My Empire

One thousand four hundred eighty two finished talking again

In the conference room, Chris looked at the generals of participating in the meeting, as well as the ministers who were sitting on the generals.

Wagger sat in Chris's left hand, his side sat, the Cosmic Army was able to attend the highest general of the military conference and Malian.

Insert a sentence, really good, worth loading, after all, can cache reading, read off the line!

Raunns is hosting an experimental new super battleship in Dodi Region, which may be one of the most important tasks in the universe. So he did not rush back to participate in this meeting, anyway, he came and didn't come, the content of the meeting will be promoted to his hands.

As one of the generals of the Army, Mahir is introducing the military to get your hand: "Now, I don't know what kind of situation in Higs 5, we can't contact it, and there is no life to open. Transfer the door and reinforcement. "

After he finished, he looked at Chris and continued to introduce: "Launs Marshal has ordered the fleet to assemble the direction of Higs 5 ... The fleet of General Ponik is the fastest after 2 hours. Arrive, there is an exact message to pass back. "

Another will replenish: "What is the other party, I don't know any other news, I only know that the other party is near the 5th planet in Higs, and even we don't know, the weird ball, it is still Not there. "

This may be that there have been a large number of serious problems in the Emperor Empire, and there have been a large number of stresses of the military.

Many young venues can even remember, they must do their best to face the suppression of the senior magician.

At that time, in order to prevent the magician raid Chris, Allah Hill had to check the nuclear bundle, using nuclear weapons to threaten the magic masters that may assassinate Chris.

Of course, later Vivan accidentally became the nightmare of the Air Force, how to intercept Wei Wei's largest research topic for a long time.

Later, with the new aircraft successfully served, this issue was finally resolved. But "Maki'an", now there is a stalk in the Air Force Fighter Force, everyone will come out from time to time.

Now, another such problem appears in front of all in front: the other party seems, and there is also the ability to defeat the Elan Hill Empire.

General Turk took the head, and the opening to Chris also had a Marshal Waggron. Information, pass the exact information back. "

Waton sat nodded, said to Chris: "His Majesty. The general of Plekik is still trustworthy, as long as he can bring back the exact news, we can develop more targeted plans."

"We have lost 2 destroyers, so it is sure that the other party has the ability to destroy our universe spacecraft in the universe." Chris reminded: "So, no matter how careful, don't you have passed! Tell Punai Gram! With the leading intelligence, the enemy can take strength! "

"Understand! Your Majesty! I immediately sent the command to PLON Eike!" Taken nodded, and then screamed to the colonel behind him and put Chris's order.

"From the return information to analyze, the other party is at least afraid of our 500 mm caliber electromagnette ... this is to say that most of the destroy ship can't cause damage to that ball," Waggu also looked The intelligence of the coming, he also expressed concern about this.

If the war ship's main gun is unable to break down the defending of the opponent, the number of universe the universe of the Ailan Hill empire is not used.

At that time, I really broke out the war. I only rely on the number of cruisers, the universe fleet of the Allah Hill Empire, it appeared to be a bit stretched.

"Try the energy torpedo?" It is clear that as a representative of the military, the Turk will care about it, the universe army can deal with the enemy's weapons, what is the rest of the rest.

If the energy fish thunder is used, it will be explained that the expelled fleet will take risks to the distance to launch an energy torpedo to implement an attack.

This is more dangerous than using the electromagnette in a few hundred kilometers or even thousands of kilometers. It is not good, it will lose the warship, use the play for the other party to fight.

"Tie's spear number has been tried, but then their communication is interrupted, we don't know if the energy torpedo does not have the effect." Mahir is also a commander of the first-line fleet. He is more familiar with technical issues. So the opening replied.

"That is to say, it is not clear that the other's mighty level, their life, will there be more losses?" Initial, sitting in the deliner opposite the military, wrinkled with a brow and asked a sentence.

Now I have a war, it means that it is difficult to count the gold coins, which will seriously affect the economy of the empire, and will also make the tension that just eased once again broke out.

It is to know that the empire has been mobilized for half a year ago, this only returns to normal state, but also tells the people to break again, and they will question anyone.

Wagger has to represent the military, return to the question: "Prime minister! The military has no reason to sit on the enemy's invasion! Is it really ambiguous, and we can pay attention to it. stand up?"

"I hope that after a lot of service, we start to fight back! This can reduce losses!" Deslare is responsible.

Waggron shakes his head, saying: "The violent level 2 cruiser has begun to build, we need time to improve the combat ability of the fleet! But this is not an excuse of the war, we need to understand our enemies, this is the work that must be done "

"Is it sure that the enemy? If it is only another StarCraft, there is no possibility of making the other party?" Asked the Mentuary that was responsible for diplomatic work, he felt that he should work for himself.

He before, he was not satisfied with his performance on the No. 2 planet. At that time, he was more like a warrior, not a diplomat.

"You are talking, negotiating? I don't think there is not necessary, even if I want to negotiate, I have to wait for us to be sinking two destroyers, and then say!" Wagger once once again shook his head.

Chris does not wait for someone to talk, and also expresses his attitude: "I also believe that before I don't touch the other's intention, I sent people to contact, it is a very stupid thing!"