My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 53: The Study of Zhu Color
"The Queens may have noticed our presence."
Zhu Zhiyuan told Shallow Scarlet that the sky was finally turning white.
To be precise, I didn't just tell you against the shallow scarlet. Several vampires were standing by in an empty house in the dense woods prepared by Zhu Zhiyuan. All were pawns raised from the ancient castle with Akeno and lent to Zhu Zhiyuan as a force of war
They are. Zhu Qiyuan uses them to determine the future trends of the Queens and, if he can, to collect their blood and dedicate it to the King.
"Again, was it a bad idea to retrieve that dog?
One of the pawns asks. Zhu Zhiyuan nodded.
"At the time Mr. Asakura was attacked by a dog, it wasn't something I had to talk about. Even if you killed him and left the body behind, it would have been the same result. The chief said he left the welcoming party on his way back to the offshore warship."
"Mr. Zhu Qiyuan, what's the dog doing now?
"It's chained to the basement. You'll just need to be vigilant for a couple of days. I'm on my way to the crescent moon from half moon now, but to that extent, I can easily pull a thousand strands off."
Last night, a fluttering shallow scarlet was ambushed by the survival of the werewolves. Shallow Scarlet hasn't put human blood in it for nearly a month, so I guess she was going looking for a meal. The raid there was no real luck.
After all, getting these vampires out of here is not a good idea. It was almost half a month ago that Akeno and the others crossed the sea to visit this Arbadumba. The Islanders of Delf Island welcomed and sent them out as guests, but naturally they don't know that Akeno and the others are vampires, nor do they know that they left a few Pawn under Zhu Qiyuan.
"Well, in a couple of days everything will be cleared up. If you need a meal, I'll prepare it afterwards, so I want you to be a little patient."
At the end of the trade meeting, they will also leave this Arbadumba. Purpose needs to be fulfilled before.
There are two things to do here.
One is to explore the future purpose and path of the people through the Chiefs.
The other is to take her blood from Queen, who would probably be in the warship.
The latter is clearly more challenging. Besides, Zhu Qihara would be better off not answering directly. It would be troublesome for the Chiefs to understand the raid of a warship. The facade needs to be disguised as irrelevant.
"Conversely, the status quo would be a good opportunity"
That's what Zhu Qiyuan said.
"If they notice our presence and find that the dog is missing again, they have to crack the personnel there. The Queen's escort will be thinner."
"I see. Any more of the example stuff?
"I'm ready. As far as possible, we should decide when they're away from the warship."
I purposefully kept that dog alive in order to prepare that “example thing”. The saliva of the werewolves has the effect of forcing the vampire factor back to its underlying state. Once bitten, the force is greatly weakened, causing further discomfort. That's why the king hated its existence and even tried to destroy his clan.
No matter how queen, if you can stop the movement of all the factors in your body, you won't be able to move either. Queen herself is the most troublesome thing about seizing Queen's personality. Somehow, if we don't seal that move, we won't even talk about it.
If this operation succeeds, it will not say anything about blood or lukewarmth, but it will carry itself to the king.
But if the operation fails and Queen has something that fits the payback,
Zhu Zhiyuan looked at several bottles, arranged on the shelf.
Several sealed containers are labeled and filled with scarlet liquid inside.
"Hey, Mr. Zhu Qihara"
A shallow scarlet, who had a poor slack or something, said as she turned her gaze in the same direction.
"Isn't that blood I should drink?"
"No. That's a trump card."
Through the dense woods in the early morning, we reach the square where the welcome party was. The square was cleaned up beautifully, although only the burning traces of the burning fire remained. The settlement is secluded and quiet, and there were already signs of people moving. There are people who get up early.
However, when I come across them, it's going to be a lot of trouble, Kyosuke thought. Eung, who accompanies him, turns his mouth, but can't say he has a good mouth. The rest of the face also sucks at explaining the situation. Strongly speaking, is it like Rin?
"In the meantime, let's start listening to the plants"
The square is surrounded by dense forests. The problem is, even if you ask, there are too many trees.
I'll take care of it.
For some reason, the tentacle plain first steps into the dense forest as it moves around. After a while with tentacles out of his whole body, colorful and brightly colored tentacles grew from somewhere in the dense forest. The tentacles of the tentacles plain and the tentacles of the dense forest come into contact and seem to sympathize with something.
"You're really tentacles native..."
Kyosuke murmured in a grumpy voice.
"Remy told me that the tentacles of Aruba Dumba are bottled alive and used to deal with maritime caravans,"
"Who's gonna buy that?"
"People from the Imperial aristocracy are buying it."
