My Empire

Five hundred twenty eight old acquaintances

When the Ailan Hill officer came to the dungeon, he saw a picture like a factory that was temporarily abandoned.

He has been prepared for the psychological preparation of the Dungeon Tunnel that he walked under the dim, he had been prepared.

He imagined something you might see, such as prisoners who were detained, tortured.

Even what he still thought about, the body, the broken meat ... He even thought about it, the girl who was not covered, or even a young helplessness.

On all the way, he fantavented many many, try his best to imagine an ancient fallen empire, those private, see that it would be filthy.

However, the corridor in this is empty, and there is no mouse! You can only see the scattered documents everywhere, clearly, in the past few thousand years, this dungeon has been patiently cleaned, and it has gradually begun to abandon it in recent months.

In a room in the dungeon, he actually saw a machine tool produced. Most of these machine tools are not completed, but they are discarded here, so that these dunks are like a factory that has not been moved.

With the flashlight and the light of the torch, the officer bent over the ground picked up a discarded drawing. The above is a part, a part that doesn't know what it is.

However, the top corner of this drawing has the name and use of this part, and it is written in the top of the "Earthquake Mechanic Fighter Falling Burder Buffer Rod Structure 2".

This is obviously the original technical drawing of a shock-electric fighter, which did not develop in Allah Hill did not develop an eliminated fighter.

What is unexpected is that there is a flower in the wall. The fighter provided by this Chris did not play a lot of color in the sky of Allah Hill, but the yin and the yang was fortunate to become the main air blower of the devil and the Empire. .

Of course, its results are also sad. In the past year, there have been more than 1,000 fighters, such fighters, and such fighters of more than 3,000 evil troops, were shot down by Allah Hill, except for more than 900 aransports in Allah Hill, only Fall down 1171 fighters and bombers in Allah Hill.

This figure does not include the loss of various reasons, such as because of the unreliable, the aircraft produced by the Empire, can be disinteglous or directly crash in the sky.

"It should be complete, just because of weight, here people move these heavy machines,

So removed the parts above ... "A soldier lifted a flashlight and said to his chief.

It can be seen that this is the factory that is the most accurate equipment instrument for the production of the Empire, which is used here, which is used on other machine tools to expand production.

Establishing the factory in such a dim, it is obvious to hide the eyes, so that ordinary people don't know, in fact, the Empire has already embarked on the road of "betrayal magic".

On the eve of the defeat, it was also discovered here. The people who looked around and took the things they think that valuable money, leaving only these movements, such as unfinished equipment.

"In addition to these, what else found?" This chief looked at these ancient equipment that Allah Hir had already had no one to ask for an ancient equipment and frown.

The Empire was treated as a baby, and even some of these machines were not seen, in fact, they have been eliminated in Allah Hill.

Most of these machine tools are already unpaid assistance to neighboring countries, or directly scrapped. If there is a channel of the Empire, they can even buy more advanced equipment in the scrap iron recycling factories of Allahhh.

Yes, than this more advanced equipment, Allah Hill has canceled the export ban. Similar machine tools, even more advanced machine tools can be traded, and the country has no supervision.

But here, they are still as treasures, is a scarce resource. In a few months ago, they still have no production, producing those that have been outdated, assembled into the equipment that has been outdated, supporting the backward industrial system of the Empire.

"We also found some radio interference equipment, and we have drawn exactly on the front line. They have almost no transformation and innovation, so they have already unable to interfere with our radio band." This soldier replied.

"In addition, we found some here ..." He looked at his own boss, and continued to talk about himself and discovery.

"Is it?" The army frowned, and he couldn't see anything about it all the way. Those who are like a zombie soldier walking the posture.

Elan Hill destroyed a lot of embarrassment, many of the corpses were now scattered in the end of the Eternal Empire, and there is not enough person to pick up clean.

"Well, there is no completion." The soldier nodded, replied: "The other side of the cell is a giant embarrassment."

"Giant ?" The officer left this private room full of production equipment, because he felt that these outdated production machines were there.

You can't expect someone who is used to the five-axis linkage machine, holding a general car bed as a baby, then also is interested in being full, trying to analyze what advanced things come on?

When the officer went to the distal cell, it was shocked by the novels inside. This time, he has not seen these things, so he is full of curiosity.

In front of the cell, various giant parts were hanging on the iron chain on the ceiling. These parts are somewhat not to know what to do, but I can know it in a bit.

Because these parts are huge human arms, some are huge human legs.

There are some feet full of joints, palms - the most scary, there is a head that is carved with facial facial features ...

If these body structures are too huge, it is simply a terrible corpse. Part is scattered everywhere, some iron chains are empty, and it seems that the above thing is moved away.

Everyone has seen parts in the body, have some parts of the simplest body - these have the core of magical energy, as is the same as the heart.

However, there is no similar device, or there is, but it has been launched by the person who came here first. The rest of these is not very much money, and it is not easy to move the big iron block, and there is half of the magic runes that have been carved.

"It's just like the end of the world ..." The soldiers who stand behind the military officer's soldiers took their own weapons, and looked at the giant embarrassments that may never finish.

"Fortunately, these embarrassments have not been manufactured ..." Another soldier touched it in the iron chain, because it was the steel to create, and the arms of the very heavy, said.

"Yeah! Fortunately, these things have not been manufactured." The officer also nodded, he saw the ultimate weapon of the empire in the eyes, and he was unable to make a lot of soldiers in the battlefield. Casualty.

Obviously, these giant embarrassments in front of them are more powerful than God. Otherwise, the Empire will definitely take out these giants, since they don't have a large-scale appearance on the battlefield, then these weapons are more advanced, more difficult than the gods.

"Put it here, wait for the professional to receive. I will write a detailed report for a while, let the photographers come over, take a photo for every detail here." Silent for a while, the officer returned to God, starting orders. People seal everything in front of you.

His order echoed in the empty dungeon, so that the whole journey looks more rake.

"Director! In the corner there, we found a iron gate. The iron door has a lock, so there may be some valuable things left behind." A soldier lifted his arm and said to say it. .

The military officer nodded. He took these soldiers along the Truntea trail, and went to the end of the house. He looked at the sturdy iron lock above, indicating that his soldiers opened it.

Because there is grenade, there are explosives, the soldiers can easily blaze the iron lock, when the heavy iron gate is opened from the outside, and a bunch of light is incident in the room behind the iron gate.

A device like a surgical bed, lying on a broken - it only has half a head, and the arm is only assembled, and the whole is still there.

That is, such a squatting in bed, even greeted the light coming in, raising its own head.

That is a god's mouth, only generators, but it can't make a simple face of facial expressions. When you go out, this god will bring a mask, so that they will seem to be some people.

"It's a living!" Seeing this lying in bed, only one arm is still installed on a palm, the whole person is fixed, and the company can't do it, and the soldiers of Allah Hill. Have your own eyes.

"It looks like being held here ..." The grandmaster headed, raised his arm, asked: "Do you speak? Or is there anything special place? If you can't prove your value, I will order Open fire! "

The gods lied back to the bed again, and it made a hoarse sigh, and the desolation was echoed in an empty room: "I want to see Chris ... or Desel ... If they are very Busy, can take me to see William ... "