My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 79: Where the Wang Piece Goes
After noon. As initially assumed, the negotiations proceeded lightly.
The adventurer side, too, seems to have been able to predict the landing of the debate to some extent. Let's start with the return to the old continent. This was easily Keri on condition of Weigan's handover. The Lesbons are based in Zerneus, one of three adventurer autonomies on the continent. This is located in the northwest of the Kingdom of Verneus, which was the original destination. Even as Kyosuke and the others, it is a convenient story.
In Lesbon's story, the Adventurer Alliance's arranged high-speed demon ship will arrive in this new continent within three days. It also meant that we had to rendezvous with Umaru and the spider-sakis who were caught by the blood clan.
The cooperation in this search showed just how difficult it was. The temporal desert is vast and it is not easy to find just two or three monsters from it. In addition, the desert was home to powerful wild monsters, such as Lesser Demons, and it was possible that they would set up with their blood clans.
Speaking of which, what happened to the bloodline when they asked you to cooperate?
"I keep postponing my reply. I'm not even gonna remind you."
It was the capture of the White Horse and the Dog God that the bloodline asked the Lesbons to do. Doesn't the fact that he hasn't sent a reminder mean he hasn't put much of his back into it and conducted a search? I didn't even witness the request, the breath-taking monster of the blood clan.
If you can escape the continent without contact with your bloodline, you've never crossed it.
But as things stand, Spiderzaki and Tentacles may still be on this continent, and the home of the bloodline may be somewhere on this continent. Given that, we can't completely ignore the existence of blood clans.
"I don't really recommend it."
Philhana, sitting next to Lesbon, said so, riding herself out.
"It's about finding your friends captured by the Red Moon bloodline (Red Moon). The three-day deadline is too short to find them."
That much, Kyosuke knows. But going home with the whole class is a promise we've all made. I really don't want to break it positively.
What do the other Members think? Would it be more considered dry than Kyosuke? Even if we look at it with a proper gaze, we will not try to say anything while we remain silent.
Seeing Kyosuke look like that, Philhana takes a small sigh.
"You have no choice. Well, I'm going to tell you some special information."
"You think it's special information?
It was not Kyosuke who showed such surprise at Philhana's words, but the sorcerer Weigan, who was seated in a slightly remote seat.
"The Empire has dispatched a number of investigators, beginning with the Emperor's Watch Board Alliance (Dial Knights) all over the country to explore the bloodline's base of activity. As a result, the new continent is almost silo."
This word seems to have been the first to be heard by the Lesbons. Either way, it's more shocking to them than Kyosuke.
"Wait, Philhana, are you coming to this new continent too?
"Whether you were coming or not, it's refreshing around there. Seat four, was it? The fact that this new continent will not be home to the activities of the bloodline is already almost definitive in the Empire"
Plus, Philhana made me stand one finger up.
"If the clockboard alliance's four o'clock seat could still be investigating the new continent, the Utsurugis should not stay long. Trippers, monstered by blood, are the perfect subject of investigation from the Empire."
Adventurer autonomy is one of the few lands where imperial control does not extend.
In addition, the southeastern part of the Old Continent, the kingdom of Verneus and the adventurer's autonomy, Zerneus, and the tri-country state of Neus, the Duchy of Zerga gladiators, are surrounded by a harsh series of Beast King peaks, making the hands of the Empire difficult.
Take off the new continent, a lawless region, and take a breath in the Adventurer Autonomy. And from this tri-country state, where imperial control does not extend, the best way to stabilize is to gather your people.
That is what Philhana says.
Is it true at all, or is it a lie?
I wanted confirmation that her words weren't lies here. But I don't have the means to get that.
Think calmly, there should be no reason for Philhana to lie so far.
"... but I want to at least rendezvous with Umaru"
"Hmm. That's right. What do you want to do? Lesbon."
"The last three days..."
The arm-watch-eyed adventurer was told the story and looked up at the ceiling.
"If you have one Raven Tengu, you can cooperate."
The words that came out were still surprisingly positive.
"I just don't want you to expect much. As you can see, there's not much room for this one either. As I said earlier, this desert is too big to find one monster. Well, if Kalasma comes back of his own free will, there's still a way to predict..."
