My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Lesson03 You're a sweet girl, Red Well.
"Well, the eagle tail..."
When I received the report, the kitchen had a harsh atmosphere.
After we left the base and started moving, our location moved to the kitchen of a land ship called Heavy Patrol School. I'm not as familiar with the old Japanese Navy warships, but from what I've seen, this kitchen looks like it has everything I need. Sugiura seemed to groan her meal every day here recently.
But Sugiura's voice, who came to make that report today, doesn't have the usual energy. I couldn't see the look on his face that dropped his gaze.
My name is Shigehiko Katsue. After serving as a former member of four groups for two years at Municipal Shinto High School, he is now a scab.
I don't mind you laughing at my fingers, but let me do the explanations and excuses again. Exactly, now, I'm kind of here.
The report I received was that one of the students, Rotaro Eagle, was dead. Sugiura's voice, which was not so close to Eagle's tail, was sinking, and Hono, who would not have had a single conversation, had lost his word.
Hands down to the eagle's tail was a flavor of "Red Winged Devil (Red Wing)" that had long been known to be hostile. The Red Moon Bloodline. He tried to explore the ruins of a former settlement that could be seen in this mountainous area, and that's how he encountered them. The eagle's tail was to escape the empty wood and the princess water, and he died.
What dominated my body was a strong sense of powerlessness and loss. That's not the ratio when we found out Koganei was exposed. I also couldn't do anything about the student crisis and save the eagle's tail.
I just couldn't afford to plug it in like that, or rot. I wasn't the only one who was having a hard time.
"Sugiura, are you okay?
When I spoke, she looked up as if surprised.
Yes. I'm not the only one who's having a hard time right now. The practical problem of “death” of a classmate. In life experience, it's extremely difficult for two years and four groups of kids who are more than ten years apart from me to get over it alone.
Those who have died will not return. There shouldn't be any students who don't know that fact, but how many students do they know what that means? However, for one dead, the number of living people is high. Those who survive should be able to put their hands together and look forward. That's what Sugiura and the others needed, I thought.
"Yeah...... You're not okay. It's a little hard."
The look on Sugiura's face that makes her laugh like that, she's not well.
Hono, who had a dedicated bookshelf set up, also sounded worried. I cough small.
"That's right. That's hard...... But you're not the only one who's hard."
"Everybody's hard, so you want me to be patient?
"No, no, the other way around. Everybody's hard, talk to all kinds of guys and share the spiciness with all kinds of guys."
I plugged it in, and I just thought about it, and my feelings just sink.
Sugiura thought with a difficult face. There are chopped vegetables in the kitchen kitchen, on the slab. In preparation for dinner, the students were gathered on the ship's broadcast and learned of the death of the eagle. Since I've been back, Sugiura hasn't had a hand in cooking at all.
To restore Sugiura here, I lacked vocabulary. Besides, it's more comforting to talk to a close friend about the dead than to hear the solidified opinions of each adult. I'm recommending it.
"... yeah, okay"
Sugiura nodded eventually saying so.
"I'll talk to the garden or something. Sorry, I might not be back for a while."
"Never mind."
Sugiura leaves the kitchen in an invigorating foothold. I don't have the usual firmness in my octopus feet.
"... teacher, you're in a tough position"
Hono told me that in a kind voice.
"You're an adult. It's hard being an adult."
Even when I feel sorry for myself, I have to be cool. This is what the students taught me the other day.
I remember the eagle tail in the quiet kitchen. The eagle tail was a basketball club. I heard it was a football club in middle school, so I guess it doesn't mean personality to punch into one sport. The fact was that everything didn't last long and there was a shortcoming that concentration was more prone to diffusion.
That eagle tail came to talk to me only once. I said I wanted to drop it because I have someone I really like. To be honest, I was only able to have an older girlfriend once when I was in college (I broke up six months after I got a job) and it was a lot because I didn't have a lot of love experience. but as an adult, he said, 'Then type into one thing and show me what's cool'.
