My Empire

One thousand four hundred eighty four shouted 1 good news

On the track of Planetary planets near Higs, a battleship of the Allah Hill Empire is then slowly showing his own sleeper.

These spaceships are not good, still is the practical style of Emperor Empire. After the two destroyers appeared nearby, the radar started searching nearby star fields.

"The interference is still existed, the other party does not seem to leave!" Just completed a destroy ship's bridge in the space transition, a robot looked at the screen in front of him, and the tone of relief.

"The radar detection range is suppressed, and we have no way to determine the target position, so it is impossible to launch a remote missile!" Another hit the computer keyboard and then reported.

Sitting in the captain position is a dwarf, the voice of his speech is snoring, but it is very calm: "Start high-frequency phase-controlled radar, actively search the target in the area!"

"On the far track of the Planet of Higs 5, there is a relatively strong radar reflection signal ... The size is too big ... It is like the satellite of Sigs 5 planet!" The officer responsible for radar detection, this time Loudly said.

The Dwarf Captler bearded with his voice of his voice: "We can not release so intensity interference ... If they do not electronically interfere, we can find their existence outside of 10 million kilometers!"

He looked at his side side and saw the violent cruise ship that had already placed it, "said the flagship has completed it ... according to the scheduled plan, the battleship adjustment direction! The main weapon is aligned with the target, prepares fight!"

Dozens of destroyers start steering, guarding the middle violent cruisers, close to the direction of the target.

"Defense magic array can be completed! Be careful! The other party may open fire at any time!" In the bridge of another warship, a busy scene.

"Empty air defense weapons!" Just completed the transferred battleship, the military officer responsible for the weapon determined that the war ship weapon has entered the battle state.

With his shout, the small automatic artillery on the side of the warship raised the fire-controlled radar on the wind control above the battleship, and has been activated.

"The image sensor has been monitored!" In the flagship ship of the Higs District Fleet, the officer of Plekik said that he said to his chief. This is his first time, I have the opportunity to see the enemy, so how much has a little bit of breath in his voice.

"Projection coming out!" Plan Eike, certainly wants to know the enemy that you want to face, is it a long? So he opened the command to transfer the projection to the main display of the battleship.

"Yes!" A puppet heard a few times on the touch panel in front of him, huge as the enemy of the Cang, appeared in the center of the screen.

"My God! What is this ghost?" The deputy official frowned and opened his mouth.

"What is the ghost thing is not important, it is how it hits the grass score and the iron spear number ..." Pun Aike stared at the enemy in the screen, and said that he didn't go through the eyes.

Subsequently, he continued to say: "Be careful! Keep the distance between the battleship! The other party will enter the range of the magic laser gun!"

Just in the next second of him, a rumored robot was reported quickly: "General! The energy detector detects that some of the spheres, there is energy activity!"

After Hearing this news, Punik heard the news, his brow, immediately ordered: "Command all battleships, handle the dodge to the computer! Let the collaborative computer continue to open the distance between the battleship! Do not give the other part to use large-scale attack weapons opportunity!"

He didn't know if there is any powerful remote weapon. He must avoid his fleet by the opponent's weird attack.

Therefore, let the fleet are dispersed as much as possible, it is a method of comparing insurance. At least, the possibility of being all attacked by the other party,

The officer who is detected by the enemy's state is the sound of the horror: "The other party began to attack! My day! Their sky! Their range and our weapon range are not up and down!"

A black energy straight line is almost flying over the side of the universe destroyer of the Allah Hill Empire. Looking from the other side, it seems that the destroyer is running through the head to the end.

For the precision cooperation between the ballistic computers and computer control, this destroyer escapes, hiding the horrible black energy that is shocked over in the most critical moments.

However, it is only to be rubbed with this energy. This side side is written with the art font to write the destroyer of "Domi West", which is still injured.

"Domi West Excelling Ship is hit! The extent of the side sideboard is more than 30%! The attack of the things directly penetrates the magic defense barrier!" In the bridge of the flagship cruiser, an officer loudly Reporting the damage caused by the fleet.

"See the ghost! That is the city-level magic defense barrier! Only hit it, it is broken." Pun Eki's side is white, unbelievable.

"How much time it takes, can I enter the scorpion of the magic laser gun?" Pun Aike did not say nonsense, and asked the other side of the military officer.

"It takes more than 35 seconds!" The weapon official gives a somewhat nervous answer.

Pun Aike feels that he should try, return to his opponent. So he calmly issued a command of continuing attack: "Keep the fleet forward! Let the Domi West destroy ship from the fleet, let the position!"

"The other side only one can shot so far? There is no continuous attack, it seems that the other's weapons need to be charged ... This is a good news for us." Without waiting for the second attack, PLON Eike Nervous hearts, slightly relaxing.

Since both parties don't have much weapons can be attacked remotely, then the closer distance is relatively safe.

However, when Pleuca is slightly sigh, monitor the enemy's officer once again shouted: "The dead! The other part of the other party has begun to have energy convergence phenomenon!"

"The two doors can be fired!" Pun Sik's face is slightly heavy, he is in the heart, continue to close to each other, will bring a bigger danger to the fleet.

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"There is also 15 seconds to enter the energy laser gun range!" Just when he is uncertain, the weapon officer shouted a good news.


There is also a little later, you can watch tomorrow morning.