My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!

Episode 52: Interworld Class Conference (5th)

The fact that the dog kamikaze disappeared was discovered in the middle of a welcoming party. Ryuzaki, once he put a no in Welcano sitting next to him, and also in Chief Bergere, followed the square to the heavy patrol school.

Kyosuke Akagi and Akiko Sakuma are waiting as escorts for the diseased Red Well. It was to talk to them. Send a signal to Goubayashi with his eyes and ask him to stay on the spot.

"Ha! Then I'll use a taxi to move to 74! How did you get caught!? Caught!?

"No, not yet. Uh, Mr.X's behavior, then. Use the bus here..."

On the school deck, Kyosuke and the others were interested in the Scottish yard.

It's a board game made abroad. I don't even know Ryuzaki for detailed rules. It is one of the seizures from the ancient castle.

Current location is 102.


"So Princess Shui, I told you to take the subway to the right..."

"Yeah, I said it too..."

"Then pull it back stronger!

"Come on, Utsugi, you're a lot better at deceiving me. That grows, too?

"Ha, that's something complicated..."

I don't know the rules. It's refreshing to know what you're talking about, but it sounds fun and above all.

Now Red Well was in good shape too, he was in the board game. In other words, it's everyone left in the heavy patrol school who's playing. Kyosuke, Ei, Rin, Red Well, Sakuma, and Zeku. It was surprising that Zeku, who should be speechless, was participating as a player in a board game that seemed quite complicated.

"While Rin and the others are straying, I'm afraid Zeku's reading is too accurate..."

And they're fighting pretty well.

And not if you're thinking about such a swallowing thing. Ryuzaki raised one hand to discuss the situation.

"Ah, Ryuzaki-kun. Yaho."

Rin just realizes it and says hello as he waves his whole body.

"Ryuzaki, is the welcoming party over yet?

"No, not yet. I'm here to report a bit of a problem."

To be brief, we both tightened our expressions... I don't know a bit, but the air mixed with tension.

Kyosuke puts something like the note board at hand on the deck.

"What happened?

"In conclusion, the dog god disappeared"

I found that the tension mixed with the air would be something bigger and more certain.

In the first place, Kyosuke and the others are escorting Red Well, who is sleeping in this heavy patrol school, because of the large number of reports by that dog god. There are vampires on this island. In terms of its ability to sniff out its existence, the Dog God is probably better than Red Well.

Ryuzaki intended to include telling her not to be unscrupulous by herself, but it didn't seem to have much effect on lone wolves.

"Mr. Dog God...... I wish I had followed you."

Sakuma says it's pompous. Indeed, she is, as it stands, almost the only student who can hold the reins of the canine kamikaze. But I don't care what you say about that here.

"What do you mean he disappeared in the first place? You just disappeared from the welcoming party venue?

"That's right, Utsurugi. So I don't know if he was in danger yet. But..."

"Well, if the dog god is going to act alone, it's a dozen eighty-nine blood tangles..."

Kyosuke nods in arms.

"If it's possible that the Dog God has engaged them, you'd better hurry."

From the side, Eung said.

"Dog god didn't monster through the metastatic degenerative gate, he's a born werewolf. Bloodline has no reason to keep her alive."

He is right. If the dog god is encountering blood clans as a result of his solo actions, things may even be turning to the worst. The opacity of the situation was creating strange discomfort.

Already, for two years, four groups have been exposed to Koganei and killed Eagle Tail. To the dog god on this, there is something very teethy about it.

"Whatever. Not if you're playing Scottish yard."

Rin clearly says so and begins to punish the board game he has spread to the deck. Only Zeku, who would not have been able to swallow the situation, had a somewhat strangely lonely look on his face. Rin slaps Zekku on the shoulder, pompous.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll do it again. Like Catan or Dominion. I don't know the rules, but Sacha knows everything."

"So, what do we do? It's already sundown, but are we looking for vampires now?

Kyosuke's remarks were probably not directed solely at Ryuzaki. We also have confirmation with Red Well, a flavor of the same blood family. Red wells seem to be feeling better than they are during the day, but given that they are developing thirst, they cannot be allowed to be impotent. On the contrary, the blood clan may even be moving knowing Red Well's malaise.

Ryuzaki decided to express his opinion because Hongjing would not say anything.

"First, whether or not to tell Mr. Welcano or Chief Bergere that the dog god is gone"

That said, Ryuzaki breaks his finger.

