My Empire

Five hundred thirty-eight change ideas

"The news from the satellite just sent, the eyes of the magic near Ge Ren are also bustling ... Devils seem to be in our world, from all directions." A military officer waved the teachings, circular in huge simulation planet The float is pool.

Standing around him, I rushed to Chris, who had the battle headquarters from his own palace, and the side of Chris, is standing by the Empire Staff, General Luo Kai.

Just received news that Chris immediately held an emergency response meeting immediately. Now, the entire army of Allah Hill has been mobilized, and everyone is paying attention to the eyes of sudden start of active magic.

"Our satellite has also been sent back to the corresponding photos, the original territory of the Elf, the evil force is also assembled ... The number is much." Another officer referred to the magic eye of the other side and the opening report.

A scholar sent a computational report. Several generals after Luo Kai also said: "The calculation results are very unauthentication, we speculate, only within the past half hour, demon In this world, the total strength of this world has increased by at least 3 million. "

"If you don't immediately curb this act, in the next day, human beings will face the 2000,000 evil army." His conclusion, let Luoai and other general staff members are more difficult to look more difficult.

"We don't have a way to suppress three devil eyes, especially the farthest wizards, the eyes of our nuclear bomb attacks." The chief of the staff of a missile force, smashed the sound to Luo Kai.

Although his voice is not large, Chris can still hear a clear. Chris also knows that the eyes of the distant elves are the magic of the original, Allah Hill is whirling.

"Grenken, the first group army, Grien 1st Army has fallen into the hardships of the devil's striker. There are many of the wealthy power, exceeding the expectations of Grien." A general responsible for contacting the friendly army. Grene fighting situation.

This sudden variable, let Grehalong are equally uniform. The battle started at the same time in several directions, and Ge Renaka did not even officially submitted the request to support the request to support Elan.

"The first group army has begun to move to the west side of the Eternal Imperial Imperial ... Some of our travel speed is somewhat slow, and the mobilization of logistics replenishment is still preparing." The generals of a logistics force saw Chris's eyes to sweep themselves, immediately open Report.

Let a group army, up and down, more than 500,000 people move, absolutely not an easy task. Nowadays, the first group army of Allah Hill immediately made a response immediately, which is already very good.

In fact,

If the basic requirements are followed, from the command to the troops start, the group military level mobilization time is very rapidly in 72 hours.

"Aiming at the eyes of the endless sea, our attack has begun ... The specific effect, there will be results after half an hour." That is responsible for the military officer who is prepared by the Ai Lambia counterattack. I labeled the missile paste on the blue sea surface of the sphere and continued.

"I hope a big amount of nuclear bomb can stop the eyes of the endless sea to continue to be active." Luo said to Chris, said: "Otherwise, we will be forced to increase the force in many places, Resistance to the devil's possible invasion. "

"This is in the short term, we can use the last nuclear bomb." Luo said some depressed: "The meteorological monitoring department has submitted radiation pollution warning, because we have frequently used nuclear bombs recently, environmental pollution has begun to spread ..."

"At this time, this is not a good news." Chris also knew that they used a large number of nuclear bombs in the role in the direction of Grener in less than half a year, and used more in the southern kingdom. Nuclear warhead.

Although these nuclear bits are low pollution levels, they can still be very exaggerated. Because frequent use of nuclear weapons, the radiation of this planet is raising, and then continue, it is easy to trigger a series of uncontrollable consequences.

Therefore, the environmental department first seriously warned the high-rise of the Allah Hill, and the wording was strictly stopped using the use of nuclear weapons.

"There is no way ... If we adventure to use nuclear weapons, then we must bear the corresponding risks." Luo said a sigh, said to Chris: "Take a consequence, similar to Huangquan plans to be executed."

"It's really a consequence of we don't want to bear." Chris smiled, then he looked at the other side of the generals: "There is nothing to say, or order the troops of the East Line, all into the emergency state. ! "

"Follow! Your Majesty!" A one will be a respectful gift, and then turn around to come out of the headquarters.

