My Empire

One thousand and eighty-six and magic this source 1

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"Dragon Queen agreed?" When Andrea walked into the room, I saw a coffee bottle on the coffee table.

As long as you look at the packaging, you know that the price of this bottle is not low. After all, it is possible to be in the royal wine cabinet, definitely can't be cheap.

Chris nodded and looked at Wei'an who followed the house after Andrea. He replied: "He has no reason not to agree. Now the situation is strong, he does not want to fight with God It can only nod. "

"Really give him a planet?" Andrea continued to ask, she still feels that I will give the dragon a rich planet, some are less worth it.

"Of course, give him one." Chris said generously: "I know that it is a lot to lose a lot with a new ball to change the dragon. But like you, they are now a few races of the Allah Empire. I have no reason to thicken this thin. "

"Is it ready to give the Elf?" Andrea is not polite, directly open.

"It's ready, if you want to make a month, then I will give you a month of Hissice." Chris smiled and promised.

"The secret of our elves is already your own thing! We still have to use what is the month?" Andrea snorted, and said dissatisfaction: "I want a bigger One of the music soaked in a happy life! "

"The volume of the planet and Allahs are almost a little more, I have already named the planet as the Syrix, the Elves Autonomous Region." Chris paved on the sofa, full of faces on the face. proud.

He is also qualified. Nowadays, there is a tree of life of life, and there are many planets found in the Emperor Empire, and there are many ways to be suitable for living.

With these planets, even the population of the Allah Empire expanded to 20 billion or even 100 billion, can accommodate.

The land is no longer a bottleneck that plagues the development of the Allah Hill Empire, and the resources have no shortage of danger for a time.

Today, the Elan Hill Empire, can already be said to be strong enough to have a strong existence. It is even still expanding, and it seems that it doesn't mean the meaning of your border.

"Chris, how is your body?" At this time, Vivan said. Compared to Andrea, Vivan is more concerned about Chris's physical condition.

When she was more than the magic home, she lost her own gods, so mental power has been lost.

This makes her uncomfortable for a long time, and recently barely vain. Originally, she was still lost to defeat the magic of the magic. After seeing Chris, she remembered that Christians were lost in Chris, but they lost several gods.

If it is lost, the only sorrowful victims of Wei Wei, who are divided into the, is one, then Chris is hurting three!

Because on the day, Chris's gods are three-explosive and destroyed! This is equivalent to the harm of Cris, three times!

I heard Vivan's worried, Andrea's face was red, she was actually concerned with Chris, only the habit since the millennium, let her always start talking from politics from time to time. 666 literature network

"Don't be embarrassed, actually I have affected, more smashed by Vivan." Chris saw the embarrassment of Andrea, explained the opening: "Because my mental power is too big, it has lost some And there is nothing to get too much. "

"Do you really swallow the power of the magic?" I heard Chris said that he was fine, Wei Wei's face was obviously better, and Tianma is airlined to the magic.

"Yeah, yeah." Chris rubbed the hair of Wei'an with his hand, said: "The war is really over! I have made the whole world to fall into the magic of the war, now in another cabin He is now a puppet, there is no different from ordinary people. "

"I can feel that he is an artificial intelligence. He has his own emotions, there is your own thinking, this is the result of a long time. In fact, he also gave birth to a child." Chris said, while looking Andrea.

Andrea nodded, then Chris's words said: "This child is Eresia?"

"Yes!" Chris nodded: "Eresia and Magic's origin is the product of two artificial intelligence ultimate evolution. They already have people's thinking, just not mature."

"No wonder." Andrea also nodded, she is now finally understood, why I Riensia can worry about the Chris's bank card, buy luxury goods everywhere.

It took a long time, this Eresia, but it is a teenage little girl, just when the kind of second disease is entangled, and when you are full of goldenism ...

Just because the memory of the memory is too large, Ersia and Magic's origin is that some kind of mentally wisdom, but sometimes a smart intermittent neuropathy.

I thought that I was so taking a few thousand years of war. As a result, I didn't take it cheap, and even lost all, Andrea felt that I didn't seem to have a fly. .

As for Wei Wei, her concern does not seem to be in this regard, because in a sense, she is a little girl.

Therefore, when Andrya is a process of returning to her and mental patients, Wei Wei looked at Chris and continued to ask: "Then you are now, what is the magic level?"

"I?" Chris really didn't know, what kind of level is a level. He feels that he should have exceeded the existence of the law, but his actual experience is really not much.

After all, it is now able to let Chris's emperor who personally shot the enemy, it is really a little less.

It can kill the layers defense, escaping the nuclear bomb attack, and avoiding the terrible existence of the rod of God, there is no longer left in this world.

"I am now almost the existence of surpassing the gods?" Chris reached out, his palm, casually appeared a magical energy group that was floated in the outermost outer west of Witham.

However, this energy group is very small, not so shocking.

Chris waved, this group energy disappeared in the air: "Probably, the same magic this is the same."

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