My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton!
Episode 87: Time To Cum
Kyosuke and the others ordered a crusade quest for the Behemoth mutant individuals, Goubayashi and the others prepared to leave for Verneus, and the Alliance of Four Imperial Watchboards (Dial Nights), including Ei. Just when we were stopping by at both relay points.
Akiki Koganei left his bloodline castle to capture his classmates that he was in the Duchy of Zerga Gladiator.
Accompanied by Bishop's Akeno and the newly added serialized cyclops to the battle force as a hexablooded beast (XEXBREED). And it's a serialized Wyburn that Akeno prepared beforehand as an experimental individual for the Hexablooded Beast.
As Koganei, I don't feel comfortable with this assignment that could clash with my classmates. But it was myself who chose this path. If participating in this operation reduces the likelihood that your people will lose their lives at all, then the choices you make also make sense.
"Mr. Akeno. How about a helicopter?"
Kokanai squeaks with a look at the view that turns out the window.
The blood clan's fighting power is slowly diminishing due to the fact that it has been giving a little bit to four classmates for two years. but relief supplies from the original world continued to be sent. The castle where I spent time with Suo and the others also had generators, flat-screen TVs, consoles set aside on them, etc., but more and more escalating things have been sent here lately. Helicopters, jeeps, radios, etc. It is true that it is extremely useful and safe as a means of mobility, but there is far too little fantasy global emotion. The serialized Wyburn was flying next to the helicopter with its wings heavily flared.
I don't have feelings, so to speak.
Koganei saw the woman sitting next to him.
A huge monocular with a single corner growing from his forehead and about half his face. I'm still unfamiliar with the intense impact of appearance. She named herself Cyclops, and she didn't tell me what to call her any more. The slightly larger eyes look slightly bored just looking out the window. I'm inflating balloon gum on my mouth.
Aside from her appearance with the commonly known cyclops, her outfit was extremely special and put on fantastic emotions.
Dedicated goggles with turret-style triple lenses in a pair of impact suits reminiscent of special forces. Above all, an eye-catching rifle is a length that seems to stick out of the ceiling.
Koganei, who also brings his knowledge as a military ota there, had predicted that this was an anti-material rifle made in Russia. I can't be sure, but I've seen it in the catalog.
The belt of the suit has a pistol and a knife. All would be supplies sent from the original world.
An objective rifle. It's just a pistol. I started sending them here even to such noisy things.
"(You punch into the fantasy world with military supplies... Such a lanobe, you have one)"
Although I wouldn't even try to refer to what I've read so far because it depends on the fashion which is stronger: the Real Army or the Fantasy Army. But on the blood side, the basic specs in the first place far exceed those of humanity. I felt it was a big advantage to be able to bring military supplies in there as gear.
"Hey, you."
Cyclops said looking out.
"Oh, me... is that it?
"It's you. High Elves"
Is there a decision to call it by race name?
"Why did you accept bloodliness? High elves are a rare species and you can't expect blood replenishment"
"I'm in trouble when you ask me why..."
Koganei scratches his cheek.
It was a long time ago to answer honestly. Because this cyclops is on the blood side.
Kokanai did not accept blood tribulation out of his loyalty to the “King”. The beginning of determination is rather a translation. I wanted to avoid being distracted by that.
"I saw the room where Arakune and Roper were under house arrest. Sounds like your orders."
Without hearing Koganei's answer, Cyclops continues to speak unilaterally. Surprisingly, maybe you don't care about this story. That's an easy story.
"Is that Arakune, your lover?
It was a critical question. Koganei almost erupted unexpectedly.
"Or is Roper a better lover?
"That's definitely not true"
Before gender, the tentacle plains are just too difficult. Koganei didn't feel like complaining so much about the advanced man either.
"Keep it that way"
Akeno stopped the two conversations while holding the joystick in the cockpit. The bishop in Sister clothes, apparently, can also steer a helicopter. Most of the research involved in the factors of the blood family is also under way by her, and in fact, she was a multidisciplinary woman.
Akeno has an inch on his helmet. Looking straight ahead over the canopy, she said.
"Shakkow, who is searching for Wang Piece, contacted me. In Verneus, there are rumors of a skeleton that seems to be the owner of a piece of kings"
Koganei took a breath. Kyosuke.
In the New World, Koganei missed Kyosuke knowing he held Wang Piece. As a blood family, it is a clear act of enmity. I told him to refrain from using Wang Pian because, of course, Kyosuke's body was intolerable, but by exercising his power, he wanted to avoid discovering the location of Wang Pian.
I didn't know that would expose you so quickly.
