My Empire

Nine hundred and so on

Among the ruins, it is covered with a slit, scattered on the streets of the rubble ruins, and the Allah Hill officers wearing black long boots have a pair of illferential white gloves, walking forward. .

He is around, a few Alan Hill soldiers holding a assault rifle are swallowing clouds, and when they see the officers, they quickly rushed.

The battle here has just ended, and the collapsed building is also filled with some fluttering smoke, and the slit left on the street alley is also disgraced with a soft fever.

A few minutes ago, the gunshot here just stopped, the collapsed city is above, and even hangs that there is no corpse.

The officer walked forward step forward, and he didn't pay attention to the prisoner of his hands on the roadside, and he did not pay attention to the arms of the throne to him.

I have been going through a military officer until you have been in front of him, and the officers who have been moving forward quickly slow down.

He returned a military ceremony, and then he didn't have the brain. I asked a single question that made him interested: "Damn?"

The officer has once again saluted, and the opening replied: "Report! Not ..."

"Walk! In the past!" This officer has once again moved, and hurried forward.

With a few officers, he has been going to a collapsed building, and this building has been damaged in the gunfire, but from the ruins left, it has been very magnificent.

This is a huge magic tower, but now it only has the same small half of the chimney. Even if this is left, the top is also filled with bouquet, and the collapse is collapsed.

At the end of the small slope collapsed in the collapse of the brick sachny, it is not completely collapsed. Next to this wall, Iran Hill throwing soldiers surrounded together.

These throwers saw that the officers came over and quickly gave the other party, they gave each other, and they looked at the decent officers.

The leader of the Alan Hill did not talk, or he didn't come to talk, and quickly walked to the ruins. He stood under the collapsed wall, overlooking a man with blood on the ground.

Man is wearing armor, the armor is a beautiful magical inscription carving. Only the workmanship of the armor can also be judged that the identity of this helmet should be very decent.

Unfortunately, now he is not decent, his abdomen is broken by the shell of the shell.

Yinhong's blood has been reddish in the shirt inside his arm.

From the light blue light of the blood surface on the clothes, this person should be a magician.

However, with the lapse of the health, there is also the cost of fighting, the magic in this person has not been there.

Next to this man, I still kneel on two hands, and wear soldiers in helmet.

"This person, is Nomama Fortago?" The man who is lying on the ground is too irritating, and the military officers of Allah Hill looked at the two captives who kneel on the ground.

"Yes ... Yes ... He, he is the Fortagang Temple ..." Two captive Nauma Empire soldiers hurriedly nodded, and said: "He is indeed the three emperings of our empire ..."

"Hello, Nauma Fortah." A stepped step forward, his elbow was held on the knee, and the military officer of Allah Hill overlooks the three emperors lying on the ground. The opening greetings.

"You ... you can ... I will humiliate me ... anyway, I am defeated, it doesn't matter." Fertan lie on the ground, tough breathing, intermittently said.

"Should you humiliate? I want you to make a mistake. I don't want to humiliate what you mean ... I just want to know, your father, the desperation of the Noma Emperor's former emperor," love Lan Hill's officer is very gentle open.

"You ... it is impossible, from my mouth ... get any news." Fertaggan breathed, and the word said.

"I really have a sad father." The military officer of Allai is coming, slightly shakes the head, I don't know if it is regret, or something else.

Just listening to him continued: "Your brother is the forefront of the Noma Empire, who is dead in Auntie ... When he died, he cried like a child."

If the face is unfolded, Fortago is open, he will continue to say: "Your two sisters and their husband have just been hanged ... In fact, I still live alive, the Qiama Empire, only you and you The second brother, there is still no father who hides where you are. "

"So, you said it is still not said, in fact, there is nothing, because the emperor hopes that your family will reunite it in another world, so I just come to confirm that you have been on the road." This military officer of Allah Hill Gently put your hands and gave a gesture around you.

Several Allah Hill soldiers immediately took the M4 assault rifle in their hands, starting to sweep the Noba Empire soldiers who kneel on the ground.

"Susteral ..." The guns of the dense Ma Ma rang, and the two Nauma Empire royalties fell into the blood. The third emperor on the ground also bounced, and it was unknone closed his eyes.

"It can be determined now, the death of the dead country is not here, his second son is not here." The officer walked to the three bodies after the gunshots stopped, while taking pictures of several officers behind them. .

After taking a photo, after leaving evidence, he collapsed his own camera and looked at the person behind him: "They must hide in those places we occupied! Search! Give me a careful search! Find them! Kill them! "

"Yes!" Several officers were salute, and they solemnly replied.

"Ask the Guard General Command to send a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to order the Eternal Empire to make people!" The officer looked down the ruins and told him about the hands of the positive salute.

"No matter what they fleeted to the Eternal Empire, let the Eternal Empire help us find it, always find something faster than us." He walked below the ruins, looking back and looked at the bodies above the ruins: " Clean, then let the army help to leave a archive, don't be destroyed easily! Do you understand? "

"Understand!" One of them replied immediately.

"Damn! Hurry and find them! The emperor is still waiting for their death!" This military officer is irritating, and the head is not returned, and it is outside the city.