My Empire

One thousand four hundred and twenty fast eliminated

"My Empire ()" looks for the latest chapter!

"Not only to stop the retreat of the enemy ground forces, in fact, we must still prevent the enemy from retreat in the air ... There is an intelligence show that the largest floating mountain of the opponent has left Hope No. 2." From Modelair The headquarters came back, Harodes returned to their headquarters and held a short operational meeting.

There is not much power in his hand, there are still more than two planets on the No. 2 planet.

This troop has been used as a special force, but in fact they are not a special forces, just equipped with good ordinary airborne soldiers.

The Elan Hill Empire has its own special forces. The reason for the establishment of this troops is still the interest of the Empire's emperor's sudden rise.

Now, the most elite special forces of the empire, combined with the same elite regular army. This is the first joint operation since the establishment of the two troops, and also the first time of the Emperor Empire for the first time in the battlefield.

A man in the tent has opened the curtain of the tent, went to Halod, and looked at the map, and asked: "Can you use the Z-30 transport machine at the same time?"

Harlod knows this person of the question, is a commander in the Allah Empire Special Forces in the Allah Dragon, so he replied: "We want to assemble 30, according to the present In terms of transportation, we carry the weapon ammunition is very limited. "

"The other party may cross our defense from the air, so we have to carry a large volume of heavy single soldier air defense missiles to prevent this problem." Then, he explained the combat plan.

"Know why this joint action does not increase from other local officials to increase the interstellar paratroopers?" After the man heard explained, he suddenly asked.

Harodel shook his head. He didn't know this. The number of imperial paratroopers was 100,000, even if they were exhausted directly from the local, and they did not only set a strengthening force in the front line.

The man took the shoulders of Harodide, saying: "Because there is no need! Bring all the conventional weapons and equipment, you will not prepare! Pay more to prepare energy and ammunition, this is okay!"

"But ..." Harodide also wanted to argue.

"Nothing, the target is handed over to us, and the goal that can't be solved on the ground is also handed over to us ... In short, everything is handed over, you only need to help us watch your luggage." The man laughed smiled. It has exposed a expression that is more difficult than crying, interrupted his words.

"Middle school! This is a joint command action! You can't interfere with my combat plan!" Harodes frowned, and the opening emphasized the battlefield discipline.

The man stunned, revealing a more ugly smile. His face muscles may be somewhat stiff, so that the wrinkles on the face are not so smooth: "So, you can do your plan, don't give us."

After he finished, he turned and walked out of the tent. Subsequently, the voice of the man's training came from the outside of the tent: "In order to save magic energy reserves, this combat action collectively takes the Z-30 transport machine! Check all weapons and equipment before fighting! After five minutes, you will prepare!"

"The Air Force will dispatched the first time. They will not count any price to clean out our landing farm ... but then we have to expand the defense line, expelling all the swordsman who wants to be close to the Cambridge!" Harodel saw Look at the commanders under his hand, continue to explain the operation plan.

An officer raised his hand and requested a statement. After getting allowed, he asked: "The Air Force's plane will shoot a lot of flying swords ... Do we have a task to rescue those missing pilots?"

"There may be similar tasks, but our primary task is to block the route of the enemy's retreat ..." Haroder answered a sentence.

"B-52 bombing opportunity after our actions, lay 2 kilometers wide straf towards us ... for us!" Subsequently, he used his hand to make it on the electronic map, there are two places to start change. Red glitter: "Two Sky Battles 52, 52 Sky, will then arrive, provide us with powerful gunfire support!"

"The two sky battles will carry a 3,000 land team soldiers. These soldiers will take the UH-64 helicopter to our position, help us build a complete ring line, completely block the enemy's retreat path."

Using the Sky Battles is the insurance measures of the Emperor Empire Staff, they think that the sky warship can provide better and more direct supply, and the current sky battleship, and the previous sky battleship actually have a big difference.

Most of the updated models of the sky battleship are all embarrassing, and most of the operation is to complete it to the computer - even what is really accidentally being hit, and there will be too big casualties.

In this case, the use of the sky warship has become a comparison, even a priority choice.

In the past half months, the Elan Hill Empire has been defeated by the defense of the Sword of Tianjian Shen, destroyed two sky battleships.

However, although these two battleship crashed, only hundreds of soldiers were lost in Elan Hill Empire. Even if it is a exchange, the Elan Hill Empire belongs to the cheap.

"Our mission ... First, before the sky battles arrive, clean up a larger login field, ensure the safety of the sky warship! Second, prevent the enemy's retreat, drag their footsteps ... understand? "Finally, Harodes asked very much.

"Understand!" Several level commanders holding the helmet stood up and replied with as much as possible.

"Departure!" Harodes picked up the helmet on the table and then walked out of the tent. All the paratroopers have already completed the lines, next to them, is a smaller team that is not composed of one hundred people.

The luggage of these people is a lot, and they can see the use, including the transportation reserve box of the magic spinite battery, and some special equipment.

It is noted that Harlod and his interstelet should pay attention to these people, in those people, there is a "giant" that is three meters high, just standing there, as if the tower is general.

"They won't get a UIPA-1?" Go to Harodide, an paratrooper is surprised to look at the huge figure.

"Ultimate single power armor? What is joke." Halo looked at the giant that all shrouded under the thick armor, shook his head and said: "The things are eliminated!"