My Empire

One thousand five hundred eighty one name named

"Report!" The voice of the secretary came from the door.

In the bright office, Chris heard the sound of the knock, raised his head from a large pile of documents, and said: "Come in!"

"Your Majesty! The news that I have just came, the surface of the planet of Higs 5, and the General Andrea sent a copy of his legislation." The secretary is open.

He is not here to send this legacy, because if the emperor is not required, it is directly sent to the Ministry of the Ministry, and Chris is personally over.

Of course, because Andre is the first senior general of death, the secretary reported this to Chris due to the diligence of the Secretary. As for the saying that Chris didn't see this block, it was not him to manage. The thing is.

"Send that text, I have to look at it." Chris's mood seems to be very good, he looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, there was a clear low in the tone.

"Go to Bundedle is coming!" Chris commanded, and then continued to bow, and went to see a development report from the other side of the empire.

As the war became stable, the front line was fixed in the vicinity of the Higs, so the investment in other directions has increased significantly.

There was a union of the union of the risk development of the risks, and now their madness got ten times a hundred times.

Just a few months in the winner of the War, Hill Empire, in the direction away from the watch, I have developed three major districts, occupying thousands of star farms. ,

In these star fields, there are hundreds of transformed planets, and the development of resource planets is even more than.

With these raw materials, the total industry of the Elan Hill Empire is still raising, although this total value is now high enough to be shocked.

Everyone knows that if the watch is really attacked from these Ilan Hill Empire, then a fiasco will come immediately, but everyone is still a huge, because this has brought them. Profit.

Every planet will make the Elan Hill Empire, and these ridiculous planets provide metals and fuel, and even provide rare raw materials to add bricks to the universe fleet of the Elan Hill Empire.

Soon, the Empire Primeographer Tsiier came to the Office of the Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor.

Des Sair was summoned by Chris, and Wagger was for Andre's legislative.

"Your Majesty, Higs 5 can be collapsed within 30 days. If we can't provide new reinforcement, Andre is not a long time." Waggu said.

Although a month in advance is a very stupid thing, Andre is also reported to the situation where he is now.

In fact, the situation is better than everyone expected, because the watchman will find the low defense work of the Allah Hill Empire, and rely on the jigs to attack these defense bunkers.

Ground defense is already in a comprehensive disadvantage, Andre's troops have no longer relying on the ground counterattack to force the enemy attacking.

"Can you make the troops to break ... Let the fleet will attack, pick it back to the warriors above Higs 5 ..." Chris asked Wagglon Road.

I have paused, he gave this reason: "If these heroes can go home, there will be benefits to our public opinion."

He thought about it, continued to add: "If we use it, you can let more people will fight for the empire!"

Wagger glanced at Chris and shook his head and said: "Your Majesty! Let the fleet against the fleet, it may be counterproductive."

"The watchman's fleet is recently being infiltrated to Douseng, and our fleet has been fighting with the enemy recently." He said, while the holographic project map standing in the room Compared.

When lifting Doso and Arranzale, he used his hand to have a probably range, and then the opening emphasized: "If the enemy continues to divide the troops, it is very disadvantageous to us."

"So, the best ending now is that we lost Higs 5, the enemy's focus on the attack, on the side of Higs 4 and Higs 3." He used his finger headed by Hudd On the 3rd and Higs 4, Chris said.

"In addition ... Your Majesty, the minister does not recommend the plan to save the Andrene General ... Even if one day I or Wagong Wan Marshal is surrounded, I still don't recommend that you rescue any one of us!" De Saier took it. The head and continue to speak.

"Yes, Your Majesty! This kind of thing can't just open a precedent." Wagger also opened his mouth.

Chris also knew that this time as the emperor, he personally shot the cost of saving Andre, it is too great.

Once Chris is not tolerant, personally take a rescue of the General Andrea, then all the generals in front of the frontline, will feel that they should be the second Andre!

Waiting for every holiday, I think I will get favored by the emperor, and I will be saved by the end, it will definitely settle.

Chris can't take each time, compared with the generals who will die, seems to be more than Adere, and there will be less the emperor.

This is an unfairness of those who are also willing to fight for the country, and it is not good to affect morale.

Chris is just a reason to say that there is also news about all reports about the war now, all to review the Empire management department.

The head of the audit department is Chris's Huangfu Jessica - In this case, Chris said that it is necessary to establish a living propaganda model. This reason is obviously the letter to the River.

"Willing to offer life for the empire is more alive." Chris glanced at De Saier and the opening emphasized.

"This is the truth, Your Majesty, but now there is no way to ensure the safety of the magic eyes, unless we are willing to immediately increase the Tigs 5, start a comprehensive counterattack, otherwise we have a magical eye, only Let the situation on the side more complicated. "Desel opens to persuaded a sentence.

Chris was silent, giving up Higs 5 planets was his strategic decision, if he changed this decision, and the trend of this war may change.

