My Empire

Six hundred and sixty-seven women's patents

"Hey!" Accompanied by huge power, the iron gate around several human pilots was pushed out of the outside. Because the reason why it is stuck, the iron gate is twisted, and the power of pushing people will be pushed.

One is not a strong sunshine, several Allah Hill's paratroopers can't sprinkled their eyes, cover up with hand, and see a little bit of the situation outside.

It turned out that it is not sunshine, but the fire is burning; the opening of the door is not to save the human soldiers, but the eccentric soldiers who wear a thick armor.

"My X ..." under the consciousness, the pilot captain touched his waist, I want to find a pistol who used himself. After he touched an empty, I remembered my weapon and was already confiscated.

Even him, there is nothing in the capital, and his hands unarmed men, facing the evil devil of the fierce gods, is the power of the hand.

I saw that their evil is obviously a glimpse, and they have never thought that these humans fleam out hard cages and come to this strange position.

"How can you here?" The head of the head will lead the long sword, and the gray face is questioned to ask these "jailbreak" bulls.

These "jailbreak" bulls, and finally think of they should not appear here.

There is no answer, and the atmosphere is a bit awkward. Everyone will look at me, I see you, I don't know what the other party wants to do.

I have been until ... There is a new gray soil on the top, and the two men are aware that they are not a sensible thing to stand here.

"The door of prison is down ... No one stops us ... we will walk, go here." I feel that I need to explain the Mr. the captain, and the explanation of the swallowing vomiting.

"Come with me!" The devil's generals did not care, and they told themselves directly: "Tight them, don't let them run again!"

This is a little bit of heart. Several human prisoners have smiled in the middle of a group of husbands, and I don't know if I have to be deprecated.

When they saw the sky on the top, I saw the beautiful woman who was a fire red armor, how many of them have seen some clues - obviously, they are not to be executed.

The surroundings are exploded everywhere, and there are collapsed buildings, a scene of the end of the world, let everyone experience the people who have experienced this picture.

Devils have turned this in the world.

The current human beings began to turn the world of the devil into this.

Only people who really experience the war can only know the preciousness of peace. These poor captive pilots, at this time, the moment may understand some, the meaning of this sentence.

"It's already over ... we failed, you won." Looking at the face of some wolves, there are several captives, and Eresia open: "So, I am going to take you. Here."

She still maintains a king's majesty in the long sword of the waist. However, the surrounding environment has shown her current distress.

The Mozi set a lot of troops. Some have not begun to attack, and they were annihilated by the Nuclear bomb of Allah Hill. The rest of the troops were lucky to be in the south. He insisted on today, and it was obviously no longer possible to continue.

"Maybe, we can talk about it, at least, we don't have to kill the other side to kill it?" On the front, Eresia said he said to the human prisoners around him.

"You didn't say this." There is no one bit of service on the mouth, directly satiric: "When you invade our home, you will not stay."

"Yeah, this is also a place that I am more embarrassing, but although it is difficult to teeth, I still hope that you can bring my sincerity to your commander." Eresia reluctantly smiled: "I hope, Both sides no longer slaughter their respective civilians ... Well, it is a constraint or tacit understanding. "

"You can really be shameless." The captain glanced at this long-term fairly beautiful female devil, swallowed a spit.

"Isn't a woman's patent?" Eresia converges a smile, saying: "And, you are not a devil, dressed as a wicker, and there is nothing benefit."

Several people suddenly felt that the female magic of the woman in front of him said, and they did a few words.

They are just a captive, just some pilots, of course, it is impossible to have a state of dealing with diplomats. So they were silent, and the shameless female devil in front of him was fooled.

"Then can we leave here?" The captain realized that a very critical issue.

"I will send people to a safe place, then give you those equipment." Eresia walked, said with the mouth: "I also hope that after you go back, bring my words to you. ruler."

"As long as he accepts my opinion, I can guarantee that we will keep prisoners, guarantee your lives." Then she stopped and said to several human prisoners: "Is this not your practice?"

I always feel that this is a plot, but these pilots don't know where this conspiracy is.

So they could only nodded and agreed to Eresia's request: "Well, if you let us go, we promise you to help you bring to our commanders."

They certainly have this grasp, because they can easily see senior commanders, as the first prisoner who is released by the devil, they may be even an emperor to meet.

As long as you are interviewed, bring this beautiful woman in the original, they are not enough.

As for those of the above people, it is not accepted, that is, the problem of the above people, and they have nothing to do.

"However, I can't guarantee that our commander will accept this proposal." Finally, the captain emphasized a word.

"It doesn't matter, you just take the words, you can. Other things, don't go to the management." Eresia revealed a smile and tolerance: "Follow me, the road in front is very dangerous, Burning everywhere, your weapons are really powerful. "

She walked forward, with magic dispelled the flames of the flock, and the demon behind the demon has opened up a safe passage.
