My Empire

666 great record

"Boom!" Another huge explosion, accompanied by a towering magic tower collapsed, the entire Sensos was overwhelmed in a fire sea.

The terrible fire has not been controlled, beyond the collapse of the rescue capability, but also let the evil rescue look such a force.

The unclear demon troops were exploded and swallowed, and many lives were accompanied by the collapse of the ground.

Elan Hill's attack destroys the Magic defense system of Cestos. It has also been completely existed. It has now been completely invalid.

Subsequent Tomahawax Cruise Missiles ahead, hit the building on the streets. A stunning black smoke spacked, everywhere is a demon soldier called a shout.

"Open, open, what joke ..." didn't wait to go out of the promenade of the prison, and several pilots who were captured by the captured boulder, the bodies of the demon soldiers who were killed down.

In the faint, you can also see the arm of the gravel below, and black blood flows everywhere. It is shaking everywhere, and everywhere is collapsed. From time to time, there is a gray soil falling from the top of the head, and I don't know how long the whole supervision can still persist.

There seems to be only a few of the entire prison, and other demon prisoners have been released before, invested in combat or rescue cities.

When the torches hanging on the wall hide sometimes, there is no sound of any shouting sound in the dim corridor.

Several people have passed by these ruins, and they are afraid that those who have been buried under the gravel suddenly stand.

"Boom!" Yes, I didn't know what model, missile hit a nearby building, the explosion sounds in the hallway.

Listening to the sound can be judged, the explosion point is not far away, and it is far from being a safe place.

"This door seems to be locked ..." When the driver's captain touched the warm door handle, the hard-moving push, found that the thick iron gate was simply a silk.

So a few people pulled or pushed the iron gate in front of the face, and finally breathed next to the gate, desperate, waiting for their own destiny.

No matter how they work, there is no way to move the heavy iron gate. They have no way

"Will there be someone to save us?" In desperation,

The passenger gave himself a little ordered fantasy.

"It's impossible." The captain sighed, let the gray soil fall into his shoulders, splashing a pot of cold water to his own: "They don't know if we are still alive, I don't know where we are now. "

Their signal transmitter is not activated at all, and those devices have been taken away with parts of their parts. It's too sudden to come, they have no one to activate the rescue equipment.

Even if they activated those devices, they didn't use it. Those equipment have been taken away by the devil, and now I don't know where it is, let alone the rescue force to find them.

At the end, in fact, it is very impossible to send people to search for the fight against this scale. It is simply an impossible thing.

"..." "The terrible silence, accompanied by the explosion of the far away, let the dimmanard, the atmosphere is terrible.

Everyone knows that they are finished, but they are not willing to live their own life, so it is crowded in the middle of a group of demon.

They don't know, the buildings outside the prison have collapsed, and nearby magic canngers are constantly chapping, and there is a disaster to swallow their place.

A violently transpiled flame suddenly blown away by a hurricane, a wonderful body shaped in a blood red armor stepped on a black ash, and went to the front of a tired egg.

Eresia gently waved, ordered the demon troops behind her to enter the building: "To bring those human prisoners! Don't let them die ..."

"Your Majesty, this situation, they may have died." Asked with the devil who came behind her.

"You'd better pray that they are not really dead. If they die, you don't have to come out again." Eresia did not listen to the interpretation of the other party, directly ordered: "Don't hurry?"

I heard the command, dozens of demon soldiers quickly opened their footsteps, crossing Iresia, rushing to the building that could be collapsed at any time.

In the sky, another Tomahawk cruise missile rushed down, Eresia reached out, the top of dozens of magic defense barriers in the top, instantly condensed the mold, and excited the huge explosion of the missile blocked, dozens of meters away from her Outside the sky.

She felt a huge impact, and there was a shock of her blood. She gently gasped, the towering chest, one volt, it looks a more wave of waves.

For her, this level of explosion is not difficult to cope, really let her weak, it is the terrible attack of her life before.

The alert she found a fatal danger in advance, and then used his efforts to use the magical energy pour, and then spelled the dark injury, and she barely destroyed a hidden electromagnet gun.

This makes her nearly like the perfect body have been seriously injured. The magical energy in her body is turning, and her combat power has been weakened to one tenth.

It was originally consumed by the space magic equipment, and she was very weak at this moment. She can only let the dragon who are only raging on the battlefield, she didn't think about challenge the hard-wrapped elves.

When she couldn't do anything, she remembered the prisoner of the human. She thinks about a few seconds and decided to leave those humble life.

Because, she feels these prisoners, still unexpected effect. At least she thinks so, so she takes people to find those humans captive.

She likes to kill, like war, like conquering ... but she is not interested in the people who are putting down the weapons.

"Here is more dangerous ..." Ai Ricia frowned, looked at the flames left by the explosion, whispered.

In the place where she is shocked, the place where the electromagnet guns of Allahhh, Sensos are taking the land, the thick-and large wall has collapsed, the demon soldiers above, have also been dead and hurt.

SESicos is over, no matter which angle analysis, it has been finished. Soon, this huge devil city will sink into the sea and become another new record of the enemy.

Have to say, it is really a great record ...