My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Number three, I want to be supportive.
"The Water Spear (Water Lance) wears my foolish enemies as a spear by giving life to the Water Spirit!"
The spinning spiritual chant of Akiki Kokanai (High Elf) works on the spiritual veins that dwell in all things, transforming the reason of the world. The spear created in the air was thrown straight into the head of a giant crocodile sitting in front of him. A crocodile monster scream echoes through the aisle.
The rigid arm of the goobbayashi (Ouga) that then ran out held the crocodile's jaw from the top. Hold it in place, and the monster's giant body slowly lifts up, wondering if it would be ten meters long. Crocodiles move jitters and limbs, but if this happens, it no longer means anything.
"Now, Sacha!
"Ugh, yes!
Kokanai and Kunihiro Ryuzaki (Dragonoid) call their names one after the other, and Sakuma's Yoshiko Sakubus begins his magical chant.
I hear there's more than one magic in this world. Kokanai, an elf, uses spiritual magic, but many of his classmates, whose reincarnation made magic available, use magic that works on the truth behind the world, called black magic.
I was not taught by anyone, they were able to exercise it naturally. I guess it's instinct as a demon. As people walked, birds flew, and fish swimmed, they were reborn as such races, equipped with instincts to just freely exercise their magic.
"The Right Arm of the Heavenly Shattering Demon King Who Turns Everything Into Dust: The Hammer of Doom (Brow Ash)!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
It was almost at the same time that Goubayashi missed his torso and slapped crocodiles with the capacity of the Germanic Suplex and Sakuma activated the magic. Over the head of the beaten crocodile, a black mass pours down, causing its giant to disappear like dust. Ryuzaki spoke in a hurry.
"Wait, wait! Sakuma, there's nowhere to eat with this!
"Oh, shit! Stop! Stop!!
Sakuma managed to knock out the pouring black sphere as she made her body jump desperately. Koganei unwittingly turns a blind eye because it's something that violently rocks around his chest. Ryuzaki had no wind he cared about, and Goubayashi hadn't even seen it from the start.
On the spot, the remains of crocodiles whose parts of the body have become dust are rolled.
With all this amount, it would be meat for a few days. We have the means to keep it frozen so it doesn't rot, and the food problem is solved for the time being. Sugiura shouldn't have to cook her own octopus feet either.
"Ryuzaki-kun, Goubayashi, you know, it's okay...?
Sakuma rushes over ready for recovery magic, but they both waved for the first time.
"No problem."
"Oh. Just don't struggle with boulders when you get here. You should take the safety margin and make exploration this far."
To Ryuzaki's words, we nod together. He's of little use in battle, but his voice was still solid in these situations.
A gowbayashi ropes the crocodile's remains, and Koganei carries the floating magic of the wind attribute to its base.
"Sacha, you're getting stronger"
Kokanai laughed at Nico and spoke to Sakuma.
He was a pull-in idea at first, too, and he's gaining more and more confidence here these days. Likewise, he seemed concerned about Sakuma being pulled up from the bottom layer of the class at once.
"I guess so. Yeah......"
Sakuma is not looking lit, but just leaning over with a less sunny look.
"If you get used to using magic, you'll be stronger."
There is a difference between spiritual and black magic, but it is Kokanai when it comes to the best wizard in the class, and Sakuma is second to none. The last few explorations were combined with Sakuma's magic training. In Kokanai too, nature and power enter, but Sakuma's expression is not clear.
"What's wrong? Sacha."
"Yeah, it's nothing..."
Sakuma shaking her head as she sifted, but Ryuzaki turned around without reading the air here.
"Sakuma must be worried about Utsurugi."
"Oh, what!?
Unexpectedly, Sakuma giving you a face. The look on Koganei's face gave a slight hint.
"... Really?
"What. Koganei, you didn't know? I'm a class commissioner, so I've been watching you a lot. Sakuma has been talking about Utsurugi for a long time..."
