My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 42: Towards the East Sea
The battle is over. The eagle tail wreckage, which Kyosuke retrieved from Kimaira, will be cremated and once again delivered to the bone pot and placed inside the Buddha's altar. Kyosuke also participated in what could be termed the second funeral, and prayed quietly for the eagle tail's bliss.
In a magical world, or the spreading world of undead monsters, nothing mourned returns. The great principle is absolute. Where is the soul of the eagle tail who travelled to Yellow Springs Road now? Is the concept of reincarnation also present in this world? Serena has spoken of the presence of a different world visitor known as the "Reborn (Li Incar)". Is it ever to be fulfilled that the eagle's soul is reborn as something else?
When I asked Goubayashi about that, he told me this.
"The concept of the salvation of the soul after death is in order for the living to look forward to independence from the fear of death. If you're so stuck with the fantasy that the dead might come back to life, you'd better think from the start, there's no such thing. '
It was a cold story, and it was not the only language that religionists had.
However, it is the words of a friend of Kyosuke Akagi, Motomo Haolin. Kyosuke nodded spoiltly.
There is another soul that Kyosuke must pray for blessings.
A short distance from the ancient castle, there was a small high hill. Even when it comes to the hills, like the ruins of the Wang capital, it is never a place that can be said to have a good view by the woodlands of the trees. However, Kyosuke chose the burial site for Su Fang's history (Suu - Takafumi).
The settlement with him was momentary. I don't know if he didn't have the help to prevent Extreme Brow, or if he wasn't willing to prevent it from the beginning. But he swept blood from his chest, and Knight's swoo fell down. No matter how good a vampire is at physical and regenerative abilities, if he gets his heart smashed, he dies. That's what Red Well taught me.
Kyosuke couldn't afford to just add a hand. Said Hongjing, there was also convenience in the limit of activity. If you get out of hand poorly and Extreme Cross is released, then Kyosuke won't be able to EX Merge (X-Cross) for a long time. Thus, there was no guarantee that Suo would not attack Kyosuke, who had lost decisive means.
Suo was' like shit 'about the fate of his own blood born as a family, but as far as buying Akeno away from him and getting out, he probably had some sense of belonging. He didn't say anything about Akeno or where Koganei would have headed.
It was boring. If I say I don't have toothpick, I lie. I didn't think I was going to hold the thought of what a boy comic book would look like if 'where I met him was different'.
Suo's burial took place quite securely compared to Eagle's tail. Ryuzaki, Goubayashi, Haruo, and the Cat Palace, who saw us through that battle. And it's Red Well, Sakuma, and Rin and Ei. Nine of them, Kyosuke to these eight, picked up his remains, which had been fogged away like ash, and buried them on the hill.
For many classmates, Suo remains the enemy. He led Kimaira, a monster who desecrated the death of the eagle tail, to raid the school. I tried to expose Sakuma and put her in a terrible way. There was also a slight hesitation in inviting other classmates to bury such a suo, but the Goubayashi and the others nodded at me.
"Then we shall continue our quest for the ancient castle."
That's what Ryuzaki said after the silent prayer ended.
"Talking about Twilight Mori, it looks like the engine department was damaged when the branch rocked in Suo's raid, and it's gonna take about a day to repair it."
"I see, in the meantime, the exploration of the ancient castle"
"Looks like I've been lurking over there for quite some time. We're finding all sorts of things."
Like the example dungeon, "The Promised Cemetery (Catacombe)," was it also meant to serve as an invasion base? It was said that some materials had also been found that could be used to renovate the branch schools.
Plus, it's a lot of entertainment. Beginning with table games like chess and cards, classmates boiled a lot when generators and video games were discovered. Kyosuke understood the meaning of the last word Suo told Akeno and just got a little less cut.
I guess you decided this wasn't about doing it in front of the grave. Ryuzaki takes Goubayashi and the Cat Palace down the hill. The original tail gives a big yawn.
"Let's go back to school and fall asleep again..."
"Oh, the original tail is annoying too. Thanks for everything this time."
"Protecting friends also serves as the original tail...... How dare you interfere with the sleep of the original tail..."
I'll tell you what, the original tail disappeared with instant travel.
