My Empire

Seven hundred thirty-nine blood

When Buryson saw the devil's city, he was used to using his own weapons to attack all the daily lives of the devil.

In the devil, it is a world that is unconstrained by the war, and the soldiers of Allah Hill have the right to end any devil's life.

Even these devils raised the banner of surrender, even if these demon didn't look like there was no decent resistance.

"Boom!" A huge explosion shouted in the distance, and a black smoke rushed to the sky from the back of the devil city.

This is a 155mm caliber self-bullman, the power of the explosion is very powerful, especially if the other party has no magic defense barrier.

The demon houses in the slabs of the guns collapsed, and the surrounding houses also rushed. The demon in the city is helpless to watch the disaster coming to your head, and I don't know how it is good for a while.

They have lived too long after the rule of Magic's origin, and even these demon races have even have the basic resistance. They were obeying, and they were ruled as a matter of course.

Anyway, under the control of the devil controlled by those magic, their destiny is already a certain degree.

Death For them, there is no way to freeze - these clothes ragged demon civilians, living in civilian caves, and even the basic living guarantees are not available.

Now, another group of powerful enemies came over, the other party did not give any alive road, and there is no good complaint for these devils.

In the sky, a wing is painted with Golden Eagle's A-10 attack, and the heavy machine gun on the head is spurred with a dazzling fire tongue.

The intensive ammunition seems to have cut the street like a butter knife, and left a pop-up slit in the streets of the stone.

On both sides of this row, it is some corpses that have just been fleeted to escape on the street.

These autopsies are broken, and there is no complete, black blood spreads throughout the street, and the air is filled with a disgusting taste.

"Boom!" It is also a heavy gun's shell, and smashed on the roof of a building, and embarking the entire building into a fragment.

The thick walls expands at the moment of shock waves, and then falls back because of gravity and then falls back, everything inside, and it is also disappeared with such expansion.

The streets of the bustling demon city have now been completely refugee's ocean, without any air defense awareness, is being devastated by the various weapons of Allah Hill.

The sky is not only a far A-10 attack machine, and there is always a AC-130 air gunshot machine that is switched with vultures.

These huge fire support aircraft three formations, around this city. The artillery hand on the plane, poured the goal of the target as much as possible to the target, leaving a piece of white tobacco in the city.

The unclear shell falls at the feet of these attack hands, they have become accustomed to this slaughter opponent.

All the way, they used the main force of the attack, have destroyed too much devil ground target. Including refugees with retreat, including left-behind refugees, including the retreat of demon soldiers, but also the left-behind demon soldiers ...

Just now, several A-10 attacks destroyed the city wall of this devil city, and the heavy bomb left a huge gap on the wall.

The ground armored troops of Allah Hill controlled these gaps and has established their own firepower on the surrounding town.

Hundreds of demon soldiers who were stationed on the wall,

The surrendering has been killed on the spot, and it has also been destroyed seven or eight eight. Some of the rest, now there are still some walls in the distance, and there is no threat at all.

Now, Burrison is showing his own weapons, and they have a weapon, regardless of what objectives, will take the trigger of the consciousness.

These Elan Hill, who wear heavy power armor, one step forward, launching their ammunition against all suspicious buildings.

They will pick up the 200 mm caliber rockets, and they have been brought by the far-sighted buildings, and only the target is fry into ruins in an instant.

Those who don't know if there are any people in people who have fallen, and the rolled dust swallowed all the streets around.

In an environment where the sight is very in a very bad, the soldiers of Allah Hill are easy to find the target through the hot feelings, and then suddenly fire, let the guns echoed throughout the city.

A huge black Allah Hill Empy Eagle is covered with the wall, the air force plane brushed the banner of this banner, made a movement of the oscillating wing to express his respect.

Subsequently, these low-altitude flying fighters cast a bomb, fell in the distant street in the city, turned there into a huge playing pit that took hot air.

The whole city is like a lamb to be slaughtered, or like a rotten meat that is broken by a knife.

It is not embarrassed, and it doesn't resist, it is just the horizontal, waiting for a cruel ending.

For the soldiers of Elan Hill, they don't feel that they are doing a cruel thing. They are performing tasks, eliminating all enemies who have invaded their country!

This is the war, this is a cruel war. Whether it is the devil's victory, Yaowu Yangwei's slaughter is still returns to the retaliation of Elan Hill, and finally fills into the graves, all countless lives.

Regardless of these life is good life, or bad life, there is no separate separately in front of the bullet or long sword.

"Continue to advance!" Burrison issued a command to his own, and they continued to move forward, and when they fate from time to time, they flicked on the fluster to flee the evil.

They stepped on the black blood and collapsed rubble, step by step, just like walking on the beach collected by the meat pile.

"The streets near Clear! Subsequent troops have to stay here, we can't give them a demon that may bring threats!" Burrison walked forward, while reminding his hand, don't be soft.

As a result, his part laughed, this is a broken wall everywhere, and there is a corpse, and the place where you have a black blood. Who can sleep?

Subsequent unit? Those subsequent units are also tied to the city, and the old man's real build tent overnight.


The second is later, everyone can watch tomorrow morning.