My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 23: Surin Hard
In the wilderness, it seems to be raining rarely. The students working on the refurbishment on the heavy cruiser had returned to the base, except for some of the work carried out on board. Many students seem bored, except for their fish-dwelling brothers and sisters, who are literally shuddering around like fish who got water.
According to the material Serena left me, there is a good chance that there will be groundwater sources near this dungeon. The day after it rained, an aqueduct could form in the dungeon, presumably leading to a hidden room like it shouldn't normally be. Whether or not to send out an exploratory party that incorporates the fish brothers and sisters tomorrow is a wonderful place to go.
Kunihiro Ryuzaki had some spare time in the ops room for a long time.
There are still many concerns, such as red-wing demons, but it is the gospel for Ryuzaki that the giddy air in the class that was most heartbreaking is being eased. Some students have been exposed to enemies most of the time, so they can't let go and rejoice.
I hope Koganei is at least safe.
Ryuzaki remembered the existence of a heavy cruiser's voyage log, which he left on his desk.
Kyosuke and the others brought it. I tried to read it when I settled down, and I completely forgot.
One of the important clues involved in the original world. Most importantly, it's not worth it now that we know there's a tripper in Serena's hometown.
Ryuzaki opens the log. Even though it's the same Japanese, it's 70 years old. Besides being great and masterful, it's hard to read back.
Turning the page apart for a while, the handwriting was clearly changing along the way. This one seems a little easy to read.
"Uh, what..."
A statement to the effect that he keeps a log instead has been made because the superior officer who was in command of the heavy cruiser has gone missing. Probably that captain that Kyosuke and the others reported to me.
Descriptions such as those monstered by the crew do not exist in particular. However, it has been attacked by creatures from other worlds, such as sandworm and goblins, and is becoming increasingly depleted. Though by no means an excellent summary, the pale report felt a real looming reality instead, just not other personnel.
Despair I don't know if I can go back to the original world.
The crew wears off day by day, decreasing in number.
Finally, some corporals rioted and even came up with a description of shooting to keep order on board.
"This is what would have happened to us if we had taken a wrong step..."
The spine of Ryuzaki crawls with a sense of relief.
Solemn Qing to keep order changed the air on board. Of course, for the worse.
Whoever points the blade at the captain will be killed. Such perceptions were spreading. Depressed air lingers, leading to a sense of obstruction. The one who sells the euphoria to the captain, the one who takes the distance, the one who snitches something he doesn't like for signs of betrayal. Various.
One day, the captains left the heavy cruiser and said they were determined to head east. It was to them, experts in naval warfare, that they lacked the so-called know-how on land expeditions, but nevertheless decided that even here they would just dry up. Personnel had been reduced to the initial half.
Apparently, the voyage log had also been properly brought into that journey, spelled out as one, two, three days and only despair and impatience would solicit it. Still, one day on the fourth day, they discovered it like an artificial building, a castle wall. It's Serena's country. Ryuzaki thought. They got there, too.
But if so, why was the captain decaying in that heavy cruiser? I'm even bothering to bring it back to the voyage log.
The answer was written on the next page.
In conclusion, the soldiers of the former Japanese Navy who moved to this world did not receive a generous welcome from the locals at the time. It was the baptism of a cold arrow that approached the walls and was directed at them waving.
There is no means to prove that words do not make sense and that there is no hostility. Furthermore, it was determined that a soldier in a state of panic fired a small gun. Shooting one of the soldiers shooting an arrow from above the walls, the captains were considered completely enemies.
Captains who fled on heavy patrol with their lives, but were aware that their own lives were not that long from the wounds they received.
The page ends just a few more days from there.
Ryuzaki closed the book feeling unspeakable.
There are currently trippers living in Serena's country, he said. In other words, there are humans who are fortunate not to be considered enemies of that country and who have succeeded in receiving generous protection. But just one wrong step, something like what was written in this journal can naturally happen as well.
It was the comfort of recognising once again the danger of intercultural contact becoming pregnant.
Will Kyosuke and the others do well? They'll be fine, naturally. It is, above all, the gospel that is facilitating contact with Serena.
But when I thought, a coffin placed in the corner of the ops room suddenly rattled.
Unexpectedly speaking.
It's the Original Tail. It's Mayuki Haruo's coffin. Waking up spontaneously is quite unusual.
The lid of the coffin opens and the raw tail slowly wakes the body from the inside.
Good morning, Haruo.
"Ah......, good morning. Are you the one who prevents me from sleeping..."
