My Empire

Seven hundred and sixty-nine iron boards

It has pushed his headquarters from Anghal, and pushed to Madians, Storfel Port, which stepped into the new headquarters just ready.

The original headquarters was set up in Angense, although communication did not delay what command in time, but gave a commander away from the front line feel.

In order to reflect the fearless spirit of the Elan Hill commander, the old man's generals Madians adhere to the push of their headquarters to Storfel.

Although it is still nearly 1,000 kilometers away from the front line, it can be finally used without a storm sea.

"How is the battle?" He walked into his own new headquarters, asked the latest battle.

Another reason why he actively pushed his headquarters was this new headquarters, less than a day thought about the front line.

Wei Wei is chattering, every time I saw Madians, I wanted to go to the front line to help.

Mri Dadias, the general commander, obviously, do not dare to let the emperor go to the front line. If there is a three long two short, he can't afford to pay in Madia.

So Madians surely moved their heads from Angense, throwing the emperor.

Now, he finally became the only one who could "talk" in his headquarters, which feels too much.

The Air Force's contact official uses a pointer to beat a few times, accurately labeled the position of their attack, highlighting the next Badhui report: "Air Force's 19th Attacking Machine Association raided the enemy's ground forces, here, There is here, 38 launch missiles, and more than 200 rockets. "

The A-10 Attack Machine is still very satisfied, the Air Force blocks the follow-up force of the devil, which is almost the top of the board.

In fact, even if there is no Block bombing of the Ailalands Air Force, the evil troops can kill the quantity of the war area in the request time.

They now also congestion on the half road, waiting for the warmth of them to the autumn.

I saw that the old general Madians had put their attention on the map, the Air Force Liaison Officer continued: "According to the situation of the on-site image feedback, the enemy's ground forces have lost their ability to move forward."

Then he made another one more.

The latest situation of the air war is reported: "The Air Force 11th Fighter Intercepts the enemy's aerial force outside the 8th battle area, and smash down the magic dragon, and smashed down more than 100 devil bats."

Obviously, the battle of the fighter arm is also insufficient enough: "The radar of the warning machine shows that the other's air force has given up the near the war area, and the airspace has been emptied."

After the breakthrough defense line, Elan Hill has taken over more than 5,000 fighters, controlling the sky of the entire army.

These fighters have destroyed all the goals that the enemy I identified the signal is incorrect, including more than 400 bombers of the devil, and more than 100 magic dragons, more than 300 devil bats.

The number is so huge devil, almost the remaining of the demon. They are here, which means that the evil troops are still a similar air battle in the short term.

"The evil arm has hit some places in the demon missile used in the battle of the Storm Islands, and their accuracy is obvious, the spread is very large, we can't see it, what is the goal of attacking." He didn't bow Look at the report, it is very comprehensive.

He mentioned the various new weapons of the devil into the battle, including the devil bullet in the battle of the storm islands: "The air defense missile intercepted more than 30 devil missiles that flying to the airport and other important strategic objectives, the remaining more than 100 devils Missing ... all hit the wilderness of the wilderness. "

The devil has invested more than 300 devil missiles in this battle, which is very touching the weapon accuracy of the demon fighter. The other party launched so many missiles, truly need to intercept, even half of them.

Most of the remaining are just in the field or forest, in addition to the huge explosion destroy some plants, there is almost no performance impact on the battle.

After all, there is a probability that the enemy's senior headquarters is already a middle lottery ticket, and it is impossible to appear twice anyway.

"The reconnaissance machine found the ground troops that were approaching the theater. Here is here. Our Air Force is trying to prevent these forces from continuing to advance forward." After he summed up, it will teach the brightener military officer. .

The Army military officer who took the teaching whip was also very fully, he pointed to some of the segments: "Their ground forces are very primitive, basically the cavalry and some monsters, these troops are very clear, it is easy to intercept "

"The 1st armor is trying to restore their defense, and their preparatory team is here to build a defense position here." He said, while handed a piece of Tevess, "Head, Head, Head, has already sorted up the army His first armored division has a heavy loss, and the second armored division has also suffered a small loss, but the basic combat power is still there, he returned to himself did not lose position. "

Then he continued: "The second armored army calls, they have not retired, the defense line is broken, but they have steady their own bloom."

"Well, gentlemen, now everything is basically the state before the battle broke out." After listening to the report, Madadia finally opened: "Electronics Heikikawa, let him stick to the original place, as much as possible Sustain the defense line, the evil gauge in his back, is almost the same. "

"Electronics, the second armored army, close to the first armor army, cover each other, save the strength ..." After he finished, he handed the text to the deputy official.

"General, so, in the direction of the devil's main attack, we will tear a gap ... Do you want to put the other party in, full?" A staff saw the gap on the defense, doubtful question A sentence.

In accordance with the combat effectiveness of Allah, this tactics that presets a circle seems to be a bit small.

"They also match?" Sure enough, Madians came to the map, and the opening told: "The reinforcement troop will fill this gap, the subsequent force of the devil will only hit the iron plate."