My Empire

Nine hundred and forty-one crying

"What is joke ... We have been waiting here for 2 hours." After reading the electronic watch on his wrist, Allah Hir's 116 armor throwing the military division, frown complained.

He can have too many things to deal with, and the result is that the pick-up here has waited for two hours, which made him a little irritated.

In fact, because of the needs of military confidentiality, he didn't even know that he was waiting here, what kind of characters were it.

According to his speculation, Eight achievements is Brillben or the new major administrator in the southern area, but the administrator is big, and does not need him to be such a military, is it waiting here?

The two sides are not a direct system, so he can do any face of this major administration, and the other party will not be able to come up.

"I am busy, the result is stupid to watch the plane and wasting the time." This teacher continued to complain about his deputy: "Let my troops withdrew from the epidemic area, then to Brillben The city is waiting for, which is the mixing of which mixed staff thinking? "

"116 teachers in the epidemic area, one day can save the life of hundreds of civilians ... The result is my troops, where you waste a whole morning." When I got here, he closed his mouth.

The F16 fighters under the 16 army have passed the sky, and a huge passenger plane landed on the engine roar.

Although he doesn't know what people in the plane, you can see this snoring, you know that this person wants to be distinguished to no longer be distinguished.

When the huge passenger is stopped in the end of the runway, the hatch is also pushed away from the inside. I am ready to be connected to the plane on the side of the plane, and the first thing I came out was an martial art worn by the Royal Guard.

I saw the royal banner's military officer, and the division of the 116th armored throwing soldiers who had been less proneous, he had a legacy of his legs, and he was in a pilgrimage.

Wearing a black professional dress, Jessica, with black sunglasses, stood in the center of the plane, overlooking the two officers who took the plane, taking the calf, slowly I walked down the stairs of the red carpet.

After Jessica's emperor's body, an old man rushed to keep up with a stick, and then the end of the finish, and then a piece of a fish carrying a briefcase.

"Sorry, because my words, let go of the school for a long time." Going to the front of the 116 division, Jessica emperor revealed a smile.

Sirm whispered a sorry.

When 116 teacher, he didn't know what to say, the emperor has gone to the car waiting in the distance.

After that, after 116 teachers, the old man said: "Because the emperor is temporarily decided to help, it is late for more than two hours, let you wait."

The old man did not introduce himself, and he also went to go forward. He has shown a secretary of the 116th teacher with the Secretary after the old man. The opening introduction: "This Adults are the empire, and the Advanced Adults, he will temporarily act in the southern part of the majority of the southern regions, and have been recovering here. ":::::::

"Mr. Shang, your troops will be used as a special action force that maintains the region, temporarily returning to the Elevis adult command ... In addition ... Jessica's emperor's safety, and your troops are responsible." This place After the secretary introduced the task, he immediately kept up with Oleves.

The fourth division of teachers is a staff member of a total staff member. After he was salted with 116 teachers, he handed a list of the other person: "The people above ... all grabbed! Then go to the southern regional ruling officer to report to the process!"

On the way, according to various reports, Levis has developed a list of old aristocrats that need to be handled.

The list is almost the imperial locust, and each of them is enough to let Chris sign the "political achievement" of the death penalty.

"All grabbed?" The division of the 116th teacher looked at the list, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

There is the old city owner of Brillin, and the old aristocrats in the city lost their people when the devil was invaded, and after the Devil was driven away in Elan, it came back to continue to work.

If it is not the Emperor Empire's essence, they will continue to live in a high level and continue fish meat.

In addition to the old people, there are still many luxury vendors, these people lift their prices when the plague broke out, and many people had a lot of people.

Everything they earn has local people's blood, they don't have any essential difference and those who eat people.

However, these people have a very prestige in the local area, with influences, even compared to Chris's emperor.

If rushed to these people, local security, and even the rule of the empire, it may be shaken.

"This ..." After considering these problems, the division of the 116th division, some uncertain lifts.

Just, greeted the attention of the chief of staff. The other party seems to have a lot of questions, so I said: "How? They are still not good to deal with the demon? Mr. Shang?"

When I heard this problem, the division of the 116 division immediately had a kind of top and suddenly realized.

He immediately saluted, he said: "Give me 2 hours, I will close them into the military camp! One can't run!"

"Very good! Execute the command! In case of rebellion, on the ground is the law, if the other party cooperates, don't be difficult, control it!" This staff said: "After all, we are not a police ... These people, the police There is also a legal Officer to trial one by one. "

"Understand!" After the 116 division teacher, he turned and turned to the Jeep not far away.

On the side, he asked on his officer: "Just ... Just now I have forgotten to ask the emperor temple?"

"Yes ... Is it? I, I don't want to ask Andrsen ..." The voice of the deputy official is somewhat.

"That ... then just now, I am ... I have forgotten, forgot to give the deputy big people to salute?" The division of the 116 division felt that his teacher may have to do his head ...

His arrogant cried: "It seems that I have no salute ..."

:. : M.X