My Empire

Five hundred thirty-seventh broke out again

Within the command of the Osa submarine, the boat is using the vocal glass to observe the distant goals. When they are at this moment, they will beside the evil eyes of the endless sea. It is less than two kilometers away from the devil into this world.

The sea conditions here are worse, and the clouds are covered with dark clouds. Between the flash thunder, you can see the huge magic eye light column, just like a huge wall.

"Keep the head! Our left front has an enemy's battleship!" The long face of the boat is on the vision, a pair of eyes through the scaled lens, staring at the distant demon warship at a little bit.

"Front torpedo is ready!" The officer who was responsible for the torpedo launch tube came back, and loudly reported his own boat.

"Target the goal!" The boat paused, and the opening command: "Laun!"

" ..." Bell below the boat of this nuclear submarine, the huge torpedo launch tube opened under water, some subtle bubbles leaked out with the opening of the hatch.

Subsequently, a torpedo was launched by the compressed oxygen, and turned the propeller in front of the submarine, steering the acceleration, and drove the evil battle of the magic of the magic.

On the sea, a white trace quickly moved forward, leaving a conspicuous straight line on the raging sea.

"These damn demon have been blocked here, or no matter what they don't care ..." A water soldier was depressed in his position, bored to turn the drawing pen on his workstrap.

"There is no way, they only have such a transport line ..." Another officer is comfortable to the back of the chair and said to his companion.

The sound of the sound is holding his headphones with his finger. From a tick, listening to the torpedo that is going to hit the target, get the 21st results today.

"Boom!" The devil warship in the distance took a huge explosion, and the torpedo was accurately hit the middle of the enemy's ship, detonated and broke the warship.

The heavy devil war ship opened from the middle, and the sea water poured into the inside of the ship, and countless devastation called fell into the water.

That huge warship ship began to rise, and the tail was also touched. With the process of tens of water column, the warship is only left on the water.

"Tor lanate"! We still have a torpedo.

"Weapon officials report to the ship:" After you finish this torpedo, we can only look at these dead bastants into our world. "

The number of torpedoes carried by the Los Angeles-level nuclear submarine is not much. It mainly relies on the Tomahawk cruise missile to attack their goals, and its biggest killing, in fact, from the carved head torpedo and nuclear warhead cruise missile.

This time, they have been drifted for more than a month, and they intercepted a lot of demon warships and even destroyed a devil ship.

However, when you play this time, they have already played. The rest is only returned to the port, and the option to supplement the ammunition.

"Mr.! Crown it again, we can go home with decent." The captain still observed the far-faced sea in the vitality. He was angry with himself: "Look, we also see the victory Not far away. "

Even if I just use my eyes, I don't have to count what data. The Navy's commanders also know that they have almost completely cut off the replacement line of the Devil's Demon of the southern Kingdom.

The demon replenishment line on the endless sea has not fully played a role. In fact, the evil troops have failed from the attack of Ferry City, and they have lost their power to grab the power of their own.

As the Navy of Allah Hill gradually grows, the establishment of the Sky Fleet, the advantages of the Devil Navy have waters without departure. In the past year, the endless sea supply line made a total of more than 2,900 warships, and the number of demon soldiers who were destroyed were more than 1.5 million!

Such huge losses not only let the devils lose their endless sea advantages, but also let the devil troops in the southern part have not been able to pile up their own quantities.

Today, even if the self-propagation of the devil is calculated, it is calculated that the murder is acting as a grain to accelerate the breeding demon, and the demon of the residual demon in the southern region has not been a number of advantages.

Even on the front battlefield, the human beings have exceeded the number of evil troops, and the defeat of the devil's troops has become a home.

"Chief Executive! I heard more sound! It is estimated to be a demonicate!" The sound of the squad wrinkled and said to the captain behind himself: "A lot! There are about 30 or more!"