Kyosuke silenced. Will Umaru come back of his own free will? It's a difficult problem.
I don't think it was a decisive break. However, it was not such an event that the presence of the trenches that had been made would be discovered. Kyosuke still couldn't feel the inferiority Umaru was holding.
Until a few days ago, you should have been able to say things in a friendly way.
But I still don't know if the Umaru wants to come back.
"Speaking of which, Oumaru, yesterday I saw you on the edge of the desert, you flew in the direction of the fox fire"
The white horse sandwiched his mouth from the side.
"A fox? A fire, a flame? If it's a suspicious light, you could see it from here. Rain."
"Sure, southeast direction than this one. We've just made our way inland."
"So let's do a little searching on that line."
The adventurers, beside telling such a story, Kyosuke saw her own right arm.
Devil's carpal bone. When he saw this, Umaru, jokingly, murmured a famous passage that appeared in a video game. Kyosuke was surprised that Umaru would also play the game, and Umaru replied that that was what he would do.
At that point, Kyosuke still didn't know about him.
Such Kyosuke's head is slapped by an arm that has been stretched from side to side.
"I don't know how people feel, so don't think too hard."
"Oh, oh..."
Just so we can talk, we're going to start searching for Umaru.
Kyosuke remembered another, Wombat, who disappeared on the adventurer's side at the same time. The adventurers stopped because they didn't feel very good when they remembered that man, wondering if they were worried about him.
As originally envisaged, the negotiations proceeded lightly.
If the bloodline flickers a piece of the demon king, the representatives of the Serbian civilized area who continue to war with the demon's family will have to drink the demands of their opponents. But the bloodlines are bloodlines, wary that the Serbian civilized area, which has extended its forces to the northern side of the new continent, will join hands with the empire and interdict the bloodlines.
Mutual non-interference. That's where we land each other.
Only Glenn and you exchanged words with the Lord.
Umaru was just watching.
When the negotiations hung largely together, the door opened properly. Umaru's gaze turns to you naturally. Turning to you, I lost my word.
Sink, give me a second.
"Oh wombat, what's wrong?
That's where I came in, fellow adventurers. It was a sheaf wombat.
I remember Umaru clearly. How the man was trying to get a dog god and stab Todome. Now it's hard to stay and leave beneath them, but the only emotion I can remember to be angry here was also in Umaru.
Wombat also saw this one again, but didn't put any particular emotions on the table. He may have recognized Umaru as one of the other Ayakashi companions.
Knight's sink with the spear in one hand exchanged two or three words, a conversation with Wombat, and he turned to Glenn and said:
"Glenn, Wombat's going to explain where the monster is, so I'm going to ask."
"Okay. Are you all right by yourself?
"Yeah. It's not like I'm going out in person."
Sink smiles small and leaves the room with Wombat.
I'll drop him off on his back, and then you ask Glenn.
"Who is that human being?
"I'm an adventurer. Offer me your cooperation. I haven't told you anything about Celia or the monster mountain, so don't worry."
Glenn said so with a grinning smile. It is the Umaru who is not calm in his heart.
The man said he would explain where the monster is. I'm going to sell this information to my blood family.
"We were talking about where the monster is?
"That's none of your business. In the monster we're after. I want you to speak human language and report any unnatural individuals in your habitat."
In response to Glenn's words, your gaze was now directed at Umaru. My heart feels cold.
If you were going to, it would be exposed that Umaru is not actually the Ayakashi of the Serbian civilized area, and then Glenn would readily find out that he is two years and four sets of students.
I shouldn't have come this far. Umaru felt his own beating faster. It is a sweat that was thought to erupt from the whole body, but the Raven Tengu body has no sweat glands. Instead, I felt my mouth open and my breathing sliced into small pieces.
That's what you say, you put your gaze back on Glenn.
"If we find anything, let's just say we talk"
"Thank you, Your Grace."
In the end, that's exactly what the topic was about. Are you sure you believe Umaru to be one of Ayakashi's people, or are you just going to give back your interest to someone you don't care about? Anyway, Umaru picked up his life.