It was six months later that Eagle Tail took the regulars in the basketball club. He seems to have been flabbergasted by his opponent.
The eagle tail died. I don't hear that good voice anymore.
I still felt a loss that I couldn't wipe off.
Then a while later, Sugiura returned. Hard to say I'm back in good health, but I have some vitality back in my grin.
He said Sugiura talked to the garden and decided to continue doing what they could. The garden said it would grow the carrot that Eagle Tail liked, and Sugiura said it would cook that carrot. I guess it's their desire to provide for the dead. Good thing. I respect that.
I told Sugiura to bring her to me if there were any students still hurting and unable to recover. Well, after all, Sugiura didn't bring any students to me. I missed you so much.
That night, apart from that, Ryuzaki brought an unexpected student to me.
It's Hao Lin. I was stunned. If I had a mouth, I would have opened my mouth. Somehow this guy is one of the students I haven't heard from since he disappeared a month ago. And then there must have been some hillside (O.K.) who followed him, but he got lost on the way.
Hao Lin lowered his head to me and said, "I didn't worry about you." As usual, he's a serious guy.
"Well, if you're fine, that's fine."
"Teacher, you look good."
"... how do I look at it..."
The topic moved from there to the story of nature and eagle tail death.
Between the students, they decided to talk about doing an eagle tail funeral. This is also a good thing. It will be important to face death. I would have liked to have joined you if I could, but I can't because it's a rash. After the funeral, he said he would bring the Buddha's altar to the dining room, so I decided to offer my own sharpening there.
"Is that a teacher's sharpening..."
Hao Lin looked sinister.
"Hey, what is it? Is that bad? No, it's not good. It's my sharpening. I get good stock."
"No...... I've never heard of offering a rash..."
"Well, I guess it's better around the fruit... Eagle tail liked carrots."
"Yeah, well..."
Well, Hao Lin is the son of a temple. How much more knowledge do you have than I do? I'll be honest here, I'll follow what this guy has to say.
"Mr. Seung-woo."
It seems Ryuzaki brought Hao Lin in to make him say a light greeting. Some conversation ensues and Hao Lin leaves the kitchen. But when he left, he turned his face back.
"Hmm, what's up?
"From the teacher's eyes, what about the current class"
That was an unexpected question.
"My teacher has no eyes..."
"Then you can feel it. I feel caught up in this mass ex-world transfer itself."
It's unusual for a Hao Lin guy to ask me these direct questions. This guy is more or less a pupil whose questions will be resolved within him, because he was out of hand. Thanks to this, I had a very good reputation from the teachers, but as a teacher I am a little short.
However, when this thoughtful boy (and Hao Lin is a boy, although he has a little hesitation in expressing it) speaks the question, the journey to the approximate answer is often elusive. I'm a teacher, but I'm not that smart.
"Initially, the dungeons we've been transferring had too many supplies for our lives. That's not all. The story of Ryuzaki is that the main engine of this heavy patrol school could also be unearthed from the dungeon."
"You mean too convenient?
"Yes, to be honest, I find it quite man-made"
But what does that have to do with feeling something in the class?
That's what I thought, and I gave him my face. No, I didn't have a face. The rattle and the whole body moved.
"Hey, Hao Lin, I'm guessing you're not saying that some of the students are involved in this transfer."
"It's only a matter of possibility."
That said. I get in trouble.
Hao Lin asked me if I felt anything in my class, but I've been stuck in this kitchen ever since I moved to the shavings. There's no way I can see that. All I can tell is how many suckers there are on Sugiura's octopus feet. I counted because I'm free, but I'll keep my mouth shut because maybe this is sexual harassment.
"Well, anyway, Hao Lin, from what I've seen, that's not particularly true"
"Really? Excuse me for asking weird questions."
That's all I said, Hao Lin left the kitchen. Instead, Sugiura returns with a ton of carrots.
"I'm home, Doctor. What are you talking about?
