My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 63: Because We're Friends
Underground caves have also turned scaffolding into something more bitter. Coming all the way around here, people's hands aren't in at all. Nothing. I'm not even going to be walking on an unplugged leg, but the way the Cat Palace walks doesn't make footsteps. The silencing function of the meatballs is still alive.
Meanwhile, the footsteps of Cagewell, a gargoyle, are echoing loudly. Same goes for Hanuman monkey doe, as he wears shoes. They didn't say anything in particular, they were going silently, but suddenly Cagewell raised his voice.
"... Cat Palace, this, how far are you willing to go?
"Until I went out to sea...... and I just wanted to say. At least as far as my ears and nose are concerned, it shouldn't be that far away."
And, as I've said, if you seem to walk too long, you also take into account turning back.
I succeeded in defeating Zhu Zhiyuan, but that shouldn't be the case when it comes to the good situation. The Cat Palace doesn't know what development the heavy patrol school raid by five vampires is experiencing. So is Ryuzaki's discussion. Regardless of the former, we have to find evidence that he is a vampire in Zhu Zhiyuan's Ajito regarding the latter.
As it stands, the most effective is still the bones of a high stacked child. I'm not sure why I left it without disposing of only the bones, but I can only convince the Islanders that Zhu Zhiyuan hid that one underground.
It is about walking forward for a while.
"Cat Palace, it's a passionate light."
Somewhere wrong bloodthirsty youth Hanuman Monkey Watanabe Feng Tai described the light plugging in from the front with the mysterious adjective.
"Apparently, we're finally getting somewhere that leads outside."
"The sound of the waves has become much clearer."
The stride along the twisting and serpentine passage gets a little stronger. I was lucky to be on the main road, though.
The smell of sunlight, waves, and tide that plugs in.
The three eventually went out into a slightly wider area. As the Cat Palace once predicted, it is the entrance to and exit from the cave. The majority of the square is filled with sea water, from which further up the sea seems to be the structure that allows you to go out. Perhaps this is a horizontal hole made into a cut cliff. The Cat Palace remembers, as the south side of Delf Island was a slightly higher cliff.
The cave walls are strung with fuzzy bumps, seaweed, etc., indicating a little more water retention at full tide. The short passage itself to exit the square, at full tide, is likely to be filled with water and closed.
Well, if that's all, I'm still glad.
The foreign body that jumped into the eyes of the three is a single ship, placed in the land part of the cave.
"Is this a cruiser?
It was a large, engine-mounted yacht, very different from the traditional fishing canoe in Albadumba. The floor of the cave is laid with rubber colo to ensure that the bottom of the ship is not damaged during land frying.
"I don't know the details, but you seem to be taking good care of yourself"
"You're not leaving me here all the time, are you?"
"Besides, the range in which the colo is laid is wide. Maybe there are a few more cruisers in there."
Cat Palace is right. Sarudo and Cagewell conceived.
"Then the rest of the cruiser..."
"As I imagine, this Aruba Dumba itself is the relay point for the" blood clan ”route. The ocean uses a cruiser to move... Oh, look at this. I also have proper petrol. No, is this light oil?
On the side, there is a high pile of unopened one can of dou.
"Can a cruiser go that far?
"Come on? Ask the original tail or the box and you'll see? They're rich, so one or two of the ships are."
"But what..."
Monkey Way arms up and alternately compares a mountain of one-dozen cans to a cruiser.
"You cheat that you can alternate between the original world and this world."
The Cat Palace also gets out first rather than regretting it.
A large number of "original world tools” were also seized from the ancient castle where Knight and Bishop were based. Consoles, televisions and generators are the main ones, but a large amount of cookware delighted Sugiura, and recently - I was surprised to find a weekly magazine that was released after being transferred to this world.
Bloodlines, quite often, can travel between the wheel and the world. It is even the gospel in itself, but either way the cat palaces can't just "go back to the original world”. In order to return to the original world, we also have to go back to being human, so if you say so, there's “cheating" too.
"Well, I'd like to have this light oil. It might be useful."
"What we're doing is a complete robbery."
It's time to have such a warm conversation. Monkey Dow looked up all the time.
"The wind is calling..."
"What... what!?
Try to hold the body of the cat palace, and Monkey Way jumps. Shortly afterwards, something like a black light bullet burst into the cave floor.
"Uh-huh, what!?
"Well, I get it! Monkey Doo, I'm telling you, that's my butt!
"I guess this is what you do when you hold a cat!
"I'm a cat, but I'm a girl!
"Both of you, do it seriously...!
A muzzle-based gargoyle cage well pushes his voice to death as he flickers to see how the two are doing.
It's not so much a lacking exchange of tension, but it's true that there was an enemy attack, three of them pointing their gaze in the same direction. From the outside of the cave, I saw one shadow jump in momentum and the cage well came forward first. A gargoyle body with a good defensive ability that takes it from the front like a bullet.