And the good fortune of getting down on him, it didn't end here.
Your Excellency switches the subject.
"Glenn, I'm pretty sure the King's piece you're bringing into this cemetery belongs to the Demon King."
"Oh. But nothing, I'm not going to deliver it under the cult you're fighting for. As such, while a non-interference agreement is in place.... you see?
So Glenn opens the box in the corner of the desk in the room.
What he took out was a sparkling, light purple crystal. As soon as I saw it, Umaru felt his whole body grow gross. The heart finally regains its composure, bouncing again. The demonic light emitted by the crystalline form creeps Glenn's smile.
"Not to mention that stuff"
That's what you said with your thin eyes even narrower.
"Well, it would be tough if you accidentally put something like this in the body of a Lesser Demon. Neither do we, when we don't have to."
Glenn smiled and put a piece of the king in the box.
"If I let you in, what happens?
If you are aware, Umaru has spoken such questions.
Glenn looked surprised for a moment but quickly returned to smile.
"The Lesser Demon is the immediate family of the Demon King. Whatever the individual, it will be a qualified person for the Wang Pian. In other words, a Lesser Demon that takes in a King's Piece gains comparable power to the Demon King... Well, the vessel's soggy, it won't last long."
Apparently, it has to be a qualified person, or immediate family member, who can take in the Wang Piece. Umaru was just a little discouraged.
But still, with this King's Piece, it will be possible to follow the Lesser Demon. It is a troubling place. Where this security is tight, how do we sneak in?
First, that's where Umaru comes up with it.
Wombat is telling Sink where Kyosuke and the others are, which means that a raid there is planned in the near future. I'm not sure if I'm going to bring up a piece of the Demon King, but if I'm going to, I want to manage to plunder it. If you don't take it out, take away where the security has gotten thinner.
If I fly at my own speed, I can manage to escape. You should be able to escape.
This is an opportunity. for me to regain my confidence.
Umaru held his fist with his trembling arm and slowly closed his eyes.
The negotiations opened between you and Glenn closed the curtain, not long after that.
After the negotiations are over, your Majesty will take Umaru out of the dungeon. The same goes for the other foxes. The time was already evening.
Your Majesty visited Umaru like this without any particular recourse to the matter asked by Glenn.
"What are you gonna do now?
The surrounding foxes also look at Umaru in unison.
"Non and the others are going back to the Mountain of Monsters. I don't know where you are, but if you're Raven Tengu, you can live under your superiors. All the superiors are a little arrogant men, but they feel good. Learn how to handle swords and divine powers, and slowly throw yourself into the fight against the cult as a people of Celia, but it can be a bad story."
I'm not sure why Umaru would even do that to a stranger Raven Tengu.
A sight similar to sympathy, but different from pity. Either way, the grief is close. Feeling like trying to be close to something with a similar situation. It seemed to me that you had something like that.
"I... have something to do"
Wumaru shakes his clothes slightly.
"Well, you're willing to go home."
Umaru cannot reply to your serene words.
I was not surprised to learn of this situation. At the same time, I felt like, 'Oh, still?'
"About 200 years ago, the blood clan sent them over here. At that time, the art of crossing boundaries was incomplete. It involved quite a few things. Gathered together things of the same condition, and things that were detached, and made a nation in this seria. Non and the others are no longer untrained in the Japanese book, but if they go home, that's fine. Master on the road."
It was a kind word. Slightly pull the roundnut hair, but still can't change my mind.
Wumaru's consciousness was leaning heavily on a piece of the Demon King. No, it was already completely, leaning.
It is not a matter that can be controlled by reason. Simply because if you didn't, you wouldn't have regained your confidence, Umaru Yoshikai would have been cornered. arrogant self-esteem. Exactly, it's magical.
Separated from your predecessors, Umaru waited for him slightly away from the dungeon. Your Majesty and the Foxes say you are going back to the Monster Mountain. There was something unfortunate about it, but the breakup was light.
After a while of waiting, Sink and Wombat return and Glenn come out of the dungeon.
Sink and Glenn turn their gaze to this side for a moment, turning a few words.