"It's possible those people had something to do with vampires before they trusted us completely. I don't really want to say anything far-fetched."

"But if you have connections with vampires, how much do you know about dog gods, so you can't keep them hidden?

That too, yes. I noticed when they said it. After all, is it something that makes my head really stiff when I think about it alone?

In Kyosuke's words, Eun-kyu puts in a capture.

"Instead, if they have connections to vampires, it should be unnaturally received not to tell them that the dog god is gone from here. It's better to tell them that the dog god has stopped the news and divine the situation with his reaction"

"Eung, in that reaction... what do you mean?

"I mean, Kyosuke, if they're well-intentioned people who don't know anything, they should show a sympathetic response to the Dog God being gone. If it wasn't. If you don't feel too serious or try to treat that information in a bad way, you can see that they are connected to the blood clan"

The more rational I thought it was, the more natural Eung pointed it out. At a time like this, he's a man I can count on clearly. I was totally down with seasickness during the voyage, but for that matter, what I said at these times is reliable. Kyosuke, Rin, and Sakuma were snorting at Eun's words.

Then it's the next problem.

We must be aware once again that this one is completely behind us against the vampires who would be lurking on this island first. Is the other party aware of the situation in Hongjing? What purpose do you come into contact with? Is the dog god safe? As safe as it is, where are you?

Any information is overwhelmingly lacking.

"If it's just a beating, you can't lose..."

Kyosuke threw up a rare dialogue that didn't suit him, so Ryuzaki rounded his eyes.

"Utsugi, you're a lot stronger..."

"Kyusuke-kun is right. I'm in the middle of characterizing myself looking for something new."

"Don't put it weird"

Pei, and Kyosuke snap Rin. Sakuma looked at it with a little envy.

I don't really want to get into this industry's deep triangle.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Utsurugi and Rin are practically the strongest forces in the class than I can't move Tomorrow Kaoru, but I don't know where or how they move, so I'm pretty sure they can't hit me with their hands."

Come to think of it, the crisis the class has been in was mostly such that it could be solved with arm power from the front. Like this one, there is little information to attack or protect, and the inability to move properly is a pattern that was not there.

That's why Ryuzaki couldn't move either, and I came to talk to Kyosuke. As a result, a somewhat fruitful opinion was obtained, but things have still not progressed.


That said, Kyosuke stood up.

"If the Red Moon vampires are on this island and we're already in contact with the Dog God, they know we're on this island. I still don't know what my opponent is up to, but my classmates better make it one team to some extent and let it act"

"Sure, you are"

Ryuzaki nods too.

Red Moon vampires aim to take in students monstered through the metastatic degenerative gate as a force of war. It is dangerous to act alone on this island. First of all, I will take the utmost care not to have any more pupils.

This is about “protection”, so to speak.

And we also need to talk about “offense” more than the dog god falling into enemy hands and missing.

I don't know what to do with it.

"It stinks of water, committee chairman. I can't believe you're talking about such a big deal without us."

I heard voices from behind. Ryuzaki looks back, where Gilman's fish resident, Ichiro Salmon, stands trying to keep his back in the boat at some point.

"Whoa, you're all home"

Rin said in a bright voice. She's right, it wasn't just the fish houses that were there.

I climbed a talap stretched out toward the beach, and for two years four groups of students were just returning. Naturally, some of them are goobers. Kyosuke normally welcomed the return of the other members, but Ryuzaki was a little confused.

The welcoming party was in such a state as "no feast". Ryuzaki snuck out in the midst of a big buzz. Since then, yes, not many minutes have passed. Does that mean they've all gotten out and come this way in the middle of a welcome party?

Behind the dense forest, from certain directions of the square, the light of the barbed fire can still be seen illuminating the night sky.

"Mr. Chairman, the dog god is gone?

"Do you know what the situation is?

"After all, is that what those vampires did?

The students come stuffed with ghouls as they push against the deck. Ryuzaki sent a slight, grudging gaze to Goubayashi. I was going to send a good signal with my eyes so I could stay on the spot.

"That gaze, Ryuzaki. I received that it meant," Please, everyone in my class. "

Goubayashi said with his arms together.

"Everyone in that class has been spinning something like this, so we decided to skip the welcoming party."

That being said, what the goobbayard took out was a piece of small piece of paper.

It's like a folded note sheet. Next to Ryuzaki looking surprised, Kyosuke took it and opened it.