Should I not ask ahead from there? When was Rin having such an interaction with Remy in the first place? It makes me realize once again that even in slime, the top communal power in the class karst is not Dade.
"Once, on a ship on its way home, the bottle burst and panicked. Remy and the others got away with it, but eventually the ship was taken over by tentacles and is still drifting through the Lubering Sea."
"You don't want to be amazing. That story!
"Say Tentaclar Ship. It seems to be famous among the continental sailors."
And does that mean that if we move closer to that tentacler ship, we can get another ship that can cross the ocean? I hate to talk about ships that have been taken over by tentacles and dominated, but it's a big story if you're able to navigate on your own.
"Congratulations... I'm sure you're serious about this Te Yota story again..."
Eung says in a voice like a fright from the side.
"I'm not talking about Yotai."
Rin was deforming his body so that his lips could be pointed.
Soon Mushroom Kasas has also stepped into the feet of the dense forest and begun a fancy conversation with the colorful poisonous mushrooms that grew at his feet. Mushroom people talking to mushrooms are horror interesting from the side. Next to that, what's the difference between a garden talking to a small flower?
The investigation is a leg, but it's going to be a pretty authentic search. In the meantime, it was boring to say that Kyosuke had nothing to do with it. I can't get more out of my mind than I'm here as an escort, but, you know, I have nothing to do.
"Utsugi, I've found something tough!
From the dense woods, the voice of the tentacle plains is heard. Kyosuke merged with Rin and accompanied Eun-suke and stepped inside.
There are plenty of tentacles around the tentacles. Is the tentacle plain that sympathizes with all of them and nostalgic, such as the king of tentacles? In the human age, I remember the erotic peer magazine Koganei lent me. I very much don't want to bring a girl. Though I brought them here.
"Kyosuke, do you like that?
"I don't like anything."
Clearly deny Rin's doubts.
"So, tentacle plain. What's the big deal?
When Kyosuke asked, several of the tentacles carried a white cloth in a way that twisted.
White cloth. For a moment, I wondered what it was, but Kyosuke immediately tore himself apart. And I was out of line. understated floral pattern on white, laced. That, although obviously female,
Eung said softly.
"Oh, my pants"
Tentacle Hara said it again.
"These are the pants of the dog god. It's not just my pants. I'm so horrible, I can't touch it, so let me have it."
"Yes, no, I won't even touch you..."
Then I'll have it.
Eung's tone is the same as usual.
"Stop it! If the volcano had it, it would be burnt bread!
"How can Eung stay so calm in the first place..."
"I just saw underwear of women's stuff, and I don't even know why I mess it up so much... If you go to the department store, you'll have it."
"I'm not just a woman! It belongs to the god of dogs! Those are my classmates' pants! Besides, those are my bad daughter's pants!? That's so cute. This!
"Yes, yes, that's it, teenagers."
From around Kyosuke's shoulder, Rin's body stretched out all the way to receive Dog God's underwear from his tentacles. It's not just underwear, of course. Rin was pale in receiving the clothes to be handed to him, but only the moment he received his bra was he seriously confirming that cup.
"Well, I used to watch the dog god strip once at the base... That was shocking...... I remember."
Ignoring the tentacle plain's inadvertent talk, Kyosuke once again looks at the dog god's loose shell.
"What do you mean, you're only throwing away clothes? As a girl, I don't really want to imagine it."
"You don't have to think about it. The Dog God guy takes his clothes off when he turns into a wolf."
It's just that this is the only way to get rid of it if it needs sudden, and they usually fold it exactly and leave it in the corner. It was highly stimulating information for adolescent boys.
"Utsurugi, I'm more or less done listening to mushrooms...... Wow! Underwear!?"
"Utsugi, I've heard a lot about you, but what I found out is... Wow! Underwear!?"
"It's not just my underwear..."
Mushroom Kasas and the garden also return the corresponding reactions when they return.
"So, how's the listening?
"Oh, yeah. Uh, last night, the dog god who escaped the welcoming party said he saw him go through the area."
"The mushrooms said they saw the dog until God took his clothes off."
I still took it off spontaneously. It would be to transform.
So, when it comes to why you needed to transform, isn't it because you still discovered a vampire? Should we still see that there was more engagement than the dog god has not returned? I am sure that my expectations so far have not been so wrong.
"Tentacles, what do the tentacles say? Haven't you seen the dog god?
Since I said it myself, I know it's a crazy dialogue, but nothing should go wrong.
"Utsurugi...... I have no eyes on my tentacles. You can't be seeing it."
"Not now! Then what about me or Rin or Eung! Don't say that in a voice like you see such a pathetic thing!
"Well, they don't have sight for these guys anyway. I haven't seen a dog god."