Umaru lurked herself in the shadows of the rocks in a hurry. Are you kidding me? From the rock shade, again, try to check the dungeon. My mouth pops out when I try to peek in, so I can't really think of it.
When he eventually gave up and turned his gaze toward the dungeon with his mouth sticking out, two people, Glenn and Sink, were just about to start moving in the western direction. I don't see Wombat.
Going west now means you're going to attack Kyosuke and the others already?
Night and bishop. Although powerful individuals, Kyosuke and Rin have already had a victory over Knight once. It was instantaneous killing without bitterness, although for some reasons the other person did not resist.
Wouldn't it be easier for Umaru to repel them if Kyosuke and the others didn't bother to return to announce the hurry?
"(That's right. Now I'm back...)"
Instead of biting your back teeth, rub your mouths together hard.
As it is now, there is no place for the Umaru menstruation over there. We just have to be stronger. I want enough credit for my current low status to be able to recover.
I didn't even see the Lesser Demon around the entrance to the dungeon. If we're going in, it's the only time. Umaru spreads his wings and pushes his body up into space at once. The technique of manipulating the wind and making its silhouette unfit for aerodynamic flight fast was already familiar.
Black wings slap the universe, and Umaru can fly through the sky at once. It won't be long before the entrance to the dungeon. Paying attention to the inside of the dungeon and making sure it didn't seem particularly dangerous, he pushed inside.
There were a few imps inside, but Umaru takes out the leaf dough fan and fans one. A blade of wind created ripped the little demons apart in an instant.
With this degree of force, it is unsatisfactory. Stronger. We have to be stronger.
In addition, several corpses (ghouls) found them on their way to the room where they found Wang Piece earlier, all of which were quickly cut off. Find a room and step in.
So, Wumaru found him again.
It was one of my fellow adventurers, Wombat, who struck his tongue. He was also about to hold a box containing pieces of Wang.
"What are you doing? In this place......!
"You'll see. Just like you."
"Have you been silent with the rest of us?!? How could you tell them where my people are!
"So I'm just like you."
Wombat included a slight frustration in his voice, but the discouragement itself is flat.
Same as you. Wombat didn't try to say any more reasons, but he snorted small when he saw Wumaru stuck in words.
"Me and you, we've come to want to reclaim our position. Don't you?"
It's a picture star. I can't speak.
"I attacked you at my discretion and Waygan was taken prisoner. Kind of like salvaging it..."
"Isn't that just extra annoying for those guys! The adventurers will be in a bad position if they find out you've leaked the information!
Shortly after he said it, Umaru found out that the words bounced back exactly as they did to himself.
I want to reclaim my position. But I just wanted to do it in return, and the damage this arbitrary advance does to my people is much greater. This is just an act of self-satisfaction, caused by the outburst of self-esteem.
No, you know that. I should have known.
Wombat leaves the box in his arms, turning this way and yelling.
"Lesbon lost his arm and his eyes! Fight you! I don't even know if I can play adventurer anymore. Here, even with one thing, you have to achieve something that will make you money!
"Is that what you call a king?"
"The Empire is collecting this guy. Look, there's a huge bounty going on. That alone can make a special magic guide prosthetic hand or prosthetic eye, and it will be enough to do another business. If he brings back a piece of the King, he'll be named Lesbon. So..."
His eyes were serious. It's definitely a kind of merit heart that's moving Wombat. He was leading himself to the same adventurer party. That's why I've tried to grab Azumi until I broke my promise, and pretend to cooperate with my blood clan, trying to steal out a piece of the king.
narrow field of view.
It's just narrow field of view.
I can't see a thing.
Even if you do that, you just make Lesbon's position worse.
But Umaru was not sure enough to reprimand it aloud and make it right. Because what Umaru is doing was exactly the same as Wombat's act. No, for what I was only thinking of being selfish, it's harder to say this one is more splendid.
Umaru made a bad habit in his heart.
There is no more power in Umaru to argue with Wombat here and just take the Wang Piece away from him. If so, isn't it the top priority to get out of here in a hurry and get away? But if you run off with Wombat, you can't catch up with Glenn or Sink.