Kokanai now must act as one of the blood clans. They have the right to life and death. The next time I look like Kyosuke, I need to fight him.
If only the seizure of the Wang Piece would deceive the situation, that's fine.
But if Kyosuke herself is caught by the blood clan. Like Spiderzaki and Tentacles Hara, you won't have to just house arrest them. He has already taken the factor and awakened to Phase 3. Like myself now, I have to act as a loyal handkerchief to the "King”.
Akeno seemed to notice how Koganei was doing, but didn't say anything in particular.
Continue instead.
"Unload a helicopter near the Adventurer Autonomy and rendezvous with Shakkow once"
Copy that.
Cyclops answered that briefly. Koganei nods in the same way with a slightly toned voice.
Cyclops, who was looking out over the window, lowered his goggles and rotated a turret-type triple lens. This goggle is dedicated to her monocular eyes. She scratched the magnification of the lens for a while and looked out, but eventually raised her goggles with a boring face.
"Did you see something?
"A lot of things."
To Akeno's words, Cyclops replies vaguely. It's not that kind of personality.
If you have to, Koganei doesn't mind being somewhat unscrupulous to let Kyosuke get away with it. But in that case, the safety of the two men left behind in the castle of the blood family is not guaranteed.
Do we have to wish them luck here? Koganei pointed his gaze out the window to avoid being distracted by the upset.
Rin stretched out her body a little and turned her gaze to peek around.
"What's up, Rin?"
"Something, I felt my gaze..."
"In the middle of a street like this?
Wumaru, carrying Napzak, looks back and glances around.
"You don't look like me. Isn't that a mistake?
All the others stopped at Rin's words and handed out their gaze.
The streets connecting the Adventurer Autonomous Zerneus from the Duchy of Zerga gladiator pass through the middle of a plain. Even though it is wide, around less than ten kilometres to the north, there are a series of harsh peaks of the Beast King's Peak, but still a plain with no radius of several kilometres.
Someone is watching, and if so, it will be the owner of an unusual vision. At least, as far as Kyosuke and the others observe their surroundings, we can't confirm such presence.
"Well, it's not like Umaru-kun's eyesight is going to be athe"
When Snowflake said it nicely, Umaru objected by beeping the couch.
"What's under the snow. The crow. I have good eyes. And I can see ultraviolet light."
"Can you see the UV rays too?
"Oh, actually, I've been silent for a long time, but my vision is so colorful and freaking me out"
To your sitting question, Umaru rattled his nose and stretched his chest. Proud of him, Snow Nose stares with cold eyes.
"For what it's worth, don't treat Umaru like a snowflake these days."
"Oh, you don't know Kyosuke? Yuki-no-chan has been watching Umaru-kun cool since he was a human."
Rin eared softly at Kyosuke with a small voice that Umaru himself could not hear.
The group under the snow nose and the group of Umaru had quite a few contacts in the class, but that was originally the contact that arose from the connection between the Mizo sitting area and the wall field, and the hard-working snow nose seemed to look down on the Umaru, who slapped all the big mouths without effort.
"... I didn't want to know."
"I probably know a lot more about the class relationships that Kyosuke doesn't want to know about."
Sometimes I just belonged to the rear charging group at the Hierarchy top. With her observational eyes and Ryuzaki's political power, the four groups had been around for two years.
"When I see ultraviolet light, I see a lot of things I don't have to look at."
Umaru is in a good mood and talks about his eyesight.
"I guess with the stains on people's faces, for example... The face under the snow..."
Moments such as this, the quail couch froze. Snowy underneath is staring at him in a ghostly shape.
"Umaru-kun, Saitai"
"You don't have one right now..."
Waluno and Azuki mutter as well. Nikoniko laughed and stroked to melt the squid cuckoo.
"Well, Yuki's face is probably not made of protein and is made of H2O, so it doesn't look like she needs UV care or anything..."
"You guys, come on..."
Lesbon, who was walking at the head of the group, is scratching his forehead with his arms still on.
"If we don't get to the target lockdown point by sundown, we'll be late for quest."
Totally, it fits into a position like a pull teacher.
Lesbon and Rain just don't seem willing to follow us all the way to Verneus, but they promised to help us with this quest. Gratuity is half of the Quest reward. Lesbon, who has become a ship's arm, has to drop the Adventurer rank. As a result, the quests he receives and the rewards he receives also rank down, but this crusade quest of behemoth mutant individuals is to be rewarded with a breakdown as what he gets now.
Even though I have some savings, the funds have still never gone far in continuing my future life.
The two men said about their future policy of activities, 'Do we even raise monsters in the Duchy of Zerga gladiators'?