"It's as dark as ever..."
Rin said it was pompous. The rest of us snort silently.
"Whatever, now you're settled for one thing. It's hard not to solve everything."
"Yeah, it's not a happy situation to let go, but one familiar problem is solved."
In response to Eung's words, Kyosuke looked at her own arm.
I feel like my bones are weirdly weaker than before. The prolonged use of Phase 3 abilities depletes the “power of blood". Red Well also said 'blood withered' by pointing to this. The power of blood returns due to the passage of time, but apparently Extreme Cross is not something that can be used pompously either. Apparently not if Red Well constantly supplies blood, but Kyosuke's attitude on that point was passive.
Rin, Ei, Sakuma and Hongjing are here. Kyosuke turns to the four of us and bows her head again.
"This time, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks to everyone for winning."
"Ugh, yeah......"
"That's because it's not good"
Next to Sakuma, Hongjing said lightly.
"Let me tell you something, Utsugi, that I'm not on track because I could be Phase 3. It's like you found out you have my blood."
Kyosuke just gets a little dull in the words of Hongjing. I thought so.
Red Well is hiding his power in order to keep his position from being distracted by the king. I do not know how many conditions the King needs to issue a directive to his family. But the body of Kyosuke is also equal to that of the king, beyond the fact that Red Well has not been removed from its control.
Kyosuke reached Phase 3. That indicates that he became a member of the family of the Red Well. Kyosuke is also unable to refuse the King's orders.
"We'll have to follow up on that. You bet, Red Well."
"Well, well."
There is something in Eung's words that seems to contain.
"We need to discuss the future policy again with Ryuzaki and others"
"Future policy?
"About Kokanai-kun, about Kaorko,"
Rin captured Kyosuke, who leaned his neck.
"And you're talking about the purpose of Mr. Hakai."
Red well is keeping his arms together and his eyes closed. Rin Yae-yeong probably noticed that too. The goal for Hongjing is never the “return to the original world” of the Ryuzaki people.
But that wouldn't be the story to do in front of the grave. Red well breathed and turned his back on Kyosuke and the others.
"Well, I'm back at the school."
"Oh, me and me -! I'm going back, too! Let's go, too!
"I don't mind.... Oh, yeah"
Rin and Eung go down the hill so as to follow Red Well. It was Sakuma who surprised me.
"Oh, hey, that... wait..."
I can't even go after three people who suddenly leave this place, exposing the wolves. Kyosuke sighed - in a body where she could vomit, as usual, but for now she felt like she sighed. Those guys, you gave them an extra distraction.
Shortly before he went after Suo at the school, he told Sakuma to give him the words he uttered to Eun. Kyosuke kept missing out on opportunities for some reason, but I guess this is what I'm saying on this occasion.
Oddly enough, Sakuma says. It's been a strange long time since I've seen her like this.
For a while now, Sakuma has been so distracted that she may have no choice. Even Kyosuke and I hardly had a chance to say anything. I was entrusted with a position like a female representative in my class as a position to express my opinion, and within a few days, there was a series of cases that plagued the heads of Eagle's Death and Redwell's Cumming Out.
Her hard work is what keeps her class together and Red Well and herself safe.
"In the meantime, let's go down the hill too"
"Yeah, right..."
This forest, which has been out of people's hands for a long time, is going to lose its direction if it does poorly.
"... Utsurugi-kun, remember the first time we met in the library?
You got stuck in a conversation, Sakuma accidentally cut out such a story.
"Oh, you gave Sakuma the book I tried to borrow.“ The Black Forest Witch. "
"Yeah. This forest looks a lot like the one that came out of that book."
"" Black Forest (Schwartzberg) "So I guess. It's pretty creepy compared to the Japanese forest image."
"I knew you were right. The trees around here are mostly conifers."
Think of it, talking like this with Sakuma is a hell of a nostalgia in itself. Over a month and a half since I came to this world. It's been almost two months. It is only since the library that we can talk about the contents of books we used to read.
Sakuma gives me a more pleasant look when I talk like this. I guess these faces are closer to her sexual roots than her tenacious expression these days, I guess.
"As I said, thanks to Sakuma and the others, we were able to win this time. Thanks."
