My Empire

Nine hundred and sixty glare

The beastal Erixia is standing outside of a door, making it back to walk, as if it is a student waiting for his college entrance examination.

He never thought that he also had such a day. When he surrendered, he would be nervous, because he was afraid that others did not accept their "Submit".

This is simply a satirical for the orc empire that has been powerful and even one degree of the human magic empire.

Once a time, the arm of the orc people took a sharp blade and swept the human army of 100,000 in front of him. That era is the era of the orc people ...

The current orc family is completely unable to compare with humans. God gives the body of the aromal, giving them loyalty and glory, but did not give them the future.

This is a sad truth: the future of the orc people seems to be completely blocked by human development.

Want to master your future, or want to re-have future, the orc people must give their own loyalty to humans.

Before a few hours, he saw the emperor of the Allah Hill Emperor and submitted him a national book, and hopes that the orc family can be part of the Allah Hill Empire.

To this end, the orc people are willing to give their own loyalty, willing to fight for the emperors of the Allah Hill Emperor, willing to bleed from the country-dominated countries.

If it is five years ago, it is possible to make Chris excited, but now he really doesn't excite the desire.

After all, people who are willing to sacrifice for his blood are too much. The Elves for the Moon Temple is willing to fight for him, the Dwarf family is willing to kill the enemy for him in order to get more technologies.

The magician who made a sin has begun to re-acquire the trust of the emperor, and even the enemy demon has begun to swear to him.

Therefore, the loyalty of the orc people, in front of Chris, is just a simple vow. It's frustrated, it is the inside of the orc, and there is no temptation for the Eleland Empire.

Because of this, the beastmaster can only wait here, waiting for the high level of the Allah Hill Empire, discussing a result of how to treat the orc people.

He didn't know if his own people were recognized by the Allah Hill Empire. He didn't know that it would be strong to let the dragon members tribute three points of the Allah Hill Empire, will it accept such a savage force .

Inside the room,

Not all the ministers agree with the eating of the beast people look greasy cake.

At least from the perspective of economic interests, we will build a barren orcar territory, more trouble more than the construction of a new district or a ruin.

"It is more difficult to attach to the internal attachment of the elves." The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Minister of Foreign Affairs is inserted together. First, the Emperor Chris stated his own point of view.

He pauses for two seconds, then he added: "Although we don't have to consider the anger of the dragon, you can now eat the orast family, it is easy to let us and the relationship between the dragon will drop a level."

"Before, the relationship between our two forces has fallen to the ice point, and now, now, it has fallen below the lowest point. This kind of relationship is very fragile, unhealthy." After he said, he looked at Chris. It seems that Chris is coming on the view.

Unfortunately, Chris did not express anything, but turned his gaze to a delayed old man.

This old man is the two hand of the newly appointed food sector of the empire. It is the second minister of the Empire's agriculture, which is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The old man is already full of wrinkles, and it is also a seventy-year-old age in accordance with human age. Just because of the amazing energy reserves in his body, the spirit is still very.

He smashed his own dry eyes. It was not high, but a very stable voice said to Chris: "The place where they live, although some minerals can be overall, their residential area is lack of food planting Soil. "

In his opinion, it is too big to improve the investment of the entire orc territory. It has already arrived in the Elf. It feels that the green orcard is a matter of not paying.

"Improve their living conditions, we will transport a lot of food and other daily necessities to their territory." The officials of transportation explain the cost of the cost: "Transport costs will be increased, we are there every It is put into a bag of food, it is equal to a white food to be wasted. "

"In this way, the cost is high ... Of course, if you build a factory in the local area, infrastructure investment is also a place that makes a headache." Experts in industrial development, Industrial Minister Smith, his speech It is also not much invested in the construction of industrial projects immediately in the orc territory.

"If we want to carry out industry there, we will now build at least 30 fire power plants now ... equipment is easy, just everything takes time." He also looked at Chris, hoping to see from Chris's face. What is Ni coming.

For the Minister Smith of the industrial sector, in a remote, it is a choice to construct the power system in the poor mountainous area of ​​the economy in developed regions.

He would rather put these workers to the southern part of the construction, or directly into the plan to build a new district.

In this way, these power plants can immediately turn to production capacity after completion, which is the result of his hopes he wants to see.

If these power plants are built into the orcs of the orc, it will take a lot of time to build a supporting infrastructure, build a power-consuming factory, to consume the power supply of these construction-built power plants.

Simply put, it is to repair a power plant in the orc territory. It is necessary to repair the factory that produces a tractor and a lathe and other equipment, using production to consume the capacity of this power plant.

Then, these products produced have other products. If you want to sell, you will continue to build transport lines such as road railways to ensure convenience of these factories.

These supporting facilities are completed, but also continue to cultivate the workers in these plants, the school, build children's school, improve the water system, and then build more power plants to meet the needs of urban electricity.

Finally, we must build supermarket shopping malls, build airport train stations ... this is equal to building a city from head to tail.

And so many strength, the territory of the orc people may not be able to run immediately. They still have to adapt to a few months ...

Have such a long time, if so much energy and supplies are put into Noma region or southern regions, the return may be more than ten times.

In this case, the empire is hard to persuade other big financial valves and big consortions to jointly invest in the construction of the orcard, which also increases the financial burden of the empire.

It is a pity that Smith Minister did not see any clues from Chris's face, and the emperor is still calm, still a look of listening.

Finally, after everyone will not speak, Chris adjusts the sitting position. He stopped at the finger on the table, stopped his attitude.

He is not willing to let his belong to the time to guess your own mind, because he ruled this empire than the power, but absolute power.

"Good news is what we have time, isn't it?" When all people mentioned a breath, Chris smiled and asked to the de Sthil Road around him. I heard the expression of the emperor, everyone followed a breath.

Dessell smiled nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, at least we are in the next half of the year ..."

For the Allah Hill Empire, the war seems to have been a job three years ago, and the main dishes of Allah Hill have been economic construction since three years ago.

At the same time, the Elan Hill Empire is also actively carrying out various scientific experiments. Chris is actually a scholar in the bones because of the reasons of the trees of technology, and is not like an emperor.

He is more passionate about to use technology to improve the living standards of the people, thus dilute internal contradictions, and then realize the rule of the Allah Hill Empire.

Compared to those who religious power, high-pressure rule or wearing religious coats, his method is more high and more efficient. Update the fastest computer :: /

"Isn't we lack of labor? In a short time, the orc family can provide us more than 400,000 labor. These young and strong labor can greatly alleviate our use of the manner." Chris continued to ask De Sales.

De Saier took a pen to use the pen and said: "You should have more than about about 100,000 orc, after short-term training, you can use it directly ... more, you can't guarantee it."

"That is not bad!" Chris nodded very pleased: "I think you all have fallen into a misunderstanding ... gentleman! Orc people come to us, they are now our people ..."

"We must think about it now, not accepting the sincerity of these people, but to consider how to better improve their lives, let them become more rich." Chris finished, stand up: "Remember I am not surprising, other race will join Allah Hill! Because we will make all the people live better! This is the real place of Allah Hill! "

"Let's take a look at your new colleague! Orc Dagong ... Erikia Dagong!" Chris generously setsed Erixia's title, took the lead to the door, reached out, the door of the meeting room .

Nervous Waiting at Erixia in the door to see the door is pushed away, a bunch of lightly pushed the figure of the person who opened the door, shot on his face, full of glaring.