My Empire

628 alternative real estate business

"Welcome to the Allahs Star Ring!" The mechanical door quickly opened, a beautiful electronic audio, reminded people standing at the door, their destination has arrived.

Here is the Allairais star established by Allahh, a three-thirds of the completed, and has become a great building for a giant space country.

Because there is a tree of life, the air here is fresh, it is full of vitality, the plant in the agricultural cabin thrives, supplying the daily vegetables consumption of hundreds of thousands of space population.

Every Allah Hill is proud of this huge star ring, which has become the most spectacular miracle in the world.

It appears, representing the binding of human beings that have been completely separated from the gravitation, with a safe home that is not threatened by the devil.

Now, this home has become a sky port, which has had a dozen space shuttle, these unattended detectors are helping Ai Lamba to explore deep universe spaces.

The moon's exploration project is actually in progress, just because the devil war slows down. Allah Hill has never given up everything to explore himself, which is also one of the specific performances of civilization.

The magic theory is being completed, and the speed is unprecedented. The technology of this world is progressing, those who have stagnated magic, because there is a scientific blessing, starting to bloom great glory in other fields.

For example, the year is still the Frenzberg of the Elan Hill Magic, used to flicker the Magins of the Holy Devil, and now is now on large-scale applications in various fields.

Because of the use of magic, this new bearing is infinitely close to perfect. It has reduced the damage rate of the part and reduces the replacement frequency, which greatly enhances the product reliability, and greatly improves the efficiency of the device.

For example, in the technology, the application technology of the human body joint is strengthened in the technology of the dynamic skeleton technology. It is flying fast, and the speed is shocked in the forefront of the Emperor, those experts who study technology.

"Here is the steering room of space shuttle ... Yesterday, the shuttle was captured from a meteorite from the synchronous track of the moon. This meteorite is almost all Hui, which is the first return fund of the space resource development plan. "Walking in the command room, this person in charge proudly introduced the latest space development plan.

According to the theory of the emperor, the universe is endless, there are countless planets can be developed and utilized, and there is a unclear resource can be exploited!

These resources are endless,

The wealth of them is of course equal to endless! This set of theory is no longer suspected, because it is personally proposed by the emperor who has never missed.

Before, everyone is waiting, waiting for the prediction of the emperor's prediction. Now, countless investment finally waited for the first return, this piece of only a few tons of brilliant meteorite, the meaning of the representative, huge, unable to measure.

"It is about three or five tons, remove impurities, smelter in the star ring, the weight of Hui Tie has reached an amazing little seven-5 tons!" The person in charge refers to the data on the computer screen with his fingers. Several middle-aged people behind him said.

Although the price of a ton of bronchie is actually not much, everyone knows what this brilliant is representative.

"In the universe, such a meteorite, countless?" A man who has seen the universe development plan written by Chris, staring at the accurate data in the computer screen, and asked.

"Our astronomical telescope has discovered that there are 30 million similar meteorites, more than 30 more planets." The person in charge was headed down, and the beautiful prospects said with a beautiful foreground.

Everyone knows that even the moon does not really land in Allah Hill, which is still very far away from those distant planets. But for investors, this is not a problem.

As long as you know, there will be hundreds of millions or even billions of investments, you will not really play the water, you will be satisfied.

When the emperor had to invest in the development of space, they are still unwilling. Finally, the motivation of the money is not to make money but for life.

But now, when you know that your own investment is really likely to make profits, their minds have begun to live.

"This is still indicated, if there is no statistics, or the monitoring is not enough, you can't indicate ... This quantity is more than ten times, even one hundred times!" As a few work on the star ring. The old astronaut in a month, the person in charge came, and it was exaggerated.

How many stars in the universe, this no one knows. But just took out hundreds of thousands of stars to confuse people, it is a simple matter.

If the technology of the global civilization is infinitely developed, humans have mastered the technology to fly to other planets, which is just the number of planets in the Milky Way, and the star real estate business is boasted for a long time.

"All, do you need to think about it?" The person in charge looked at these whispered representatives, and asked a question that he was most concerned.

Let these people come to such a professional command center, actually already break. If you are not subsequent planning funds, who is willing to let this group only know how to make money, enter the tip control center of Star-American Development?

"No need, just in such a safe place, give us a home, almost the value of the fare price." A middle-aged man smiled and swayed, saying: "My life, 2 billion gold coins Not expensive! "

Anyone who saves money can get a room in its own room at the star ring. This room is not big, but you can also put down three or five people at a critical juncture.

If the devil is once again invaded, if other disasters occur, can go to the star ring to avoid refuge, is equal to the purchase of insurance that can continue his family, this is absolutely easy to describe the rich people of Allah Hill. .

These days from enterprints, the lack of true sense of security, now they have, this is more excited than anything more than anything.

"We will then establish a new base on the moon. This base will also provide a million people's life must be supplied." The person in charge refers to the huge map of the hung in the headquarters: "If you are 20 Billion gold coins, then you can come to your family, children, relatives and friends, and strive for a peace of mind for your family, children, relatives and friends. "

"Is there a $ 2 billion?" A rich man heard this price, and his face could not change. In this group of riches, he did not have money, and took out 2 billion activities, it has made him hurt the ribs.

After all, he still has a big business to do, no idle money, buy a small house worth 2 billion.

However, it is obviously more money than him, these people think about how to make their families better, more powerful continuation.

"In fact, our price is already very cheap ... overlooking the entire planet, it also has the function of the refuge, the air is fresh, the facilities are perfect, the quality of the school is still high ... 2 billion, it is already very conscience. "The smile on the face of the person is unchanged, and if it is called a reason.

So, I heard someone asked: "Can you have a stretcher protection? If you can, can I bring the magician bodyguard to? Where is the room, how many people can live? Or three? Can't you do more? "

"The specific design maps next month will be completed. You can see the information about the house in your private account ..." Face countless problems, the expression of the sales manager of the person in charge, Smile and reply.

Who can think that Allah Hill has already done a real estate business in space, who can think of it, this business is still very hot?

The entire Allah Hill, the funds that have been put on the Star Ring Project, count trillion. It has exceeded the defense budget, even more than the military budget against the devil.