My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Chapter 338: Unlocking Doubts

“Who is this?” The pastoralist saw Yang Jinxia next to Chen Xu and asked with some astonishment.

Chen Xu is a little hesitant, how do you introduce Yang Jinxia's identity?

The herdsman looked at them both, like he remembered something, with a surprised look on his face, "Is she your partner? ”

Chen Xu saw that he had guessed, so there was nothing to hide. He said, "That's right. ”

“Tsk, I didn't think so. The first time I entered the battlefield, I met someone with a partner.” The pastoralist was surprised.

Chen Xu sees such a reaction, and it seems that it is not common for people to have a partner.

“I'm a herder.” The pastoralist introduced himself.

“Yang Jinxia. ”

Pastoralists say, "Let's go to Novice Village and gather some information to see what the main line of the world is. ”

Chen Xu and the others naturally have no opinions. This shitty game never gives hints about the content of the game. They are both obscene with both eyes. After the pastoralists get acquainted first.

Out of the valley, you can't see far from a village. That's where they went.

On the way, I ran into a pigeon. I just took my head off and was hit back by a stone by Chen Xu.

“You're feeling pretty high.” The herder was somewhat surprised.

Chen Xu said, "I have better eyes.” In fact, this is due to his second gift, the sense of crisis. "He felt it before it came out.

The pastoralist's eyes lit up and said, "If I could get you a bow or a pistol, the brushing monster would be especially powerful. ”

Chen Xu heard him say that, it feels a little strange, this painting style is a bit wrong.

Soon, the village arrived.

They are not the first players to arrive, they can see a lot of people wandering around the village, obviously the players.

“There are ten NPCs in this village, and it looks like the game is getting pretty hot.” The pastoralist first observed it and then whispered to Chen Xu.

Chen Xu asked curiously, "How can you say this? ”

“Artificial intelligence takes a lot of resources, and if it's a less hot game, you can't afford this many NPCs.” The pastoralist explained, "That's common sense. You don't even know that? ”

Chen Xu was a little embarrassed to say, "Yeah, I was just trying to play games with my head buried. ”

The pastoralist opened his eyes and said, "Don't you usually even walk around the forum? ”

Chen Xu shook his head, and he had not really visited the forum because he had only been connected to the network for a few seconds before. We don't even know where the forum is until now.

The pastoralist was a bit speechless and didn't think he'd come across this strange.

He couldn't help Chen Xukop, “The dream game is actually just a platform. All the games above are self-inflicted by the developer. For games to go live, you can only rent this level bar space and resources, the most expensive of which is artificial intelligence. If the heat is not high enough, design a few more NPCs and it will go bankrupt. ”

After listening to him, Chen Xu suddenly understood something that haunted him for a long time, and said, “No wonder when I play single-machine games, I rarely encounter NPC, which is basically an afterlife scene. ”

“Ha ha. ”

The pastoralist couldn't help laughing, “In fact, NPCs for single-machine games use very little resources, which is not comparable to those in the battlefield, but dream games are a pit, single-machine games always get you some end-of-day scenes with no NPCs. So nobody likes to play. ”

That makes sense.

Then they talked about the content of the game.

“As you heard earlier, demon beasts ravaged here, most of the villages were killed by demon beasts, and now there are only 10 people left, willing to take revenge. This should be the main line. ”

The herdsman said, "Take the demon beast's body or head and you'll get the gold coin as a reward. If you kill those demonic beasts who participated in the massacre, you will be given skills. ”

However, before they go out in the open to kill monsters, they do a few missions, each acquiring a weapon and then going out.

Chen Xu also really has a sense of sight playing online.

The difference is, playing this game won't go offline for long, and it won't be a problem for months.

A month later, Chen Xu killed all the monsters and was about to throw up. I strongly doubt the fun of such a game.

Mainly because their team was too strong. As soon as they went out of the field, the demon beast had not yet appeared, Chen Xu discovered it. He was fast and could not escape the arrow in his hand.

As for the slow and thick skin, it was the pastoralist in the leather armor's turn to run the horse off. A mountain chopper was cut off, and the thick skin boar was also going to lose half his life. Chen Xu shot a dark arrow on the side again, three or two times and the bill was settled.

And Yang Jinxia, all you have to do is yell six, six, six.

A month later, the surrounding demon beasts were emptied, earning a lot of gold coins and gaining several skills to upgrade their gear.

Next, the three of them went to a nearby town. That's a bigger map.

The biggest difference between this game and online games in Chen Xu's impression is that Killing Monsters will not gain experience, let alone upgrade. To increase strength, the first is to spend gold coins and buy all kinds of Lindane to improve the properties of the foundation. The second is to learn a variety of skills.

What is more, according to the pastoralist, the attributes and skills that have been painstakingly improved in the game cannot be retained after leaving the game and have to start from scratch to another game.

Because different games are run by different developers, the data certainly doesn't work.

Of course, a person's rank is not impossible to upgrade, and generic equipment can be purchased with game coins, as can diamonds to buy skills or talents.

These can be brought into any game.

Whether it's game coins or diamonds, you can recharge them directly.

The sub line is, you want to be strong, Kryptonite.

Chen Xu thought that his combination of two talents was enough for BUG. Unexpectedly, he encountered a real hangover. A player punched a monkey about four meters tall with his bare hands and sprayed fire. He beat it to death.

The pastoralist said afterwards that the cargo had at least five talents, infinite strength, reinforced steel, forerunner, flame immunity, and zero poison.

More importantly, this is a novice battlefield, all new and young with few games played. It can't be a gift acquired by playing games. That is, all by smashing money. These talents, without tens of millions of credit points, can't be taken down.

After Chen Xu clarified the purchasing power of a credit point, it was difficult to understand this approach.

The pastoralist said, "Of course it's for the list. If you can create some record accomplishments in the game, you can get a medal. How honorable is it to take it out? ”

Chen Xu thinks that there are such a group of Kryptonian players, if ordinary players want to be on the list, it is almost impossible. So, what are they doing playing this game so hard for?

“To earn credit, of course, gold coins can be sold to the millionaires, who want to build power, and who can't do without money. In many popular games, a lot of regular players earn money by selling gold coins. ”

This is good news for Chen Xu. Since then, he has consciously earned gold coins and sold them. Earned credit points can be used to recharge game coins.

Game coins are important, watch the playback, pick up the player to enter the battlefield game, buy some props, they all need to be used. Now that he has a way of gaining access, he is certainly happy.

Chen Xu counted his time. Almost three months later, he sold everything on hand, including the equipment on his body, and then withdrew from the game with Yang Jinxia.

In reality, almost two hours have passed and it is possible that the plane will land as it enters. At that time, the signal is likely to be interrupted. In that case, his character would definitely die in the game.

Death in the game, though it can be resurrected, but everything on you will be lost. These are gold coins. It took him a long time to save it. Too bad he lost it.

All gold coins, converted into 500 credit points. According to the pastoralist, this is a fairly high income. If this efficiency is maintained, it is definitely among the top gold players.

Five hundred credit points to recharge five hundred game coins.

After Chen Xu quit the game, instead of rushing to recharge, he clicked on his personal page and saw a personal game development option at a certain location.

Side tip: 10,000 credit points are required to activate this feature.

Indeed, the pastoralist did not lie to him, and every player could develop his own game, provided that money was spent.

PS: Tomorrow we have to take the car, today there is only one chapter.