"Immediately report the news! Notify the Naval General Command!" The captain gave his hidden glass to the direction of the sound of the sound, and carefully identified the hustle sea, and he saw several ships that have already exposed the ship. Devil warship.

"Three 'wild boar level'!" The captain also frowned, and he said: "I haven't seen such a big demon warruily ... five! Hey! Devil is really not afraid of death!"

On the sea, the five volumes are huge, like the hills, the warship is being jumped out of the eyes. These battleships are densely labeled in the sea, and there are fewer somewhat surrounded by Allah Hill as a "mouse stage".

You know, even if it is a small demon warruily, you can also load hundreds of full-deputy armed soldiers, in the human world, is also a larger battleship.

These battleships then appeared in the eyes of the magic eyes, as if the end of this magic eye broke out in the endless sea.

"The situation is a bit not bad!" The eyes were moved from the periphery. The captain expression looked at the people around himself: "Take it down now! Deep 100 meters!"

"Emergency dive! Water!" The operator pushed the push rod pressed down in his hand, and let the above scale pointer more than many numbers: "The submarine is 10 meters! 13 meters! 17 meters!"

Everyone has grasped the armrests around him, and the entire submarine began a rapid dive. On the top of this submarine, a small size of the big devil floating city is like a black cloud, covering the Osa submarine.


"Shu!" The communication officer of the duty torn it from the book from the book, and took the headphones on the top of his head: "From the endless sea of ​​emergency communication channel!"

"It is the Osa submarine! They have implemented combat missions near the end of the endless sea." The naval officers on duty have passed the text from the thousands of miles. He looked down at the eyes. The door ran out.

"Emergency situation! The eyes of the endless sea are again active! Another new devil's empty city appeared!" He ran in the hallway and shouted loudly: "Most of the demon is assembled!"

At the same time, in another office, the officers of the satellite image are monitored, almost sprinkle the bitter tea in their hands on their desktop.

A huge infrared spot appeared on the satellite photo on boycotting the satellite. Although the thick clouds can still be experienced, this demon floating city is huge.

"This death!" He hurriedly put down the tea cup in his hand, grabbed the blue phone around him: "Hey! Here is a strategic investigation duty room! Yes! I am Calang! There is a situation in the endless sea! Emergency situation! ! Yes! Yes! Notify the general of Bouria, immediately ... soon! "


During the Osa Army, we are in person with the Rauns General who will hang the materials to the air carrier, just signed the receipt of documents, and do a good job in the Navy Fleet once again.

He hasn't put down his pen in his hand. His officer pinched a telegram and rushed to his side.

When the sea breeze blows the documents in the hands of the officer, after the deputy officials, they will handle some wrinkled essays to the Launs: "General! Just sent! Endless sea magical eyes re-broke out A large number of demon fleets are being in the south! "

"There is no attack on the strategic missile force?" Launs stunned, then he regarded asked the adjunior.

"Nuclear bomb is preparing, after a few minutes, the nuclear blow will start ... The Navy's headquarters parties call inquiry, our fleet should not be north!" The officer said in the chin.

Launs nodded, and then looked at the anchor stopped, a new naval warship: "Ordered the main fleet after 5 hours! All combatants canceled the vacation!"

"Follow!" The deputy officials gave each other, and then turned and left.

Raunns also looked at the battleship in a long time, stacked the text, put it in his pocket, turned and looked at the replenishment officer of the port: "To prepare more ammunition for all battlesses as much as possible! Deliver all the replenishment boats as possible ... "

In a secret base near Mene, the thick reinforced concrete slanting is slowly moved to the other side, and the same rugged missile launched well is the coarse hydraulic rod.

The Dongfeng HM-5C strategic missile of a volume stage has been prepared. With a loud noise, the guiding pressure on the side of this missile spurts the flame of the sky, and the malable movement moves upward in this loud life.

Subsequently, this missile slender body is completely left with the missile launch well. The huge tail flame of the missile tail will no longer accept the binding of the missile launch well, becoming more dazzling.