My Empire

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Going out of your palace, Novhael is like a soil bag, starting to be shocked by a variety of miracles.

First, he witnessed a small spaceship landing on this land. That is a spacecraft that can take off and return to the universe, which is inscribed to reduce the floating magic array of weights.

Take this spaceship, Novhael's first "Teng Yun driving fog" fly to an unprecedented height.

In his opinion, the kind of plane called the helicopter is already flying at the time of captive and riding. But now, he finds the land of his feet, it becomes smaller and smaller.

Always, he didn't see it. He found that he had fly in the cloud.

As a hopes of indigenous emperors on planets on the 2nd, Novhaels have never thought about it, and they can fly over the clouds one day.

For people such a person, the cloud is distant, representing the existence of God. That is that he can't touch it, it is an exotic domain he thinks.

As a result, when the spacecraft he stayed passed through the clouds, when he flew to tens of thousands of meters high altitude, Novhall found that he seems to have underestimate the greatness of God.

He has begun to feel that his body becomes light. He has seen the familiar horizon under his feet, turned a clear curved shape.

Later, he felt that he had arrived in the gods. He can feel that his body has no weight, he can clearly see the first window, the sky star.

The gods are on, he first saw such a world, he first touched the world of God!

Of course, this is still not finished. Because of the subsequent, he saw his planet living in the high orbit, but it was a round small leather.

This makes him very surprised, and I feel that I am small. It turned out that for God's field, he used to sigh the earth, nothing more than a small particle.

It's still more than this, then he saw it, waiting for the expeditionary fleet of the Emperor Empire!

Mahir commanded the expeditionary fleet, now there are 12 exploration of the second-level cosmic destroyer, which equipped with the super-warships of the four fish thunders, the main gun, close to the time, giving people the shock Very strong.

Looking at these white battleships in the universe hovered in the universe, Novhael is not swallowed by autonomous.

God's power, now he finally has a relatively intuitive and clear understanding, that is powerful, seemingly he can't play a lifetime.

However, now he is still very excited, because in his opinion, the more powerful God, the higher the possibility of completing his dreams.

He will go, but the real god, god will give him close to eternal life! In the next thousand years, he has a few time, you can go to the greatness of God!

Perhaps, in 1000 years, he can become a member of God, and can control these great!

"Hahahaha! My decision is right! Hahahaha! This great fleet! This great fleet! It's too spectacular!" In your own seat, Novhael's madness is the same. Like smile, my face is full of privileges.

In his opinion, as long as he got eternal life, this is everything in front of him, sooner or later, he can have it!

"What is this idiots smirked?" The driver of this small spacecraft used the first language of the Allah Hill Empire to ask yourself.

On the side of the air boat, I opened the speed of the spacecraft. I replied: "Maybe it's crazy! No way, I have never seen the world's local indigenous, see the universe battleship, the mind is definitely not too spiritual."

Stretching the middle push engine gear rod to a more reliable location, shutting down the main propeller, which has begun to approach a shipping spacecraft in front of the front.

The reason why didn't use a driver, because the spacecraft that can renew back the universe is still very complicated, and the use of astronauts easier to handle some emergencies.

Despite this, it is a devil who is sitting on the co-pilot, sitting in the main driving position is an Asian fox man with an orc people.

While two people said, while leaning the spaceship to the transport spaceship. This small spacecraft is under the huge transport spaceship, it is like a sesame garnished on the hamburger.

I have already waited for the deputy ship of the transport ship in the dock. The other side of the glass window is slowly relying on the spacecraft of the locking device, and the aromal division of the orc people standing around himself: "also wasting fuel What do you have to do with this indigenous? Directly to find a place to kill, isn't it? "

"There is no way, the Minister of Foreign Minister Ma Wen gave the order. He said that he has sent an oath in the name of the Empire in order to get the other party's trust." The unrel, the squad, the reply, the squad, the squad.

"Good name? Well, since he has sent a vow with the name of the empire, it is really not good to kill." The deputy commander shook his head, and he accepted this statement.

Then, when the shipping spacecraft slowly closed the door and gave this reception dock tail, he opened: "Give all the service robots to order this passenger! Do not let him close the important cabin of the spaceship "

The mall side deputy: "Follow! I personally go to this indigenous, tell him on the spaceship! Let him stay in their cabin, we will still have some trouble."

"Very good! I went back in the bridge ... After 13 minutes, this ship began to turn to the empire border." The deputy shipman turned to the automatic door.

The big deputy of the orc people, then brought two of the two crew behind, walked down the stairs, came to the front of the Novhael vest of the ship.

"After about 24 days, we will arrive at the imperial border." He said after it and found that the opponent's face was full.

At this time, he realized that the other party would only say the universal antibody. So he used the general language to say it again: "and fast, we will arrive at the imperial border! Hidden is in the cabin! Don't move!"

"I will! Thank you!" Novhael agreed to the road with a strange respect.

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