"Hey, Glenn. You were right about me, weren't you?
At that time, words that would freeze the heart were heard from behind.
"True. I didn't know you were both after Wang Pian."
A woman's voice is followed by a man's voice that is heard.
Looking back, two blood clans stood, each trying to keep their backs at the entrance. Bishop's Glenn and Knight's sink. I left this dungeon earlier, and it was supposed to be the two of us heading west. I didn't know you were coming back.
These two were meant to be from the beginning. Sink was aware of the suspicious attitude of Wombat, who had offered to cooperate, and perhaps also of Umaru. He was setting a trap that if he left the dungeon, he would break in to steal a piece of the king.
Wombat kept the box in both hands and wasn't trembling. Glenn and I stare at the sink, and then a little, I glance at Wumaru.
The sink enters the room as he twirls a bright red spear.
"Huhuhuhuhu...... It would be useless to say, so I'm not telling you to give it back. Instead, I want you to resist. May I?"
Sink, your Raven Tengu is one of the targets.
"Yeah, so I'll be careful. But, well, if you're gonna resist, maybe you can't help it."
mouth of a sink that is caught lusciously. The bright red glow clouds into a darker glow.
"Raven Tengu is not a big race. There's no match for Wang Pian, he's just a little quick on the leg, it's a hassle."
"Sure, because future growth is also weak. Isn't it enough to make a leap and catch it?"
The word deeply chooses the heart of Umaru. But his heart, which had been chosen, had been so calm as to surprise himself.
Interpretation, that seems to be the case. Ex-human named myself.
Raven Tengu was reborn, haunted, chronic, but stopped there. The speed of flight is just a little faster than others. It's such a big, but not such a thing. You can't be a strong, decent man like Kyosuke and the others.
"If you don't resist, will you catch me?
…… Well, for once. "
slightly unwillingly distorted his expression, Sink replied.
"Kokanai or... where the spiders are caught...?
"Yeah, I'll give you a lift, maybe two or three days. Although it's not a comfortable sailing trip."
After all, somewhere they were carried, not on this continent. It's the stronghold of the bloodline. Umaru gains certainty.
Together, some sailing techniques just arrive in a couple of days from the new continent to the old one.
I got the information. More than I grabbed, I can't get caught.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wombat rushed to rub off the side of the pondering raven. In one hand, he holds a small knife. At the same time, on the floor rolled a box of pieces of king he had until earlier.
"You have to come!!
Sink smiles full face, putting up a spear and sticking straight in. While running, Wombat tries to take a dodging motion, but Sink's spear won't let it get away. The poking behavior was not a straight line.
The orbit of the poke changes, as if to portray a ballistic of transformative ease. The sharp tip accurately captured Wombat's arm at the tip he avoided.
Blood is scattered. Wumaru recognized that the flesh was ripped off and the bones were blown away.
Wombat sends his gaze to Umaru as he is blown off one arm.
I couldn't afford to just indulge in what that gaze meant.
Sink, in less than 30 seconds, kills Wombat. Then it's Umaru's turn. If you are irresistible, you will be caught, if you resist, you will be killed. Umaru picked up a box of Wang pieces, which Wombat unleashed on the floor.
Fear made me feel my feet dull. Still, I had to force myself to poke and move my body.
"(I'm an idiot!!
Hold the box aside, and Umaru flies toward the waiting passage of Sink and Glenn.
Glenn produces a black lightning bolt on his right arm when he puts a small grin on his mouth. That binds the monster's movements, it's magical. You can't eat it, but as things stand, the only way to get out is to jump in there.
When Umaru was ready, a single knife flew straight from the side.
The knife pierces Glenn's arm and, for a moment, the resulting lightning flies.
Umaru slipped into the hallway in a flash where Glenn flickered.
In the hallway, the Imp, the Lesser Demon, and the Corpse Ghost are hissed. Glenn quickly recovered and followed Wumaru out into the hallway. Glenn compresses the black lightning born on his right arm, makes it look like a bullet and shoots it out.
The bullet swept wide across the wings of the whale. The flight is no longer balanced, bouncing walls and floors.