"I'm talking about some students involved in our transfer case."
When I said that, Sugiura turned her eyes round.
"What, really?
"It's only a matter of possibility. Hey, Hono."
"Yeah, yeah. Right..."
Hono is a little hesitant to nod. Was it impacted by the goose palm?
"Well, that's it, Sugiura. Bring me a student like that. Must be bothering you alone"
"No, Doctor. You can't find me with a kid like that."
"So is that."
Hahaha, and a soothing laugh, sounds in the kitchen.
But it was only a few hours after that that that Sugiura brought such a student.
"... Red Well, will you say it again?
Mitsuka Hongjing gave her face as if it was less annoying and said:
"This transfer, it's my fault."
Saying so, Red Well scratches his head. When I scratched such long hair in the kitchen, my hair fell off and it wasn't hygienic, but I couldn't afford to just pay attention to it mentally. When I look at Sugiura, she's just stuck in words, too.
Sugiura brought Hongjing after dinner. Anything, he said that after dinner, he rarely had one difficult face and remained in the dining room. Sugiura is usually the only one who looks at it far away, but all this time it was different. I said, 'If you have a student who's worried about something, bring him in!' Cause of what I said, I brought her to the kitchen half as forcefully as I disliked her.
Red Well went into the kitchen and was out of line when he saw the word-speaking rash (i.e. it was me), but when Sugiura introduced me, he immediately caught a cold eye and snorted 'Hmm'. Even if the other person is a teacher, it doesn't change the way you look down. Akai Tomorrowka is a raw queen.
Of course, just because I am, I'm not going to change my attitude either. Her adult colored incense is hard to imagine with a roughly seventeen-year-old high school girl, wandering into a high-pressure posture that seemed silent, and many teachers should have peeked at her complexion, but I'm not.
I was just a little surprised, too, because the word that popped up is the word.
I didn't know Hao Lin was really right.
"... so?
Red Well put his arms together and said in a chilled voice.
"If there's anything bothering you, I can talk to you. Because you said so, did you?
"Oh, no... Uhm."
I'm stuck in words, but I cough right up.
Sugiura, will you take Hono outside for a moment?
"Okay. Call me if you need anything."
Sugiura leaves the kitchen with Mr. Hono right away, so only me and Red Well will be left inside.
A beautiful girl with cold eyes staring at a giant rash like a wooden knife. I'm not sure if it's going to be a painting. It's a surreal sight.
"Red Well, you said you told me what was bothering you. Is that what's bothering you about the metastasis?
Look at your own nails, and Red Well answers.
"It doesn't feel very good to keep your mouth shut while you wind up"
All the words that pop out of her mouth are easily hard to believe. Anything. She was a born vampire, and they tried to monster the students and incorporate them into their own legions because they would remain warriorly anxious by setting up plans to move to different worlds because it was getting harder to live in the original world.
I don't know how to say this. As for myself being reincarnated into a rash, I'd like to ask if I really intended to use it as a force of war.
"Do you mean Sensei is irregular? Sounds like it didn't matter in the plan."
Is that so? I'm a little depressed.
And Red Well continued.
"The eagle's dead."
At that moment, the air in the kitchen turns into something a little gloomy.
"I hated those kinds of kids. But there's nothing wrong with him, he got caught up in it because of me, and he died."
Her narrative, as usual, was pale, cold. High-pressure stuff that doesn't make you feel emotional. This is always the case with a girl named Akai Tomihika.
But what we're talking about isn't what we always do. There was a glimpse of the weakness of the mind, only slightly stirred by what continued to impose.
"I see."
I was so confused, to be honest, saying that in words.
As a teacher, I was thinking enough to encourage depressed students. For example, if the Cat Palace thought that the eagle tail was dead because of him, he could say enough to get him back on his feet as a teacher there. But this confession is unexpected. Too heavy.
I just couldn't help but feel that Red Well was suffering in front of me right now. Two years and four pairs of queens that shake the grownups can also show weakness in this way.