In this case, Chris feels that he is really a very wrogging. He is a magical source, and he can't help but save a courage.

"We can change a way to let Andre's generals forever." De Saier is open to Chris: "For example ... we can use the general name to name a planet, or even a star."

Chris glanced, then looked at Wagger. Wagger got down and said to Chris: "This is definitely a good way! Your Majesty!"

"That ... you personally choose a planet, the first one can choose a good planet!" Chris still couldn't put down.

Dessear nodded immediately: "Your Majesty! I will choose a beautiful, very beautiful planet, named the name of General Andre!"

"This will also be set as a forever!" Chris added: "Every senior general of the empire war, should always be immortal! Use their name to name the planet, I think it is very good!"

Vatron's grateful to Ji Zi, said to Chris: "Your Majesty! I will thank you thousands of people who are willing to die for the Empire to thank you!"

"If possible, I am more willing to let them live!" Chris sighed and looked at Lu Zidu, and let the Secretariat intertwined, and announced the decision! "

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Lu Deh nodded, and he remembered the command of Chris.


On the 5th planet of Higs 5, Andrene was sitting in his own office, while sitting there, all of which were all scars.

Yare is a killing of all the way. He killed the No. 9 highland from the 12th highlands. He always commanded the defender to pursue the guards.

In the past two days, he and the other party had a big and small battle for more than 1,000 times, frustrated a few large-scale pursuits of the watch, and finally with the safety of the troops to highland.

9 highlands is a core position, where the surface has been completely stuffed. There are hundreds of guns that are hidden in it.

All trenches have been reinforced by concrete, and many trenches are even directly in the bunker, and there is a top cover!

Such a fortress in accordance with the past experience, it can block the attacked the attire of the winners more than 20 days, so before Wagger can insist on Higgs 5 to inference.

The huge fortress is behind, and there are also a missile launch base that has been destroyed in the field of field. These places have been bombed by the crushing people, and it has already faced unrecognizable.

Behind these destroyed defense works, it is a hidden high-tech gun defense position. These high-tech guns are the final air defense forces that Allah Hill Empire deployed in planets on Higs 5.

The back of these high-tech guns is that it has been ruined in the tree of life. After several attacks, the tree of life is now a state of half-dead, and it has not been able to maintain the atmospheric component of the entire planet.

In fact, the atmosphere on the surface of Star, Tigs 5 has begun to collapse, just because of the tree of life, this collapse does not suddenly reach the critical point.

According to the crash speed of the atmosphere, Higs 5 can also support less than half a year.

Of course, in fact, the Elan Hill Empire, the Elan Empire, on the 5th planet, did not have a long time.

"The war is no longer reversible. We lost all the air force. Now the rest of the troops can no longer continue to fight." Yare squeezed a hard laugh, and said to Andre.

He came back from the front line, in addition to the report to Andre, there is a reason that he must come back to protect the General Andre.

The winner's troops have used hundreds of conquesters soldiers into the underground bunker, defeating an offering forces in the Elan Empire.

This thing makes Yahal's heart, and he is very worried that the enemy will take a raid way to attack the commanding center of the Allah Hill Empire, so he is back to protect the security of this headquarters.

There is an Andre, this Presi needle is in the headquarters in the headquarters, and the Defense for Emperor Emperor I can persist in at least a few days.

If the winner raises the Andre's headquarters, then the Dragon's Unresnated Elan Empire Defense Force may be completely calendered in an instant.

"These are not all we know." Andre said these days have become accustomed to death. He was still unrest, but now he has already thought that it has accepted all this.

"Yeah, we have already known." Yare gave himself a low-size fruit wine. After drinking, he said that this fruit wine is also a special treatment.

Soldiers are prohibited from drinking in front, this is also a hard regulation of the military - of course, the grassroots officers can always find some drinks. In fact, there will be some drinks on the spacecraft of the transportation, which has always been public secrets.

"But I have a news that I just get." Andre said with a smile. He also heard this good news, so he called Ya'ale called.

"Good news?" Yared, I just returned to the general headquarters. When he was exhausted, he slept in a flourishing, which was just waking up, of course, there was no news.

"I just promised a letter, in order to praise you and me for the imperial heroism, you are ready to use your name and my name! From Today, our name will be with the planet, always immortal. Andre did not sell Guan Chuan and said directly.

Ya Yale, then nodded at the point of consciousness: "Use our name to give the planet name? It is really a good idea."

"Yes? I don't think so!" Andrew haha ​​laughed: "In the future, if my children know that there is a star name called Andre, they will be very happy."

"Yeah, as a giant dragon, I also feel that I can name a planet with my name, it is really great." Yare continued to say. He really felt that this is a cool thing, it is worthy of his show.

For a time, he even forgot this is the benefits exchanged with his sacrifice, and even some little excitement.