My Empire

Five hundred thirty-six redemption

And in the dark basement in Burkland, Frenzberg lies in a wide bed and looks at the bright sunshine in the window.

He has lost his flesh and became a god who did not have a spiritual body. Generally, in this case, God can't always survive, and their spiritual power that is brought in the body will dissipate more than time, and finally become a disturbedness of the soul.

However, because of a large amount of mental power, the special seal magic technology is used, the soul of Frenzberg seems to have no disappearance in a short time.

In order to ensure that he won't make any problems, before arriving in Cesris, the senior magicians of Allah Hill transformed the Frenzberg's body, replaced a completely no problem.

However, I don't know if these people are interested in difficult Frenzberg, or because they decided to limit Frenzberg's freedom. They didn't give this new body to install arms and legs!

In this way, Frenzberg seems to be a hose that is cut off the limbs, can only be lying on the bed, can't move anywhere.

So, lying on the bed, watching the bright sunshine outside the window, it became the only thing that betrayed the old man of Allah Hill.

He is a embarrassment, he doesn't have to rest, so he can lying in unlimited, and useless to flood himself.

Knowledge compares him before the encounter of the Empire, the environment here is very nice. As a slap in which you don't need to eat, you only need to replace the magical energy spark, he can also look at the sun outside the window.

Two sparrows fell on the windowsill, and the . They don't know if they are in a layer of glasses, and they are still lying in the room. The only senior magician of Allah Hill.

A vase is placed on the bedside table, it seems to be beautiful, but there is no flower inside, Frenzberg is certainly not smelling.

He is just a puppet, an unforgettable , a losing of all the functions of mankind.

I have a lot of keen feelings that I can strengthen listening or vision, for better combat services - but because of the intentional castration of the Empire, his head is neither a very powerful hearing, and has not surpassed the vision of ordinary people. .

Even, he has no hunger, and there is no cold and hot heat. I can't even express my frown, because his face has no ability to express an angry and sorrow.

and so,

Even if he is very happy, or very sad, others can only understand from his tone, and cannot be predicted through the facial expression.

Although he must also breathe, it is just a cycle of inhaling a magic atmosphere, and transforming into energy to provide action for yourself.

Is this a means of treating an traitor? That's too much to be too kind. Frenzberg is smirking in my own thinking that I can run.

According to the reason, I should not find a group of senior magician, desperately study his state, and then don't care about his life, use various means to peel off his spirit, torture him until you die.

But what is it, why have you been lying in a big bed so quietly, looks at the sparrow outside the window, and a happy sunshine?

If you know that you can stay in Allah Hill ... or if he has long seen everything, giving up the unrealistic, the strongest pursuit, he will not fall to this point today. Bar.

Suddenly, the two small spals in the window seem to be frightened, and suddenly spread wings.

Frerenzberg is stunning, and then full of love is a pity. He gently sighed, and then heard the sound that the door was pushed from the outside.

The royal NATM soldier of Allah Hill is coming in. However, he is not an ordinary soldier, but a definition magician.

This magician waist is holding a long sword, black magic robe, embroidered with Golden Eagle wings.

"There will be someone to see you, traitors!" The soldier said, while putting the chair in his hand, there is a Frenzberge bed, and then went over and viewed Frerenzberg's The state, carefully looked at the magic imprisonment device on the body.

"Why don't you ask who is to see you?" Seeing that Frenzberg did not send, lying like a body, soldiers asked again.

Just his hobby, after challenging the other's curiosity, he will be more than his own mouth, and then let the other party have torture in endless curiosity.

This thing from the spiritual level makes Frenzberg deeply painful. The Fundsberg has been in front of it, and he no longer believes that these guards of the Allah Hill guards.

"This time I don't tease you, you guess it, if you guess, I will raise a bird in this room." The soldier watched Frenzberg did not furnish, and then increased his chips. .

Frerentzberg closed his eyes, a pair of provocations of the other party unrespect them. However, I just waited for a second, he imagined, a bird cage hangs in the room, touched him.

"You can come here to see me, just have one person left." He replied confidently: "If I have not guess, it is William."

"This time, it is not me all over, hahaha." The guards smiled in the mouth, so that Frenzberg was irritated: "You guess, traitors!"

His laughter made Frenzberg's feelings of extraordinary, for a person who lying in bed, no one talking to him, with someone to use the language provocative noisy, same Uncomfortable.

However, he still didn't have an angry opening, because he had already lost his roar, although he was irritated, but he still did not reach the critical point of the outbreak.

So, Frenzberg no longer continued, just lying on the bed, looking at the forest of the yellow leaves that started to drop the yellow leaves.

Autumn has arrived, winter is coming soon. The northern land will be covered by ice and snow, and the vital scenery will also be in the past - Frenzberg know, see the four seasons transformation, maybe he is left, only the remaining entertainment.

"Qi Zheng!" The soldier stood at the door, and Hearding a standard military ceremony, his face was proud and proud.

His singing and voice returned to Reality, then, next second, he saw a familiar man walking into the room, and there was no expression in his bed.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Frentzberg." Chris even heard the encounter of Frenzberg, and did not think that the other party would be so miserable. The hike is lying in bed, this visual impact makes it used to I feel that it is not cold and chestnast.

"His Maje ..." Your Majesty ... "The voice of Frenzberg is shaking, he didn't think that it is possible to die at any time, and he has seen the most I want to see.

"My time is very precious, so what you want to say, or you want to repent, you have to hurry." Chris stared at the face with only one structure, and the Frenzberg carved with magic inscriptions. The opening said: "William will give you the opportunity to fight, almost the only opportunity."

"..." Frenzberg is silent, after a while, he slowly opened, said to Chris: "I am wrong ... I only live in the strength of strength and pursuit of strength ..."

His tone is full of regrets, and Mr. Cliff looks in the eyes of Frenzberg who can't do anything in the bed.

"I am really wrong! I am even gone now, I can't do it ... I ask you, ask you ... Chris, give me an opportunity for me ... Ask you." Frenzberg I am so pleading, and I really change it.

Chris did not listen to his pleadings because people have to pay for their own mistakes. He is considering, is the benefits that do not have any use, there are more benefits, or more benefits.

In fact, the most expensive approach is to remove this , Ren Fundsberg's final consciousness of smoke is disappeared.

It can take into account the bitterness of William, Chris feels that there is such a half-dead Frenzberg, which is easier to remember how heavy it is on the consideration of betrayal.

"I will transform your body, you will become a unreasonable existence ..." Chris smiled and looked at Frenzberg said: "You only have to live in half a life, it is a kind of atonement."

"Yes! I will live for William ... this is my confession." Frenzberg looked at the ceiling, a reply.

He doesn't want to die, or he doesn't want to be such a drunk, and people have a smile and die. He doesn't want to leave so humble, then leave a ridiculous betrayal name in history.

So he wants to live, even if it is only alive. He decided to correct his mistakes, use all the time left, put his name from history from history.

Even if nothing left, he is not willing to hear a long year. At least, he does not want that, I am not willing to give up his apprentice William, because his betrayal has become a laughter.

The debt of the person who is still holding his person is that Frenzberg has always insisted on live to the current motivation. At least this moment, he thought so.

"That's it! I will give you the last opportunity ..." Chris stood up. I don't want to waste any time: "If this time you didn't seize the opportunity, no matter who opened the situation, I will give you the most tragic ending!"