My Empire

One thousand and five octaff

"I don't know what these demon can have anything, it is worth holding up to attack ..." The telescope in his hand was put down, and a man who took the star on his shoulders seem to be self-speaking.

He looked at the distant mountain peak in front of the glass, and his face with disdainful smile: "The demon is still not dead, and it is a very good warrior."

In his opinion, in this case, a wise choice surrender is the only way out of these demon guards.

Those who look strong, only a good goal of the Allah Hill Empire Air Force bomber.

After the devil, the devil also has a lot of floating castle, but now, these expensive, just in order to highlight the powerful war weapon, it has almost touched.

Because in front of the strong air force in the Elan Empire, these striking floating castles is just some of the great attack targets.

Just a few weeks, after losing a lot of magic dragons and the devil bat, the so-called air force of the devil, thoroughly gave up the competition for empty.

Even, they have been losing the courage of the Alan Hill Empire Air Force.

The remaining evil troops began to evolve their early morphogeneration in the Empire Imperial army - they began to dig trenches and trenches, as far as possible.

They reinforced their defense with giant wood and a variety of messy things, and then use the flesh and blood, to meet the steel floods of the Elan Hill Empire.

The gap between the two sides in the firepower is like the heavens and the earth, and the advantages of the Mozu in the troops are being reversed.

It is often the army of the Elan Hill Empire with hundreds of thousands of magic people. Now the Mozu can only hierarchically with the almost equivalent force and the army of the Allah Hill Empire.

Sadly, even if the force is equal, the Mozun team has completed the logistics and the soldiers, and the Emperor Empire is not at a level.

A military officer pushed the top of the top-level thick steel plate armored door. After walking on his head, he immediately saluted the report: "Chief Executive! It is ready!"

"The feedback from the drone investigation army is there?" The telescope was connected, looked at the mountain peaks in the distance, as well as the dead forest around the peak, and wearing the commander of the military uniforms asked.

The officer who came to report the news was immediately replied immediately: "It has been transferred to the investigation room!"

"Prepare the shell ..." never returned to the head.

"Yes!" The officer turned to turn around and went to a phone, grabbed the phone handset: "The main cannon is aimed at the parameter ... Authorized fire!"

Slow, after a huge building body, a thick steel dragonfly as a chimney is slowly starting to point to the sky.

The gun of this gun can even put into an adult man. The round gun tube is slightly glanced with awe.

On the other side of this giant gun, almost the same speed, another gunnifier is slowly vertical.

After the latest modern modification of Burkland, Burkland is today is the first truly gap. Or, it is the first time to show your amazing firepower and show all people.

"I understand! I understand! Yes! Target enemy defense position! Special provision ... Destroy the mount fill!" Cut the phone, responsible for the shooting commander of a huge gun, commander.

He hanged the phone handset, turned it, looked at the people who were ready to be ready: "Destroy the bomb, non-pair attack guilty ..."

"Destroying!" Singing and singing, then pressing the button, four people holding the heave of more than 7 tons of shells on the automatic loading mechanism, and sent the shells to the loading position.

"Available in the stupid attack!" The sub-shooter confirmed that after the provision of the shell, he raised his arm and made a play.

The main filling hand is pushing the red button. A huge push rod extends forward from the rear of the artillery. The huge power will push the shells into the guns, and the launch of the drug is then pushed one by a large launch. The last hydraulic rod power system closed heavy gun bacing.

Bringing a hearing headset, everyone looked at the direction of shooting commanders. After a second, the shooting commander waved his arm and then the forward pressure, issued a command gesture for fire.

"Boom!" It seems like a chimney of the sky in the sky, and the guns spurt their black smoke and flare.

This door is cast by the iron furnace, and the human history has the largest giant guns, and finally played a powerful cannon that was thrown into Burklan to hold the force after 2 years.

The heteric version of the Gustav Railway, was converted to the Magic World after the Magic World was first fired.

The heavy shells were pushed into the sky with a massive launching drug, and then started to fall after the momentum is fully transformed.

It draws a beautiful parabolic, rushed to the enemy position.

Subsequently, in a moment of collision, this 7-ton multi-shell blast explosion, because it is triggered, this shell has no effect of drilling.

The huge explosion instantly expands and swallowed everything around. The two football fields have a large area of ​​land, which turns a super horror circular crater while exploding.

The trees around this circular tap are broken, reverse the opposite direction. The trenches of the demon of the elastic pit are not repeated as the explosion has long been there.

Even if there is a hundred meters from this sluggish, the demon soldiers who have not prepared in the trenches are still proliferated.

Even some devils are bleeding, directly by huge explosion, shocking on the position. Those demon distance from the distance, there are many serious injuries that cannot fight.

There is only a buzz in many demonics, and they are helpless, it seems to be looking for.

Just when they were watching, the sky was started to have a lot of heavy rain.

There is also a gravel of the gravel, and the armor is playing in the armor in the demon soldier, and the sound of the rumor is issued. These demon have not heard such a small voice, but they can feel ...

Feel the death of the dead, beat the sound on his armor. And this kind of beat has not stopped for a long time, it seems to be buried by these demon soldiers.