My Empire

One thousand three hundred and five this?

"My Empire ()" looks for the latest chapter!

In front of the magical eyes made in the Tianjian Shenzong, more Tianjian Shenzong's Royal Swordsman is passing through the barrier and comes to hope 2 planets.

When they arrived, they did not have a look at the world. After they arrived here, they were scared by the tragic sight in front of them.

On the ground, the whole earth has changed the shape, which should have been covered with grass and trees, and now they have been turned over like a cultivated land!

What is more terrible is that you can see the fragments of the white clothes of the Tianjian Shenn everywhere, and the disciples of the Tianjian Shenseong they arrive will be full of blood, and the wolf is like a beggar.

"What happened?" A disciple of the Tianjian, who had just arrived, was shocked, grabbed his swordsman asked.

I couldn't help but I couldn't help but I couldn't help but I couldn't help it. "Teacher! We died a lot of door! Those who damn a thief ... Please refuse for me!"

I heard this news, the masters of the new Tianjian Shenzong, one of the faces shocked.

It is true that so many will become like this, it is really unheard of thousands of years. I didn't encounter such a wonderful thing when I joined the Tianjian Shen.

"This ... how could this ..." A Tianjian Shen Zong's Royal Sword is coming to a new grave, looking at the flying sword in front of the new grave, full of incredible looks.

He looked at this new grave, and the result was hard to see the end of the grave! Seeing that this cemetery is afraid of having a hundred and eighty!

"Do you say? We just came here, it has already killed hundreds of Tongmen?" This royal Swordsman looked at all of them and said coldly.

If the Aboriginal people here resist the rule of the Tianjian Shenzong, he can kill the ring, and all the guys who don't listen to these are all cleaned!

The only girl who didn't cry heard this problem, and the tears couldn't stop: "Dish ... Where is hundreds of hundreds ... In front of these, just retrieved the body to be buried here ... Can't find it ... The body is afraid that there is still seven or eight hundred people ... "

"Ah?" I heard this answer, and the young Swordsman eyes that were first arrived were big. He doubted that he had heard the wrong answer, and then asked again: "How much?"

"Teacher! We have come here with Master, have fallen thousands of people in the same door!" The female swordsman took a nose, ready to rely on the tender shoulder, cry.

The body law has a sharp anti-a-three-five high-quality female swordsman who has at least one hundred and ninety pounds, and the long-lived male swordsman looks at another beautiful sister, reaching out to help her. The shoulder, the opening is comfortable: "Don't cry! There is a brother! Teacher people avenge you!"


The white-haired old man sorted out his jarmeters, looked at thousands of disciples who have already completed it, re-oscillation, showed a distressed look.

He took his own disciples and grandchildren from this new hole, and the result was less than a day, lost more than 10 people!

This is a fight against one-fourth of his hand! If you lose some, he must even ask the Zongmen!

When I thought here, the old man's face was more anger, and what he wanted now, it is avenge! Treasure the original indigenous slaughter in the world, revenge and hate for the disciples who die!

"Liu Qi! You take 500 people, advance to the east! Encourage God to kill God, meet the devil!" Since stabilizing his own ladies, the white hair old begins to prepare to arrange the counterattack.

His tactics are very simple, that is, all-sided attack, remove the local born eggs, and not stay!

When I was awarded the name, I immediately went to hold the box, I went down to promise: "The disciple is lifted! Master is a little more, wait for the disciples!"

When he said, he took 500 swordsman.

The reason why this kind of camp is built in the original place is to temporarily resettle the hidden door - they do not avoid the consciousness of the missile attack coordinates, and naturally, they will not want to change their local peace of mind.

Just in this white-haired old man ready to find the disciple, when he first started attacking, he felt that there was a rapid attack on the top of the head!

"Come again?" The old man frowned and wedited his flying sword, looking up to the sky. This time he intends himself, a good fight against a weapon.

As a result, those hidden black objects, after the rapid diverted, such a explosion in the sky, and chemically became a gorgeous flame.

"Is this?" The old man suddenly emerged in his mind. When he is ready to fight, the other's attack seems to be so sharp.

Think about it is a matter of course. If the other's attack has always been so terrible, then this battle, he doesn't have to continue to stick to it.

As long as the first round of fatal attacks have come several times, he is an old bone, and it is estimated that others will help the corpse.

Just thinking here, he suddenly felt that he was truth: the first round of attack destroyed the earth, the second round of attack was only strong, the third round of attack became so tiger head ...

This is only afraid that it is a drum, and then the end, three is exhausted? White old people think this is normal ideas, the other's three axes, almost already used it!

Just when this white old man felt that his opponent finally laminated, in the place where the fire group of the explosion near the high altitude, a white Swordsman suddenly felt that his body seems to be ...

He is somewhat frightened to look at the same door opposite him, and find that the other party is surprised to look at himself.

"It's not right ..." This is what he wants to say, but his voice listens to the ear of other people in the distance, but it has become a saying: "Ba Daji ..."

He opened his mouth, when he wants to continue to talk, the saliva has flowed down. His face muscles began twitching, and the respiratory system has begun to stop working.

Standing behind him, there is a non-stop vomiting at this time, and more far, this time begins to feel, your body is not strong ...

"Don't be angry!" Finally, a few of the farther white swordsman aware of the seriousness of the problem, and shouted the discourse that I had already shouted.