My Empire

One thousand twelve twenties

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In short, if there is no a few elf beauty in the Western Emperor Empire, there is still a beautiful lady, and it dares to say that he is a line.

Although the elf is in the Elani Empire, it is not blamed in the Elan Hill Empire, but the indigenous Hope No. 2 planet can have never seen it.

He saw such a beautiful woman for the first time, it really surpassed his presence of his words.

I didn't see the woman who had never seen the emperor of the Empire. Those who have made him a little stunned, and now it seems to be "slightly a few points".

Human beings are not beautiful, but the overall production rate is relatively low, as the emperor of the wind, nature is naturally like Chris, just married those beautiful women.

The host selection criteria in the upper person are all on the background of the woman first, so the probability of the top beauty is not high.

"..." In this second, Foot feels that he may fall in love. Although there is a wife, he still thinks, his youth is coming back, he can still stick to it.

So he stopped the footsteps, then changed the direction of advancement, ready to go, meet this extraordinary and beautiful people.

Bypass some naked colorful wires, Foot carefully walked to the witch of the elf who was commanded to move the microscope.

At the time of the near distance, Fugen felt that this first-class female elves are like a fairy. He is now a noble god in front of you, because there is only such an appearance, it can be lined up.

Wearing the skin is the habit of the Elf, they are on the battlefield, they want to wear a armor to engrave magic inscriptions. In some less dangerous places, they are more willing to wear some comfortable skinbon.

This habit has always retained, and no one is deliberately changed. Anyway, as a multi-racial empire, Elan Hill is very inclusive for every race habit, and even the charm is willing to hook the man's habit, there is no deliberate to prohibit it.

"Adult, I think we still have to go back to better ... If the god is waiting, it is not good for you," Hage didn't see the route, and hurriedly went to the words.

At this time, Fern, it has been concerned about those things. He looked at the Haji behind him, just got this, ready to show his goddess in his mind.

"You, hello ..." After the root station, the nervous opening, some barteglings are working on the wizard.

The female elf frowned and looked back to the man who interrupted her work. Some dissatisfied open, asked hard: "What do you say?"

At this time, Fugen realized that he would only say his own language, and the female elves opposite him, I can't understand what he said.

So he remembered his body at this time, there is another translation, and let's take a little position, saying to Hage: "Fast! Let me help me"! "

"..." Haji feels that if he is so lifted with this hazy empire, it may be stuffed into the pot in the pot. So he did not open the translation, but in the local language, he advised Fhegen: "Adults, if we come out, we have finished."

Foot silently, and he looked at the female elves who had been a bit impatient, biting his teeth, insisting on Haji: "I hope you can help me translate a few words, just a few words!"

On the one side, he took a ring wearing his finger on his finger and handed it to Hage: "This is given to you! You know that it has a lot of money!"

Hage's consciousness took the ring, it was a pure gold, with a heavy ring inlaid with ruby ​​- it really valuable, very valuable!

If in previous years, such a ring, it is almost enough to be an ordinary civilian, and his family is carefree.

So, even if you are already afraid of your life, Haji has made a bold decision. He looked at the female elves, and he was in translation: "You, hello ... he, he just is here," giving you. "

I heard a generous Emperor Empire, and the female elves knew what the other party was.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer people who use the Empire's universal language. Everyone is using the gods and is proud of this.

As for those who are refused, the people who have lagged behind are more despised. Because of the treatment of Emperor Emperor, it is basically the most uncomfortable person.

Now, on the No. 2 planet, saying generic words, eight achievements are those indigenous.

I want to pass this, the female elves glanced at the translation of Haji, barely asked with the general language: "Is there anything?"

"She asked you ... Is there anything." Haji looked at the translation of Fern, fast speech.

The Furgen face is full of smiles, and the opening said to Haji: "Tell her, her beauty is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen ... I have been conquered by her beautiful."

"..." Haji felt that this is a fifty-year-old to say that there is a meat.

He sinked it and decided to translate as real opening: "He said that your beauty is the most beautiful scenery he has seen ... He has been conquered by your beauty."

With an translation, with me? The female elves feel that their head seems to be a bit not enough. She sorted out her own ideas, then reveal a contemptuous smile.

Because of the beautiful appearance, the Elf girl is rarely married to other races for his wife. They are more willing to marry in the family, and this is the case.

This habit continued until it was broken by the Allah Hill Empire. With the Elf Queen married the Emperor Emland of Allah, there were many elf women married humans.

But this is not meant, and the Elf beauty is very pursuit. In most cases, other races of pursuing Elf beauty will be rejected.

Obviously, such a thing, Fergen's Hope No. 2 planet is impossible to know.

"I don't know what you are here, but I advise you to go away." As the technical staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, the female elves snorted, and the opening refused.

Don't look at her now is a technician, when she is in the array, she has no problem with one of the people who face a cold weapon.

In her opinion, only the power of the Emperor Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor Emperor, was equipped with the beauty of the Elf woman. As for the weak chicken in front of him, she always thinks that there is no difference between ants.

"..." After hearing the translation of Haji, Fergang stunned, then he decided to use the dead-hidden traditional craft, continue to start the offensive: "I already fall in love with her, ask her to give me a pursuit Opportunity! In order to get her love, I am willing to pay all! "

Then, after the translation of this passage in Haji, Foot heard a very simple vocabulary.

"She said ..." Haji looked at Foot, full of sympathy: "Roll ..."


Today, three, continue tomorrow.

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