"You woke up on your own today."
"Ah, it was...... Am I the one who prevents me from sleeping..."
I'm surprised this man named Haruo has been like this since his human age. The inappropriate fit in the class stemmed from the fact that my parents were the best bourgeoisie in the city, my grandfather was the city councillor, my paternal uncle was the director of the city hospital, and my maternal uncle was a congressman, anyway, a great lineage. When you get your hands on it badly, your scary brother gets in the house. Tachi is bad. From the human age it was "scared as the curse of the original tail.
Well, root is a good guy.
If you let Ryuzaki tell you, roughly 90% of the people who lived on Earth would be "good roots".
Still, well, the roots are good guys, too.
"Well, Ryuzaki, the book you have... Resurrected from 200 years of sleep, a record book of black history..."
"Two hundred years?
Ryuzaki held the voyage log and made a strange face.
"It's a wartime journal. Seventy or eighty years, isn't that it?
"Two hundred years... My eyes will never go wrong when I see time..."
"I wonder if time flows differently here and there..."
It's not even a joke that the "eye that sees the time" of the original tail. Ryuzaki is deliberately putting the coffin in the operations room because it treasures that eye of the original tail. Age measurements can originally provide some prospect of the past and the future. It's not accurate enough to say futuristic vision or prophecy, to the extent that it changes with the 'slight certainty factor discrepancy' at the end of the line, but it still helps in determining the guiding principles.
"I fall asleep again... How dare you interfere with the sleep of the original tail..."
Zuzu...... and closed the lid of the coffin with his mind, the original tail shrugged.
"Oh, are you going to bed now? Good night."
By the time Ryuzaki says it, Ibiki will be heard from inside.
But 200 years? With all that time gone, I guess no one remembers first-hand the crew of the heavy cruiser anymore. And I think.
That's the easiest thing to do. It is not good to drag the unfortunate accident described in this journal to the seat of this negotiation. However, if things settle down, I would like to at least bury their souls with the same Japanese hands.
"Ryuzaki-kun, he's here!?
Now I heard a knock on the door of the ops room. This voice is Sakuma. It's unusual for her to shout so far.
"I'm here, what's up?
"Ha, my God......! I mean, it's amazing!
Sakuma's chest, which jumped into the ops room with that said, was certainly in a tough and awesome way to ramble.
But experienced Ryuzaki never sees his precious classmates with yokoshima eyes.
"So, what's so hard and amazing?
"On the 15th floor of the basement, I picked it up because it looked awesome..."
"Sounds awesome..."
From Sakuma's mouthfeel, I know it doesn't look so bad. If so, is it useful?
"Okay. I'll go check it out."
"Yeah, maybe you should have Twilight look at it too..."
If so, what could possibly be used for parts of a heavy cruiser?
In some cases, the renovation may be completed sooner than planned. Ryuzaki left the operation room so that he could be taken by Sakuma.
"Utsurugi-kun, what shall we do..."
That's what the giant water manju lying in front of me said.
The name of this water manju is Rin Mizuki. Idol of vigor boasts four sets of two years of Shinto High School. Ace sprinters that are slightly small but roll off excess tension and smash 100 meters at the fastest in the province. Thomson, she's a sunny daughter with dazzling healthy legs reminiscent of gazelle, but now she's a giant water manju.
It is reminiscent of the Shingen cake of Koshu Mingconfetti. It feels like it would be delicious with black honey and yellow powder.
"I don't care what they say... What shall we do?"
"I'm so fat or disqualified from shore... I would have liked to have lost some more body fat by this summer's tournament..."
"I wonder if that's the problem with this"
Isn't it a literal blister, not fat, in the first place? This.
Apparently, Rin, who stood on the lookout, took that rainwater into his body while it was undergoing a loud rain and gradually became huge. Its rate of expansion is just accelerating, as more volumes also increase the part that receives its water distribution.
It makes me want to do something when I see Rin crush him for real and pity, but for now, the only thing I can do to Kyosuke is to tune that surface.
"It's been a long time."
You woke up, Eung said in the lantern.
"What the hell... Wow! So!!
"Mm-hmm, is it time to take turns... Wow! So!!
White horses and Serena also wake up one after the other.
"Ah, Serena! It was just fine! Hey, what's this!? What is this!? What is this!?
"Uh, I'm not sure"
"Wow! My last hope is bastard!
Rin Shimizu, who still received rain and continues to expand, screamed. Serena keeps rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Water slime does have the ecology of taking liquids from the outside and growing by disconnecting body waste from old parts. That's like crustacean peeling. But I can't believe it's going to be this big..."
