be shipped immediately to the forward wire, of course, the new favorite of the military. Numerous people are waiting for more such floating transport ship servicing, alternatively replacing the original transportation mode, and solves the transportation problem that plasted with Allah Hill.

Chris has a bitter laugh, and shook his head: "This time we are exhausted, or there is so much resources?"

It is not the victim of Daikou City, and it happened to seize a damaged devil floating air castle, and Allah Hill will not be so fast and easier, and these floating transport ships are created.

The steel used by these big guys is basically all ship materials in the docking dock in the city. Basically, it is already done, naturally you can produce soon.

When the next batch of floating transport ships have been manufactured, it will wait for a long time. When re-production, the materials such as steel plates are planned, and the temporary dialing time will be dragged for a long time.

So for Allah Hill, these floating transport ships in front of them are actually their temporary, just to temporarily solve the emergency products manufactured by problems, not a perfect design.

In fact, the new regular floating transport ship, Allah Hill is also designed, more advanced than this floating transport ship that has been put into use, and the safety factor has also increased by at least ten times.

"New floating transport ships seem to be very striking, it is actually very fragile!" Chris explained his idea: "This cost is inexpensive, there is no self-defense means, and it is necessary to lose weight. Mode of transportation, do not popularize a lot! "

"It can't appear on the front line, and there should not even appear in theoretically dangerous place! This thing is easy to be destroyed, as long as it is attacked, it will crash." He said the problem of this equipment, and these questions, They are unable to be easily ignored.

"In the dense area of ​​population, it does not have any respective small nuclear bombs, so it must be very cautious in the core area!" Chris stretched a finger and gently tapped on the table, while Said.

In fact, this seemingly excellent transport means, the limitations are still very high. Because the volume is too huge, it is not suitable for use in developed regions, so as not to appear unexpected, there is an uncontrollable impact.

At the same time, it can't be used on the front line, because the defense ability is very low, so it is not suitable for appearing in high-risk areas.

This is equal to that it can only be responsible for the transportation of mid-section, which occasionally solves the problem of insufficient transportation capacity, but cannot replace existing railways and road transportation.

Finally, Chris set the nature of this transportation product: "Therefore, it can only be a supplement to traditional transport means, it is unable to be a large-scale popularity of alternatives!"

Subsequently, he added a sentence, so many people gratifyed some: "Of course, if the world is peaceful, the shortcomings of this way of transport can be ignored."

As he said, he wrote a line of rectification opinions on the topic of this military representative, and then put down the pen: "Okay, next!"

It is standing again, it is an old professor of the Ship Design Institute. He helped the glasses on the support nose, a light look of light cloud: "Your Majesty! We intend to combine the floating magic array in the boat."

"This, we can use the same drainage, carry more than ten times or more goods! With floating magic array, the ship's eating will be effectively controlled ..." This old expert said that he was full: "If it is feasible, We can hang more thicker armor for new battleships, and even designed a super battleship covered by full armor! "

"Okay, I passed this topic!" Chris didn't listen again, nodded agreed to this idea.

Because he has proposed a similar program, this program is a set of programs that are increasingly radical. The program is aimed at the harm of the navy, and later developed into a complete replacement of the Navy, playing the airfront floating war ship. Set of "Flight Navy" routines.

Finally, this plan has developed into a super floating castle project that Allah Hill is now executive. The earlier navy battleship modification plan, so that there is no sound letter in the sea.

Now someone has resident, Chris also does want to strengthen the Navy, and naturally willing to invest some.

So he nodded and signed his name on the corresponding document: "As soon as possible! Send it to me!"

"Follow! Your Majesty!" The old expert nodded and then sat back to his position.

When Chris reminded the next time, there was another person to stand up and started to sell another research institution's equipment.

This institution is a computer, they are seeking to use a certain chip to suppress the temptation of the magic origin to the robot. If this technology is successful, Elan Hill can make a longer progress in robotics.

Chris listened carefully, in front of him, there are dozens of such scholars representatives. And they are discussing now, it is the future of Allair Hill ...

The first chapter of the fourth volume, this novel, Chapter 401, worthy of commemorative ~ Of course, hate, Longling still remembers, yawning ...