My Empire

Seven hundred and sixty-three title

"Let those damn bastards have a powerful thing for my magic's source! They will be defeated in a panic, and even if they have experienced anything!" In the empty room, the magical native of the magic is in the rock.

With his floating voice, many demon controlled areas, some places where shrubs were covered by dry branches, and cleared it by the demon soldiers. They have moved these hidden camouflage, showing straight, long airlines runway.

These field airports are the demon has been built, and they have been preparing for the killer! At the end of the runway, the camouflage net is covered, a huge aircraft has exposed their original face.

The straight wing also has a slender body, and the various weapons of the above equipment are all available.

The most important thing is that the airwing of this plane is all hand-painted with golden eagle patterns, and the color used is the three-color camouflage camouflage of Allah Hill. Lower the aroma and the wing are also coated with a camouflage sky blue.

All of these huge aircraft have launched the engine, and the aircraft is full of patterns, which have been installed with magical sparsons, the power of explosion.

Yes, the devil completely patterned the main bomber equipped with Elany, and the huge voyage of the body is not short-duty B-17 bomber.

It's really the same B-17 bomber, not only the shape, the engine is even exactly the same, in order to support so many bombers, the devil even established his gasoline factory, using the technology of the imperial, refining high Purity airboride.

Even so, they still unable to manufacture qualified airborides, eventually sacrificed some flight performance, and barely let these aircraft reach the level that can take off.

"The whole 1000 human bomber! When they reacted, they had only glanced to watch their own army to be destroyed!" A demon was confidently looked at the B-17 bomber who was running in front of himself. The plan of the magic this source is very confident.

After all, these imitated bombs are equipped with Elan Hill's enemy identification system. This device will deceive the various detection devices of Ailan Hill, which ultimately reaches the goal.

For the devil, the god waiter troops are in depth, only the prelude to make chaos, these bombers are further increasingly chaos!

As long as you plan to succeed, they can further manufacture chaos, then let the subsequent devil army sweep the human occupation area and complete all of these humans.

After eliminating the human invasion force,

They can counterattack the magic continent, use the gods' union's combat advantages, a little bit of the enemy, and finally reverse the war situation.

Of course, this is their plan. As for the plan, it can be successful, then only know it.

When a demon b-17 camouflage bomber takes off, when the air is formified, the ground in the ground is unclear, and it is also advanced.

They have to join in the battle, and they use their quantities to extract the invasion forces of the magic continent.

After the battle of the storm islands, the evil troops gathered the quantity of such a huge army, which is almost their last army.


The sky is the top of the floating warship, and the scholar who is responsible for radar is staring at the screen, and then frowned.

He thought it was wrong, or he thought that his screen had a problem. So he tapped a few keyboards, and corrected his radar display, then found that his machine still showed a result of surprise him.

"Chief! You are best to come to see this!" He raised his arm and showing his own chief to come and see the weird radar screen.

The officer on duty put down the teacup in his hand, went to his body, saw the display above the radar: "This is ... B-17 bomber radar reflection parameters ... Reture?"

"I am afraid it is not." The radar opener shook his head, and his face revealed a smile show: "You look at this again."

He pointed to the radar reflection icon of these "return" bomber, and there is a strange label.

"They have the enemy me to identify the signal ..." Looking at the red logo on the radar screen, the expression of this duty officer is also very exciting: "Just just last year's enemy identification signal?"

"Yes, sir." This amenorrhea broke his mouth and said: "If, not our air force into the water, that is ..."

"That is the brain of this group of demon." Caught the phone next to the radar operator's operation panel, said that the military officer smiled and said: "After picking up the Air Force Liaison Officer ... Verify your combat plan, confirm whether it is used Expired enemy I identifies the signal ... Ok, I know. "

His expression is more exciting, hanging away: "It seems not our air commander's head into the water ... is the damn devil in fun. Let the Air Defense Forces fire, there is nothing."

"Understand!" The radar operator tapped two keyboards and sent all the data.

Then, the entire Elan Hill Field Forces drown in a joyful ocean. Field air defense weapons have raised their own barrels or missile launches.

The fighters in the sky have also rushed to the direction of the enemy plane under the manipulation of the pilot.

They have not found such a large-scale devil army, which is a good day they brush.

"Today is a good day." Orank flew from the runway, because he mount a lot of AIM-120 empty missile, his plane slipped, long distance Flying to half empty.

Soon, his doci has followed it, two aircraft whistling and started climbing, taking a lot of strength, they upgraded their height to intercepted the dedicated millimeter level.

"Yeah, today is a good day." The fellow pilot nodded, attached to the long machine.

"I have to hurry, we have to shoot as many enemy machines as possible ..." Orank looked at the state of lack of computer self-test, said: "Can you become a super trump, just watch this battle!"

I heard this sentence, the expression on the face of the fellow is bright. He also hits a lot of demon bats, this time ... He really wants to hit it, the title once made him unlimited year -

I will continue to make up tomorrow. I am here today.