"Hey, hey! Wait a minute, Ryuzaki-kun!
Sakuba Sakuma's white skin is dyeing brighter and brighter red. Every time I shook my hands up and protested, two breasts with thin leather cloth still swayed with soggy yum. Koganei increasingly clouds his expression, but Ryuzaki laughs' haha 'without looking like he cared at all.
"With that said, Koganei likes Rin."
Koganei made a voice-out like he had been made voice-over. Ryuzaki is in bright shape and moving on looking forward.
"You've been watching Rin on the bus the other day. Rin is a good girl. There are some bad rumors because I talk to the boys individually. Now, there's got to be no guy I'm seeing. Just be careful. Fine, because the guard is stiff. Actually, I got flustered, too."
"Uh, yeah..."
Koganei returns a raw reply, looking at Hiraki and Sakuma. When Ryuzaki tries to say something more, the gowbayashi dragging the crocodile raises his voice
"You guys, don't slap me in the mouth for nothing. We're still far from home."
A pimply, unspoken voice.
Perhaps Goubayashi must have correctly spotted the heart of everyone on the spot. That's why you decided it wasn't a good idea to make Ryuzaki talk any more.
"Ooh. I know, gooby palm."
Ryuzaki nods and pushes silently. Sakuma sighed relievedly, but Kokanai had his sarcastic gaze pointed toward Sakuma.
"Princess Shui, why were you here?"
Kyosuke, who finds Rin, sits on the spot and asks him so.
One of the three most beautiful ex-class girls. Rin Himemizu, an ace sprinter on shore, is now one water slime. Furthermore, it is the same "useless" as Kyosuke and Ei. The movement is cursory, and I guess the force is pretty good, but in the end, it's not helping a lot within the class.
After all, did she, too, stop wanting to be in that class?
"I know, princess water. It's hard to be told that grain crushing..."
Kyosuke, I don't think so.
A scratch from Ei Furano (Whisp) flies over Kyosuke, who puts his arms together and says he's stingy.
"What, no? Then why..."
"I can't run..."
To Kyosuke scratching her head, Rin said so with a puffy tremor.
"Can't run?
"I can't run! Me! I liked running so much!
Kyosuke was hazy.
Rin Himezu, the fastest woman in Shinto High School. The fastest time for short walks is the top tier in the province. In response to a newspaper department interview trying to explore the secret, he said it would not be bitter because he likes to run more than anything else.
That Rin is the slime.
If you want to move, you don't have legs.
No matter how much you want it, you can't run as fast as you did then.
When Rin, a beautiful girl in her class, found out she slimmed, a discouraged voice leaked from all over the class. But wasn't it Rin himself who was most shocked by the fact that, in the end, he slimmed?
"Can't you take advantage of the indefinite properties and make a leg?
Ei asked from the side, so Kyosuke nodded as well. But Rin trembles like he denies it.
"You know what? I tried to do it first, too."
"Yeah, yeah."
Kyosuke corrected her posture and made her snort again and again.
"But trying to stand like this..."
Oops, Rin deformed his momentum. "Slime Daughter," as I occasionally see on the image site. That's what happens. The blue, drooling texture was transformed into a human silhouette. The appearance does not resemble that of Rin before reincarnation, but Kyosuke is still thrilled because the body line clearly emerges for lack of clothes.
But the only thing that's human-shaped is hip-to-top. And then it's like a puddle. Rin pulled his arm to stomp and said, 'No!' I screamed and pulled my legs out of the puddle.
Kyosuke is not surprised. In front of you, a smooth slime girl in model shape shows up,
"Ha ha!!
But as soon as I lost my strength, I collapsed.
"It seems hard to keep the shape against gravity..."
Rin leaked her sighs as she pounded, looking completely depressed.
"It's a couple of seconds at most, and I can't run..."
I can't believe Rin Himemizu, the cheerful mark of that class, has such a pungent voice.
"Princess Shui can be depressing."