He's not going back to his hometown of Pilika South Kingdom. Lesbon is the prodigal son in the first place, and now the southern kingdom is in a mess at the end of the coup.
When thoughts reach here, Kyosuke has to remind me of the gloomy things again. I shook my cover and kicked out my thoughts. There's a lot more to be done now.
"Lesbon, is the destination far away?
"… as a sight,"
Instead of Lesbon, the oligarchy muscular female warrior Rain pointed to the Beast King's Peak of the North with Halvard in his hand.
"The mountains of the Beast King's Peak are largely off the south (this way) side, taking them west. That mountain, near contact with the streets... It's a containment point."
Behemoth is a monster that lives in the mountains. omnivorous, close to carnivorous, often attacking people and livestock. Although you rarely come down from the mountains and show up to people, the rate of encounting is quite high along this street.
"The point of contact between the mountains and the streets... That's a little far."
"You must hurry because it's far away"
From what I've seen, more than ten kilometers is likely to be a distance. Even though the sun is still high, sure, I can't even relax that way. Whirlpool and snowflakes are gabbing in the back, while white horses are eating grass on the side of the street in the front, and dog gods hunt tuna rabbits on a whim, etc.
"Speaking of which, Rin, are you okay with not sticking to me?
Kyosuke asked Rin, who crawls and moves so hard, dropping her gaze.
"Hmm? Uh yeah. Heh heh heh! Kyosuke, why don't you take a look?
When Kyosuke dropped her gaze on discipline, as she said, Rin gave birth to her legs all the time.
As if he were a newborn deer, Rin (footed) rose with a puffy tremor, walking one or two steps straight on the street. Kyosuke leaked 'oh' and an exclamation.
"You can walk now..."
"I also grow up everyday without Kyosuke knowing..."
But it still seems that continuing walking without leaning on things is a considerable burden on her body, and Rin gets back to normal when she talks.
Speaking of which, Kyosuke remembered shortly after she moved into this world. A few more days after destroying the King of the Necromancer in the lower dungeon, he was exploring the decaying Heavy Cruiser with the Kenzakis. At that time, Rin was deformed to the upper body of a human being. I haven't seen Rin's body turn into a human since then.
"Well, I don't know if five minutes is the limit to walking with your legs growing..."
"I think five minutes would be enough, which Michi can't be used much for travel..."
"It could be. I thought I'd borrow Kyosuke's body."
Rin's body wraps around Kyosuke. Slime meat tangled over the bones and ended up being the usual stream cross.
"So, it's time, you guys"
I said it again as Lesbon rubbed his temples.
"Yes, sir."
Rin stretches her tentacles from around her shoulder and squeaks relaxed.
Kyosuke thought once again that it would be so easy to have someone to compartmentalize in your place. I'm not the right person for a leader. If you join the Goubayashi and the others, he'll take care of the partition, and we're going to be able to afford a lot more warfare.
If I can afford it, I can also afford to think about a lot of things.
"Behemoth is gone first."
Rin muttered so when he read the thought, and Kyosuke nodded as well. Exactly, it's hard to imagine that a strong monster of the blood clan is so gobbled up, but I can't be too alarmed because a few pairs of adventurers who have already ordered the quest have gone missing.
Kyosuke went under the snow with Umaru, who was still hanging out behind him, in order to make his way to the destination first.
So, I managed to get to my destination. Enter the enclosed area of the street and set up the camp, as directed by Lesbon.
This is how adventurers seem to create a base at their destination and then begin their quest to achieve their main target. Exactly when it comes to survival technology, there was a lot to learn from them. Until now, I've finished the force push camp I put on the demon specs, but the more clever way to do it is that there are many different ways.
"Behemoth is nocturnal. So once we take a break, we split into a few hands and start exploring. Even so, well, maybe two teams are easy."
Lesbon told such stories to the members surrounding the burning fire, towards.
"Also bright on the terrain of Beast King's Peak, me and Rain lead the two teams"
Lesbon's team is the White Horse, the Snow Nose, and the Dog God.
Rain's team consists of Umaru, Waluno, Mizo, and Azuki.
"Utsurogi and Lynn want you to wait in this camp. As a general rule, Behemoth doesn't do anything to get into the human sphere of life, but this time the peculiar individuals often actively vandalize the camp of travellers as well."
Arrangements that can be intercepted alone, even in the event of a raid, so it seems quite boring that the two of us are leaving a message, but since this is an instruction from an adventurer's professional, I will honestly follow it.