I'm sure Red Well doesn't trust me as a teacher. You let me out here in a pompous and genuine way, probably because I was the bump. Maybe I'm in the mood to snap myself to the wall.
"I told Sachi."
"Yeah. Stuck me up. We talked."
"Sakuma wouldn't have been mad about anything else"
Here's something I've been wondering. I wonder why Red Well is silent in the first place.
I wonder why you don't try to tell your classmates the facts.
When I asked him that, Red Well said, 'Huh?' And I have returned it with exasperation again.
"You can't say that. Because of me, everyone got involved."
"Are you afraid everyone in your class will hate you?
"It's not like that"
That's a lie. I thought intuitively. Red Well is essentially afraid of isolation.
"... classmates,"
Hongjing connected words to make excuses as they were, even though I had said nothing.
"I only think of it as a tool to fulfill my purpose."
"You know what, Red Well? Say it's hypocritical."
I'll tell you what, Red Well's got a kick out of this one.
"This is exactly what you're going to fall to talk about. If you shut up, you won't be distracted from your heart, and I'm sure you've done that all along."
"... shut up. To the habit of a rash."
"You're the one who's wearing a beard around that wig."
I've finally figured out why Hongjing is so upset all the time.
Red Well said he was referring to his classmate as "a tool to serve his purpose”. That's not the point, but the phase that you have to think of as such is the word that comes out because it exists. This guy uses his classmates to serve his purpose.
But I'm sure there's something like a sense of belonging to the class in my mind. That's not just for friendly students like Sakuma and Hillside. Redwell can't be ruthless towards classmates who initially had no emotions whatsoever, including surroundings such as Harui and Snake Tsuka.
The gap between that fact and your heart is causing Red Well to become frustrated. If you look at it this way, you'll find yourself a pretty cute daughter who deserves to be old.
Yes, Akai Tomorrowka is a sweet girl.
Well, there's no such thing as being unfriendly to my pretty students!
"Apparently, Red Well, it's time for me to take my skin off."
"Eh, what's that?"
"Sugiura, scrape me. Yep!!
When I shouted, Red Well shook his shoulder.
"Okay -!
Sugiura jumps into the kitchen with a full smile. This guy's been snooping at you for a long time.
Sugiura caught my body when she took the bazaar of Wangdu and bought it.
There's a noise, and a scrape is cut off from my body.
"What, this? What are you doing?"
Hongjing raised his voice like a dong pull. No, maybe he's actually pulling a dong.
Then I will. It's a familiar sight for us, but suddenly the teacher (the scab) screams to cut off his own body and the student is happy to execute it, so from the side, it's madness.
Sugiura threw my shards into the pan and when she took the stock, she shrugged it and handed it to Hongjing.
"Mr. Red Well, have a drink. I took it from my teacher."
"Eh, Ya..."
That word broke my heart as much as I could because I knew it had popped out of my heart.
"Stock is like sweat stained in a bath in short..."
"And it's like dirt because it's shredding, right?"
Until then, I say extra things to Mr. Hono, who kept his mouth shut.
"Drink it because it's good! If we don't drink, we won't be able to talk!
"Then I drank. It was delicious. Yes, go on."
Hongjing only thinks of his face. It's not like it's frustrating, it's called Nama's emotions. I was happy as a teacher that Red Well, who was always pushing his feelings under the iron skin to kill him, showed such a thing, but the fact that it was my aversion to stock was pathetic as a scab.
"Uh, okay! Look, Red Well, I think you're a sweetheart."
"Oh, yeah. Thank you, Sensei."
Damn, you're not responding!
"Oh, you know what? If you're sorry you got into this with everyone in your class, just bow your head and apologize... You're a sweetheart, so, uh, what... I'm sure everyone will forgive you... and... well... even Sakuma forgave you, didn't she...?
I'm getting less and less confident. The page opened by Hono with a parallelism reads: 'Hang in there! Hang in there!'. So what is it? That.
