My Empire

One thousand people fuck

"Mountain Cat No. 1 and Mountain Cat No. 2 are shot! Keep the formation! Keep the team! Mountain cat No. 3! Mountain Cat 4! Extend the right wing!" Extended the enemy squadron's superchief, command dispatching all the power.

"Mountain Cat No. 3 understands!" "Mountain Cat No. 4 clear!" After getting knowledge, the two F-14 fighters immediately left the entire fighter formation.

I heard the answer of the two F-14 fighter pilots, commanding the colonial commander of the imaginary enemy team of this exercise, has begun to worry about whether he can win.

In theory, the only one of the other party should be the warning machine that raids him, one hits, and makes confusion.

So he put four F-15 fighters in their own base camp, to protect their early warning machines.

At this moment, these four F-15 Eagle fighters are surrounded around the E-3 warning machine, closely monitoring the entire battlefield.

It can be done with the two F-14 fighters that are deployed on the edge of the battlefield, which is obviously not very commonplace.

You know, he is not just a burst of array: a variety of fighters of the enemy squad, is a unique advantage.

For example, the F-14 fighter, after the improvement, because the radar power is large, the speed is fast, often deployed in the periphery, as an investigation and warning detachment.

The F-16 fighter is generally responsible for filling the battlefield blanks, using low-speed motor performance, delaying time with the enemy, fighting for the self-employment.

The F-15 fighter has a balanced, and the comprehensive performance is excellent. When you join the battle, when the enemy is exhausted, a hammer sound, decided to win.

As a result, the F-14 fighters of the peripheral patrol are killed by the opponent, and the information passed is very limited, which makes the colleach have a little anxious.

He knew that the other's speed was very fast, which has disrupted his operational deployment. To know, the 30 Dragon Knights in his hand also have a F-16 fighter, and there is almost no way to participate in the high-speed battle environment.

This is equal to that he can use it now, there is only 18 fighters left F-14 and F-15!

It is necessary to make F-16 play the biggest role. This time you can't think about what to get more and more defeated. He must use the number of advantages to yourself, and go to each other as much as possible!

I thought here, he grabbed the call.

The command: "All F-16 fighters, according to the No. 3 plan! After discovering the enemy, it will decline the height!"

"Poison No. 1 understands!" "Poison No. 2 understands!" Inside the headphones, a response sound, the F-16 fighter troops of the code poison began to execute the order.

At the same time, the colonel continues to ordered: "F-15 troops, patrol at 8000 meters! If the other party does not reduce the height, don't pursue it! Don't pursue!"

He is not intended to let his army enter the field of enemies, and the high-altitude high-speed combat F-15 fighter can also be competent, but barely enter 20,000 meters, it is obviously unwise decision.

At this moment, let the troops fight highly in their own, lure the enemy into their own traps, maybe more appropriate.

I heard his order, the pilots of the Code Hunter's F-15 fighter troops also began to respond, "Hunter No. 1 understands!" "Hunter No. 2 clear!"

On the radar screen, the spot represents the F-16 fighter signal begins to spread, but the subsequent matter begins to be separated.

In the headset of a dispatch commander on the early warning machine, the F-15 fighter troop pilot was suddenly anxious: "The Hunter No. 6 discovers the goal! The other party locked me! It's too fast! I saw it! That What? What is that? "

"Radar discovers enemy targets, speed ... 3 Mach ... it is close to! Goal is close to!" The radar operator on the warning machine shouted loudly.

"The other party is rapidly decline! It is close to the hunter team! It is attacking the hunter team!" Another operator shouted.

The speed of the other party is really fast, it seems to have all the radar screens like the meteor. Haven't worried yet, and the spots on the radar have been mixed with the friendly signal.

"Is that the enemy launched missile? The speed is close to 4 Mach!" A dispatch command came back and looked at his school commander asked.

"Should not!" The colonel grabbed the communication device, the command: "The enemy is already close! The enemy is already close! Prepare the battle! Do your battle!"

His voice just fell, he heard the communication channel of his own, a pilot was screaming in loud: "Hunter No. 6 Don't be excited! Slow! Skating! Skating! Damn! It's coming! Hunter No. 3, Hunter 4 cover I! Shenzhen! "

"The Hunter No. 6 was shot! The things rushed over! It rushed over! I can't see it! Confirm its location!" The pilot of the Hunter No. 5 excitedly shouted, it would like to vent your emotions.