"In the previously developed combat plan, the 15th and 4th group military group will enter the first-level warranty in the line of the coastal has been reinforced." Luo Kai briefly introduced the preparation of the East Line: "General Madias and Du General Lando will block any enemy's landing along the coast. "

"Our Navy is also fully prepared. The Aircraft carrier fleet of Launs, and the artillery support fleet have already made it north." The Navy's staff introduced, while using another smocked whip in the sphere On the other side of the point: "The second fleet of General Bacalov has been out of the sea, and they will intercept the enemy of my country's coastline as much as possible."

"Compared to the last battle, our preparation is more comprehensive. And, this time we have a sky fleet, there are more advanced weapons and equipment ..." Luo Kai complements.

"Don't be obsessed with those weapons." Chris was obviously uncomfortable, and the opening interrupted Lukai: "We have been passive to fight, not a pleasant thing."

He suddenly taught, continue: "The enemy tried to put the battlefield in our world. The opponent combats outside the country, we can't attack their rear, this situation is very disadvantageous."

"Now it is only an active activity, if there is still the next time? Is there a next time?" Chris frowned, staring at the magic of the sphere: "We want to think, take the front, Push to the world where the magical eyes! This is the only way we win! "

"Yes!" Although the method has not found yet, Luo Kai is still standing down. As a soldier, it is also his lofty goal other than the country. If possible, he certainly wants to hit the world of the devil, there is no evil thing in the burning - that is his dream!

"Let the technical department set the research direction in the space magic. Since the devil can make a space magic, then the so-called magic eye, it must be a huge space to deliver the door." Chris told.

Then he continued to decide, let Allai Hill began to act: "Command Wagger led the sky fleet to dispatch, with Launs, the Navy of the Demon of Devil's troops in the sea, first fight the evil of the endless sea force!"

"As for the West Line, the No. 7th Group of General Xizi will follow the first group military group, and the northwest of the No. 9 group army will help Greman will hold the defense line." Chris worried that the 9th group army could not stand alone. Lieter Ken's defense, which added two group military groups.

At the same time, the current Southwest China is also the front line of the devil's troops, so it is also necessary to increase the defense.

Therefore, Chris can only ordered the force of the original attack, and transferred to the Association of Defense Forces to help the new imperial imperial layout: "The Group's military group combines the third group military group, plus the No. 8 military group under South, Composition Southwest Army, entered the new Empire ... "

All the rest plans left to each group army are all bubble, and the plan for letters the soldiers will have no hope.

What is more depressed is that the original Allah Hill plans to have a plan to abolish the 1 million Army in the war victory at the war victory, and it has become a joke that cannot be performed.

Even, it is possible in the future war, Allah Hill wants to expand his army once again, and expand its own 8.5 million regulatory army to 10 million.

These troops will become a heavy burden in the economic development of Allah, which will also make many military decisions that are dissatisfied with the Empire. Although the life and death of human beings are dead, this dissatisfaction is reduced, but it still will still breed dissatisfaction, which will inevitably happen.

"Report!" A officer walked into the headquarters and handed a report to his head boss. The general took the report, and he looked down and then sent the report to Luo Kai's hand: "Some of the chief of the staff ... The result of the nuclear blow has confirmed, the magical eyes did not stop active ... Devil still Enter our world in the source! "

"What is the result of damage?" Luo Kai felt that his luck was too bad, and the result of the most undewary, it took place to happen.

"We hit the goal, the nearby devil troops have lost heavy, but they still have a continuous source ..." The generals who were responsible for nuclear battles replied.

"It doesn't matter ... Since we can't continue to use the nuclear weapon, then change it." Chris put his hand, gammere on everyone: "We are not only nuclear weapons!"

On the place where the city of Cesheris is, a huge rocket engine is fixed on the hard rocks that are reinforced by the magic mine. The surrounding workers are evacuating, there are only a few technicians, and the operation of the equipment is being detected.

The red warning light on their head is not flashing, and the loudspeakers are echoing with a sharp anecon: "Note, pay attention, the distance launch time has last half an hour!"