Hongjing has been in arms for a while. The look was back to its usual cold.
"... that's all?
"... that's all!
"Something... It doesn't strike my heart at all..."
Hirakai shifts his gaze to the one Sugiura has.
"I have no idea what idea you were going to connect to that story from that stock."
Uhm, just the queen in the class is awesome.
You mean my educational policy, which I left to the momentum and the delicacy of the stock, had its limits every now and then...
As I was struck by my own powerlessness, Red Well gave me a much smaller grin.
It was a natural smile, like the heart I was tenacious to unravel.
"I got it. Sense."
"Seriously!? Now you know!?
"... you didn't want me to figure it out?
As soon as Hongjing is ready, he will have a frightened face. Was this girl such a different looking child? While I was a teacher, I was reminded that I had no idea about Akai Tomihika, attendance number 1. She's not just a daughter who looks down on adults with cold eyes.
"Me too, maybe I knew what I was going to have to do."
Hongjing untied the hand he was working with and said so.
"I've always thought that I couldn't keep my mouth shut forever, and if I dragged it off, I couldn't say more and more, and I guess it's time to say it's the last line, but I just couldn't make it through. I've been thinking about it ever since I told Sachi."
"You mean I made that last push..."
"That's not true."
I was told clearly. Hurt.
"But I'll tell you. I say, and I apologize."
At the end of the day, this time for Red Well may not have been much different than crushing a soliloquy against the wall. I just wanted time to convince myself of the conclusions that were in my mind. Unlike many other students, Hongjing was a child who did not need the great advice of an adult.
Still nothing good. Even in my position as a teacher, I am not complacent enough to think that I can easily change my students' minds with my own words. Besides, it was a worthwhile time for me to just say that I could see the various faces of Red Well.
Sakai snapped the contents of Sugiura's hand at once.
Me and Sugiura talk at the same time.
"I've been sucking people's blood since I was a kid, so when I think about it, I don't care about sweat or anything."
Cottori, and the emptied lid, shall be placed in the sink.
"But it didn't taste good after all"
"Oh well..."
"Let me tell you something. Thanks, Sensei."
That said, Red Well left the kitchen. The footsteps were lighter than they were when they came in, and the frustration had disappeared from his back.
"Akai, you've been sucking blood since you were a kid."
Sugiura groans as she washes her toilets.
"Our world was bigger than I thought."
"Right...... Real vampires, that's amazing! You wanted to hear more!
Hono-san was also tense, but I couldn't get back on my feet, heartbroken by just one word Red Well told me.
Later, at the funeral seat, Red Well apparently confessed everything to his class.
There were certainly some rebellious students in Hongjing who had previously shut up about the situation. Especially the eagle tail and the friendly white horse, he said, were the momentum that it took to feed her. Still, Hongjing honestly bowed his head to his classmates, and there were also follow-ups of Ryuzaki and Hao Lin, which meant he didn't have to stand a corner.
Hongjing provided the class with a variety of information, and the information had a significant impact on new behavioral guidelines and ability operations. At the end of the day, the kind of thing she was worried about would mean she was worried.
Well, that's good.
That would be nice.
"Whoa, whoa! Sugiura, more! Sharpen me more!
"Yeah, not yet ah...? I'm tired of my hands..."
My screams cling to the kitchen. Sugiura was shredding me and throwing it in a pot of various fires.
The last word Red Well leaked, 'I knew it wasn't delicious,' was leaking a deep scar in my heart. You can't stay like this. We need to be able to get more, more delicious stock. I made efforts to grow mold in my body (high-end mold grows mold at the end of the manufacturing process) and studied even better ways to take stock together with Sugiura.
One day, I'm gonna have to make that twinkly face say 'yummy'.
I have to trot my mind and body at a guy named Sensual Deliciousness that springs up from the bottom of my heart.
As a teacher, I understand it's roughly the worst kind of mind, but I was still burning with my sense of purpose as a raspberry.