"I eat princess water so often that I wonder if there's something wrong with the center of my stomach, so I guess that's why"
"I see."
"I don't think so. - But!
Rin, who, as usual, protests with a tappy swing, but with this size, is also extremely destructive.
"What can I do! I've grown up so fine already! It's a crisis of women's power!
"I mean, if Mr. Serena's words are right, can you excrete chitin for what you've taken in?
"Ha, excrement! More another way of saying it!
"Then let them separate."
"Maybe I'm playing spectacular right now"
Indeed, I feel that exposing the spectacle of spitting out the water taken into my body to the crowd (although there are four) is a rather resistant act for Rin. But when it grows so big, it's unlikely that we can even imitate it, avoiding people.
When Rin was whining about what to do and what to do, Eun-ju said this.
"Princess water, if you can manipulate body density, can you compress the body while maintaining mass?
Rin jumped and said.
"Sure, maybe I can. Feel like I can pull my stomach in..."
"You were doing it with that feeling..."
Rin said, "Hey! 'And when you get in the mood, your body looks a little shrunk. She stayed in the mood with GUNG and went hard to shrink her body. Rin's body, which had swelled up about the small lake, gradually shrunk to its normal size.
When Rin returned to his original size, he evacuated under his front so as not to wear any more water. Together we applaud 'ooh'.
"Hey, I'm so worried about you..."
"Well, that condition is with the water compressed to a high density, so I think you should leave the excess water out later..."
And Eun-suke said, and told him this further to Kyosuke.
"Kyosuke, there would have been an empty water bottle in the carriage. Why don't you just stick that in the princess water?"
"Oh, okay. Eung"
"Don't know!? Think of things!?
Kyosuke takes an empty water bottle from the carriage and approaches Rin. Rin retreated slightly with the momentum of not dripping cold sweat from his entire body.
For some reason Serena is covering her face with both hands.
"I'm sorry, Princess. It won't hurt."
Thus the empty water bottle was screwed into Rin's body, but shortly afterwards, the penetrated water bottle crumbled.
That's Kyosuke. I can pull my hand in surprise, too.
Eung nodded.
"The body of princess water today is in a state of high density compression. The water pressure is very high, so to speak, like the deep sea. If it's a metal water bottle, I can make it Peshanko under water pressure. If you merge with Kyosuke in the current state, Kyosuke might be burdened."
"That's all you have to say about sticking a water bottle in a girl's body?
Peshanko's water bottle is spewed out and Rin makes a snarling voice.
"If I could fire compressed water, I'd be able to use it like a water cutter. Depends on how you use it, but it could be a pretty powerful ability"
"Well, that's after I erased the image of" excretion "in me..."
Rain legs were gradually weakening as Rin Princess Shui's new abilities were being discovered. The sun had already set, and it was the starry sky that peered from the clouds, but now we are talking about going a little further, and together we are going further east from the rocks.
It should be noted that there are few means of securing water in this wilderness. For once, I have secured the necessary amount of drinking water, but I have accumulated water in my body because of this, and Rin was asked to travel a little more compressed for when I said I had to.
"What kind of play is it anymore to let someone else drink the water stored in your body..."
Rin's grunt pretended that everyone on the spot could not hear him.
Then, roughly five days later.
The hard treatment of Rin continued. According to Serena, waterslime has an 'take liquids from the outside and drain waste together outside' ecology. As far as I believe in this saying, it is also possible to remove impurities in the liquid and filter the water into a clean state.
So, I could actually do that.
The rainwater that Rin stored all over her body was to be removed from the fine dust and micro-organisms by her life activities (not daring to describe it as a physiological phenomenon) and supplied to the party members as "delicious water from even Rin" without a clue. It's a terrible story.
"I'll spend the rest of my life as a water tank..."
Rin (named compression form by Ein), who now compressed the moisture to a high density, said so in a blatantly depressed manner.
"As, well, princess water. Don't be depressed."
"No, I'm gonna be depressed..."
"It's as useful as it gets."
When Kyosuke tries to say that and get rid of it, Rin turns around excitedly and bites (metaphor).
"It's not good! It can't be good! Just imagine! Utsugi-kun's daughter! My sister, my girlfriend, my wife, I don't care! Oh, but I'd like her if I could!
"Ooh. She did?"