Sakuma circled her eyes when she said the words.
"Even in Sakuma, I always get help..."
"Is that what you're telling everyone?
Kyosuke relaxes thoughtlessly and rolls down the slope because the reaction she doesn't anticipate has turned back.
"Mi, you mean everyone...... And then I said something similar to Eung."
"Oh well...... Kun Furano..."
Sakuma made a difficult face while helping Kyosuke to be honest while waking up her upper body.
"Hey, what is it?"
"I'll do my best not to lose to Mr. Princess Shui."
"... Isn't that what you don't tell the person?
Kyosuke felt like sweat erupted from all over her body. Naturally, there is no sweat gland because it is bone.
I'm not going to be so stupid that I don't understand what Sakuma is trying to say. But it's not even mature enough to take it from the front. It's the kind of comfort that I've felt all at once, scattered, distracted from my inner self, and distracted from my surrounding emotions.
This kind of conversation is bad for the heart (no), and my stomach (no) hurts.
"but hang in there......!!
"I wonder if that's what he wouldn't say..."
What else are we going to do?
Down the hill, Sakuma said, 'Of course, you'll do your best not to beat Furano,' so Kyosuke was framed to roll down the slope again.
That evening, Kyosuke and the others gathered in the captain's office at the school. Noeko is little different during the day than what participated in Suo's burial. From then on, I pull out the cat palace and the original tail, in the form of an added dog god.
Engine repairs at the branch will be over by the end of the evening, which means we will be discussing future policies again.
After completing his exploration of the ancient castle, he discovered various materials that he probably thought Akeno had left behind. One of them is a report that says' Metastatic Degenerative Gate Approximation '. Although Kyosuke and the others did not understand the content, it was found in Hongjing's commentary that it was a report on gates that simultaneously undergo cross-world metastases and physiological degeneration to monsters. Materials handed to Master Magina, a wise man in the East Forest, are well worth it.
Other than that, materials were found about a virus that carries out the ghost (ghoul) transformation of the human body. Serena's story shows that the corpse ghost was discovered as a monster roughly ten years ago, and that the Red Well story shows that the blood clan planned to migrate from another world three years ago, and that there is a nearly three-fold difference in time flow between this world and the original world, so it coincides roughly at times.
"Well, here we go."
Ryuzaki spread the map over his desk. It's a big map of this continent.
The continent on earth, although quite undressed, extends roughly into the shape of a three-day moon depicting a lower string. However, only some areas stretching east, west, north and south from the center have the maps delicately drawn into them, and the forests where the school is now staying have been stained with gray.
"We're talking about Mr. Serena, and it seems that this world has seen a huge narrowing of mankind's sphere of activity since there was a massive offensive by external enemies hundreds of years ago. They say the map of this continent isn't accurate either. He said it really shouldn't be a three-day moon shape, it should be wider"
"The first wilderness I've metastasized was barely filled with human hands."
Rin nods at Ryuzaki's words.
"It's just that the narrow sphere of activity of the empire, rather than the sphere of activity of mankind - also means that if we bypass it properly, we don't have to deal with them. So, we're going through that detour now."
Much south of Serena and the rest of the country, it is out of the perceptible realm of the Empire. If we keep going east, we'll go out into the wide ocean. On the southern side of the empire, there seems to be a maritime state consisting of small islands and a land called the New World. There are few imperial hands around here, and the new continent has only about as many visitors as the adventurers of the changed.
The original idea was to visit the wise men who lived in the eastern woods as they passed through the sea and the new continent. Together, we do not dispute there.
"There are two problems. One thing is, if you go out into the ocean, you won't be able to rendezvous with Caorco..."
Ryuzaki raised his face, creating a face that was difficult for Red Well and Sakuma. I hear these two have been dating Caorco for a long time.
But here's what Goubayashi said.
"Let's meet in the east, we're talking. I don't know where you are in this Gulf Zone, but if it's within open sight, you should be waiting there."
"Well, the first thing you'll do when you get out to sea is search for Caorco..."
"There are a few rivers in the ocean when I look at the map."
Rin says as he peeks into the map.
"If it doesn't work, isn't it near this river? If it's the sea, there's no real water, and it's not suitable for a long stay."