"'The chairman of the committee and the dog god are gone. Turn it next door if you care'. Oh, there was a guy in class spinning these things. He didn't come around to me."

"Kyosuke...... Stop pinching stories that don't have many friends at this time..."

Ryuzaki peeks into Kyosuke's open notebook in silence. Just looking at the handwriting, I instantly grasped who it was in the class, but I wouldn't put it in my mouth. At the welcoming party seat, four classmates for two years lined up in a circumferential fashion with the merchants of maritime caravans. The students who wrote this were at their ends, and Goubayashi was on the other end of it. I mean, there's no mistake in thinking that everyone in the class is looking through.

What they are here will be the totality of their classmates.

"Exactly. My classmate disappeared, and I'm not so flirtatious as to be swallowed up."

The Cat Palace said that at the usual temperament.

"If something like an eagle happens again, you don't want it."

The white-horse thing doesn't sound that way, but the tone is slightly stronger.

"This guy, it's me, Ryuzaki. Another world class meeting."

"Oh...... That sounds better."

To Kyosuke's words, Ryuzaki nodded.

That said, there is not a fact that needs to be renewed here. The Fifth Interworld Class Conference, which was held abruptly on the deck, focused, after all, on how we should act in this Albadumba in the future and how we look for the Dog God.

Both Kyosuke and Ryuzaki were a little confused that their classmates' determination was harder than expected. At some point, or was there already a late change, they had a strong aversion to mourning the dog god, and in order to avoid it, they were not trying to turn away from the fact that they would be doing business with the vampires.

"Kyosuke isn't the only one growing up."

And Rin said to ear.

"For one thing, tomorrow, I'm going to tell Mr. Welcano and Chief Bergere that the dog god is gone"

Ryuzaki said that to all of them.

"On top of that, I'm going to see how they get out and change their response. So, the question is, how do we find a dog god..."

In it, there is the appearance of a girl who raises her hands with her forehead.

It's Arlaune's garden. I'm the type of student who doesn't usually assert himself, so the same gaze was directed at you at once.

"Uh... I'll ask the trees and grass on this island and I'll look for them"

It is the garden's expression of intent to bring Arlaune's ability to hear plants to life for the first time outside the home garden. A short distance away from there, the mushroom kasas were also nodding. Every time they nod, the spores fly, so the other students retreat.

"Well, I'll ask the mushrooms on this island, too, and I'll try to find them."

"I wonder if this island is growing mushrooms"

"There were some pretty toxic guys growing up, so you should be able to"

Mushroom Kasawa commented forcefully on Ryuzaki scratching her cheeks anxiously.

"Well, then I'll ask the tentacles that are native to this island..."

"Are tentacles native...?

"There were some pretty toxic guys growing up, so you should be able to"

Tentacle Hara also commented powerfully.

"Well, I figured it out anyway. That sounds like the most clue you can find. Utsurugi, the gardens must be escorted by you and Rin."

"Mm, okay."

"I've been entrusted..."

If you find out this one's looking for a place for a dog god, you shouldn't leave the vampires alone either. Turn Kyosuke and Rin into their escorts, who can overwhelm the night-grade vampire.

Miya Catmiya of Kett-Sea made such a suggestion as other proposals popped up, such as the flyable students searching from the sky.

"If you find out where the dog god is, you better put a light rescue unit on standby that can get you right into it. I could use Shadow Crossing, and then I could have a little student like Monkey Cross."

"Okay. Leave the organization to the Cat Palace. Students who have been integrated into the rescue squad can always be contacted…. But it better not be a branch school (here). Near the settlement where we had the welcoming party, I want you to wait."

This rescue unit is to be followed by a goose palm as an escort. The average combat ability should be a high team, but it's also slightly underpowered to cross with one pawn. In that regard, if you're a goob, you don't fall behind vampires to the extent of Pawn.

"Well, I'll follow the guard of this school."

In a clear voice not long ago, Mayuki Haruo said. It is still unexpected that students with pawned combat skills will be offered by him, although they were to be placed in such a position.

"The school guard is practically Tomorrow Kaoru's escort, right? I'll go around with you, too."

It was Caorle who said so and raised his hand. Yes, the school guard is the guardian of Hongjing.

I couldn't leave the unwell Red Well defenseless more than I didn't know how to get them out.