Lesbon's team is more of an imaginary structure, such as a slight loss of life, but since Lesbon, the leader, has little to expect as a force of war, there is no choice. Rain's team is robust as a system because Wall Field, who specializes in defensive support, and the seat of an uplifting fortune player support two avant-gardes.
"In this case, are you lucky to come across a behemoth or not..."
"Well, even in my" Luck Invitation, "there's nothing I can do about it if I don't have the original luck. It's like resting, Umaru."
"Libra today, how was your luck..."
Kyosuke relaxes and drops off the other members who start preparing for the mess. The dog god pulls into the back of the bush once and comes back after he looks like a wolf. It's not a full moon, so the hairs are silver. Azuki comes out with her carefully folded clothes.
"Well, I'll be there, both of you."
"Leave a message!
Lesbon's team explores the east side. Rain's team is exploring the west. It's my first day, so I said I'd cut it up early so it wouldn't go too deep.
"Yes, you're here."
A souvenir. Say hello.
Kyosuke and the others also wave relaxed and dropped off.
Eventually, Cantera's lights hide among the trees and turn away. Around becoming completely invisible, Rin muttered.
"It's been a long time since we've been alone"
"What should I do, Kyosuke?"
"I don't know what to do..."
Kyosuke scratched her cheek as she watched a burning fire that made a noise with her patsy.
"You don't have to be surprised when you're alone. In our case..."
"Well, when you flirt with a situation like this, the killer generally kills you..."
If you knew this was going to happen, you should have looked for even spare time tools in Adventurer Autonomy. And Kyosuke thought.
Eung's camp is just a short step into the mountains.
Only the streets are sealed off. The mountains of the Beast King's Peak are not subject to mountain entry regulations. They were entering the streets in the form of mountain rides from the Farreal Beast Kingdom in the north. As it should have been, we were supposed to travel through the mountains while travelling to Verneus via adventurer autonomy, but hearing Melodias' selfishness led us to spend the night setting up a camp in this mountain.
The behemoth, which was made ferocious by Underworld Veterinary Disease, had already been sedated by about three bodies at the hands of Melodias Killer.
According to our story, the Underworld Veterinary Disease, which occurs due to a special temper, should be immediately notified to her if it develops in imperial territory, but discovery is delayed due to strong aspects outside the territory that try to be resolved without the help of the empire.
The melodious of the day, that girl who just looks a little over ten, no matter how she looks, is completely asleep, tired of finishing her job. Eung stared at its sleeping face, lit by the burning fire.
"Akira, as long as you're resting, why don't you come out of there?
Filhana with wet hair returns in some rough outfits compared to usual. It's a lake nearby, and they've been watering it down.
This black armor moved by Ein is a special order prepared by Lambault. Ei Furano's body is still that little whisp itself. Having reached Phase 2, he has come to be able to produce such magnificent firepower that it is not commensurate with that little body, but the body itself may not make any difference.
Eung hesitated for a while, but opened the armored part of her chest in a pacified fashion, coming out of the inside.
There is no change in the flaming body that burns bright red. At least, it is normal. Another light source that emerged apart from the incendiary fire illuminates the sleeping face of Melodias Killer.
"Bored, your, classmate? I'd like you to talk about it."
"It's not like talking to boredom or anything."
Ei's voice is hard against Philhana with a fluffy grin.
"Okay, that's right. Simply ask what interests you. It's about a boy named Utsurugi."
Eung, who has pierced the poker face since the human age, but the upset of this moment was just hard to hide. The flickering of the flame creates an unnatural shape.
"... how do you know that name?
I should have never offered Lambart my cooperation and given Kyosuke's name since about the Imperial side.
To Ein's inquiry, but Philhana's grin does not break.
"If you are also the Emperor's Watch Board Alliance (Dial Knights), there are many ways to obtain information. Especially since I'm, you know, telepathic mage."
It's a lie, Eung thought intuitively. No, I won't stop until I tell you it's a lie, but she's hiding something. But I don't like emulation like pursuing it and asking. You could have at least remained silent in return for your interest, but Ein answers, staring at the flames of the burning fire.
It took awhile to find that following word.
"It was a friend, a man"
"Oh. Probably not anymore,"
In the southern kingdom of Pilika, I remember the words hit by Miya Cat Palace.
"If Utsurugi finds out, he probably won't forgive you."
Exactly. I'm sure if Kyosuke finds out who she is now, she'll be angry.
But that's fine. He doesn't have to do anything without himself anymore, and I don't want Kyosuke to do anything that doesn't look like him. So instead, I do it myself. Do you mind if I don't like you?
Philhana remained smiling and smiling, saying nothing.
Just then, in the footsteps of Sakari, Lambart returns, standing on guard.