"That's true..."
Ryuzaki checked several bottles of the Sogu River from west to east.
"The second problem is that being out of the imperial sphere of power means that you may be suffering from the blood sphere of power."
Together they nod with a difficult face. That's because, to some extent, that's what I expected.
As this kingdom trail is, the bloodlines may have their strongholds in the less perceptible places of the Empire, the main force of humanity. The story of Serena's mother, Her Majesty the Queen, seems to have already begun skirmishes everywhere, but if Queen is to have betrayed two years and four groups of students who were to be integrated as a force of war, there is a possibility of retreating out of the Empire's sphere of power once the spear is in place.
Honestly, I don't think we have that much power, but that's something we feel because few students are in the progression of capacity awakening. Forty students have comparable power to Pawn. Thirty-eight, with the exception of Red Well and Dog God. If you reach Phase 3, you will no longer be an opponent in Pawn, each and every one of you gaining too much power to incorporate into the core of your power.
In all those circumstances, it is undeniable that the retreating bloodlines are setting up bases on the future path of the school. Clashes with the Empire can be avoided, but it is also true that it will never be an easy journey.
"Well, this has some good and bad aspects. You know, searching Kokanai."
Kyosuke nodded at Ryuzaki's words. At the moment, these are the two most willing to rescue Koganei in class.
Kyosuke opened her mouth, blocking Ryuzaki from continuing to say something.
"I think everyone on this scene has already noticed how much we have to fight them."
We silenced ourselves on the words, and then, next, we saw Red Well. Red Well sighs slightly as he holds his arms together.
"Well, at least, I am"
"There's got to be some guy in the class who's noticing things lightly. Just“ go back to man, go back to the original world "doesn't solve the fundamental problem."
Ei supplements Kyosuke's words.
Bloodlines possess the technology to allow some freedom of movement between different worlds. It was easy to imagine, even from some of the materials and articles left behind in the ancient castle. Obviously, letters exchanged here and there, as well as recently released cartoons in the original world and back numbers in weekly magazines, have been seized almost uninterruptedly.
I mean, back in the original world, the bloodlines are coming after us. Many classmates may be missed, but the problem is Red Well. To her, who is a traitor, peace is not promised, even when she returns to her original world. It wouldn't be Red Well who doesn't understand that.
If Hongjing had intended to assault the king from the beginning, her ultimate goal in this otherworldly transfer is not to return to the original world.
It's a rebellion against a vampire king named “Red Moon King”.
"I can't help but hide it from the people here."
Red well sighed again and said.
"For the past two years, I've had my mouth full of four groups."
"Red Well?
"First, I told you to let the dog god in, I"
A dog, Kamikaze, who had put his arms together a little further from the same and kept his back on the wall, raised his face.
Red Well, who had already grasped the information that the Dog God was the survivor of a werewolf destroyed by his blood clan, suggested putting the Dog God into the class with an unfamiliar face. Even through the metastatic degenerative gate, the dog god, who is not human from the beginning, does not monster. Hostility toward the bloodline is readied from the beginning.
Other names given by Akai are Ryuzaki and Goubayashi. If they were there, there was an idea that Red Well would put the class together even if he didn't take command of the formation. Some other students, he said, would not have been included in the class without Red Well's advice.
In other words, they would have gotten caught up in this trip at the complete convenience of Red Well.
"Well, I can't tell you"
Ryuzaki scratched his head with a bitter laugh. Red Well makes a face that looks unexpected.
"I'm not angry."
"I'd be mad if you wanted me to be mad... Hey, Utsugi."
"What, are you swinging at me?
Kyosuke looked up unexpectedly. After much thought, I say this.
"No, well, I can't help being angry, and I wasn't wrong about Red Well."
At least thanks to Ryuzaki, the class is currently wrapped up. Red Well is only charismatic, but she alone would never have had so many kittens and students in her footsteps.
It's a pity story for Ryuzaki and Goubayashi, but as for Kyosuke, it's good to involve Ryuzaki, something like that. Without him, the class would have disintegrated earlier, and I'm sure there would have been many more dead.
"... two people, are you stupid?