Is this what makes the story go smoothly when the students actively join forces? Ryuzaki couldn't hide his surprise. I am reminded how inefficient it has been to be worried by myself until now, to talk to a friend I can rely on sometimes, to have a headache and think about squad splitting, etc.

At last, the class was probably starting to show real solidarity.

"I want everyone else to be ready for the trade fair with nothing to eat face after tomorrow. The problem with the Dog God and the island vampires is a matter of urgency, but even this trade fair is an event that can't get out of hand. If this succeeds, you may get Red Well blood, or when you cross the continent again, you may be able to prepare materials for the Caterpillar unit."

To Ryuzaki's words, we all nod.

In this Albadumba, there may be a battle against vampires. But I didn't want to involve the Islanders and merchants in that battle if I could. Nothing is just for humanitarian reasons. Because I want to avoid imitation like buying their mistrust.

Break up with the search, rescue, and school escorts, and the remaining face will prepare for the trade. It's not a big island, but it's never even narrow. Even if a battle occurs, it is necessary to proceed with a maneuver in which consciousness is not directed to that side.

Of course, if Welcano or Chief Bergere had nothing to do with vampires.

From what I've seen, those two are just people. I can do more than not be a vampire.

"... Sakuma,"

Ryuzaki spoke to the Sacubus girl who had remained silent until then.

"If, at some point, you told Mr. Welcano or Chief Bergere to 'enchant' me, could you?

When asked, Sakuma made a look like he had been struck by surprise. Tie your mouth, drop your gaze and let it wander. Rising Goto. Ryuzaki did not miss Sakuma's gaze as he turned to Kyosuke for a moment.

Mostly, I guess.

"... ok. If you need to prepare your mind, I won't force you. I don't even have to rush to get my mind ready. All right?"

"... yeah"

Sakuma would have guessed what you were trying to say.

If the question of whether you can use Enchantment or not destabilizes the situation, you should split it it from the beginning. If Sakuma needs to be ready to get ready, that's all the more so.

"Dragon, if you need Charm, call Atashi"

"Oh, I'm counting on you. Caorco."

The fifth class meeting was to close the curtain, more or less in those discussions.

Early the next morning, Kyosuke and the others will leave for the search for the Dog God.

The search members are Garden, Mushroom Kasahara and Tentacle Hara. As its escort, Kyosuke, Rin will follow. In addition, Eung joined this team, bringing the total to six. When walking in the dense woods, Ein's abilities are difficult to use, but it is huge to merge with him to be able to look out of the sky.

Kyosuke was appointed as the leader because the team had become a team without a single team leader.

"... I'm not that kind of gala"

"So what kind of gala?

"Well, that's Dashigara."

And I spent the night thinking about the one-shot gag I said, with Rin, but the uke wasn't very good.

"Utsurugi, you better not try to freak out too much."

It was the end of an extra worry for Mushroom Kasas.

"Mushroom Kasawa, Kyosuke is trying to break his shell and become the new Kyosuke. Good thing."

"Eung, you don't have to say anything extra..."

Either “empty” or “weird character” is the best thing to worry about, aside.

"Let's get this far for the joke. For once, I'm going to go on a search for a dog god."

On the sandy beach, the quiet sound of the waves pushing. The sky, which was not rising in the sun, was blue, and the stars of the late return were blinking there. It's just early in the morning. The sea mist flowing towards the beach is obstructing vision.

The truth is, even as soon as we decided to search, I just wanted to go find it, but that was stopped by Ryuzaki. Because night searches are too dangerous. This is a strange land, with dense forests inhabited by warcraft, and more vampires lurking. Neither can the Islanders necessarily be said to be allies. Taking into account the various circumstances, and conceding as much as possible, the search was to begin at a time when the night had dawned.

"Mr. Dog God...... You're safe."

Pompous, the garden said.

"I can't be optimistic"

Eung emits cold words.

"But I don't even need to be pessimistic. The information that we came into contact with a vampire is nothing more than an analogy. There is also the possibility that he is just wandering through the dense woods after Cho Cho."


The garden snorted firmly at the words.

"So, Kyosuke. What are we going to do?

Rin asks Kyosuke, who gives a gaze to the dense forest.

"What do you want me to do?

"Well, that's me. Whatever your tentacles and mushrooms are, they grow all over the place. If I let Hua tell you one thing at a time, the sun will go down..."

"First, let's go to the square where there was a welcome party yesterday."

Kyosuke said, looking around together.

"Which way did the dog god get out of the welcome party? First, let's follow the footsteps."