"What's that? I'm depressed, too, huh? I'm human...... Oh, you're not human now."
"Something, because I always seemed to have an inexhaustible energy..."
To Kyosuke's words, Rin twists his whole body with 'Nh'. Is it like I'm tilting my neck? Where slimmed, the richness of its emotional expression remains unchanged. It was different from Eung, who became the same indefinite monster.
"Tuna, if you don't keep swimming, you'll die."
"Me, maybe tuna"
That said, Rin deforms into a fish-like shape. Tuna, or this is goldfish.
"I get better because I run, and I can run again with that energy! Like what?
"So, princess, if you can't run water, you're dead?
"I could be dead..."
Kyosuke unwittingly blows out because the words seemed too serious and serious.
"What!? What!? I'm serious!? Whoa! Oh, my God, already!
"No, bad. I don't like it when Princess Shui dies."
"Well, think of a better name for me to run."
Goldfish returns to slime and protests Tapon Tapon. It's a well rocked slime. Makes me want to touch it a little bit, but will this be sexual harassment at all? Kyosuke, who had never thought of anything like touching Rin Mizumi, the princess of the human age, but the fact that her opponent is sliming now has unusually lowered the hurdle.
Hey, I followed you.
Cool blue waves and Rin makes his whole body jump.
"Utsugi, where are you touching me?!?
"Uh, where was I touching?
"I don't know! I don't know, but something was so sensitive!
Pugh, Rin's body swells about 1.5 times. Really rich in emotional expressions.
"Perhaps Slime has a sensory organ all over his body. I may not be on the move, but I'm very sensitive to unexpected stimulation from the outside."
Eung was giving a commentary. Really? While listening, his voice leaks' heh 'at the same time as Rin.
"But even if it's a good idea to be able to run..."
Kyosuke, while saying so, sticks Rin's surface again. Now there was no surprise that it wasn't an 'unexpected' stimulus, and instead it caught on my finger. When I pull my arms as far as I can, 'Uh-huh' stretches out. Funny like cake or gum.
When I stood up and looked, Rin still wouldn't leave. On the contrary, he was slowly lifting his whole body from the bottom up, trying to wrap Kyosuke's right arm around him.
"Princess Shui, don't twitch like a cat"
"Don't slime into words."
With that said, Kyosuke doesn't want to force Rin off. I don't see a way to solve her problems. This made Kyosuke think that if Rin's mood cleared up at all.
But still, if I can, I want to help her.
I want to support you.
If I can't help you in the class, I'd like to at least do something about Rin Princess Shui.
When he thought so, Kyosuke felt uncomfortable looking at Rin trying to wrap his whole arm around him.
"Hey, princess water. Don't you have a hard attitude?
Earlier when he tried to take a human figure, he said it was difficult to maintain a shape that defied gravity. I still feel close to it.
"Uh, here's the thing. I'm fine."
Rin ascends as he descends from Tapon and Kyosuke's right arm, crawling through the nearby Great Rock.
"This way, if it depends on something, I'm perfectly fine. So here's the thing, do it..."
Two smooth, model-like legs stretch out of the slime attached to the rock.
"So it's like putting your hands on a rock, and this is how you can walk. I don't know if it feels like the baby's gonna get up against the wall."
My legs growing out of the slime were a little bit allergic to walking, but I did "walk". Rin, as he circled the rock, still returned to the original slime with the sound of a pong.
"But I knew this. Then I can't run as fast as I want to..."
"No...... That's it."
Kyosuke shrugged pompously. Rin made a strange voice.
"Heh? What? What?"
"I got an idea, princess water! That's a good idea! Leave it to me!
Behind him, Whisper Eung, whose expression remains completely unchanged, floats with a fuzz. I guess I guessed Kyosuke's idea to see where he didn't pinch his mouth. Maybe you're thinking about it like 'That's another bad habit'. What do you care?
"I'll be there for you!
"Oh, oh... Ooh..."