Another pilot is tense, it seems to be looking for the dangerous goal: "Radar shows height ... 2000 meters! Where is it? Where is it?"

It is a pity that his findings have not false results. The other party seems to have disappeared. After hitting a F-15, it suddenly disappeared on the battlefield.

"It is flying close to the ground! Ultra-low empty! Surprise!" The Hunter No. 1 founded the target of the dead in the radar: "God! It is now 1 Mach or more!"

"We have a high advantage! Intercept it! Block it!" Seeing the other party seems to rush out, lost its high advantage, and several F-15 fighters are very excited.

But soon, they found that when they turned and locked the other party with the head radar, the other party had used their speed to believe in the speed and started rapid climbing.

What kind of speed is that? That is a faster climb than the f-15 fighter! Looking at the fuzzy goal is like a rocket in front of him, everyone has grown their eyes.

What is more desperate is that when they locked the goal, when they were ready to open fire, the goal of the straight line climbed, turned a straight-line, opened the lock of the fire-controlled radar.

A F-15 fighter's pilot looked at the data displayed on his helmet. It is incredible to ask: "The guy can be twice the sound! Is the pilot inside the plane Is iron?"

He thinks that the damn enemy goal is flexible as a giant dragon! Yes it is! A giant dragon! And it is a tens of times the flying speed of the dragon!

"This death! If I do this, the blood is light! The aircraft must not be a person! It is a monster!" Another F-15 fighter pilot complained.

"Shut up! Hunter No. 3 lock goals! Missile launches! Missile launches!" Two effortless F-15 fighters barely followed the goal, they launched missiles in the air.

In the periphery of the battlefield, the pilots of the two F-16 fighters looked at their own high-level tables, and they killed the high altitude of around mem to the battlefield.

On the bumpy plane, the two pilots pushed the stiff throttle to the front end. The engine of the two F-16 fighters began to work crazy, and the long tail flame left a clear trace at the high altitude.

Almost about 30 seconds, the white airflow ring appeared on the body of the two F-16 fighters, and the sound of the sound explosion came.

This is almost the limit of the F-16 fighter speed, and it doesn't matter how long it is to maintain such a state.

To be honest, the F-16 fighter is not designed for supersonic air combat, it is a cheap multi-purpose combat attack, let it participate in this intensity air battle, absolutely difficult.

At the same time, on the front battlefield, a F-15 fighter's pilot was hard to find the opportunity, pressed the red button on his hand: "The Hunter No. 4 missile is launched!"

"The Hunter No. 1 Missile is launched!" On the other end, I found a cut angle. In the two F-15 fighters of the past road, the long-machine pilots also launched an attack at the same time.

His chassis pilots did not let go of a rare opportunity, and at almost simultaneous buttons of launch missiles: "Hunter No. 2 locks the goal! Launched missiles!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they shoot the "missile", all displayed as missed ...

Then, after I saw this penalty, there was a desperate shout sound in the communication channel: "It avoided it! It can open the missile! See ghost!"

In the eyes of everyone, the terrible flying monster, actually retrieved, after opening a few of the tonic angle, killing back to the F-15 chart in a very strange angle.

Then, a F-15 fighter's pilot reminds his comrades: "Hantoven! Circle! Open it! Open him!"

At this time, his voice is full of fear, because although he is an old fate pilot, he has never seen such a disparity gap.

Soon, in the chaotic channel, a frustrated voice came: "I saw the Hunter No. 6 was shot! The monster returned to the cloud!"

"It has opened 4 snake missiles ... What can I say? Have you seen the faster plane flying than the fight missile?" Another pilot felt that he did a nightmare.

Looking at the speed of the monster to fly over the missile flight, only a blink of an eye, lost 2 F-15 fighters, and asked: "They are not looking for a rocket to pretend to be a plane?"

"Just kidding ... I will give you a rocket." Can you fly out? "Convenively grabbed the call, the commander of the school's early warning machine did not hold back, crying and smiling.


Unconsciously, this book has been 1000 chapters, small and happy.