My Empire

Four hundred eighty one has become a record

"One or two! Three!" In the Working Force, a group of soldiers pushed fixed pedals to two floats, surrounded by engineers, and fixed this pedal with tools.

A huge pontoon, in this way, on the Manda River, the smoke that protected the floating bridge has not been dissipated, and a M4 tank is rolled with the track and rushed into the pontoon.

He is followed behind this tank, is a tank that is then a one. On the other side of this pontoon, a larger pontoon has been set to the location of the river water center. There are also countless vessels surrounded around the giant pontoon, which transports the materials of various bridges.

Between the two pontoon, there are countless assault boats, the army soldiers wear life jackets, leaning on the bumpy boat, flying through this wide big river.

In the South Bank of the Manda River, the Allah Hill soldiers in the river bank have been mounted on the riverside, with their own weapons, bending the waist into the defensive position that has faced unrecognizable.

The original trenches are now not seen in the artillery. The scattered sandbags have long been destroyed, which has become incomplete bunker defense work around, and the resistance of the enemy is almost zero.

The Allah Hill soldiers who have a firewer are not knowing that there is still a living bunker, and the plain is contaminated by the tar, the fire has been jumping for a long time.

The soldiers carrying the AK-47 assault rifle jumped into the trenches, and found that there was a wreckage of the soldiers everywhere, and the bodies of the imperial soldiers lying on the ground.

If you can see the guns such as the Master's 98K rifle, it can also be seen to see grenades and scattered bullets and broken bullet transport boxes.

There is also a wreckage between these bodies, kneeling some high-ranking imperial soldiers. They shouted with their nobles who did not drive, pray for the forgiveness of the Allah Hill soldiers.

Among the shouts of the surrender, another huge hovercraft rushed into the river beach, and sent a whole full armed infantry to the river bank.

The jeep moves horizontally on the beach, sitting on the jeep on the jeep, 12.7 mm caliber gun behind the jeep, and the tiger is pointed to the prisoners after being captured.

Soon, the tank troops crossed the Mandan River, and hundreds of tanks began to expand to the surrounding defense position, and covering the river troops, and the smoke of the pontoon, and gradually gradually dissipated over time.

However, it is expected that the fire fighting of the Empire has not arrived. Since the entire position, the gunshots of the war are sparse.

More than half of the above bunkers also have a hidden heavy weapon position, they have been destroyed by the previous prepared artillery. The rest of the part, the defenders inside have already had the mood of continuing to fight, and after seeing the army of Allah Hill, he immediately handed over his own weapon.

In a slit, a few devils that are embarrassing, and dozens of the empire soldiers, the official is open to fire.

They are a small-scale troops nearby dare to fight against them, and these soldiers use rifles and Mark's heavy machine guns to fight against the dense fog, and seem to have proven to resist the determination of themselves.

But their attacks have no troubles to the landing of Elan Hill. As the fog begins to gradually dissipate, the Forces of Allah Hill also finally discovered that there were residual enemies around them.

The Allah Hill soldiers relying on the edge of the trenches have moved the infrared telescope in front of them.

Showing the comrades around you loudly: "11 o'clock direction! About 200 meters! Let the armored troops or empty cavalry to clean the garbage!"

The soldiers who grabbed the steps were nodded, and they went to the microphone to support: "Coordinate 33-51! There is an enemy for fire! There is an enemy for fire!"

The sound in the radio caused attention to the attention of armed helicopters in the sky. The previous weapon operator was originally looking for the target of attack, and immediately adjusted the search mode immediately after listening to the contact of the ground forces.

"I saw it, the infrared character is obvious! There is no enemy to identify the mark! It is not a friend! I am open!" I opened fire! "After the weapon operator, she started her attack after identifying the goal.

His armed helicopter hovered in half of the air, through the diffuse smoke, the head of the head was aligned with the direction of the enemy.

Then, the transfer of the head-filled machine guns spurtled with a violent fire tongue, and the rocket nest hanging under the short two wings was also a series of rockets.

With the slit as a bunker, the demon of the embassy and the squad of the Empire soldier, in an instant, in the white smoke that raised continuous explosions.

Their sword in their hands, there is still behind Makhao, Master's 98K rifle, has not been able to play a role, and a silence in the pop-out slit, only the light smoke that is slightly transpired.

Half, a survived devil climbed from the floating soil. His legs have been blown, only half of them left. He climbed two times and found a relatively comfortable position, leaning on the big mouth.

Even if you have a point, he still does not give up the long sword in his hand. He holds the sword handle and stares at the edge of the pop-up, waiting for the enemy's approach.

Then, he saw the Allah Hill soldier with a weird device, and slowly explored his head from the edge of the pop-up, overlooking him.

Standing on the edge of the slurried, the soldiers of Allah Hill side took a AK-47 assault rifle, with a night vision, downlink, looking at the devil who was breathing, there is no half of the face.

Then, he took his weapon and gave the devil's face and gently built the trigger.

"Success!" A short shot, the bullet died in this devil's face, leaving a deep hole in the eyes and the nose. The black blood is soaked in the earth, and there is no gunshot here.

Just 4 hours, the 4 armored divisions of the 3rd Group of Allah, 6 mechanized infantry divisions, and 3 lightweight infantry divisions crossed the Malan River.

The entire defense line instantly crashes, and the resistance is stopped in the whole line within 5 hours. Now, the Empire has no incident, the whole rich Sanhe Plain area has become a fat meat under the Kings of the Allah Hill.

The only unfortunately, responsible for directing the evil general of the Devil's troops, with more than two thousand demon, and became this battle, the only lucky one who escaped.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of emperors ** team, 50,000 devil troops, 10 floating castles have become the record of the sky fleet ...