My Empire

One thousand twenty-four fifth flesh-bomber

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On the thick town, a soldier who brought the post looked up at a white thing, quickly scrubbing his head.

He saw the so fast thing that he flew, and he saw that the flying thing dragged behind the long white smoke.

He frowned at the sound of engines roaring, the walls ran down the steps and stood in front of the officer heard voices just out of the city downlink camp: "! Adults have a great voice thing, flying away!"

"I heard!" In his own sword, the officer frowned at the sky, this time he had just met another nice UAV Ailanxier empire, flew over the wall, he flew Top of the head.

Some soldiers heard these movements, looked up to the sky, they squinted, looking for a drone in the sky in the sun.

"What is that?" The Chengqian of a windmother empire held a long gun, looking up to ask the comrades around him.

The comrades have never seen such something, so they shook their heads to reply: "I don't know what it is ... but this thing is too quarrel."

The two of them looking up at the sky, watching the two drones circled overhead, followed by, they see that there is something in the sky, it is gradually enlarged.

The sky above, multi-Il pulled the reins of special materials, feeling the wind blowing the sky in his face, excited expression explained his feelings at this moment.

As a dragon knight of a magical empire, he has not been on the battlefield too long, proves his existence.

Wearing a light armor in the body, the radio communication device is hung on the back waist, and Irdo has never feels so good. He learned a bitter life technology finally came in handy, he can finally and his predecessors, the mentality of a gallop on the battlefield conqueror of the sky.

"Dive! Dive! Let them know that we are powerful Dragon Knight!" Il as this multi-attack air support front-line commanders, starting with the first dive and shouted loudly.

The second dragon knight pulled the reins, followed by the beginning of the rapid falling height, while shouting: "Dump! For Elan Hill!"

"For the glory of the Dragon Knight! Offense!" The third Allah Hill Empire's dragon knight whizzed in the air, followed by shouting.

In order to improve the speed of the dive, the dragon puts up his wings, looks on the ground, basically a small black point.

However, this little black point is getting bigger and bigger, and the details are getting clearer. Waiting for this black point, after you have a lot of details, everyone on the ground is scared to say.

Because this is the creatures they have never seen, or that this is the monster they have never seen.

"Archers! Archers! Throw! Throw!" An officer pulled out his own sword waist, pointing to the sky dive ever monster, loudly ordered his own men around in a daze.

Those archers have already been scared closer and closer to the head of the monster silly, is their chief was feeding, think of it in their own hands and weapons.

They originally bring a bow arrow, ready to attack the two unmanned reconnaissance machines on the top of the head, who knows that they are ready, the goal has been replaced into a more exaggerated dragon.

Just when they raised the long bow in their hands, the target suddenly opened the wings of the body that had been visible to the huge goals of the sky.

In an instant, the two huge wings shielded the sun in the sky, so that everyone on the ground shrouded in a shadow.

Suddenly "become bigger" goals, let everyone scare a hop. Even the long sword pointed to the sky of the sky, all widened his eyes and said.

When he realized that the danger was approaching, the first diven Irdo,

"Dragon!" Irdo issued an attack order. He immediately grew up his mouth and spurt a hot flame.

The flame descended from the sky, as if a waterfall, instantly drowned a goal on the ground. Those who stand together, forming a square array, became a great attack target for Dragon Knights.

"Call!" The transpiration flames will swallow an archers who have just raised their long bats, and only one second, the archers of the Fire Center are evaporated, completely disappearing in this world.

The archers on the edge of the flame also immediately became a burning fireman, they struggled, screamed, and then turned into coke in the heat wave, broken down, and finally in the hot air into ashes.

"Ah!" A bow archers who were ignited with right hand while screaming in hysteria, while taking it with his arms with himself.

At his side, another soldier has already lost his long bow in his hand. He helped taking the dragon inflammation on the arm, and then his hands were burned and black, and struggled together.

The tragic picture frightened everyone, some archer has been stimulated to be anxious, they have a bow tested, I hope to use their own attacks, drive these terrible opponents.

Several brouders played on the dragon's scales, only left a new white marks on it. Such an arrow is not able to hurt the powerful creature of Yalong.

Such an attack is not a threat to the Dragon Knights. So the mortal army will be so afraid of the dragon knight.

The second dragon started a new attack after Erdo slowed down.

They are like a bombing of flesh and blood, and the rounds of the archers are spoken by the archers.

The second round of flames swept a new route. Those chaos, there are still people who have not collapsed, swallowed in the new flame.

There is no high-speed air defense gun protection ground forces, facing the dragon knight's attack, simply like hell.

The military officer who took his waist and directed the sky, just swept the edge by the second flame, and saw his own sword melting, his arm carbonized.

Next moment, his armor became red and pasted on his body. He wants to scream, but found that the waves of the nasal cavity, ignited his lungs.

He twisted his body, and finally squatted on the ground, turned into a corpse of a flat, no more sound.

More than 1,000 archers stationed here, at this moment, there is no more than half of them.

In the last two days, Longling is sick, so I owe one more, please take a few days, I am sorry.

:. : M.X