"Oh, Ryuzaki is an idiot"
"Kyosuke is really stupid."
"... why do you two say that with such pride?
Goobbayashi and Eung snort with their faces, with a puzzling scratch by Red Well.
"At Koyu time, Mr. Hongjing. All you have to do is say thank you."
In Rin's words, Hongjing clogs the words slightly. She let her gaze wander into the universe for a while and eventually sighed and said as she perceived it.
"Oh, thanks......"
Kyosuke left Decopin covered because Rin made a heart mark all over her body and stood up.
"I didn't want you in my class, but some of them did. Sachi, Caorle."
"Tomorrow Kazuka..."
"Does that mean you were suspected of rebellion?
"Maybe it was an extra favor, that you wouldn't be rusty to have an old friend with you"
All that matters is that Red Well came to this trip with a clear translation of the king. Perhaps she saw it as her last chance to get out of the king's reign. To that end, I had been carefully prepared for three years.
Red Well will not be free unless he defeats the king. But he still has some hesitation about dating his classmates to it. For the love that has sprouted in her, or for another reason, I don't know.
"Well, I'm going out with you."
Kyosuke said.
"I have to help Koganei, and I'm a family member, and either way, they have to take them down."
"If Kyosuke wants to do it, I have to do it too."
"Neither do I. It's dangerous for both of us."
Rin and Eung also follow.
"I'll help you, too. Tomorrow Kazuka."
Sakuma also nodded with her hands on her chest.
"I want the safe return of my classmates to be my top priority."
Ryuzaki looked at the goose palm and said. Gowbayashi nods with his arms together.
"We've just defeated a few members of our blood clan, and given the future, we don't know if we'll be safe after we leave. Tomorrow Kaoru and the sea urchins are in the class, so think about it in the direction of helping."
"No objection"
The same gaze was directed at the dog god, who had not participated in the conversation in silence until then. Dog god snorts with hun.
"I don't like vampires. It's good."
For one thing, this place is unanimous. As a policy for the future, two years and four groups will be forced to fight the bloodline.
The problem is the fact that it's hard to get many classmates to drink this. Speaking of being an eagle's foe, some students may agree, but I don't want to use the names of the dead for that. You won't be able to force passive students to do more than it is a decision that comes with danger.
Rather, Serena and the others. Cooperation with the human forces may become essential. As an imperial policy, it may be difficult for two years and four groups, the Monster Corps, to work with them, but there again, we need to think about it.
"That's a pile of challenges..."
When Ryuzaki said it was pompous, Kyosuke accidentally blew it out.
"What, what's up? Utsurugi."
"No, I think that's it every time..."
"Really. I'm not exhausted."
To Kyosuke's words, Ryuzaki grins and nods bitterly.
Just around the corner, an announcement is made that dinner has been scheduled on the onboard broadcast. Together we decided to leave the captain's office after a secret meeting about the future policy.
Red Well's confession has brought out quite a bit of transparency in things, but there's still a lot to know.
After all, what is the reason why the Red Moon King planned a different world invasion, not a different world migration? Hongjing talks about the king because his pride was high and he couldn't stand to live secretly in the shadows, but is that the only truth at all? It's something you can't even think about.
Rin spoke from behind to Kyosuke as she walked down the hall to think about it. Her gait (?) I am totally behind other members while I fit in.
"Mm-hmm. What?"
"As always, I don't give a shit."
"Right. Sounds like sex. After all, there's been a lot going on, but this kind of thing doesn't change."
In the end, if there's been a dramatic change in me after Extreme Cross, that's not true. As always, I feel I have no contents myself, and the part of me that depends on others for my values remains the same. It's just that somehow, I don't know if I'm bad like that, too.
"Hey, Kyosuke. When I was in Extreme Cross, it was in my image."
Kyosuke stopped. In the image. So to speak, it's in a dream.
It's not like I don't remember what happened. For Kyosuke, who has no such experience at all, it was a radical (extraordinary) memory even if it was just an alle. Extreme dreams. Just being shaken up about it makes everything I've been seriously thinking about buzz away.
"If we could go back to being human, we'd do more. Let's do it right."
Way to go. Adolescence is something like that.
