My Empire

Eight hundred and forty-six and 1 farce

Another corner of the world, a magical array of magic array on a small room. It is a sleeping bed, which is a bed, which is a standard single room.

The man sleeping on the bed blocks the headphones on the ear, he and the clothes are lying, and there is no sound in the whole room.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, then the whole person was like a sharp sword, and he jumped from the bed.

He took the long sword hanging from the wall, and then sat on the belt of his waist. Adjust the position, pushed the door.

"Someone invaded!" He saw the guards at the end of the corridor, and the command of the loud: "It is a magician! Prepare heavy weapons! Roung the battle alert!"

At the end of the corridor, the Allah Hill soldier heard the order, quickly grabbed the phone hanging around, shouting: "Mr.'s magician on duty said that there is an enemy invasion! The other party is a magician, pull the battle alert! Immediately!"

"Hey ... ..." After a few seconds, the sharp battle alert echoed over the entire base, and he was overrunning a few black people in the barbed wire, and then suddenly accelerated his action.

"Worse! They found us!" A magician heard the alert, it was first, and then he took it.

"There is a demon traitor! Damn! You will rush into the command room as soon as possible, control the launch of the nuclear bomb! Let's drag them!" The black man headed by the head took out the long sword of the waist and commanded his companion.

Since the sneak attack has failed, it can only take strong attack. The bigger the trouble, the better, anyway, after a fight, the Elan Empire will not cover the sky.

"Standing!", There is a soldier of Allah Hill sees the black man who overrides the wire, shouted, and then deducted the trigger.

"Susline ..." A dragon population indicates the goal of the target, and then the magic array of light, also tells everyone, the magician has entered the base interior.

"Attack, attack!" The shout is getting more and more intensive, and countless soldiers began to surround it. The assault rifles in their hands scan the raindrops, playing on the defense barriers of the magician, splashing a Mars.

"Fireball!" The magician who was played down and could finally found the opportunity, and used a flame system to the most intensive place to the crowd.

A fireball exploded in the crowd and flew several of the Allah Hill soldiers who were engaged in the assault.

"Let's open! These guys are given to me!" The first invader's Allah Hill Magic took out the long sword of his waist and rushed to those black people.

The long sword in the hand of the other party lit up the fire, the figure of both sides quickly hit together. The violent explosion opened in the base of the base, and the magical array hit on the magic array and sent a deafening sound.

"Call the other base! Immediately report what happen here!" Seeing the enemy has been blocked, the base commander, ordered the military officer around him: "This may not be a simple attack!"

With his order, the battle over there has also been out of the victory. The black man headed by the head is slashed with an arm, trying to attack the budget blackman, also killed several times. The remaining black people turned and wanted to escape, and the result was knocked down to the ground.


"This is an organized attack!" Hanging on the phone, the officer on duty saw Chang Luo Kai, who was returned to the headquarters. He went forward and reported: "Three bases reported the news that was attacked."

"Only three?" Lukai walked in front of the huge monitor on the wall, looked at the intelligence that the above summary, anxiously asked.

Nuclear weapons are not small things, so he must properly handle this event. If you have a divert loss of nuclear weapons when you leave when Chris leaves, his staff can continue to do it.

"There are three temporary contacts can't ..." The officer immediately reported: "The rest of the base I already ordered, let them enter the first-level war ..."

"Let the Action Team of the Royal Duty Tasks to check the nuclear bomb launch password generator of the Ministry of Defense ..." Luo Kou carry your hands and ordered it under your own hand: "If the password generator is still in the safe, then Immediately perform the spare cooling tower program, destroy the nuclear weapon in the nuclear launch base! "

"Yes!" The military officer gave each other and turned to convey the command. Luo Kai is still there, wrinkled and worried.

Elan Hill's nuclear weapon security protection is actually very comprehensive, just because of the expansion too fast, there have been some small loopholes.

More than half of the nuclear weapons launch bases have a high loyalty magician embassy, ​​in general, there will be no problems.

Just, this is theoretical - if these magicians stationed in the nuclear weapon launch base, they are really easy to be drilled by the enemy.

"Immediately let the nearby special forces go to the defense! Display the Air Force, there is a helicopter ... I want to make sure that all nuclear bombs are still on the launcher!"

"Report! General ... 20 seconds before, the safety lock of Dongfeng HM-5C ballistic missile in the T-177 base was destroyed." An officer sitting in front of the computer suddenly shouted against Luoke.

"Is this going?" Lukai turned and he looked at the military officer of the shout.

"The body has broken damage, the other party may disassemble the nuclear warfare ..." The officer replied: "The missile did not power out, no way to detect whether the nuclear warhead is still in the body."

"Vicious destroying nuclear warhead ... will not have problems?" Luo Kai is not afraid that the other party detonated nuclear weapons, because after all, there is a security mechanism protected, the nuclear bomb is not so easy to explode.

However, if the other party directly destroy the nuclear warhead, turn the nuclear warhead into "dirty", it is very easy.

"This is not very good to say ..." The officer has already seeps the sweat on the forehead: "However, if it is destroyed, the impact will not be large."

The T-177 missile base is relatively far from the big city. If it is just a dirty, it will not cause the loss that cannot be recovered.

"Notify Air Force, take off and attack the machine ... If someone leaves the T-177 base in the absence of a command, authorize attacks." Luo immediately commanded: "The ground whistle card is the same, if someone finds someone to leave the T-177 base, Make it! "