Behind that, Glenn slowly followed.
Umaru opened a box of Wang pieces in his arms. Inside, creepy crystals are stored, which, as always, keep suspicious light. The moment the light illuminated the passage, the imps and lessor demons stopped the movement.
"Attack him!!
The light-lighted imps and demons, at that moment, bar themselves as if they had lost themselves, turning back to Glenn as if they were responding to the words of Umaru. Upon standing up to shelter the feathers from the hollow mistletoe, Umaru aims for the exit of the dungeon.
No matter how much force you try to put into your wings, you can't jump up. The only thing that made it the biggest feature was the seal on Umaru.
"CONNECTED...... BOTH......!!
When Umaru managed to reach the exit of the dungeon, his surroundings were already dim. The moonlight is illuminating the desert blue.
There is a lot of bursting noise in the aisle. Looking back in surprise, the narrow passage of the dungeon is filled with scorching smoke. Two steps on the sand, three steps and before a backward circle, a dark “something” was thrown away.
Carburized in black, it's the wreckage of a Lesser Demon. From the smoke, Glenn, with a smiling smile, walks in with a black lightning bolt in his right arm. I can't afford to be cowardly. Umaru turned his back and ran out unconsciously, the second black bullet now turning the back of Umaru. I twisted myself to a severe pain and still tried to move on.
"(Am I, stupid)"
The result of behaving arrogantly until now and not trying to spare yourself is this.
I am, at this time, the hardest worker I have ever been in my life. Desperately rising, suffering, and still having to move on. Why on earth would everyone, thank you, honor something like this?
The footsteps of death are slowly approaching behind us.
The first 'effort' in my life, apparently, is going to end without paying off.
"I don't like it!!
Umaru menstruation screams. Shortly afterwards, "something” gained momentum from the sky and was pounded momentum toward Glenn.
The impact pushes Umaru's body from behind. He rolled straight over the sand, holding desperately to avoid dropping pieces of the king. The sand grains of the Time Realm desert, it hurts to get into my feathers. Still manage to hold one hand, stand up and look back.
There, a brilliant burning flame stood to visualize the shape of man.
The way he illuminates the darkness is as if he were a fiery demon (Ifried).
"Hi, volcano... or...?
Umaru knew what it looked like. However, there is no information that his classmate Ei Furano has transferred to this new continent, and even if he did, it is difficult to assume that he is such a person.
The fiery man, glancing slightly at Umaru, extended his arm and pointed in the western direction.
I understand you're telling me to run, even without saying a word.
Standing up Glenn puts his anger in his voice.
"What are you going to do! Do this......! It's a fine act of disobedience!
Wumaru doesn't know what Glenn is talking about. But this is your chance.
I don't know what this pyrotechnic is going to do, but I'm pretty sure he's friendly here. While he's buying time, we just have to run. Wumaru ran out of the desert at a glance, holding a piece of the king.
Glenn glanced hard at the man in front of him after the Umaru menstruation ran through the desert.
"What are you going to do? Now, come out with me! He said he'd let a monster with a piece of king get away with it!?
The man doesn't try to answer. Still, Glenn goes on further as he exposes his anger.
"All our actions are monitored by the King. I thought they wouldn't notice... Oh, shit. Right......!
Glenn looking up at the night sky and being evil.
"But you can't imitate this on your own anymore. I guess you know. Let me report this to the King when I get home."
"It is,"
The man opened his mouth there for the first time.
"If I could just go home alive, we'd talk."
Glenn stares at the man again. I'm going to find out the truth about the words he whined about.
"Glenn's right, I'm gonna make a big deal out of it. If we go any further, the king will find out."
"Don't bother, you newcomers. When you get home, report this first - you're done!
Glenn grabs the man's chest and then returns to the dungeon. Again, we're going out with Sink.
The man looked up at the night sky. It was only because some favourable conditions were in place that I fooled the king to get here, but I may have stepped on quite a beating. Now, most importantly, it's time for credibility. I could help Umaru, but I just can't add any more.
It's just...
It's just that only a little bit, sobered up, could I hit Glenn with one shot that made Suo look like a fool of himself.