Even if the contents are empty or thin, and you're worried about that, Seiki, Kyosuke Akiki is a healthy high school boy. It's just a honeysuckle now.
"More properly... I mean..., what do you mean?
"Well, I can't say it here."
Rin Himemizu, an amorphous girl, tells her so in a teasing tone, crawls down the hallway as she slopes Kyosuke, who stops. The pace is faster than usual, so maybe he was even skipping.
Remy lags behind with her hips out, still unable to believe the whole battle that took place in front of her.
Remy is a member of the Alliance of the Southern Chamber of Commerce of the Continent. As a member of the marine caravan, we exchange supplies with the countries of the South's ocean nations. The other day, in a terrible storm, the convoy was seated on the reef, and the only remaining Remy ship was also launched on a despicable beach on the west side.
While the other members were repairing the ship, Remy was picking up and collecting merchandise from other fellow ships that had flown in. So, along the way, we were raided by fishermen. There are three species of fishermen confirmed in the southern waters of the continent: Marman, Sahagin and Gilman, the only species friendly to mankind. It was Sahagin who attacked Remy.
I don't care about one of my surroundings, the place of the ship my fellow fleet is fixing is far away. Remy was ready to die.
At that time, it was another herd of demons who rushed and attacked Sahagin.
Its army, made up of small monsters like the little devil (Imp) on the spindle, quickly kicked the Sahagins, who tried to strike Remy, and the Sahagins rushed back into the sea.
Remy was wondering if I should say thank you for the help, or just get away with it. While I was lost, the leader of the demonic herd walked towards Remy.
"Ma'am, are you hurt?
"Uh... yes"
It was a gentler, more intelligent word than I thought, so Remy claps it out.
"Well, that would have been nice."
That said, the demon laughs with a grin. The smile illuminated by the moonlight was a very beautiful one.
"I'd like to ask, is this the sea? Or a very big lake?
"Oh, no, uh, it's the ocean"
"The sea... You can't go further east than this."
"Yes, going all the way north along the coast, I think there's a human city"
The demon puts his hand on his chin and thinks, 'I see...' Then he gives it another look.
"Oh, no...... We're in distress too..."
"It's possible that a deserted island..."
"You don't have that. Atashi and I have come all the way from the northwest, but it's supposed to go on and on with the continent."
That said, the demon looked out at the sea at night. There is a creepy feeling that the ocean of the night, where only the stars are, will swallow everything. Talking to such a friendly bunch of demons is my first experience in Remy's short merchant life as well. Where the hell are you going to say you're coming from and where you're going?
Well, Remy thought, and asked the demon leader:
"Um, I need a little favor..."
I wonder what it is.
"Could you please escort our caravan......?
Of course, I'll thank you. say. as a merchant.
They hire adventurers as escorts in their caravans, but escorting ships to and from the ocean states and continents seems a lot boring to them, a reputable job for the Adventurer Guild. No matter how much you hoist your request, you are rarely able to hire a good quality escort. In fact, because of the storm earlier, the adventurers I hired were almost flushed.
"I don't mind."
The demons put their arms together and look a little lost.
"I'm going to meet you here for a while. I just don't know if I can hang out with someone when they get here."
"Well, that doesn't matter! Looks like there's gonna be some sahaggins around here, just until the ship's fixed..."
As it is, the demon puts his hand on his jaw and gently strokes his lips with his index finger. It was a slightly colorful trick.
"Oh, good. I don't have anything to do while I'm waiting."
Remy makes his face shine. It's a demon, but it's apparently someone you can trust, and it would be cheap if you could keep it safe with some reward.
"Oh, it's me, Remy. It belongs to the Marine Caravan, a guild of the Southern Chamber of Commerce of the Continent! Uh, what about your brother?
The demon glanced blatantly at him for a moment, but immediately sighed 'ugh'.
"Oh, good. Atashi stared at each other with his inner self, and if that's what it looks like, you can't help it..."
Did I say something wrong?
But the demon - Incubus - offered Remy his right hand with a gentle grin, without looking particularly concerned.
"Atashi is a kaol. It's a hill-to-hill caol. Remy, it's quick, but let's get into business."
The whole class was reincarnated - me being the weakest skeleton ever.
Chapter III.