My Empire

One thousand two hundred and thirty-nine 1

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"This death! Even the gunfire support is not ..." Take the bumpy car, Harodes hold their own weapons, some depressed feelings.

They act as a stars, in fact, there are very few artillery support, but they can act together with most teams, which has no gunfire support, obviously somewhat depressed.

Another commander sitting on the car and smiled: "No way! In this state, you want to use the artillery, still need to wait, the capacity is huge, but it is still not enough."

There is no road to this world, and it is not good way to make the car go difficult.

Probably, this is one of the world used to block the Ailan Hill Empire forces attack.

Another commander holding his own weapon: "Or, the price is too low. We occupy a planet, if there are too many weapons, the end of these weapons is to stay in this planet."

This is a cost decision, and the weapon is needed, it is necessary to transport to the war out.

However, with the end of the war, these ultra-long distances are transported to the battlefield, most of them are still not yet.

After all, there is no second war broke out, so those cheap, heavy weapons and equipment can only stay in place, even thoroughly waste.

Therefore, when the Elani Empire is in the front line, it is very choice - many familiar weapons, in fact, did not ship the front line.

For example, a large diameter artillery is basically not shipped to the No. 2 planet. This kind of compressed weapon, because the volume is large, the demand for ammunition is too high, and it is easy to give up with the high level of the army.

If you need a strategic press, stay in the universe-destroyer on the high orbit, you can use the electromagnetic main gun for shelling. If you need tactical press, let the Air Force are suppressed, that is, you can.

Even, even the air force did not transport a plane to the plan on the No. 2 planet. Everyone feels that there is a Dragon Knight.

Because of this, it is actually the force of the Allah Hill Empire to deploy on the planet of No. 2, in fact, is still very "cold acid".

The real main force is actually only a heavy armor of Burrison, and there is also a large-scale intersteration of the interstellar umbrella special combat forces.

The rest of the three teachers are light and troops, they are both fighting robots. The combat power of these troops is really low, just because the weapon is pressed, so it can be used as a real army.

Of course, support this forces, is a logistics replenishment power truck camp, a reinforced 99 tank, and another UH-60 helicopter force.

In addition to 2 A-10 attacks, there is only a dragon Knight forces. Moreover, the scale of the Dragon Knights is actually not large, there is only 60.

No way, as a aerial unit, the advantages of the dragon knight are too much. It is not only necessary to support the support of the ground, but it is also convenient to find food in the local area.

In addition, these dragons can also continue to fight in the case of ammunition, and maintain a very high attendance rate without having a large amount of material replenishment.

In contrast, as a force in the battlefield of the first wave, the Dragon Knights is simply perfect.

I don't see, the A-10 attack machine that two prizes arrived, and there is no way to fought, but also need to maintain maintenance, and they can take off.

It is obviously unlikely to defeat the entire planet with this troops. Can defeat the other party, let the other party aware of the gap between the strengths of the two parties, and the real degradation of the old man is actually the correct choice.

Because of this, Burrison requested the Forces to drive and defeat when the combat order is issued.

He allows the offensive force to kill the enemy's power, it is hope that when you negotiate in the later stage, you can desalinate the hatred of the other party, so that the negotiation is more easier.

It is the goal of your attack and the promotion. As for how many enemies destroyed, this is not within the scope of Burrison.

If you want a large-scale elimination of each other, as long as he grabs the phone, call the expelling fleet of the project, you can instantly annihilate a lot of life.

The mighty rumored robots took their own weapons and did not count on both sides of the spacious road. They are all on the road of pit, and it is a power truck.

These trucks carry a variety of supplies, the magic spiol batteries needed by the troops, have the ammunition they may consume, and there are heavy water for the food of heavy armor, and all kinds of equipment.

According to the plan, after defeating the other party's defense forces, they will establish a new defense node in the place called Sos City.

Then, they want to spread their troops, control the nearby areas, then think of the way to communicate with the Rock Empire, so that the other party is also old and realized, hand over all of their powers.

When the ground troops have advanced, on the top, the dragon knight tetched. This time, they were on the back of the suburvan, and 250 kilograms of aviation bombs were launched.

Choosing a bombing mount is to make confused as much as possible, so that the polite imperial defenders stationed in Sos City, give up their defensive works that do not have any effect.

"It's really backward! This air support, almost eliminated five years ago." Harodel saw the grand dragon knight troops in his window, and the tone was very emotional.

Another assignator sitting around him smiled and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect that they came back."

"Don't complain! Take a look!" On the other side, the assault team sitting on the window, pointed to the window: "They came to this thing, it is not as good as more than two dragon knights come over!"

The high-profile power cars opened the roadbed, and saw a 99-style main tank, cumbersome slowly on the road.

"Ha!" Harodes saw the 99-style main tank, the expression on his face was also very exciting: "Why not change into M109 grenado?"

"Are you the first day of the soldiers? Now there is a lack of heavy equipment, what can I find anything, isn't there a practice?" A commander who left a beard and spunned.

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