My Empire

Five hundred seventy-one difficulties

On the table, Gullo, who has been upset, has always been the Empire's economic minister. He used to be the family of Tedar. After coming to Cecis, he became the old man who believes in Chris.

When he had just risings in Cecis, he made the economical truse of Ceatis, and later the Elan Hill Empire, he is still the economic hero.

The economy of this massive gold coin every day is now eating soft steamed eggs at this moment, full of wrinkled faces full of happiness.

For a minister, accompanying the emperor's eating is a kind of grace, can sit on this chair, on this table, is a glory.

For Guluo, he enjoys this glory, possibly more than Desel. Chris really likes Gullo's act, often asked the old man to dine together, there are some strange problems, and I like to ask the old people who experience this experience.

De Sier is not more to say, he is the "friend" of Chris's frequent banquet, and in this empire, it can become a person who is old friend, really flexible.

The most inconsispadent, there is a number of two new Jinjin from the General Staff of the Empire. Both of them were all staff, and they have never been sold, so the rank of this column, in fact, than those of the group army commander.

This is a bit similar to the official title and difference between ancient China - Guanglu doctor is actually just as expensive, and the real value is actually the "housekeeper" behind.

They are four years old, they are the first generation of senior staff cultivated by the empire. Two both of them were all eating together with the emperor, so they were not so well-suited at this moment.

Chris pointed to a baked chicken in his hand, smiled in the two cautations: "Let you wait a morning, it is really sorry, this chicken is very good, taste it. Don't be polite. "

Some people say that others will make others more polite - Chris is now this kind of person. After he said, the sweat on both generals seems to be more.

As a result, Chris will no longer pay attention to these two poor empires. Although these two people may call the wind in the total number of squares, it is the most expensive military officer in the eyes of the outside.

He looked at De Sleles, and said a very concern that made William - Frenzberg: "De Saier ... I am going to give him some amnestals."

"You said ..." De Saier,

Then I looked at William, who was sitting opposite the magic college. As the prime minister of the empire, he certainly knows the abyss, and it is very clear that the No. 1 in the abyss is. Other people.

That is a number of people who are unwilling to mention again, and the people of the special people are not casual.

It can be said that the entire empire, the only person who is qualified to say this sentence is the person who just said this sentence - the emperor of this empire, Chris!

I heard Chris said that William also stopped chewing. He glanced over his eyes and looked at Chris, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Something in eating, this is the tradition of Elan Hill Royal Lunch. The waiter is not blamed, still in an organic thing to send a variety of delicious things.

De Saier put down the knife and the knife, considering it, staring at William, and asked slightly. "Your Majesty, can I ask the reason?"

William was considering the eyes of De Saier, and he could only hang down the eyes and waited for Chris's answer.

Chris did not avoid it. Directly opened the truth. That: "Yesterday night, William went to the abyss, he brought back some things in the abyss 1, these things were very useful for the Empire ... So, I plan to be abyss 1 Number of specials. "

"So, what are you?" Desel is unwilling to pardon Frenzberg, because his rebellion, De Saier is one of the witnesses. At that betrayal impact on the Empire, Tedar did not stay in Frenzberg.

"I intend to restore his speech system and give him a arm." Chris replied: "However, before that, I have to replace him to replace a body, let him do a common , most common That kind. "

"This will increase the risk of detained him." De Sare put forward his own objection: "Is it worth it?"

"Compared with his contribution, I think it is worth it." Chris still replied to the way.

Then he looked at William and said: "You can bring him the original words below: This is his last chance, I don't want my own kindness to live up."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" William pressure his cheers, the expression on his face has fly.

Desel didn't know what William gave Chris. Wrinkled with brows and did not continue to ask. It can only force his curios, and shake his head and continue to eat the food in the dish.

At the same time, II military airports outside Ceatis, on the retired runway, a C-17 transporter slowed down.

The huge hatch of the machine is slowly opened, and a truck covering the canvas opens, and there is a row on one side of the plane.

The plane walked down on a man wearing a magician robes. He handed his hand to the airport to wait for his officer in the airport: "Everything on the road is smooth, 4 F-15 fighters escort, no problems "

"Hard work." The officer stretched out, holding the other party, took the receiving document, and read the above content carefully.

"Check!" With a quotable, I have already waited for the full armed soldier on the side, jumping on the truck, putting down the baffle above, and opened the canvas of the car.

In the afternoon, the sun shines into the tail of the trucks, which is packaged, stuck, write the number of the number.

"No. 1 package is intact! No. 2 wrapped! ..." The soldier parked in a fixed package confirmed the integrity of the transportation item, and at the same time, all the parcels in the car were also distributed to the black imperial government.

That's right, all of these parcels are the demon books from the demon floating city Maca Sille.

If you put it in front, then it is "magic ban", you can't see the demon.

However, the senior magicians of Elan Hill did not look at it, they would like to believe Chris told them the truth. In the eyes of the Elan Hill Empire Magic, the length of the people is far more important than excluding heterogeneous.

This war hits this state, and the technology of Elan Hill is very powerful. Therefore, when Chris orders to study the space technology of the devil, seize the research results of the devil's space technology, become an important task of the Allah Hill military.

In fact, if Allah Hill is willing, use the electromagnette's range advantage, it will only be faster.

"All transported to the Magic College! Every package must be recorded in detail!" All the seals are checked, all the parcels have been in good condition, and the grandmaster is a big hand to order their hand.

Then he turned around and signed his name on that document: "No problem, this is your return!"

"Long live the emperor!" The man wearing a black magic robes is highly salute.

"Long live the emperor!" The officer waiting for the airport also immediately returned to the back of the way.

In the restaurant, two colors will finally adapted to some. They began to report the second meeting of Ferry City, and De Sair also listened carefully.

Only William God tour is outside, and it is a thing that is just your own teacher, Frenzberg, is a special thing.

"According to the needs of the research department, we have retained 30 evil soldiers to capture in this battle, and also arrested approximately 150 devils." A straightforward manicure is not a slanting. Now he enters the state, and the body is enjoying the pleasure of the emperor.

"These demon are used for research, the scale of the captured is unprecedented." The other will follow the addition, I am afraid I missed this opportunity to let the emperor can remember my opportunity.

"Is there any difficulty in arresting work?" Chris curiously said, active a lunch atmosphere.

"No, the anesthetic agents provided by the scientific department are very effective." A column will reply to: "In addition, the Elves also helped a lot of busy."

The magic of the vine-wrapped, it can indeed retarding the speed of the other side, with the help of the Elves, and the catching work is so smooth.

Chris nodded and then instructed to continue to report follow-up work: "You continue!"

"Maccosil is sitting in the outer circumference of Daikou City, forming a new island, the 15th group military group is building a new defense work on islands, with this island, the next devil attack, our early warning radius can Push more than 100 kilometers before, and the defense position can also be pushed more than 60 kilometers. "I heard Chris's instructions, this will continue to introduce.

Since there is no crash, the evil flight of the devil is a "seized item" that Elan Hill captured. It is sitting in the sea and has become an area of ​​not small.

With this island, Ferry City has a sentinel position, the same, deploying troops here, can also make the defensive pressure in the trousers.

"This is really, the devil will be warm in the door." Chris touched the nose and felt that he heard a very funny thing.

De Racel is more far, directly opening to Chris: "Your Majesty, you should think about it, this island should do a name."

"What is the moon city ..." Chris immediately showed all of his unparalleled nationality ...