My Empire

Six hundred and ten sunlight feelings

Sitting in a dim underground room, you can only enjoy the sun on the top of the sun, Sarx, feel the exceptional cold and bleak.

Just now, under his hand, the shadow appeared in the basement, reported to him a amazing news - human beings have surrounded the castle.

"I even lied to those little ? Now I am such a dog that is a funeral family?" Sarux smiled, put the bad wine in the cup and shook his head.

He has also been the king of tens of millions of army, but he now, but even the courage of the front and the Allah Hill, it has been lost.

"His Royal Highness ... is those idiots, live up to the trust of adults." The shadow is still humble, and the opening is the words of Sarux.

However, it is obvious that Saluks at this moment has not thought that there is anything that is stupid, how is it stupid?

In fact, he is really not a grievance, because in the southern kingdom, it is not a wide land, Allah Hill's South, the south of the Southern, has almost completely clear the residual evil troops.

According to the evil troops that are guarded in the southern Kingdom, they have been covered by the whole army a day, but they are scattered in the southern part of the Demon, which has also been chased.

Lost the evil troops of unified command, when the mobile phone for Allah Hill, the ability to counterattack, just a symbolic resistance, just as a bird beast.

It has already taken care of the demon troops that continue to be dismantled, and the land of the probably hidden is already set.

Allah Hill's huge intelligence analysis institution, very soon, that is, from the level of resistance from the other party, Sarx is obviously not in the large team of these demon collapses.

According to this conclusion, Chris also has his own scenes believe that Saricks should be a hidden place to hide.

Thus, Allah Hill has occupied the area, began to investigate. These forces of these Allah Hill's special task ministry, in fact, therefore, only rushed to the front to invest in suspicious areas.

They have come to the southern Kingdom for a few days. During this period, they have already investigated many castles and won a lot of hidden demon troops.

It is because of these experiences, they can vigorously find out that this castle is special!

"I hope those stupid humans,

I will believe that those who are equally stupid ... This is safe. "That group shadow looks like Sarx, and continue to comfort.

Those people who were sent out were actually completely tortured, and then they were tempting magic.

In fact, Sarux is a lot of strength to make such an insurance. After all, there is not much magic of others' soul, the limit is too high, and the role can be very limited.

First of all, he kills human beings in front of these people, and shower these people with blood. He then forced these live people to eat their own class, then promise to give them the temptation of the eternal life.

In short, after using all the measures, he finally did such a mad betray. When someone is suspected, these people can use it as a cover to deceive and disguise.

However, Sarux did not expect that these so-called camouflage, the first use encountered the top tracking force of Allah Hill.

"These people are almost crazy ... they have experienced terrible things, destroyed the spirit ... and seems to be tempting to be tempted by demon ..." In the woods outside the castle, a magician stared at the castle. Devil's civilians, I am worried about: "This means, it is not a general devil."

"If you have this sentence, you will be able to attack it!" The Ailan Hill officer headed gently waved his arm and gave the people under his hand.

The magic mage, then blocked: "I don't dare to determine! I just doubt, I suspect that these people are not normal ... You can't doubt, just open fire in a human grouper ..."

"I can!" The commander interrupted the magician: "As long as you doubt, I will qualify or make fire! And ... here is all spooled, you have no problem, the fool will believe."

"Surge!" Just when they spoke, the A-10 attack machine Driving Ilan Raymond swayed, while I didn't know what objects in the castle, pouring coarse ammunition.

The 30mm caliber of the fire cannon, the slogan, which flew into the city like the rain, and stood a white smoke behind the city wall.

"Discover suspicious goals! Discover suspicious goals!" Inside the headphones, suddenly sounded in the Air Force Channel, the pilot Ilanton's warning sound.

Subsequent. Two bombs fell into the castle, exploding in the city wall, set off a black smoke.

The next second, a huge body struggles from the castle, it is a huge black devil dragon that is doubled than the normal magic dragon, breaking free from the camouflage that covers it, exposes Its huge head.

"Now, I have a reason to open fire?" Pointing the huge goal, the commander snort to obstruct his magician, then the opening of the opening: "Fully fire! Offense!"

"Hey!" The rocket nest under the short wing of a armed helicopter began to spray the white smoke, and a rocket hit this to the goal, and the huge magic dragon that is getting free from the camouflage is exploded.

"Boom!" The smoke of the explosion was rushing up, and that the magic dragon was obviously hurt by such a blazing fire, and he made a huge snoring.

However, the Air Force of Allah, there is still no business, but continue to launch all the ammunition they carry to the target.

"Call! Call! Need to add aid! Need more reinforcements! Target area hide a large number of magic troops! Target zone hide a large number of magic troops!" In the radio, a call support noisy.

Ilan Raymond driving a A-10 attack machine, aiming at the magic dragon that is stretching wings, and is a black blood.

He accelerated, then pressed the button of the launch missile, two missiles left the wing of the A-10 attack machine, fate over the ground ahead of the ground.

Then, "Boom! Boom!" The two giant sounds, the missile exploded on the magic dragon, set off a black blood.

The huge explosion flew the tiles around the surrounding buildings, these rubbles fall on the ground, and they have become a piece.

Those who got demon, have lost the ambiguous civilians, in the splash of rubble, hiding in Tibet, screaming, crying.

However, some people will be quiet, they are hit by these fragments, fell to the blood.

The huge explosion of the laser guided bomb, plus the struggle of the giant magic dragon, and many buildings in this castle began to collapse.

At this time, it is already full of cracks, a loose city wall is finally broken, falling down.

Standing under the city wall, the city will be on the wood, but by the devil into the old man who has recovered his vitality, he felt that he was shrouded by a shadow.

He lifted his head under his head, and he saw the boulder that dropped from the wall, rapidly enlarged in his own eyes.

The next consciousness lifted the hand to cover up, this is still arranged by the demon of the demon, which is in the mud, which is smashed by the boulder on a city wall.

And those who have just gathered around him, after seeing their chiefs were smashed into the pie, they also made a bird and beast, starting chaos.

Just, whether they are going to the city, or fleeing to the city, waiting for them, they will be a very terrible ending.

"The city is the follower of the devil! One don't let go!" A commander waved his arm and showing his own soldiers.

After listening to his shout, a team of Alan Hill soldiers took their weapons and rushed to the wall of the castle that has been blown up.

The demon soldier who was originally standing on the wall, this time has been caught by the firepower, the remaining part is already confusing. They saw the charge of the human troops, so she also started to launch a rebound with the weapon.

However, their number of people is too little, and their opponents are too strong.

That huge magic dragon finally fell to the ruins, the whole body, and the unclear shells will be simply flooded.

The tremorial underground room, the dust falls. Sarux stands up, step by step to the door, and the long palm is pressed on a thick door.

The gate was easily pushed away, and Saluks took the shining, step by step, along the rotated stone step, has been going to the end of the rotating staircase.

He reached out and pressed the stone, the wall at the end of the corridor opened, and Sarx pushed the wooden door that was disguised into a bookshelf, and went to this well-renovated study.

The outside explosion illuminates this look very luxurious study room, and some goose brushes and documents are scattered on the table.

Sarkux took the hand and went out, after full of rubble corridors, after the body of the huge magic dragon, after the body of many demon soldiers.

Then, Sarux, who was full of scum, looked at the last demon military officer, fell in the rain.

"I am the devil's third prince Sarrux ..." He calmly faced the magician who had a few unclear people, and his face was full: "Who dares to fight with me?"

At this moment, he felt very comfortable, because he had not enjoyed it for a long time in the past, which is a feeling of sunlight.

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