Even in that cage well, shock enough to inadvertently leak a distressed voice. The raider swung up his fist even more and slammed the cage well down from the front.
"Blood clan...! Pawn!
The Cat Palace speaks up. Black armored, red-eyed man. Definitely a vampire.
I thought all five bodies were headed for heavy patrols, so what I encountered here was out of consideration. Not good, but immediately check for large wounds that have been opened to the chest. The blood family was handy.
Slightly obese middle aged. A less puffy looking individual, but with a familiar face. But the Cat Palace was thinking about what to do with this situation first, rather than following the thread of memory. Saruwatari also takes out a long metal stick and sets it up like a bat.
"Out of the way!!
The blood man screamed.
"Get out of here, I'll miss you! Now get out of the way!!
Cat Palace thinks. If the other person had said that in an intact state, or without any absurdity of voice, the Cat Palace could have honestly retreated. Fighting Pawn from the front, being murdered or taken away at will not be a story.
But the situation is different.
The pawn in front of me is handy. And I'm obviously in a hurry for something.
Given that I came all the way into this cave from outside the sea, the aim of this pawn is, without a doubt, to cruiser. And let's do this rush. Pawn doesn't have enough time to kick the Cat Palace with his strength.
How handy, if you look at the strength of lightly tapping down an earlier cage well, the combative advantage is leaning over there. Still, this pawn is sparing the effort of exercising his strengths. I want to use my cruiser to get out of here. Because if you don't run, you will suffer a fatal disadvantage.
Then what we need to do is
"Monkey Dow!"
"I've been waiting, tears in my eyes!
I wave the stick barely as Boon, and Monkey Way jumps on Pawn.
Pawn grabs his fist and tries to punch Monkey Way, but a cage well interrupts in between.
A fist covered in black armor slaps the skin of a caged well made of ore, but piercing is hard to even crack. In that gap, a monkey dodo swinging stick struck Pawn in the face.
"Shadow Square!!
The Cat Palace also cuts its own shadow, blades and fires.
"Roar, youth demon ball!
Monkey Watanabe gathered the wind during a long lag time to create the ball.
"Disease Rigid Bullet (Brass Blaster)!!
But when Pawn let go of Cagewell's body at his mercy, both the blade of the shadow and the bullet of the wind swung away with his gauntlet-covered right arm.
The power of that armor is horrible. The cat palace had a teeth bite. So far, there is no information that a magical attack has penetrated it. Physical defenses are also considerable, but reports exist that they were successfully punched out by a pressurized stream cross.
Can a magic attack buy you some time? It was when the Cat Palace tried to start a second chant.
"I found it!!
The blister jumped and another shadow popped out of the sea.
The black energy released by the King captures Sakuma's body. The pain of burning all over his body rushed around and threw himself out onto the grassy ground. “The king" looked at Harui, who had been stamped by the crest, and Sakuma, who lay down on the ground, and sounded his nose.
Red Well's body begins to walk in the dense woods as it drags its entire body. Even remotely manipulated by the “King" is already in such a state that the power is depleted that deception is not advantageous.
If we go after him, we can catch up.
You can't be falling here.
Sakuma managed to get up as she grabbed the grass and made her crawl through the ground.
Sakuma is not the only one who wants to move.
"Knock... thats...!
Chunjing is also trying to pull off his own body, which has been stamped by the crest, biting his teeth.
Much time has already passed. Fish dwellers may have succeeded in destroying the ship. There may be no need to stop the King any longer. but still, Sakuma didn't want to sleep here. Harui should feel the same way.
I don't want Mitsuka Honoi, my dear friend, to like me for as long as every minute and second.
"Ugh, lah...!
Harui finally succeeded in removing the seal restraint at his mercy. Let one wing flap as it is, causing a twister.
"Tomorrow incense..., evil no...!
Apologies to a friend's body. At the same time, the whirlwind heads to the “king" as it breaks the branches of the trees that surprisingly grow in the dense forest. The “king” stuck out only his right arm without turning around and squeezed the whirlwind.
Tomorrow Kaori's vain face looks back.
"I didn't think I could move yet."
To that voice, something like anger until earlier had completely disappeared.
"How can you squeeze so much power"
"Tomorrow incense, because you're my friend, you've decided!
“The king" shows mockery at Harui, who squeezes out his teeth and intimidates him.
"At least none of the kids she was talking about should have been like you."
Harui's expression froze. I didn't want to hear it, but like I said.
"Tomorrow incense is queen. The status was promised at birth. He also had the talent to attract people and make them samurai. I wonder if you're not the only one who thought we were friends."
"Harui-san, don't listen to me!
Sakuma screamed.