When that happens, will the interview continue? There was a dog god underwear falling around here, so if you ask the plant, would you know about the direction they were headed?
"Mushrooms, mushrooms, they didn't even see where the dog god was transformed, did they?
"Oh. But he's obsessed with burning that figure in his eyes, and he doesn't remember it since."
"I wonder why tentacles don't have vision and mushrooms..."
The garden then resumed listening to nearby plants, and only the direction toward the dog god became progressively clearer. Together, the gardens rely on the information they hear and continue through the dense woods.
After a while, the garden stopped.
"What's up? Gardens......"
Kyosuke asks, the garden is silent and points to a single tree that grows forward.
The trunk of the tree still had many brand new scratches on it. Blades, or by sharp nails or fangs, you can see that. Kyosuke, as she approached to confirm it in detail, also noticed a change in her feet.
"Kyosuke, it's blood."
I nod at Rin's words and crouch so that I kneel one knee. The roots of the trees and the surrounding grass are covered with red liquid. When I scratched the grass on the ground further, I could see that many thin hairs shining silver had fallen. Probably the hair of a dog god in a silver wolf state.
"There was a fight near here...... and I wonder"
To Eun-suke's words, Kyosuke nods again.
"Gardens, mushrooms, ask me again here"
Exactly, they don't have tentacles growing around here. Tentacle Plains twirls his entire tentacle, approaching Kyosuke and the others.
This is relatively close to a populated area, even in dense forests. Right in front of you is an open road. It must be a road for the islanders, connecting the settlements to each other. In a position where we can see the road, who is the dog god - possibly engaged with a vampire. As far as this blood and hair, and the wounds on the trunk, the dog god is wounded. The scratches on the trunk of the tree would have been scratched at that time.
"Ring-chan, I wonder if you're safe..."
Rin shrugged worried.
"I can't tell you what's happening."
Exactly, I can't say anything irresponsible here. Kyosuke looked at the trunk of the tree with a difficult face, but, uh, noticed something strange.
"This tree wound, it's weird."
"Something's just too much pain for the wounds I put on."
Somehow, it's a scar that's almost cut off. Vertically and horizontally, the marks cut over and over again. It is too unnatural to see it as a natural wound. It's too odd to think that the dog god intentionally put it on.
Is the dog god in distress the message to himself? But I can't find anything like regularity. Kyosuke turned around and spoke to the garden.
"Garden, would you listen to this tree for a second?
"Oh, yeah."
Kyosuke takes two steps back and gives way to the garden.
"Uh, you can ask about Mr. Dog God, right?
"And I also want you to ask who put that wound on me.... Eung, is there anything else?
"No, I don't. I think that's good."
The garden nodded and meditated his eyes, gently touching the trunk of the tree with one of its hands. He then gently glances at the scar while making several manifestations of intent by the chief consent, possibly against the tree.
The sympathy was surprisingly long and lasted more than a dozen minutes. The garden then slowly opened its eyes and said:
"Two, okay"
The garden, which took on the appearance of a little girl, looks back and tells Kyosuke.
"The first thing is about Mr. Dog God. Mr. Dog God fights two guy guys here, loses... looks like they took him away"
Hearing the words, Kyosuke and the others silenced. Murdered, it can be described as better than just not, but it can never be described as a good situation. But I wonder what they're going to do by taking the dog god away and fulfilling it. Besides, I said two. As this is the Red Moon, it would mean that there are at least two vampires.
"So, one more thing"
The garden, with sore eyes, looked at the trunk of the tree.
"This wound seems to have been worn separately by Mr. Dog God and one of the men"
In her story, here's the deal.
The dog god, wounded as a result of the fighting, made a scratch by putting his nails up on the trunk of the tree. Then one of the men said he saw the trunk of the tree and noticed something, took out the blade and rarely cut the surface of the trunk. It seems that the man scratched the trunk just before he took the dog god away, just after every consultation between the two men.
I see. Cover-up.
Eung said.
"I mean, the tip that Ring-chan left, he had it right?
"Oh I tried to cover it up by cutting it irregularly from the top...... I mean, it was bad information when they saw it."
"If you cut it down or peel every tree skin... I'm sorry. Hua."
Rin rushes to apologize to the garden for realizing that the words he utters are cruel to the plant.
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"Garden, do you know which wound the dog god put on it?
"For once..."
With that said, the garden puts a finger on the trunk and gently glances at the wound. That took the form of Katakana, a language well known to Kyosuke and his Japanese language, so I knew immediately.
"T...... ki...... Toki?"
Kyosuke tilts her neck.
"What's Toki?
"Endangered Species of Pelican Eye Tokidae"
Rin said. Cut it off, and the other faces open their mouths simultaneously.