"Oh, no. After all, leave it to your daughter or sister without difficulty. Eh, my daughter and my sister give that fluid to someone else! You don't like it, do you? You don't like it! Oh no! I might not be able to go to my wife again......!
"Uh, sorry..."
"Don't apologize. Hey!
It's been a long time since they told me it was a triangular corner, but apparently it's pretty heavy to carry even the alias of a water supply tank. Either way, the water supply tank seems like a more splendid artifact than the triangular corner, but I certainly don't like making my body fluids someone else's drinking water.
According to Serena, the liquid Slime temporarily took up in her body is only water stored and not Slime's own body fluids, but I still don't like it because it makes it like spitting out the water in her mouth.
"Ugh, I don't like it... Handling seems to be dodgy..."
Finally, it made me cry.
Rin and Kyosuke are now watching their luggage in the shadow of the rock that plugged them several times. Five whole days to the east. It's time to see Serena's country. Three people, Serena, Ein and White Horse, are lightening up their bodies and going looking for them a little further.
"Me too, I'm a girl..."
"Oh, you're right. Princess Shui is a girl."
"Utsurugi...... Haven't you hammered him properly?
Rin's body didn't have any eyes on him, but I still felt he had some cold gaze on him.
"Where am I now with a girl?!? Oh, sorry, this question is so annoying!?
"Uh, the soft spot, I guess..."
"Wow! That would be good! Thanks!"
Rin gets in a slight mood by saying so, looking unconvinced somewhere.
"Hey, well, it's good... If you've been living as a slime for another month, you'll lose confidence regularly."
"As a girl?
"Well, I didn't originally have that girly personality,"
Rin Princess Shui. Contrary to his name, he doesn't look like a princess, and he's not particularly Rin. She was the one who mastered the top of the class karst because of her adorable appearance and social personality, but certainly wasn't the one who emphasized "girliness". When we talk about it this way, we have a wide range of hobbies that can match the topic of manga and games exactly to that of boys, and we can accommodate a less overt degree of underlying stuff.
So, well, I guess she even got heartless rumors from a girl who didn't think so well of her.
I just don't know if Rin looks like a girl like that, but I also feel like no there.
"Well, I guess that's the right girl to worry about,"
"Huh. Really..."
"If you really don't like it, I'm going to decide not to drink princess water anymore. Disgruntled?"
"Mmm. I don't know what to do. For one thing, the dissatisfaction with the status quo is somewhat refreshed by talking to Utsurugi."
The conversation was interrupted there. Once the conversation stops, it's a little awkward.
"If this is going to be a new force for Utsurugi-kun, I wonder if that's a good idea."
"Yeah. 'Cause I have to thank the red-wing demon (Red Wing) exactly, right?
Is it because Rin is being passed out at that devil's hand once, the tone is somewhat strong.
Rin seemed to be looking for strength the past few days. There is a verse that I have felt before my engagement with the Red Winged Devil. But the trend has been stronger since that defeat. She may consider herself the cause of full-cross defeat.
"But how can you help that power?
"Hmm, for example..."
"For example?"
"Let them drink delicious water"
"Yes, I'm sorry!
Rin was completely back on track. It's not a good idea to pack too many roots, Kyosuke herself knows.
"Utsurugi! Lynn!
Just around that corner, Serena waves back across the white horse. Kyosuke also stood up and raised one hand.
"Oh, how'd it go?
"Oh, a little further out of this rock, I see a long wall at the end of the horizon."
"It was like a great wall of thousands of miles."
White horses and Eung explain it to me in their mouths. Finally. It seems that we have arrived.
It's been five days since we left base, so it's almost on schedule. By the time we get back, we should have almost refurbished the heavy cruiser. However, that was still the only anxiety that the red-wing demons had not raided their strongholds in the meantime. Install the cooperation as quickly as possible and just want to hurry back.
For one thing, after this, we will approach the walls and attempt a dialogue with the humans. Let's have a tummy before that, so I spread the preserved food loaded in the carriage.
"You can't fight when you're hungry, you're the guy!
"It's not good to be a war..."
With those words, Kyosuke sees Serena.
"(You said you could be a diplomatic material)"
Making some parts of my body contact Kyosuke, Rin has spoken with only consciousness. Kyosuke nods.
I mean, she's quite a noble person. If Serena makes good use of her position and takes this side, she will be able to negotiate. At least that's the only chance Kyosuke has right now.
Perhaps in a few hours, we'll have contact with the humans. Kyosuke swallowed the smoked meat.
Smoked meat that fell off his throat, Rin caught it and snuck up on it.