Rin's voice was trembling with emotion.
Kyosuke is now wrapped up in Rin. Not in a weird way. Maybe it means something weird if you look at it in depth, but for now, it's literally wrapped up physically.
"What do you say, Princess Shui? Isn't your posture hard?
"Yeah, I'm fine! It's so easy!
"Oh well..."
Hard, or odd feeling, is more of Kyosuke, but I never speak of that.
A name I came up with for her hoping to run. It was about Kyosuke becoming Rin's "skeleton." to Skeleton's body, fleshing the slime like a patty. Rin's body (craving) is able to get on with Kyosuke's body (kokaku) while creating people's shapes, so it's not that much of a burden to maintain its shape.
"You thought about it, Kyosuke."
Eung also said as he floated.
Kyosuke now is a disgusting creature on top of this, with a translucent liquid flesh on top of the skeleton. No, it's not just Kyosuke, it's Rin, too, so is it rude of her to turn me down as disgusting? But does this also look like a human being in the midst of being preyed upon and digested by slime from the side?
Now, how much can the body move? When I try to stretch my arms, I get a viscous feeling that my body is strangely gripping.
Kyosuke stretches her spine as she suddenly squeaked in her ear.
"Hih, princess water! Did you touch something weird again?!?
"Eh, eh... So, it's okay......, is it?
Her voice, answering that, was shaking somewhat. Does it make you feel weird, or does it make you feel like you're doing something weird?
No, hey, is this, like, weird...?
"Suddenly, I'm just surprised... Good, move..."
Again, gently extend your right hand. Now, there was no particular resistance. I can see Rin stretching his whole body so that he can loosen his movements here and snuggle in perfectly.
"Wow...... Awesome, Utsurugi!
In a shaky voice, Rin said. Because it's close, or it sounds cancer to my head.
"Don't yell in my ear......!
"Oh, I'm sorry! But I'm glad!
I know I didn't bother to say that. I just bought a toy in front of you, you sound like a child. He is truly the type of daughter whose emotions appear on the table. Up to this one I'm asking, I felt kind of excited.
"Utsugi, let's walk!
Kyosuke took her right foot a step forward at that moment.
My legs don't move as much as I think, only the center of gravity of my upper body is uneven. Failing to rebalance the collapsed balance, Kyosuke fell out of momentum. At the same time, Rin's body, which was wrapped around his whole body, would fall to the ground properly. I felt a little awkward with my hands about the ground.
"You two walk together, so I guess it's like two tripods. If we don't breathe together, it's going to be hard to move."
Eung's voice is cool. Even though it's a whisp. Even though it's a fireball.
"Something, I'm sorry. Princess Shui......"
Rin grabbed Kyosuke's arm when she apologized with the thought of letting him hope for it. If you look at Rin trembling in puffy little pieces, you can see that he's excited to take it in his hands, even without his expression.
"Yeah! Utsugi, let's do it again!
"Princess Shui..."
"Wow, that's awesome, Utsurugi-kun! Me, I didn't think I might be able to be this body and run again! Thanks to Utsurugi!
The moment I heard the words, the tension I was straining inside Kyosuke felt fluffy and relaxed.
Ever since I came to this world, the uncomfortable I've been feeling is getting rid of me once and for all.
"Let's run, Utsurugi! Running feels good!
Rin did not hesitate, but followed Kyosuke's body. Kyosuke's body (Kokaku), which stands up slowly, also gets what is called Rin Princess Shui (I want to be hard). Earlier I felt uncomfortable, but for the second time her body was limp, comfortable with her literal bones.
Rin's words came directly to my head this time.
"Utsugi, let's merge! Combine to make you feel better!
"You're saying you're not a ton."
You notice your own rudeness, Rin keeps silent. Surprisingly Ubb.
Is it lit? Kyosuke felt the body of the slime wrapping around her whole body twitch and warm up, and she thought it was a perfectly clever body.