Red Well's body is approaching its limits. The King intends to disable Harui without exercising his powers as a vampire. He's trying to screw up the source of squeezing power by shaking on the prerequisites. Harui was also aware of the fact there in his mind, biting his lips and opening his eyes.
"Your Sachi may indeed be a friend. That's what Tomorrow Kaoru himself said. But you're not. A moth gathered in a guiding light, so to speak. I can't be a“ friend ”equal to Tomorrow's incense."
I hope Harui doesn't have ears to listen to. But the girls are inseparable enough to block their ears to their words and just be sued by power. He was poked at the fact that he wanted to distract him, and Harui's body trembles small.
"Let it..."
Harui leaked a roaring voice from the bottom of the earth.
Was it directed at Sakuma or at the “King”? Anger seeps into Harui's leaked voice, and the surrounding air begins to make a rattling noise. The trees roared and the leaves began to shake deliberately.
"I don't care what he means...! Tomorrow Kaori is my friend...!
While leaking a painful voice, Yuka Harui nevertheless tells him clearly.
Perhaps the word "king” is objectively correct. Yuka Harui and Rami Snake Tsuka were always recognized as the surroundings of Akai Tomihika. The surroundings are only surrounded (side kicks). I can't be on par with the Queen (Queen Bee), and everyone in my class, unconsciously, watched the Harui under the Red Well.
"You don't understand. I told you. Tomorrow incense..."
"It's like I'm sorry!
Before I could finish, Harui shouted even more. The wind builds momentum.
"It's like I'm sorry, don't call Tomorrow Kaori's name casual!!
"Tomorrow incense is my friend! I'm not doing this because I want nothing friendship!! Even if I'm alone, I won't give it to him!!
The deliberately sounding trees speak eloquently of Yuka Harui's mood, which is no longer contained. Harui took one or two steps and further roughed up his voice.
"Tomorrow incense! Hey, you're hearing me, Tomorrow incense! I'm not giving up! Even if Tomorrow Kazuka is more trustworthy of Sakuma, Kaorko and Utsurugi, me and Snake Tsuka have always been friends!!
"Do something deaf!!
"Tomorrow incense!!
Harui exclaimed.
"Tomorrow Kazuka!!
Sakuma screamed as well.
Tomorrow Kaori's body stops there for a moment. He held his head with one hand, and the expression he floated was distorted in agony. It is the face of Hongjing himself. That disastrous willingness to intervene, there is none.
"Chunjing......, Sachi......"
"Tomorrow incense!!
Akai Tomorrowka's consciousness returns. That slight moment.
Red well's pleading gaze turned to Sakuma.
Sakuma nods. If you're going to use your powers, this is the only place.
Sacubas' pedigree abilities are "fascinating". Hold down one of the other person's free will and plant his favor for himself half as forcefully. If I tell you, nothing is essentially different from the remote rule that the "King” was now going through.
It's like being shown a mirror. Xiangko Sakuma understood the horror of the act, a kind of ugliness. Use it for thoughts, best friends, etc.
Still, we have to do it.
I've never seen the face of such a spicy Mitsuka Honoi. Sakuma turns her gaze to Hongjing, and she can put her strength into it. Hongjing reached out to Sakuma and Harui for help. Sakuma is a hand, Harui responds to it with wings.
"Enchantment" is activated, and Sakuma's mind then enters into Red Well's mind. There was no sense of rejection. Hongjing's expression of relief came to mind at that moment.
Redwell's expression changes and Sakuma's heart is thrust away. The power that suddenly broke in from the crossing forcibly took control from Sakuma. After bitterness, to nothingness again.
Akai Tomorrowka's heart is reclaimed.
"Tomorrow incense!"
"No use."
The “king” snaps with a whispering voice.
"Come on, I seem to have insulted your hearts too much. It was also unexpected to come and put in the charm with a flash of gaps. but apparently my dominance was better"
Sakuma bit her lip. Was it because of hesitation that dominance was usurped? However, Sakuma, who has never used Charm, does not know how to add or subtract it.
Still, I would never expect you to take a break.
Even Harui hasn't given up. Sakuma doesn't like to stick together, but she doesn't mean her friendship with Red Well is inferior to Harui's. It was five minutes before the two of us could contain the King. I intend to put up more insurance than run for a bet.
And that, apparently, made it.
"Ha ha! No, no, no, no, no!
As he went through the trees, a fiery demon descended sharply across the red well.
Sakai's body is painfully immune from direct blows, but a sharp blow rubs across his shoulder.
The landed demon raises his will all over his body to take Siegundo's place.
The demon man said.
"Are you hurt, Sakuma, Harui?"
"Utsurugi-kun! Yamano-kun!"
"I'm here too."
On the right arm portion of the demon man, blue and clear flesh was stretched, waving.