My Empire

Seven hundred thirty-eight-eighth soul wild ghost

The dim corner, the hoarse man rushed to find a file full of name and resume by a weak candlelight.

He is impatient, discarding some files you have seen, as if it is like a waste paper.

These can be all spent on the big price from the governor, but most of the information, for him, but a bunch of waste paper.

"He can't! This person is easy to buy, but his ability is too bad! How can a thousand gold coins will let him assassinate the dog emperor of Allah Hill? How can this person possible?" The hoarse voice finally The opening will lose another file under your feet.

"Adults, he is not there! This person has resumes whitening, and it is a cleaners on the relevant position. He can install a bomb in the bathroom ..." A old man standing opposite the man, and said.

"Install a bomb in the bathroom? He can't mix it! It is no longer too late. It is timely to change your position. It will definitely cause someone else's suspicion ..." The hoarse voice sounds again, with a hint, open the mouth .

For the emperor who wants to kill Chris, or want to hurry an empire, there are many species, but in the end of these means, you must rely on people.

The most straightforward approach is of course the people around the emperor, or if you want to hold these people's family, you can go directly to the emperor.

The time of the love of the Lanhil Empire is too short. Chris's emperor is not like other emperors like to put a shelf, so people who can close Chris are not much.

The old generation of the family has now become a Queau Big, and then the neighborhood around the emperor is only a person.

On the cook maid secretary, the seven seven eight eight added will also be a hundred people. These people are not too touched by others on weekdays. The family has already been protected, and the ambulance will only play the snake.

What's more, the neighborhood of the Emperor of the Elan Hill Emperor, this identity is not so easy to buy, this group of people will come out, which is the same as the nobles, which is not lacking.

The near-demand army is more excused. This group of crazy guys and it is said to be a dog of Emperor Allahh, but it is better to say that Chris is a mad believer more appropriate.

These people are willing to die for the emperor, and they accept the training is constantly strengthening this belief. So let these people go to Charris, which is difficult than letting them commit suicide.

I want to go, just if Chris is inside from my own palace, it is easier to do it.

The problem is still still there: this world, the assassin who dares to work to an emperor is really not much, and the assassin who is dare to take a secretion of the Emperor of the world's first strong country.

So, I will choose to choose, but he can only choose the "ultimate killer" you want in some people who are chaotic.

"However, adults ... can be close to the dog emperor may approach the region, but there are not many people. We can find it, just a few ..." The man is difficult to explain: "Even if these people agree, we don't Dare to use ... "

"Don't think about it. This kind of poor skill will not succeed. Our best choice is to use a bomb, completely ending this dog's life." The hoarse voice said: "How ironic is ! Use him to make things, end his life! "

"Of course, this method is not very good!" After the excitement of the madness, the hoarse voice recovered rational.

He also knows that poisoning is good, bomb is also, in fact, for assassination Chris,

It is very difficult.

Bomb is definitely unable to secretly install in the core area, and it is possible to discover the security forces in advance.

And the bomb placed on a distance, no matter how strong the power is strong, you can't make sure the goal will be done.

Uncertainty, this is the most deadly defect that assassines. Once the assassination is failed, the disadvantage will not be able to recover.

That is not to think about it, this simple trick, even the emperor of the small country is very low, let alone assassinate the super empire of Chris.

"Thinking, I can only use the way to attack this way." After returning to rationality, I immediately selected a threshold and the easiest assassination plan.

This plan is also very simple, and others listening to him immediately understand.

So, a man who has been submitted to the Assassin's candidacy said: "I also found it directly, I also found it, the most suitable, in the last face ..."

"Carrying weapons seems to have not passed, there is the activity of the dog emperor, the safety inspection will definitely be very strict." The hoarse voice continued: "If you can do it, you only have a magician!"

In this regard, the magician has to have a unique advantage: a powerful magician, even if it does not rely on any weaponry, it can also use magic, and the combat power is also higher.

As long as the magician is willing to execute the assassination, he can use his magic in the event of the activities of Chris, you can attack Chris at close range!

The problem is that such an attack can really hurt Chris? The fool also knows that Chris will definitely have magical master guards, so can break through these guards, it will become the key to the success of assassination.

"I have a candidate ..." At this time, a man in the corner suddenly spoke: "This person may be what we can find, the most suitable person is selected!"

"Oh?" The black man who said hoarseness is obvious, and then slightly excited to make a sound: "Tell, what kind of plan do you have?"

The man in that corner came to come, and the woman was in the ear of the man, and then returned to his position.

The hoarseman's face was obviously brought to a smile. He nodded and said: "Yes! If you can contact the killer you said, I will give you a meal!"

"Yes, adults, I will contact ... this time, the dog's emperor can't run!" The man is slightly owed, and the opening reply.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" The hoarse laugh rang, a man in black stood up, showing a few hands into the wine cabinet to take care: "For our victory! In order to control this world! Cup!"

"Cup!" Everyone raised the wine glass, and the smile of face is distorted in red wine, it is like a group of swollen spirits.