"What's up? It's not too early to take turns?
"Do you think the only reason the watch is coming back is to take turns"
With his arms together, the nervous elf swordsman says something that looks really nervous.
"Oh, is it the enemy? Behemoth?"
"Not. Not even a limited story with the enemy, but about 2,000 meters east of here. The footsteps are for four. There's another sign that's different from that footstep. Five signs in total."
"Are you an adventurer?
Philhana tilting her neck.
"I'm going to make sure of that. Two thousand meters would be quick, but what are we going to do"
"Let's go. I'm bored."
Philhana rises without any hesitation. Eung also returns to his armor.
Bhayu, and steam blew out of his back, black armor lighted by the bonfire slowly rose. Repeat with your own hands, open or grip, to make sure of the motion. Waking up melodious or thinking, she rose up peeling, without even having to speak from this one. It's a good night's sleep.
Four shadows ran out through the midst of the night darkness, trying to get through between the trees.
Just at that time the Emperor's Watch Board Alliance (Dial Nights) set in motion.
Kyosuke's camp in, on the other side from them. In other words, Akiki Koganei and the others were walking in the mountainous areas to the east. Koganei's footsteps are slightly heavy and his expression is stiff. The companions are Akeno and Cyclops of Bishop. And it's Luke's Shakkow.
The ethnicized Wyburn keeps them waiting in a cave close to the adventurer autonomy. Initially, when capturing classmates from the Duchy of Zerga gladiators, a jeep was available to carry them and some pawn as their driver, but Wyburn was to keep them once. Wyburn, which was originally planned to operate in the assault, decided that if we were to search this mountainous area, it would get in the way.
Shakkow, who was conducting a search for the Wang Piece, was a blood family with a slightly crude character and a large physique. "You're a power type," is Kokanai's candid sentiment. Among enemy executives, he's the type to be treated as a quarrelsome battle junkie. Though not necessarily this Shakkow is.
Otaku Koganei is the most disgusting and unpleasant type of race.
"... you suck"
Sorry, he snorted, and Shakkow shrugged.
"What are you talking about?"
Akeno asked.
"It smells like kemono. We're not two kilometers away."
"Cyclops, you see that?
"The trees are in the way, I can't even see two kilometers"
Cyclops, who was in charge of the objective rifle, answers softly. Akeno snorted, humming.
"Shakkow, is that just an animal?
"I wouldn't mind if I were just an animal. This is you. A dog."
"I see."
Akeno nods and sees Hikari Koganei.
Dogs, doesn't mean literally. If the blood clan utters the word, many refer to the werewolf, the moon werewolf, who is in a hostile relationship with the blood clan.
And that werewolf, who would have been destroyed by his bloodlines in the same world as the Kokanais, but whose only survival was in the same class as the Kokanais, was flown to this world. The fact is, we all know who's here.
There are werewolves. That means there are classmates there.
Kamikaze, the dog of the werewolf, thought he currently had a piece of the king, and should be acting with Kyosuke Akagi. It's due to the information Shakkow got in Adventurer's Autonomy, and Koganei didn't report it, even on the New World. In other words, Kyosuke Akagi, who is the subject of the search, is close.
"I'll travel to the mountain across the street"
After double-checking the rifle's loading, Cyclops shrugged.
"The mountains on this side have thick vegetation because the slopes are on the south side. When the battle begins, cut down the trees around you for ease of aim."
"I don't think I'm going that far. Isn't it too tense? Cyclops."
Without responding to Shakkow's light mouth, Cyclops went down to slip down the slope with his rifle on his shoulder.
Shakkow shrugs his shoulders.
"You're a dog, aren't you? And a skeleton. I'm not very strong."
"I've never been cautious. Everyone who dies was chronic."
Akeno said pizzly and looked between the trees.
"So, you can kill a dog, right?
Koganei throws a sharp word of denial against Shakkou, who rings his finger.
"It's one of the conditions under which I joined the bloodline. Don't scratch your classmates as hard as you can."
"But I don't... Dogs, right?"
"Then... keep it alive... you can use it for hostages or whatever. But you can't kill me."
As Koganei further intensified his discourse, Shakkou snorted. Before he opens his mouth, says Akeno, who leads the way.
"Brotherhood is after battle."
Copy that.
The three blood clans hurried down the road, somewhat with a giddy air.
Kyosuke Akagi.
Ei Fugano.
Yoshiki Koganei.
In the past, the three reunions, who had been recognized as friends about each other, after roughly four months, were now finally about to usher in that time.
What end will they come to at the end of it? There's nothing predictable yet.