My Empire

Nine hundred and twenty-three do your parents know?

The next morning, after carefully checked his own image, Iresia walked out their room in a white long dress.

She has the existence of this level, and I can't do what I have implicated on one night. But she is still pleasant, the bed here is too soft, the air here is too bad, everything here makes her feel relieved.

Yes, peace of mind, she didn't feel like this in the devil world, so she fell asleep, in a soft cotton, enjoy the central air conditioner sent to the warmth of the room, sleeping, sleeping.

If she remembered her dreams in the dream, she may still sleep in this moment.

Even her own, I don't know why I am in the enemy camp, but there will be such a lazy feeling. This feeling makes her alert heart began to slack off, and she has no sharp style.

She stretched a lazy waist, and the long skirt wearing the body did not match. She really wants to manage it, so she only stays in the original primary stage.

On weekdays, I rely on magic energy to illusion of the devil of a magic armor, although it is a daughter, but it is really unfair.

From this point of view, the character of this Devil should be a bit similar to Kadpe Luna Huangfu. They all belong to the girl who is born in the military, and the voice talking is the heroic girl who is very large from the big one.

If you have to regret, you have a good thing. All men are visual animals. They remembered the heteropathy of the heterosexuality from the first second of gene evolution.

Therefore, this kind of vocabulary is used to describe the girl. If this girl is red, the big wave is unparalleled, and the hero will make the man Lenovo will make a snow-white thigh. A deep gully in an open shirt.

If it is over, if a girl is one meter seven, weighs one hundred and eight. You can also use heroic to describe, such as the author's wife's wife, the similar adjective will make people think of "Kaishan", "crack" , "", "Hao Han", etc. ...

Therefore, based on the vocabulary of Hao Mai is beautiful, the author has been stealing, describing the vocabulary of his own wife may be more appropriate to use similar to "rough" and "Haoyou".

All in all, in short, when I saw Eresia for the first time, Chris was still a little amazing.

Because whether it is Luna or Jessica, Whether it is the left hand of Vivan, or his right hand, the Anderia, which seems to be in the heart, the devil in front of this.

That is really like the ocean, it is really like Mariana ditch, it is full of mystery and conquest ...

As if he heard the brakes in the mind, it seems that the microscopic brake pads have been melted, and Chris knows that the moment you just have just now, I have been bent, and I'm going back in the edge of death. Test.

In Chris god, the autumn mountains, when the Wuling Hongguang challenged the famous tofu shop, Eresia was also in front of Chris.

This man in front of me can really be said to be strange, stand from the look, compared to yesterday's life-fighting nobles, it is just a few times.

Her hands elbow is supported in the edge of a huge thick negotiating table, and is interested in analyzing what kind of monarch is of Christ.

greedy? Perhaps, but if you want to temptize such a monarch, it is too big. He has anything, nothing is lacking, even in the wealth, he has more than the Mozi can give him more than too much.

kindness? It's a joke. If he is really kind, it will not be able to report the expedition of the labor teacher, and in the devil's woman does not leave the teeth. He is born with the kind eight words, and the cruel and fierce is used to describe it very much.

wise? violence? This man in front of him is like a contradictory complex, which seems to have many different character.

In comparison, she was created by the magic origin. It is a person who has a blood and meat. It is this human emperor Chris, which seems to be a robot that makes decisions according to the procedure!

Eresia thought that the two emperors who represent the magic continent and the emperor of the devil, which seems to be a winning and losing, and one who will be able to speak first. negative.

She certainly didn't know, her twilled this seemingly thick table, is a great invention for the Emperor Empire, redefining the vocabulary of "" ...

In addition to the handsome "characteristics", Eresia also saw some other things from the Emperor Emperor Emperor Elan. For example, she saw Chris's cautious and saw Chris's reason.

This human emperor in front of him, only used a short time, just adjust his gaze from enthusiastic to the exam.

Eresia can even be sure that the Mozun is not a revenge of the Emperor of the Emperor Empire in the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor Emperor, and accepting the magic surrender is not the forgiveness of his alerage.

This person is doing things, especially when dealing with government affairs! Because of his cautious, all decisions of the Allah Hill Empire, it is absolutely thoughtful and finally touched!

I don't know, when I meet, Iresia truly realized the terrible of the opponent. This man who is getting ready to restrain my desire is really terrible. This kind of man who encounters himself does not want to take out pants is too much. She is excited ...

"Re-introducing it, I ... is called Eresia! It is the king of the magic!" The atmosphere of the is still breaking, Chris is good, Eresia is good, there is no metamorphosis. The degree of dress. So I Ricia took the lead in opening and said to Chris.

Chris no longer continues to read this kind of childish game, once again introduce: "Then I also re-introduced it ... My name is Chris, is the emperor of the Emperor Emperor!"

After that, he did not stop, continue to introduce: "The two in my side, one is the Queen of the Former Elf Queen Andrea; the other is my emperor, Grien's genius Magic Master Wei Wei'an. "

"..." Eresia looked at Chris, and his eyes were full: "Big brother, is there so many masters to see me? Are you afraid of dead your parents?"