My Empire

Six hundred and forty nine unlucky

Eresia is very clear, her army is a magical continent of the opposite side in high-tech battle.

The other party has been playing now, and the hard-wrapped senior magician has not been dispatched.

To win the victory of this battle, she can do it as much as possible to make confusion to the other party's commander.

As long as the other party caught in the chaos, she can use confusion, entangled with the other party, and play the quantitation of the evil troops.

Once the outbreak of the battle is too much, the other's troops will be as scattered as much as possible, and the advantages of the evil troops will be unlimited.

200,000 fights to 10,000 people, the winning and losing is not necessarily, you can split the battlefield, and every 20 people can play 1 person. It can be expected because it is not everyone who can play ten Ye.

The chaotic battle is still in progress. Eresia is also proud of the commander of the magic coalition in this process.

She can feel that the other party knows the combat skills and combat methods of their troops, and as much as possible, it is desperately consumed to consume the bottom card of the evil troops.

In fact, Eresia has only left the last top card. This card she intends to use it for a while ...

"Unwanted guy ..." Ai Ruya, at this moment, how to be arrogant, and have to admit that the opposite direction will be very powerful.

This counterattack in her carefully arranged is in danger. It is difficult to play the battle now, even when they face such high-intensity attacks, they can also have a counterattack Eresia. I don't have to get it.

In the operational headquarters of Allahh, Maddias is actually a little annoyed. He and the devil's large-scale battle twice, twice he met very difficult opponents.

The first time he was forced to use the newly established 15th group army to fight the devil's devil's main force, and he barely guarded the defense line and won the first victory of the first ferry.

This time in front of him is his second and devil's large-scale combat. As a result, he found that the devil commander who had kills and suddenly launched the attack on the south, it was really imagined.

The other party is obviously wanting to make the battle into trouble, and it is better to win in the chaos. Madians avoid this situation, he hopes that the other party can eventually fight against his main force on the selected position.

After a series of combat orders, the power of the devil is great, but the tapped missile attack seems to weaken a bit. After the third round of nuclear bomb, the other party suspended the attack of this new weapon, but the other party began to start a new round of crazy attacks.

Devil bats There are magic dragons, with a large number of devil missiles, once again rushing to Anghel. I have once again exploded in the sky, but the intensity is obviously better than before.

"Devil's attack is weakened." A officer pulled a computer statistics report, excited loud news: "The number of missiles of the other party is lowered, the devil has begun to use bats and magic dragons!"

"This is a good news! Our air defense weapons have also been consumed. If the other party still has more devil missiles, then we are passive." Madians made a breath and said.

He has been worried that after the air defense weapon is exhausted, the devil's missile will bring huge losses to Angense.

After all, it has just been built in less than two months. Most of the buildings are still temporarily constructed, and there is basically no underground air defense system.

If you encounter high-intensity air strikes, a lot can only be stacked on the ground, there is no more than half of the equipment, and it will be destroyed. Even if you win the battle, you will need a quite long time if you want to recover the loss.

"General! The news sent by the missile boat, the devil fleet is approaching the coastline, quantity ... they have used the number unclear this blurred adjective." The Navy Commander has some embarrassing report.

Madians sighed, took the call: "Let them attack the enemy fleet as much as possible, delay their landing time ..."

"The Army Trieman has been prepared, and we have defense policies can rely on, and the shore anti-gun can be fired at any time." Another general said to Madias.

Madian nodded, he knew that the ground troops have been prepared, and now there is no good way, destroying the evil army of the attack on the distance.

"Let George Hart General's paratroopers are also doing ..." General Madias said half, a demon missile, just a place where only tens of meters away from his headquarters.

The warhead exploded by the magic spar is blowing, and the impact wave bites a glass around all buildings.

The huge explosion pushes the wall of this temporary headquarters, and the building is not considered, and Madius and his deputy officials, senior officers and other senior officers are all smashed, and they are collapsed. The floor is pressed below.

No one thought that there was no change in the demon missile at all, so the luck of the lucky, the highest commander set in the front line of Angense ...

This devil's missile unnaughtened broke through the Air Defense Network of Allah Hill, and there was no life in the most important strategic objectives. At this moment, the luck seems to stand on the side of the devil.

Standing in the air defense troops inside a building, he looked at the commander collapsed by the total headquarters, covered by a black smoke, and scared his face.

He grabbed the phone, shouted with a loud voice: "Madians ... General ... The headquarters ... was hit!"

At the same time, in the royal moving command car that has already protected the magical defense barrier, Wei Wei grabbed the call in front of the phone, wrinkled with the brow and heard the phone with a crying chamber: "His Hall ... Madias The general headquarters were hit! He may already ... it has been a country ... "

"Tampling ..." Vivian tried to calm his voice calm down, and the command was ordered: "The command is temporarily taken by me ... You immediately arrange the medical force and fire fighting troops to give me the generals of the Madillars!"

I hang up the phone, she looked at the Elf Queen Sitting in front of her Andrea: "Queen is ... Now the battle is temporarily commanded, can you ask you to do my staff?"

"I am happy to the extreme." The Queen stood up and followed the body of Wei'an: "What happened?"

"Our headquarters hit by the enemy." Vivan went to the command room in the command vehicle through a narrow channel.

"I need a report now." The Queen stood behind Wei'an's side, and he just said that he saw the real-time correction map on the big screen. She is full of high-tech, I am very convenient.