"In the southeast of Gifu Prefecture, adjacent to Aichi Prefecture."
"Or the warlord who lived there."
"The guy Lara saw while she was dying"
"Kenshiro's brother"
"I'm not doing Oki-ri."
I don't know if talking to mushrooms gave me any useful information, but at some point I even mix it up with mushroom kasas. Kyosuke uttered a frightened voice.
"Ah, but... Kyosuke."
"Toki, you write" bird rabbit "on the vermilion.
"Oh, yeah"
That's right, I said, but for a moment Kyosuke was lost in judging whether Zhu Zhuo's Xu would read it as a rabbit.
"Maybe it's a trick, a vampire whose name I've known before. Hongjing (Akai), Su Fang (Suu), Zhu Nao (Kai), right?
"What's Su Fang?
"There's a suo colour. Utsurugi-kun. It was originally a Mameidae plant, and it was attached to dye."
The garden supplemented me.
"Dark red...... I wonder if you mean it. It's red anyway."
Red Well, Su Fang, Zhu Nai. Plus, Zhu Zheng.
Indeed, the story of Red Well says that there were people like Simpa who also supported vampires in the original world. Providing blood or doing various roots. When such simpa humans are recognized, they plant factors and become vampires?
As far as listening, that's a very closed story in society. Mixing “red” colors with your last name may not be a foolish story.
"This could be a pretty big clue."
"Oh. But I can't relax much more than the dog god is falling into enemy hands"
Like giving Kyosuke a nail, Eun-suke said.
"Once here, do you want to go to Ryuzaki to report, or do you want to keep listening and hurry ahead? You better be careful."
Said, Kyosuke thinks. Looking up, the sun had already risen and the sky peering through the leaf gap had turned blue.
He said the Ryuzaki guys would move first thing in the morning, so if we get to Chief Bergel's house now, the report will be in time. Zhu, you may also be able to get information about the person.
"With that said, you said the name of the bus driver, Asakura."
"Am I?
"Your guide said so. It's a rare name. Write light scarlet, light scarlet."
"... the Red Well guy, he didn't say such a serious thing"
Kyosuke scratches her head.
"Mr. Red Well, unless you ask me, I won't tell you the truth."
"When the driver was a vampire, what happened to the teacher and the guide? I guess I didn't want to give you too much extra information."
Upon hearing Eun-suke's words, Kyosuke remembered Seung-woo Eun-suke, who was the teacher. Somehow he was a prominent teacher of appropriate and good additions, but I think he was a good adult who could afford it. He, too, was supposed to have been involved in a bus crash, but what happened then?
No, now it's just extra to think about. Kyosuke waved for the first time and threw the information out of her head.
The possibility that Shallow Scarlet, the bus driver, is a taste of vampires, certainly, but I'll leave that out now, too.
As the human name “Toki” written on the trunk of this tree, it is quite possible that it is the last name of a vampire. And the deliberate attempt to erase it meant that it could have hit its identity from the name “Toki”.
"It's possible that Toki is known to the islanders."
Reading Kyosuke's thoughts as they were, Rin said.
"But he wasn't at the welcome party yesterday."
"Idiot, I don't think you're gonna show up honestly. If you were Japanese, you'd find out in one shot."
"Thinking about it, I don't know if I'm sorry I said it so I don't give my name. With the chief."
Indeed, the string “Toki" is quite Japanese compared to other Islanders.
But with all this information, I can shake it. It can be called, but if the chief or Welcano knew they were connected to the vampire, shaking can also be counterproductive. If the other side finds out that this is Toki, the life of the dog god is in danger.
"Toki is connected to the Chiefs" is also troublesome, but the pattern of "the Chiefs didn't know who they were while dating Toki" is also troublesome. Proof that he is a harmful vampire is not an overwhelming effort. But if this island is to be a battlefield, we must hold ourselves accountable.
"Let's keep listening"
Kyosuke said.
"Confirm where the dog god was taken and put the rescue troops on standby. It's good to tell Ryuzaki who Toki is afterwards."
This could be a dangerous decision.
If you want to ensure the safety of yourself and the gardens, it is best to pass the explanation through Ryuzaki.
But I wanted to avoid time loss by turning back, considering when the dog gods would be in their hands, when this trend would be perceived, and when the Islanders would pose a danger to the merchants.
With selfish thoughts, I might jeopardize the crew.
"(It's okay, Kyosuke)"
Rin's consciousness echoed in his heart.
"(about everyone, let's definitely protect them)"
With strong determination, Kyosuke looks out into the dense forest.
A few minutes later, based on the garden's listening information, they all began to move through the dense forest.